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How do we end the NWO? How do we change the system?

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posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:23 AM
I don't post here often; if not at all however, I view on a daily basis if Iam not busy.

Since It was posted the other week about ATS being a CIA op. I have been less interested in contributing to this place however, I see myself back here again to look for help of some kind, I assume; as many have done before me.

I also watch on and see member, after member replying to people's threads with hate, anger or simply just rude and ignorant comments for very little purpose but to be-little the OP or to dismiss the case from the start. I will not rise to that so if your sitting in a government owned chair, working your 9-5, being paid to come onto websites such as ATS to dismiss or spread disinfo. Please head else where. Im actually rather good at pointing you out

Before I ask my question I would like to say that I do not think that this forum is here for good reasons but instead here for keeping those of us who are more awake, distracted. With the idea that there is somewhere we can turn to for info or guidance.
The only working method of a website not owned or run by these children (CIA) is by using TOR and the Darknet. However again I think that is easily compromised.

ANYWAY. The NWO, Is doing really well, those who have had a helping hand with this should pat them self's on the back for doing such a great job and corrupting and destroying this planet and the human's on it.

I think its time that there should be a change. We have all sat back and watched the Anon idea start, spread, interfere, and basically.. do very little in terms of making any actual change.

We have watched films such as Zeitgeist, and learned more about this yet people are still unwilling to accept this state of realty. Thus, no change has come about.

We have watched men attempt to take the power away from the Fed and they were killed for their attempts to do so.

We have watched riot's all over the globe take place when people are not happy, however.. these people are labeled hippys, rebels, terrorists or just plane crazy. No change has come from this on a global scale.

We know ourselfs we cannot rebel with force, as this will lead to our arrest.
We cannot speak out, as we are labeled a conspiracy theorist, thus dismissed amongst the sea of sheep.
We cannot stop these corporations because they have alot of money, and with money comes power. The power to make their own rules.

So what exactly.. Can we do?

Some people simply say, spread love and kindness, this wont create change.
Some people say we need to kill off the powers up top such as David Rockefeller. This wont matter, as it begun before him and will live on after him.
Some people hold onto a hope that a god, or an alien race will come and save us. Despite UFO sightings and claims of abduction, so far we can all admit that nothing has gone public to say that god is real, or that aliens are real, thus sitting back and just hoping.. isnt enough.

The only thing I can think of is to create a new currency. It seems to be the one thing that hinders or threatens these powers. With the Gold Dinar, the Greenback and likes resulting in the person's pushing it, to be killed quickly.

So how do we go about this? We cant go into a bank and ask for a loan to start a new bank.. or to start a new currency, how do we convince people that this is legit?

I dont know the answer, Iam looking for help. Iam now done with conforming as are so many people I know and its a daily topic now, that this generation HAS to be the one to change it, because the following one will be so far in they will hardly touch the surface.

If they do it will only push this NWO further. I no longer fear the NWO, infact the opposite.

How, do we as human beings.. regain our power globally?

Fingers crossed this wont get deleted by the mods on here. Im done with hiding, Im done with corruption and Im done with doing nothing about this. Iam willing to delete this material life to try make a difference. How though?

Domo, Ja ne.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:28 AM
You answered your own question, then shot it down with typical conspiracy-minded defeatism.

Just love your neighbors and family and be a good person. Your world is in your head. Change THAT.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by minto

Stop taking part in it, thats the only way, stop utilising the services they provide and stop contributing to a system that is ultimately designed to exploit you. Just stop it.

Thats about it really, not enough people ever will though, so you know, you cant stop it and its never gonna change.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by DaTroof
You answered your own question, then shot it down with typical conspiracy-minded defeatism.

Just love your neighbors and family and be a good person. Your world is in your head. Change THAT.

So your under the belief that if you are loving and show kindness that it will stop the corruption in our society?

"Typical conspiracy-minded defeatism". - I assume you are labeling me under this because of my understanding that anyone can be corrupted including this domain and the people running it.

Iam a good person, I do love many and indeed my own personal life has gained alot of value because of that however by doing so you are simply ignoring everything else. All the other people who are being killed for money and profit.

