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Vatican Prophecy, the End of Religion, and Shift to Universal Consciousness

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posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by jacygirl

Originally posted by bottleslingguy

Originally posted by BornOfSin
reply to post by bottleslingguy

How can the human race be expected to act responsibly without knowing the truth about our origins and those who co-exist with us?

I believe the above quoted sentence to be extremely important!
We are all here looking for TRUTH, are we not? We are comparing stories and experiences....and I'm quite happy that so many people are participating in this thread....whether they believe the OP or not.
Communication is key. Too many folks are brainwashed to believe one truth.
Fact is.....we don't know the truth!! We believe what we choose to be truth.

If there are others co-existing with us.....but still we have to say IF. We really don't know.
I am content to have an open consider everyone elses' truth....
Yet there remains a hunger within keep seeking....
I really want to know how we got here.

edit on 2-3-2013 by jacygirl because: I messed up 'the quote' process, lol

if we have free will we can't be expected to choose the right path unless we know the whole truth. Then I would expect to be judged for whatever sins I may be committing, but how can I be blamed for any wrong choices if I haven't got the whole picture? If not then the game is rigged against us and that's not fair to begin with, so where does that put the idea of justice and fair play and the Golden Rule?

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by CaticusMaximus

Originally posted by BornOfSin
If this acceleration is avoided I estimate that the timeframe for events will be somewhere near 2030. But visions I have been shown related to their calculated probability for unnatural cataclysm mean that there is a possibility we could see this within a matter of years.

Either way, I am certain it will be within our lifetimes.

I keep hearing these numbers and "in our lifetimes" estimates, but Im getting worried nothing is actually on the horizon, and being continually given something to expect and perhaps hope for, and then having it not materialize is actually just a form of torment for us all since we are actually all in Hell.

Interesting thread nonetheless.

I agree - for too many decades we have read all about the different theories and prophecies of coming events, only to find the expected time of arrival fails and gets extended 10 + yrs into the future.
edit on 2-3-2013 by aquamarine because: writing error, sorry

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

I have my reasons for leaving the Christianity faith. And I left that faith a few years ago. If a Church
is as Godly as they claim, they would not be run the same as our corrupted governments. I believe
a Church should not be run in that fashion at all. 1 minister and then the people.
Why a deacon and all these other sub-bishops et-al? Just for confusion? Just like the governments
in the world crumble from time to time, so do the Churches.....way too fricken much corruption!!!

But that's just me ranting on from personal experience. Peace to all!!

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

"Good points, but can I ask something? If they are really advanced enough to create zero point energy and ftl travel, then couldn't they just as easily enslave all of us if they really wanted to? So why try to trick us when they could enslave us either way?

I'm on the fence about this, but I don't really see the reason for the trickery. What advantage would it give them?"


Put yourself in the shoes of an alien race more advanced then humanity. Think about the art of war.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

If you were an ET race, would you rather risk loss fighting humanity in direct war, or manipulate society and keep the spoils of war in tact, including human resources and natural resources, which apparently seem rare in the universe? Brute force enslavement would be a last resort.

edit on 2-3-2013 by DivineEvolution because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-3-2013 by DivineEvolution because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by DivineEvolution
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

"Good points, but can I ask something? If they are really advanced enough to create zero point energy and ftl travel, then couldn't they just as easily enslave all of us if they really wanted to? So why try to trick us when they could enslave us either way?

I'm on the fence about this, but I don't really see the reason for the trickery. What advantage would it give them?"


Put yourself in the shoes of an alien race more advanced then humanity. Think about the art of war.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

If you were an ET race, would you rather risk loss fighting humanity in direct war, or manipulate society and keep the spoils of war in tact, including human resources and natural resources, which apparently seem rare in the universe? Brute force enslavement would be a last resort.

edit on 2-3-2013 by DivineEvolution because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-3-2013 by DivineEvolution because: (no reason given)

I'm sure they know us better than we know ourselves

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by frenzy4444
reply to post by beastnwokillah

But guys lucifer was his name when he lost his arch angel rank. He is Luciel when the almighty forgave him.

I'm sorry - I didn't get the memo about the whole "El forgave him" thing. I guess maybe I've been out of the loop for too long, or they may have lost my address. If it's all the same to you, I'll wait until that memo arrives before I act accordingly and try to give him a big ol' love-and-light hug and change his name on my contact list and such... You see, I've also heard a rumor that his name was actually changed to "Shaitan" or "Iblis" or something like that, and he's moved away from his villa on the coast and set up housekeeping inland. The memo ought to clear all that up for me.

edit on 2013/3/2 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 09:33 AM
omgsh way to long to read. i doubt anyone who achieves such a state of awareness really gives a # about anything other than how awesome it is to be alive

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 09:33 AM

This is precisely why governments are deeply involved is puzzling changes that seem detrimental to all that many in the West hold dear, materialism.

