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Are Humans Extraterrestrials from Other Star Systems in the Milky Way Galaxy?

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posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:01 PM
Extraterrestrial humans is a new/old paradigm in this world that could give some competition to the two major industries people have affiliated themselves with, religion and Darwinism.

This world needs a new reality to challenge the old paradigms in this cosmic realm of existence, an alternative view that is far different than what has consumed most of humanity for hundreds and thousands of years.

Religious institutions propose a singular all powerful deity that requires unending devotion and worship for eternity to one deity and where non-believers face everlasting damnation with no chance of clemency. Some people don’t seem to notice the obvious reverse psychology in play in the religious creed…god will make your life/existence a living hell if you don’t believe and pray to him regularly and for eternity. Many people don’t seem to mind the small print and are content with their religions. Which is fine and dandy.

Darwinism, the other pillar of human belief, proposes that humans are brothers to the ape and progeny of chance having theoretically emerged by accident of nature from pond scum. Such ideas are 3 dimensional thinking and suited to earth type planets.

Humans as Extraterrestrials is a novel principle in a longstanding ancient reality, where immortal souls are temporarily placed into physical bodies…ape-like bodies, and placed on Earth-type planets to learn truths about themselves and how they will eventually fit into the broader community of souls in the galaxy that they already belong to.

Souls are unique and are not cattle created by gods for serve the egotistical needs of the gods for eternity.

Souls inhabit physical human bodies created by higher beings and are placed into physical realities that are created by the higher beings. Everything in the physical and ethereal existence is created, planets, suns and all forms of life, intelligent or otherwise, existing on planets, moons and space cities throughout the universe.

Nothing happens by chance, everything happens by design and with a purpose.

Religious organizations have flourished due to their non-profit status, which has given them tremendous abilities to amass huge amounts of tax-free money and influence, while expanding their belief systems into worldwide and powerful organizations. The three major religious institutions are the real power brokers and rulers of this world, where governments do the bidding of the religious institutions. Priests and religious leaders throughout history have always pulled the strings behind the rulers of the world as one does with marionettes.

Humans have been sacrificed and have sacrificed much to the gods on altars created by priestly clans for the benefit of priestly clans for thousands of years.

On the brink of the Space Age humans will have opportunities to broaden their horizons and get a clearer picture of the goings on in the universe free from religious and secular doctrines.

Humans no longer need to be fodder for misguided demigods/men or secular ape-based delusions that comes along, human souls are from the stars and have been gifted supernatural and eternal rights to exist forever and enjoy unimaginable fortunes that wait for them in the millions of star clusters near the center of every galaxy.

The purpose of this thread is to share in the knowledge that human souls are extraterrestrial in origin…that souls have come from other parts of the galaxy and have not come into existence by birth on this earth. Human souls have existed prior to coming to earth and will never stop existing even after death and will continually prosper to higher levels of existence.

These ideas are way out of the box for many people but such ideas have to be seeded so that they can eventually grow...or get stomped out of existence.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by sleeper..........
Humans as Extraterrestrials is a novel principle in a longstanding ancient reality, where immortal souls are temporarily placed into physical bodies…ape-like bodies, and placed on Earth-type planets to learn truths about themselves and how they will eventually fit into the broader community of souls in the galaxy that they already belong to.

Souls are unique and are not cattle created by gods for serve the egotistical needs of the gods for eternity.

Souls inhabit physical human bodies created by higher beings and are placed into physical realities that are created by the higher beings. Everything in the physical and ethereal existence is created, planets, suns and all forms of life, intelligent or otherwise, existing on planets, moons and space cities throughout the universe.

You act like this is a new concept, but the Mormon religion is almost word for word the same. Just replace God with Aliens or Alien. Honestly, you need to google it or something.

Check this out:

I've considered the idea that we're higher beings experiencing this mode of living for some benefit. I am agnostic, so I consider lots of ideas. But I don't see any reason to think that this is more or less likely than us simply being a random fusion of matter and energy producing intelligent action.

Ultimately, one must ask where did the very first intelligent being originate from? Even if we're indeed higher beings living in a sort of controlled reality (for some unknown reason), this question must still be asked. Something had to create the very first example of intelligence, unless the very first intelligence had always existed. So what this amounts to is two possibilities. Either there're lower and lower forms of intelligence - leading to higher forms of intelligence - that eventually must stop at one fundamental level of intelligence that's the lowest of them, or it ends precipitously and there's a kind of non-intelligence state that somehow transitions to intelligence.

A made a post a while back in a off the wall thread that was related. I think I argued that everything in our universe seems constructed to produce or support intelligence patterns.

Found it:
ed it on 20-2-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:17 PM
Time constraints and the distance would not allow interstellar travel . Then there is radiation and temperature extremes as well as oxygen restraints . Space travel is not an option in our life time with our abilities and our physical bodies .

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:18 PM
How interesting. I was just thinking of this the other day. I once read somewhere that our solar system was actually pulled out of the Sagittarius star system by the Milky Way galaxy. I don't know how true that is though.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:18 PM
Not to mention most of the indigenous peoples, like the Aborigines and the Payute Indians, believe that they are descendants of Star People.