Again, Iam not looking for these sort of replies. Iam looking for input to a solution for an actual change to our system. On a global level. I dont think people should be put off by trying to make a difference.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:34 AM
So does the OP believe that if there were no secretive groups bent on destroying the planet and the human race that the population of earth would be gliding on rainbows and shooting glitter out of their ass while every new baby descends from heaven in a halo of light?

Or is it possible the world may still be screwed up because, well, humans are infalliable and far from perfect.

Not to say that there are not shadowy groups bent on world domination but this theory has been around since at least Roman times and there has yet to be a NWO brought into existance so maybe, just maybe, there may not be people behind the scenes pulling the strings to the extent that many people believe they do.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Tuttle

I agree that removing yourself from this setup is a good move. However there has to be some other way to go about change? Other than the attempts and fails I have listen above? :/

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by minto

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Yes, just be a loving person. Can that stop wars from happening? Not directly, but what other choice do you have? Don't tell me you plan on some kind of lone-wolf assassination scheme.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Hopechest
So does the OP believe that if there were no secretive groups bent on destroying the planet and the human race that the population of earth would be gliding on rainbows and shooting glitter out of their ass while every new baby descends from heaven in a halo of light?

Or is it possible the world may still be screwed up because, well, humans are infalliable and far from perfect.

Not to say that there are not shadowy groups bent on world domination but this theory has been around since at least Roman times and there has yet to be a NWO brought into existance so maybe, just maybe, there may not be people behind the scenes pulling the strings to the extent that many people believe they do.

The way I see it is, there are alot of big companies with alot of money, who have alot of input to the direction of how the world is going. I don't think for a second that rainbows or glitter would happen lol but do you agree yourself with the way it works?

We have people on this planet who are starving every day while there are TV show's such as "Man VS Food" where one guy eats all that crap just for fame and money? There is a severe unbalance going on, I think if the right people are doing the right things then maybe.. just maybe, some kind of balance could be restored.

The point is, I dont know personally.. how that could come about, I just feel as if people arnt doing enough about it by simply looking after their own and their futures. I know myself, I dont do enough.. We arnt taught to think like this.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by DaTroof

Iam from Scotland, were we have no guns and we have very little problems to which Iam thankful of. Iam in no way some form of wanna be hit man

I have experienced corruption and several levels here with the police and their highers so I know it goes on and no one could convince me else, However its past that. That isnt important anymore. Just bugs me as any time I think about it.. I come up with the same thing, That it cant be changed.

Kinda just hoped we could put our minds together..

Jeez you guys reply quicker than I can read on here!

edit on 10-2-2013 by minto because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by minto

With all due respect I believe you are just focusing on the negative. In 2010 the Supreme Court reversed a ruling on banning guns and set precedence by allowing the second amendment to apply to States whereas previously it was only a rule pertaining to the federal government.

Not everything goes against the people. How could this happen in the world you described, we should technically have no weapons anymore yet we do.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by minto

With all due respect I believe you are just focusing on the negative. In 2010 the Supreme Court reversed a ruling on banning guns and set precedence by allowing the second amendment to apply to States whereas previously it was only a rule pertaining to the federal government.

Not everything goes against the people. How could this happen in the world you described, we should technically have no weapons anymore yet we do.

Iam not American so please excuse my lack of gun law know how; however what you have said sounds great! Which means there are people who can make a difference to the way things go.

Although that is a positive. It does not mean we can just ignore the injustice. Which the majority from what I can work out, stems from big companies in America? :S The Federal reserve has ruined the world with interest and debt. Why have the supreme court not done something about that? Or is that out with them?.. Serious question.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:56 AM
My two cents: Time and time again, like-minded individuals create the birth of societies with good ideas in mind. When corruption comes the societies always falls somehow. In this way the enemy of true human freedom is 'self-destructive'.

We need to let the system of corruption FULLY corrupt.

The system continues to function because the slaves continue to work. Let them continue to eat food that will kill them, let them continue to be dumbed down by their own instinctive habbits.. In this way the slaves will die out or become incapable of sustaining the corrupt system.