The speed with which this turn of events is being forced upon the Western world--that section that most needs the conversion--can only be understood by the realization that an ultimatum has been issued from on high that we quickly convert or else.

Unfortunately, few will understand where the changes lead. Only those that have undergone true enlightenment or at least understand that it exists as a point of reference in human existence will understand this aspect.

The OP will be demonized because of nothing else those that slam him have no idea what he is talking about. Or they are so hung up on their religion that they cannot think outside of the box with a cross on top.

I will make a bold statement: In modern religiousity, true enlightenment has been transformed into being simply being "saved" as the answer and solution that all should seek. That is a gross misinterpretation of the process, but well suited to accomodate the illiterate masses, and a gimmick to enrich the church. This is why the mother church must fall.

That annointment by a few drops of water is the golden calf of the materialistic present condition of the Western world.reinforced by the pseudo-materialistic Ten Commandments that got thrust into the public's eye as the physical evidence and rules for being a human in good standing. But alas, being a good human among your fellows does not open the way to the Oneness of the Universe. It never did, it was a cheap imitation given by the priests in lieu of something better but more difficult to attain.

UFOs are real. Get used to the concept.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 09:51 AM
It was a very interesting read until the OP mentioned Quantum Entanglement.

In his analogy, the OP said that Entanglement is when two of the same particle become one...and if you seperate these particles to opposite sides of the universe, they will react to eachother, ie: if you turn one particle clockwise, the particle on the edge of the universe which was once attached, will move counter-clockwise.

The OP explains that there must be something binding these particles together in space. And then ...the OP flushes his whole thoery down the toilet when he states that consciousness is that binder.

Now, I am under the impression that in order to achieve any sort of consciousness, a "thing" must be alive. I dont believe that particles are fact, that is impossible really by any stretch of the imagination. Humans are the only beings proven to have consciousness...even animals do not have it and they are obviously alive.

To have consciousness...some "thing" or "it" must realize it is alive and be able to process that into meaning.

Therefore, I believe the whole thoery the OP is proposing is asinine on its face...especially when you factor in that he is recieving this information via a glowing orb filled with Annunaki.

Furthermore, one cannot arbitrarily decide that Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, etc ar junk religions by declaring an earlier religion superior lol. How is it someone can claim to be Atheist and then use quotes from a religion to further his point??? Its REDUNDANT at best.

Sorry OP, but your post has far more discrepencies than the Christian bible and if you like, I will take the time to point out every single one, but when I must close your thread. But we both know you arent game for that because it would then warp your fragile ego.

Lol...orbs giving an average Joe universal knowledge. How bout a big fat plate of Delusion with your Grandeur OP??

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by bottleslingguy

I'm sure they know us better than we know ourselves
Of course, they're the jail gaurds that have been watching and observing human behavior for thousands of years in this reincarnation jail for humanity.

Then they're those allegations that humanity was genetically altered by these being, adding the "reptilian" portion of the brain.

It was said to be a gift and a curse. A curse because it is responsible for fear, for anger, for primitive selfish behavior in humanity. It's a gift because with it, any human being can understand how the archons think. Always wonder what you would do, if you were "celestial" jail guards enslaving humanity.

Glad to see many responses are aware of the many allegations concerning this group (i.e.- energy harvesting) , its just like I said, people are aware of what's out there about these things like archons and aliens. It's all been out there online for about a decade and I reckon it would take about that long to sink into the consciousness of humanity.
edit on 2-3-2013 by DivineEvolution because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-3-2013 by DivineEvolution because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by DivineEvolution

Now wait one minute....

The prevailing ET thoery is that they somehow wanna enslave all of us, or use us as breeders or some nonsense right? So here we have this super duper advanced race of aliens. They can travel lightyears thru wormholes, create all kinds of technological crap far superior to ours...

Occams Razor suggests to me that if there indeed ARE benevolent aliens hell bent on enslaving humans and raping Earth of all resources, they need only create a virus, sit in their mothership, send virus to Earth, kill all...or most humans, then just take what they want.

They would need neither brute force nor trickery lmao! In fact, trickery would be the absolute hardest thing to accomplish. Its funny how Atheists actually believe that once these huge Annunaki space saucers fill the skies that all Christians around the world would denounce their religion immediately...that is just absurd. In fact...I believe that scenario would bring many people TO the faith...few would leave.

A second point concerning Occams Razor is the argument that aliens would need humans for eating, breeding, whatever, so they wouldnt release a deadly toxin or virus to claim victory. Well, that is also absurd to the point of laughter.
Supposedly, these all powerful alien beings...hell bent on taking over earth, have been visiting the planet for thousands of years abducting and cutting ears off cows. You would think that after all that time, a super duper smart alien race could figure out a way to breed humans right? I mean, take 1000 men, 1000 women and you could produce a whole planet of humans to feast on right? So why the waiting game guys? What specifically are the all powerful beings doing...biding their time until the age of Aquarius??? Thats just stupid.

