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Don’t Blink, or You’ll Miss Another Bailout!

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posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 07:02 AM
Sounds like many of you haven't heard of Noam Chompsky... Youtube him. He's been saying this for years, trying to wake people up to the corruption of our union and other nations.

Personally, I don't agree with everything he says. He's a bit irrationally cynical of some things and too dismissive of other things. But I think the overall gist of what he's getting at should be taken seriously.

It's "failure by design", reinforced by a two-tiered justice system (one set of rules for us, and a different set for the wealthy 0.04% and their cronies) and our corporate media, and the majority of the people of "civilized" nations have been brainwashed to accept this as our collective fate. Anyone who questions the masters are marginalized in one way or another.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Flux8

I like his take on history, but think his personal views skew his ability to see current events without bias.

He may also be a huge sell out....but since no one can prove it either way I will just say that his pushing for a "radical youth" sounds too similar to extremist Marxism.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by Cuervo

The Tea Party Members will never be able to do an Occupy anything, and they know it .Most of us are way to bbusy working and trying to make a living for our families and support the non working obamaphone society

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by dreamingawake

I find this to be pretty amazing...yet minimal coverage...thanks OP

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Tardacus
Maybe the government thinks it`s cheaper to keep bailing the banks out than to let them fail and have to pay out hundreds of millions of FDIC claims?

I bet these continuous bail outs have something to do with why the government decided, a few months ago, to increase the printing of worthless paper money every month.
The only way to get rid of these blood sucking banks is if a lot of people stopped using banks and let them fail.
edit on 17-2-2013 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

No the governments of the world know bailing out is by far the most expensive and widely devastating method they can use. These govts are the banks servants and destroying lives and communities is their purpose in life.

Also, joe public electing to stop using the banks wouldn't be enough, its the investing arms of the banks that have caused this and thats where they make most of their billions. Dont get me wrong, the retail/branch banking is just as corrupt and fraudulent and opting out of their system is still the right thing to do, but the monies involved are so much smaller as to be a drop in the ocean. However, every flood begins with a single drop.


This is never going to stop without a violent revolution, and even then the same thing will happen all over again in about 80 years. Places like Iceland have only been effective in catching out the corrupt psychos due to the fact that the entire population of the country is less than the average medium sized city. Their populus are also very homogenous, and corrupt bankers and politicians have less ability to hide when everyone in the country knows someone who knows them.

The only way to really prevent this from happening again is to return to human communities of no more 150 people. Not that that ever would or could happen but in small communities the rats get found out, the psychopaths recieve local justice and the gene pool is cleansed.

We currently live in a civilisation where psychopahs have an evolutionary advantage. As as a result the percentage of psychos in a population is on a never ending upward curve.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by merkins

One reason they broke up the manufacturing communities of the Midwest and created the big suburban sprawls was specifically to give these crooks annonymity, so they could more easily get away with their crimes. Increase immigration, create a hostile atmosphere so that no one knows the neighbors, and so no one trusts their neighbors.

Basically we need to undo the last thirty years.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Cuervo
reply to post by dreamingawake

It's never going to stop until Americans stop buying the polarity garbage. We need an "Occupy Wall Street With A Tea Party" group. OWSWATP.

Good point.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by StumpDrummer

That's what they want you to think.

As long as they have you hating Obama, you ignore the real crooks on Wall street as they run away with the money.

All your welfare payments are going to the ICBs, and as soon as you wake up to this reality, you can start to fight back.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Hey, I got enough hate for all of em.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by poet1b

This is where deregulation has gotten us. There is now a new aristocracy which is allowed to ignore the laws the rest of us are expected to follow.

Laws that are written more and more by the ICBs who treat the citizens of the US like their subjects.

If an ordinary citizen makes a simple mistake, the banks are allowed to punish them, with out a trial, or any level of proof. God forbid something should happen to your credit score, giving the ICBs permission to screw you against the wall.

Ah, but the banks themselves can do what they want, like the aristocracy of old, and not suffer any consequences.

Your dead on, dead on. The new if not the old arisocracy is running the US and it's the bankers. Here's confused logic, when a person or family screws up or loses their job or can't afford their mortgage they say that said family must get another job and/or it's their responsibility to pay. But when a bank or corporation (mostly bank) is in trouble, look out. They with their 2,000 an hour lawyers and room full of harvard accountants and financial planners are given a break and bailed out to the tune of Trillions. They are treated with kit gloves but we are treated like dead beats. Hell these banks almost (I still say that we are in trouble) took down the western banking system.

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by poet1b

That's what they want you to think.

As long as they have you hating Obama, you ignore the real crooks on Wall street as they run away with the money.

All your welfare payments are going to the ICBs, and as soon as you wake up to this reality, you can start to fight back.

Yes and the other distractions are a-plenty - many (myself at times included) are led around as if there is a ring through their nose.
One can examine this circular flow graph for more understanding (not surprising, but dam, it's true)

gimmiethescoop circular flow economic graph

With baby boomers retiring and dieing off, no wonder they want to raise the retirement age, cut entitlements, social programs, education and wages, and...well, whatever else their scythe can slice. I'm going to buy some stock in pitchforks and torches, cause in the words of BTO (Bachman-Turner-Overdrive) "you ain't seen nothing yet".

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by dreamingawake

Bailouts are happening every month at a tune of 80 + billion dollars, but they are now call "QEs" where is the outrage, this "QEs" are no debatable, neither in the hands of congress or the president.

Still people should be more outraged about how the government is cutting and slashing jobs and businesses in the US right now as we speak because budget cuts that will affect every single American family in the nation, while Taxes are increasing at federal and state level, because the government has to finance their own crocks within the Climate change initiative that already has failed and companies that had received billions of tax payer dollars has bankrupted

Now government needs also more taxes and cuts to finance the mammoth destroyer of what is left of our nations economy with the biggest bailout at the expenses of hard working class and tax payers with Obamacare.

You people have not seen anything yet.
, you just getting the crap in "pieces of excrements" I mean increments

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

Yeah, I've been re-listening to his debates and commentary lately while doing things around the house, and I get a different vibe from him now that I am older. I definitely hear his bias in his application of logic.

For instance, he can believe that the wealthy 0.04% along with various beauracracies and special interest groups have colluded and executed plans to purposefully break our systems and demoralize the lower-mid classes (and have been very successful at it through the centuries), yet the idea that 911 might have been a gov't inside job who's goal was to get enthusiastic willful support of the American people to back invasion and exploitation of other foreign countries is "absurd" to him. Why? Because he doesn't believe groups of people can keep secrets like that locked up without anything leaking nor are capable of executing complicated plans with general precision.

Well, maybe our gov't can't pull it off but supposedly a group of fanatical muslims (with not even a fraction of the resources, intel, or training as is privy to some groups here in the U.S.) pulled it off pretty damned dramatically. And we have enough evidence throughout history that shows that all manner of groups have kept secrets for long periods of time; That is until a lead is exposed accidentally or by chance years, decades, or centuries later.

Sometimes he strikes me as intellectually dishonest. But he has pointed out some things that are curiously left out of mainstream media. And that's a good thing.

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