But I do agree with most of your points. This universe is all about creation. We're creator beings. We have a magnificent opportunity as spiritual beings hanging out in physically flexible bodies to create amazing things. That's why we seek physical incarnation.

Unfortunately we've gotten hooked on giving away all our emotional energy, spiritual power, and psychic energy to negative interdimensional beings who don't experience physical life the way we do. They envy us. They need us, to give them "loosh" or "food" in the form of all the yummy emotions and emanations we give off.

Humanity mostly hasn't figured this out yet. We've fallen under spiritual amnesia, allowing ourselves to worship (literally "to work for") psychopathic, enslaving beings, mostly out of fear and ignorance.

If you fire your gods and reclaim your spiritual sovereignty, you'll start experiencing amazing things.

But too often people in the "alternative spirituality" movements are just exchanging one set of psychopathic gods for another -- see the New Age with all its channeling of ascended masters (archons or negative interdimensionals) and so on.

It should be pretty simple. Plug into the marvelous grounding energies of the Earth, which keep our bodies healthy.

And tap into the expansive, creationary, loving energy of this Universe. If you must, call this energy something like Great Spirit.

But please, lose the addiction and dependence on nasty asshole men with beards -- they don't have your best interests at heart !

edit on 25-3-2013 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:23 PM
Oh without a doubt it's very reasonable to think this. Endless amount of possibilities as to how we came here. One could think that we evolved...sorry but I just don't buy this theory at all. I honestly think we were brought here many, many, many, years ago. At some point an advanced civilization spread the seed of life through-out this galaxy.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by HawkeyeNation

Tolec and especially Alex Collier says that no one was born on Earth, that we all came from somewhere else. That possibility has always stuck to me, it just feels so right like “duh, Erika of course, how can you forget that.” But we'll see, we'll find out someday, maybe in the near future.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by sleeper

I agree with a lot of what you said, fortunately some already know exactly where they are from and even partly why they are here and don’t subscribe to religions, doctrines, Darwinism or Atheism and use their many personal experiences to build up their belief systems, much like you I believe. It is most certainly true that we are all to one extent or another extra-terrestrial in origin.

My Earth reality already consists of visits and monitoring from Reptlians due to my assignments, and thankfully it’s balanced out with contact, guidance and protection from my/our family that I know as Arcturians.

There is a dam holding back the knowledge of the true nature of things and it IS beginning to spring tiny leaks, and will ultimately result is a mighty tide of truth telling that will sweep away all obstacles of oppression, subversion, sabotage, and resistance; and the underlying force behind the waves are that of LOVE.

'Refusal to believe until proof is given is a rational position; denial of all outside of our own limited experience is absurd.'

Great thread Sleeper

edit on 20-2-2013 by de1111codEiT because: Discard of box completely...

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
Time constraints and the distance would not allow interstellar travel . Then there is radiation and temperature extremes as well as oxygen restraints . Space travel is not an option in our life time with our abilities and our physical bodies .

You are grossly mistaken my friend.

“The possibility of reduced-time interstellar travel, either by advanced extra-terrestrial civilisations at present or ourselves in the future, is not fundamentally constrained by physical principles.”

- Dr Harold Puthoff, director, Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, author of Fundamentals of Quantum Electronics

” It is my conclusion that UFO’s do exist, are very real, and are spaceships from another or more than one solar system. They are possibly manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race carrying out long-rang scientific investigations of our earth for centuries ”

- Professor Herman Oberth - Expert, pioneer and father of modern rocketry and astronautics.

“We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”

“We now have the technology to take ET home. No, it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it... We now have the capability to travel to the stars"

~ Ben Rich former head and director of the Lockheed Skunk Works (Lockheed’s secret research and development entity) - 1994

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:05 PM
How do you explain away the fact that all life on earth evolved from a single cell, some 3.5 billion years ago...?

Also, evolution is not a belief system, evolution is simply a reasonable, scientific deduction based on analysis of the evidence available.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by de1111codEiT

I have to agree with SimonPeter.

While theoretically travel between stars is possible, we're not as yet capable of it in all practical terms. Our bodies are not up the job and our knowledge of deep space travel is inadaquate. We have not attempted our first Columbus voyage. Instead we're more likely to send robots. Voyager might be considered our first interstellar traveller, per say. Some might argue that. But I cannot consider this a Columbus voyage. I haven't looked at the math, but I don't believe Voyager is equipped to sned signals for hundreds of thousands or millions of years back to earth. Voyager was made to observe the inner and outer planets. It's an interstellar traveller by coincidence.

I've read that we could travel to the nearest star using solar sails in about 7000 years. With enough advances, this sort of technology could cut travel times to less than 1000 years. To start approach the scale of a human lifetime - something like 50 years - we would need to develop anti-matter of nuclear fusion propulsion. This is all on paper. It has not been applied. Applying it would require hundreds of billions of dollars and into the near future trillions upon trillions. And on the road to acheiving all that, we'll have to surmount the limits of our body and knowledge.