Some of the downright redundant arguments are made by those who believe aliens are coming. For that matter, why call yourselves Atheists at all??? Its obvious to me that many alien believers have just formed another order to bash others' religion...again...redundant.

So sick of alientards and their whacky beliefs based on nothing but conjecture, verses from a Bible they claim is not truth, and severe delusions of grandeur....not to mention not ONE IOTA of tangible evidence at all.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by BornOfSin

I am just thinking about... Well, if we, Mankind and some animals and plants, lived somewhere far away from The Earth, Sci-Fi, let's say so... Philosophy
... And, one part, or all of us, left our original destination, for some reasons, that should have been the resonable act, for such a long trip... We, maybe, were atheists, scientific, but, during the long trip, it was so hard, and, we desperately wanted to come alive, to survive as a specie, or species, to the final destination, to RA Star, where planet, let's call it Opora, the third one in the system of RA Star, was found as capable to live there / here, that it became a little prayer, Oh Ra, Oh, Ra... Ora... Ra, Ra... We created the mental communication with our designation... And, that was, maybe, the first of all religions... (Where is the spacecraft and technique? It maybe was destroyed in accident, or hiden, because we had to accommodate here, to can survive?) Coming here, we lived with living beigns here on Earth, and, they adopted us... That's why we can reproduce here... We became Terrains, women's 28 days period, the period of orbyting of The Moon AROUND The Earth, that is the final proof we are from The Earth, even if we came from some other place anywhere, but, long, long time ago... The Moon is of big importance for our survival... At some other part of The Space, there will be completely different conditions, living conditions on some other planet, and different, or no moon...

edit on 3/2/2013 by dragnik because: grammar misstake

edit on 3/2/2013 by dragnik because: spelling misstake

edit on 3/2/2013 by dragnik because: grammar misstake

edit on 3/2/2013 by dragnik because: grammar misstake

edit on 3/2/2013 by dragnik because: spelling misstake

edit on 3/2/2013 by dragnik because: spelling misstake

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 10:19 AM
Truth will NEVER fear the dark, for without the dark, how can one tell what is light?

I am not sure if this thread discussion had run its course, and it doesn't seem so. Always good to discuss.

The insignificant nobody me would just like to interject some insights here at this point, to help those of faith.

1. Religion is nothing more than a set of moral and ethical guidelines for mankind to progress and evolve. Our mortal shell dna has only 2 % difference from our naked cousins in the wild. It is this 2% that saw the phenomenal difference between us - mankind at the cusp of space travel, and our cousins in the wild who cannot even build shelter to protect themselves from the environment.

We mankind are a set apart race. With a destiny to fulfill, and no rational man can deny that an outside intelligent agency was responsible for your path of progress and evolution, otherwise the apes, the tigers, the fishes would equally have reached the stars as a species, but had not as they had no such education nor capable of it.

The history of our civilisation is replete with data of outside intelligence, something we know as divine teachers, who taught us those moral and ethical guidelines which survived even today, and even atheists adopt them unknowingly in their daily life, foremost of which is the golden rule.

Those divine teachers NEVER claimed to be the masters, but only representative of a greater power - our common Creator, known by many names accross cultures, geological barriers, time and space.

2. The holy books acknowledges the existance of the fallen angels and do not deny them. But these fallen have no power over the true faithful. They admit to the power of our Creator, as through our Messiah, whom ordered them out of humans when he encountered them.

Even the devil had no power over our Messiah. All satan could do was to tempt him, to challenge, to try to put fear into him, but our Messiah just simply ignored him. The fallen have no power over the faithful, as taught by our Messiah.

Thus, we mankind must not be tempted, lied to, cheated, deceived by or fear the fallen. Ignore them, but seek for the truth, and the truth lays in the words of our Messiah and our Creator who loves us all and lives inside our hearts. Let the dark talk all they want, but hold on to the truth and faith.

3. Some had been led to believe that Peter was the appointed leader by our Messiah, but the truth was that our Messiah was worried about young's Peter immaturity and faith, and as he held him, he picked up a rock and said 'upon this rock (planet Earth) will I build my church" to reassure him.

Unfortunately it became twisted as upon Peter was the church built with him alone as the ruler of all christendom, something our Messiah never intended as he knew the flaws of human nature and wanted a democracy instead - 12 disciples to share, discuss, debate and find solutions for mankind to progress and evolve based upon his teachings from our Creator.

Some christians will be confused by the doings of the Vatican. It is most unfortunate, but the time for awakening has come. The dark will try to use this attempt to usurp their hold on lies and confusion. But the faithful and true need not fear, for our Messiah teachings which came from our Creator is true and forever..

edit on 2-3-2013 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Aliensun

This is precisely why governments are deeply involved is puzzling changes that seem detrimental to all that many in the West hold dear, materialism.

