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The milk conspiracy

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posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by H1ght3chHippie

I have heard this before "no other species of animals drink milk"

This is a meaningless statement that makes absolutely NO SENSE

What is the only source of milk on the planet? Why that would be from the breasts of female mammals, of course.

Can you think of any species on this earth where females donate their breast milk, crucial for the survival of their young, to another species?

No other species of animals of this earth is capable of slaving a female mammal and taking her milk, other than man.

This does not mean that animals will not drink milk, if they can get it! Cats, dogs, pigs, snakes, rats and many species of animals will readily and easily drink milk, whenever they can get it - meaning when man donates it to them.

Why don't people ever think about what is being said when other people make such stupid statements?

Tired of Control Freaks

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by H1ght3chHippie
There is not a single animal on this planet which would ever drink the milk of another species.

I feel the same way. The problem is every-time I ask a lactating woman if I can have some they roll there eyes at me. Oh well. :shk:

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Bedlam
The fix for mastitis is milking. You can't NOT milk a dairy cow that's producing, it's cruel. I can tell you from long experience growing up on a farm, that cow will let you know it's time to get your butt out of bed and get to work.

Actually, if YOU were breastfeeding your baby, and YOU got mastitis, the doc will tell you to let the baby nurse, not to pump and discard. Apparently 'pus cells' are no issue.

@Golf66 - did you grow up on a farm too? I swear there's a conspiracy to select farm kids...

We are having a snowstorm today so I was out taking care of business thanks for answering Minnie's questions.

You are correct to be certified organic I have to track all feed purchases as organic in origin. There is a margin of 10% that they allow for times you might not be able to get the right feed or hay.

The cows/goats are subject to random blood testing. I take the blood and submit it along with tag numbers to a lab. They test for growth hormones and antibiotics. If I have to give one of the ladies antibiotics she has to be removed from production for the duration + 6 weeks to allow the drug to leave her system. While I don't need a vet to perform this process I have to keep records of antibiotic purchases and uses and dosage - any miss match it records is a fine or loss of certification.

This is a loss of roughly 7 gallons a day for 42 days. I can't sell it for human consumption. I give it to a local pork producer as a supplement for his hogs. We barter for things...

I take care of my cows as they are a significant investment an average quality Holstein at peak production is worth 2.5K. I don't dock tails or knock horns I have footbaths in and out of the milking facility. They are not stall raised (other than on days like today) they know where the "udder relief" comes from and are more than willing to show themselves in when they are ready for milking. They also get a little grain as an incentive.

I have hardly ever had a case of mastitis (perhaps 4-5 in three years) in bovines; however it seems the caprines are more susceptible to it. Factory farms get the problem because they often don't have enough equipment for the number of cows which means they go too long between milking. Also, being large operations they often have transient staff who take shortcuts in cleaning between the ladies which spreads the bacteria that often causes it.

As for the pain associated with mastitis Bedlam is correct that you can't go without milking them at all it will just get worse as the pressure builds. However, I use a topical analgesic and hand milk them if I get a case. It takes longer but if you don't treat them right they will sour to the milking equipment and this makes them harder to work with later when they are healed.

I also have a certain number of ladies who are allowed to keep their calves for half of the day and I only milk them once. These are the ones I will later integrate into my own herd. I let them feed out for 90 days as they develop family bonds and learn from their mothers regarding the walk-up milking process.

The bulls get sold off after they get their colostrum and are able to bucket feed themselves. I try to home to them individuals who will let them live natural lives until they become food. I don't deal with veal operations or factory farmers. It is just a sad fact of life that it is a death sentence to be born male offspring of a dairy breed. I used to raise some angus steer for beef until I discovered “the secret” which is while Holstein steer produce less beef in the same amount of time it has a wonderful taste and texture. So if you ever get a chance at a cheap dairy bull (sometimes as low as 150.00 a head) take it – feed it out on grass for 18 months and try it.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by MerkabaMeditation
Have you noticed that after drinking cow milk you get relaxed and sleepy? It's because milk naturally contain the chemical Tryptophan - a chemical that has seen use as an anti-depressive medicine. In my country the government says you should drink 1 liter (0.26 US gallons) each day for supposed "health benefits", but is it possible that they use milk as a tool for population control - to keep us passive and docile? Drugging us down without us knowing it?

Turkey also has Tryptophan in it. I can't recall ever feeling sleepy after drinking milk, and I drink a lot of milk (organic of course)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by H1ght3chHippie
See, 75%-80% of all humans on this planet CAN NOT process milk proteins, yet they call it "Lactose intolerance" as if being able to process it was the norm.

There is not a single animal on this planet which would ever drink the milk of another species.

Milk is poison, pumped full with growth hormones and antibiotics. That alone should keep you from drinking it.

2nd line

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 07:39 PM
Human milk is supposed to have the right proteins for human digestions. From that standpoint, any other type of milk is unhealthy.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by

2nd line

Clue get one....

I sell a lot of goat milk as a universal milk replacer for orphan animals. I sell a lot of it for that purpose even to the local wildlife rescue. They feed fawns, racoons, and even rabbits and squirels with it.

Goat’s milk is almost a universally tolerated substitute for the natural milk of many species. Dogs, pigs, (and many other animals) and even human babies who don't tolerate cow’s milk.

As for the ideal human milk replacer - there are horse farms that specialize in providing mare’s milk to human infants who won't tolerate anything else. Actually, any of the equines donkey etc., have the same effect.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

As I said before there are entire cultures that survive on milk protein. The Bedouins in the Sahara use camel milk and the nomads in Mongolia get a good portion of their protein from horse milk.

edit on 21/2/2013 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by AvisNigra

Agreed. Everyone has a choice. Don't like store bought milk? Raise a cow, or a goat.