Great post OP, genuine. I've seen alot of posts like this though and I wonder how so many could wonder the same thing.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by minto

However there has to be some other way to go about change?

Unfortunately there isnt no, you basicaly just have to leave it and watch society evolve on its own and kinda hope for the best.

Bit doom and gloom I guess, but I dunno, I find having a hobby helps, I like to tinker with PC's and read fantasy novels, gets me by.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 09:02 AM
Yeah it does sound a bit doom and gloom and when you put it like that.. it seems to me, kinda logical.

I snowboard, and drift cars so im usually distracted fine. :p Just pondered on this for so many years I figured Id ask on here.

Maybe this is the plan then.. because the people who are in charge of these banks, companies and the ones with the money must surely know that it will have to come to an end eventually.. there not that stupid. Then I have to ask, if that the point? Just let it run its self into the ground and start a fresh with this 'combined' world under the power of the guys who have enough shares or gold?

I dunno.
edit on 10-2-2013 by minto because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 09:02 AM
Change begins with one, and one is an exponential number, through our family, relatives and friends which forms our societies.

But that change within one can only come from a mind that is ready to learn, to make mistakes, to share, to discuss, to debate and find the truths. Learning is education and nothing is more important than that, and I don't mean just public academic institutions even such as those from liberal arts colleges.

What is necessary is for one to read widely, lattitudinally and longitudinally, across all spectrums, of mainstream and fringe of medias, and then cross referencing ALL data and not be a frog in a well to accept just one perspective alone, and finally, to share, discuss and debate to find PRACTICALL solutions to move others, to progress and evolution.

Change will not come overnight. It is a long process, and had started since our current civilisation of 5000 years began, and must not stop or enslavement will result by those whom are drunk on wealth, priviledge and power and wish to remain so for themselves and their progenies.

It begins in the rational mind of one - to search broadbasedly for realities and not delusions.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 09:07 AM
You can not stop it.
It is all part of a plan greater than you think.
It is of a prophecy greater than casey or nostradamus or shipton or any other
They saw the future for what it is, not so you could change it but so you could prepare for it.
As long as you are afraid to be arrested or labeled a conspiracy theorist you are complicit to thier ends
What is already upon us can be avoided no less than the reign that falls from the sky

He is coming
edit on 10-2-2013 by RadicalRebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by minto

Heh, was lookin to buy an old Skyline RS-Turbo for drifting, good stuff.

But yeah man, the guys at the top I imagine just utilise whatever's available to them at the time I guess, as a society you have progressed to the point where you can create things like wall street and central banks, of course your going to exploit them, its efficient to do so for any society. If and when it stops becoming beneficial to us as a society they will more than likely phase it out in light of something better.

Im always very suspect about lending the term "conspiracy theory" to it all, you know, to me it just seems like governments going through the motion of evolving and using the tools they have at there disposal, just like they have always done throughout history. It's really when people start to examine the potential morality/ethical aspects of they operate do people really start to think something is not quite right here. But then im not entirely sure evolution or progression really factors in the morality or ethics of its course, so more than likely, the guys at the top realy just dont care about the fall out from there actions, there just going through the motions of whatever system is in place at any given time.

Or it could just be aliens lol.
edit on 10-2-2013 by Tuttle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 09:25 AM
It's simple.

Tell everyone you know about it.

And when they call B.S, direct them to ATS. They might think you're nuts, but once they see the FOIA documents members have posted, they can't deny the truth.

How do you think CISPA is gaining momentum? because people are waking up, and TPTB are scared.

Inform everyone you know, before the facts are hidden from them.

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by minto

In my opinion, (granted not much thought has gone into this), to
get rid of the NWO/The Establishment and build something better like
post war Star Trek, then I would say that minimum we would need to get rid of money
and work for the greater good!

posted on Feb, 10 2013 @ 09:36 AM
How do you end the NWO? Easy, by quitting your job and becoming financially independent. People go to work, and the work they do...pays for the work TPTB get paid to do. In other words, your J.O.B. is feeding the beast. How much of your tax money pays the military industrial complex? You wanna stop the NWO? Cut the head off the snake. This snake's head, happens to be $$$

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