We will be observing other exoplanets in our telescopes long before we actually go there. I've read recently that if we could magnify celestrial things several billion times then we could observe planets the size of earth with t he clarity that we now observe mars. That's amazing, but is it possible?

Nnone of us on here know hte fuutre. But I am optimistic. I do believe we will create the necessary technologies and knowledge. However, i also believe that we will crawl into the future in a sour mood. So what should have required only 100 years will require 1000 or more. But this is not to say that we will all live badly. If you look at all of hte modern day problems like climate change and terrorism and economic depression and resource depletion, it paints a bleak picture. But like I said I'm optimistic and I think that the pieces will fall into place even though from our bunker it appears not to be so. yes, I confess I may not live to see the day when things look up, but I believe they will.

I hold solace in my similarties and common bonds with others. Because even though I will die and pass on before many glorious things happen, I know that people somewhat like me will see it. I won't be able to share in it, but evenso, I now enjoy what people at one time could only dream of.
edit on 20-2-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by de1111codEiT

reptilians huh? I would stay very far away from them. I hear they're the ones in power on earth right now.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by jonnywhite

I see you are immersed in the old paradigm the OP talks of and subsequently are just regurgitating the lies and propaganda perpetrated by NASA. They are and have always been under the direct control of humanities self proclaimed overlords.

Did you miss the quote from Ben Rich the former head and director of the Lockheed Skunk Works? It was Lockheed’s secret research and development entity, he stated that we already have the means to ‘travel to the stars’ and ‘take ET home’. If you did miss this quote it is well worth your consideration.

Respectfully I will have to disagree as my belief is that the black Op’s and many other factions of the military industrial complex do have the means and have done so for some time. The technology or propulsion is such to defy gravity and warp time-space in the same way many of our Inter-dimensional Extra-terrestrials visitors do.

This page may help you perceive the extent of the lies and cover-ups.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Lichter daraus
reply to post by de1111codEiT

reptilians huh? I would stay very far away from them. I hear they're the ones in power on earth right now.

Yes! These critters.

I’m well aware that they are behind the controlling structures of Earth school. Part of my job/mission/task is to expose, decode, break the mould of conventional thinking and make many aware of such things.

It is best to stay away and repel as best as one can, but due to reasons that should be obvious I can’t always help that the geckos visit my ghetto.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by jonnywhite

Ultimately, one must ask where did the very first intelligent being originate from? Even if we're indeed higher beings living in a sort of controlled reality (for some unknown reason), this question must still be asked. Something had to create the very first example of intelligence, unless the very first intelligence had always existed. So what this amounts to is two possibilities. Either there're lower and lower forms of intelligence - leading to higher forms of intelligence - that eventually must stop at one fundamental level of intelligence that's the lowest of them, or it ends precipitously and there's a kind of non-intelligence state that somehow transitions to intelligence.

Perhaps we humans place too much into the idea of intelligence. Memorization and choosing between concepts may seem intelligent to us humans but simple electronic gadgets can mimic and in some instances do far better than humans.

I believe humans were created by higher beings that have always existed and provided the tools to do what we do on this planet. Not much different than a daycare center. Someday we grow up and see the universe in a different light and with a higher understanding.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
Time constraints and the distance would not allow interstellar travel . Then there is radiation and temperature extremes as well as oxygen restraints . Space travel is not an option in our life time with our abilities and our physical bodies .

Humans can't do much at all concerning space travel, we don't have a license to drive. We take our children places in the family car because they don't have a license to drive. We humans are the children and are taken to places (planets) by the adults (higher beings). Sounds crazy but in the past people believed earth was stationary.

The sun moving around the earth made a lot of sense back in the old days, during the last enlightenment period, the Renaissance.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Lamos
How interesting. I was just thinking of this the other day. I once read somewhere that our solar system was actually pulled out of the Sagittarius star system by the Milky Way galaxy. I don't know how true that is though.

Wow, that would be cool, I would like to see some galactic documentation of that.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by de1111codEiT

Ok, i thought you were implying that you are working with them.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by LipstickMystic
Not to mention most of the indigenous peoples, like the Aborigines and the Payute Indians, believe that they are descendants of Star People.

But I do agree with most of your points. This universe is all about creation. We're creator beings. We have a magnificent opportunity as spiritual beings hanging out in physically flexible bodies to create amazing things. That's why we seek physical incarnation.

Physical incarnation is ok for awhile but it can get old due to karma. Physical reality is really only another versions of ethereal/spiritual existence, a heavier version.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
Oh without a doubt it's very reasonable to think this. Endless amount of possibilities as to how we came here. One could think that we evolved...sorry but I just don't buy this theory at all. I honestly think we were brought here many, many, many, years ago. At some point an advanced civilization spread the seed of life through-out this galaxy.

Seems so obvious makes one wonder why many people can't grasp that reality. Everywhere you look on this planet there is evidence of ancient technologically advanced societies that built things we couldn't duplicate today.

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