Don't agree with non-organic vegetables? Plant a garden.

The problem is most people either don't think they have the financial means or would rather not put forward the work.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:22 PM
Adults Don't Need No Milk.

Did you ever see an adult animal still sucking on it's momma's tittie? If so then you've witnessed one disturbed and sick animal. But for real milk is only cool when ur a little baby and ur momma produces the milk. Once she stopped producing milk that means you've had enough! Milk in the stores contain so much hormones and what not that it should be labeled as poison. I stopped drinking milk a few years ago YUK!

If you really want fresh milk without all the BS in it then raise the animal yourself so you know it's not bad for ya health
edit on 21-2-2013 by Annunak1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by littled16

Any kind of cow milk gives you mucus. Mucus makes your noes stuffy and that crap extremely annoys the heck out of me so I stopped drinking milk I'm an athlete so that affects my breathing and it could also make you snore because of the clogged mucus in your noes and milk does not build bone it actually weakens them.


posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by littled16

Raw milk is lab tested for antibiotics, and growth hormones. All dairy processing plants, as far as I am aware will reject a load of milk if the samples indicate either of those things.

i work in the dairy industry, and have run what is known as an HTST system. (High temperature short time) The only thing that is added to milk, depending on varied state laws, are vitamin D, vitamin A, and in some states, powdered milk solids.

Milk is mechanically separated with a centrifuge like separator,to reduce it to skim, and cream.(butter fat).Run through a homogenizer, which breaks up the fat molecules to make them uniform, then heated to about 178 degrees F, for a few seconds in the HTST, then cooled very quickly to about 35 degrees F.Then the cream is blended back in, in various levels to produce the different types of milk.i.e.:skim, 1%, 2%, 3.25%. It is then pumped into a stainless steel refrigerated silo, and then bottled.

The dairy industry is one of the most heavily regulated, and monitored industries in the world. And it has to be. Raw milk, unproperly handled and stored, will quickly become contaminated with various pathogens.

Drink up, everyone! :-)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by darkwingduck
reply to post by littled16

Raw milk is lab tested for antibiotics, and growth hormones. All dairy processing plants, as far as I am aware will reject a load of milk if the samples indicate either

Drink up, everyone! :-)

Indeed I don't think the layman realizes the level of regulation dairy producers face. This is why I sell to a tank operation. Who needs the drama. I raise the cows/goats and milk them a truck comes every two days I don't need the drama of the processing.

I will say I was raised on raw milk and we drink it at home and I have never been sick nor has anyone in my family.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:15 PM
Milk is gross. Full of a bunch of chemicals and more than likely came from unhealthy cows living in terrible conditions at a factory farm.

I never drink it.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by kitkatcat

The problem is most people either don't think they have the financial means or would rather not put forward the work.

No, they don't think it, they really just don't have the financial means.

Unless you live in a country area or a mixture of country/suburb keeping livestock is usually illegal. Do you think people just have the means to just pick up and buy a new house with a rather large yard?

Then you have vet costs
Food costs
Water costs
whatever else that comes along with raising livestock costs.....
edit on 21-2-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by MerkabaMeditation

I drink raw milk, tastes like ice cream, I cant drink it after 8pm or I cant sleep, gives me ultra energy and I eat less food because it satisfies me so I can keep my weight low.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by darkwingduck

At the farm where i get my raw milk, the cows are tested, the field is super clean and she has 22 cows.They dont test each batch daily, not at this place. Ive been drinking it raw and fresh for about five years now, I have NEVER been healthier and have never gotten sick or anything like that. Actually I havent been sick at all in all this time,not even a cold.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 11:49 PM
Absolutely. In fact that was Hitlers next tactic for world domination.... have everyone drink milk.

Yes, its sarcastic.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by Dyax-

Originally posted by H1ght3chHippie
See, 75%-80% of all humans on this planet CAN NOT process milk proteins, yet they call it "Lactose intolerance" as if being able to process it was the norm.

There is not a single animal on this planet which would ever drink the milk of another species.

Milk is poison, pumped full with growth hormones and antibiotics. That alone should keep you from drinking it.

2nd line

Humans produce the enzyme lactase to digest lactose! Members of a number of North African and Arabian populations retain the ability to digest lactose, so they have "lactase-persistence." Lactase persistence evolved independently in Africa and in Europe, due to populations having a long history of dairying (a cultural practice). Also, cows have not been the only source for supplying milk throughout human history.

Simply because no other species drinks milk into adulthood, it does not mean it is "unnatural." If you apply that logic, then humans would do a lot of things that aren't "natural."

So would milk that is not "pumped full with growth hormones and antibiotics" be an acceptable part of our diet?
edit on 2/22/2013 by IEtherianSoul9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 02:08 AM
I think like most anything else you might eat or drink, it just comes down to individual physiology and personal preference.

Regardless of the source.
If you like milk and it works for you, go for it. If not, then don't.
Personally, I'm not a fan of milk, so I don't drink it.

Not really a big deal.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 04:09 AM
Supposedly Human beings are only supposed to ingest milk while they are infants. After that period Milk becomes poisonous to our body's. The reason is milk contains a sugar called lactose that the human body is unable to digest by itself.

Lactose is a disaccharide (sugar made up of two units) consisting of one glucose unit and one galactose unit connected by a beta linkage. Lactose is digested in mammals (like humans) only with the help of an enzyme called lactase which cleaves the lactose in half… allowing the individual sugars to be absorbed by the body.

The problem here is that there is a limited amount of lactase produced, and as humans age, many stop producing it altogether, making it harder and harder to digest the lactose sugars in milk. Eventually, many adults become lactose intolerant.

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