The speed with which this turn of events is being forced upon the Western world--that section that most needs the conversion--can only be understood by the realization that an ultimatum has been issued from on high that we quickly convert or else.

Unfortunately, few will understand where the changes lead. Only those that have undergone true enlightenment or at least understand that it exists as a point of reference in human existence will understand this aspect.

In modern religiousity, true enlightenment has been transformed into being simply being "saved" as the answer and solution that all should seek. That is a gross misinterpretation of the process, but well suited to accomodate the illiterate masses, and a gimmick to enrich the church. This is why the mother church must fall.

This is true, we are reaching a time where we were supposed to be turning away from dead words and living true spirituality in treating one another in unconditional love and understanding, understanding how "the kingdom of God" is within, and it's clear to see that the OP mixed in essential truths with a skewed archon agenda. In the words of Tony Montana " **** that"

Think about this:

What if the archons and their tools (freemasonry and other social networks) were the ones corrupting the church, the ones promoting materialism in the media, all things negative, and this is hegelian dialectic?

They make problems for humanity, then offer solutions under their conditions. hahaha. oh yeah, that isn't a scam at all ! It's funny, because the more you think about it, the more the archons seem like a bunch of intergalactic scam artists.


The fall of the church isn't important. its more important to get beyond the empty ritual of sunday service. its more important to transform our understanding of religion as philosophy of the human spirit which is "God", and to recognize that fact. Even if I controlled the world, I wouldn't destroy the church. The establishment has to be really stupid to try and destroy the church and other religions when so many are faithful, and brainwashed by the archons religious system of control. Terribly ironic isn't it, their own tactics of control sabotage their own agenda.

Only in the truth which I speak, will humanity transform religion into understanding of the human spirit.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 10:26 AM
Concisely put, wonderful post. Its great to see some of the truth making its way onto this site in an accurate way. For all those that say anything opposite to what has been posted here, we know you are a propaganda agents and this information is light and truth especially for those that only now become aware ...

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 10:33 AM
Time and time again I have warned people the last 25 years that what people are seeing and believe to be 'alien gods' are infact fallen angels. Archons is a Gnostic term for a demonic inorganicc being. Annunaki are nephilim.
Evidence shows that what people believe to be 'aliens' are infact interdimensional beings, demonic creatures intent on tricking man into believing they are alien gods.

The anti-christ will return soon pretending to be an alien god, and will fool everyone and take over the vatican corrupting the Christian faith and misleading many, and will form a one world government.
The anti-christ will claim to be a alien Messiah, pretending to be Jesus' second coming and as Bible prophecy says, this deception will fool 'the very elect' which is deemed to be religious heirarchy and top leaders.
Of course the demonic beings will go about saying the Bible is wrong or distorted, as they need to fool people, but the fact is the fallen ones are laying their plans and if they indeed were for real, giving an important message, they would be appearing to everyone before the Vatican is taken over, but the Bible says anti-christ cannot come until the church has been completely subverted, and that has not happened yet.... the last Pope as prophecised by St.malachi is about to arrive and then later the church will be infiltrated completely, but until that happens, the fallen angels or demons, cannot arrive to show themselves they possibly appear to people individually to deceive them, who are open to them spiritually due to losing faith or messing with occultism, but they cannot truly enact their plans until the time has come...

Do not fall for the evil ones who will come pretending to be Jesus... The true Jesus will come after anti-christ has been killed by St.Michael, or Gabriel, i can't remember... but Jesus will not even fight anti-christ, the Bible says..

Beware as anti-christ will pull the strongest deception upon the earth and will come pretending to be messiah and bring peace and then enforce a 'mark of the beast'... do not take this...

Do not be fooled... aliens are demonic.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by STARTRUTH49
Concisely put, wonderful post. Its great to see some of the truth making its way onto this site in an accurate way. For all those that say anything opposite to what has been posted here, we know you are a propaganda agents and this information is light and truth especially for those that only now become aware ...

LOL !!!! that's what Illuminati would say to people who oppose them.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Religion is a mental field of a group of people...

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by dragnik
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Religion is a mental field of a group of people...

One sees, everyone know... The group knows...

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by BornOfSin

This is very interesting stuff. I would love to learn more of what you think. I believe anything is possible, and for some reason, what you are saying resonates truth. Please keep these posts coming. I have been a fan and reader of this site for years, and this post was delivered into my email this morning. This post alone is what prompted me to sign up to the site instead of just getting the newsletter. Your experiences are absolutely amazing to me. I would love to read the full story. The idea of eradicating religion and all of the dogma that goes with it to make room for more enlightened spirituality and ideals is a very comforting thought. Like I said, keep the posts coming, I will be keeping my eye out for them.

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