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Transforming the pain of the world, with love and light... A method...

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posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 07:49 AM
Moving around in this world, you encounter many things...
Pain and suffering are for many of us something very well known
Especially if you have a sensitive heart
If you feel deep love for all

Your heart may be that open, the spark in the heart so awakened, that you see people to their innermost level...

Sense them from within their essence, from the connection we all have, essence to essence, spirit to spirit...

That way you may feel at lot of pain and suffering...

Not only from yourself, for being a true loving being in a world that is filled with fear and control, a world that is sometimes cruel...

But also the pain from others, the pain they might not be aware of themselves...
The pain from the deep longing of their innermost essence...
That longing to be honored, to be touched, to be respected and embraced...
That longing to be, once again, dancing among the stars, dwelling in pure joy of oneness...
You may feel that from yourself as well as from others...

Bc this world, at its current way of existence, do not sustain that spark, do not honor and embrace it...
Rather it feeds on it, abuses it...

Please do not despair by that, it is how it is...
By facing it and relating to it, we'll make it better, truer...
We'll make it right...

That layer which your sensitive heart are so deeply influenced by may be known as the collective...
The collective may be viewed as various layers, which are all between you and the true oneness...

There are layers, parts of the collective, which may be named the astral layer, the mental layer, the vital/physical layer...
Even the realm of the soul is in many ways such a layer...
A wall between you and the true Oneness...
Only from the true Oneness you may understand your true nature...

Well in the following, I will do my best to describe to you a method I use myself, to transform and embrace that pain...
Wheter it is the pain we create by our own longing, or it is the longing we sense from these layers of collective suffering...

First of all, in everything we do, it is important to embrace the moment...
To be here now, focused...
Breathing through what is...
Being honest, open, present...

The intention/motive...
For me it will always be the motive of being that heart among many, to serve that One source, our beloved Divine Father and Mother...
Letting there presence, love and light flow throughout and from my own essence and heart...
So I may to the best of my ability, touch my fellow sister and brothers heart, soul and spirit...
To know we are One...

Find the truest intention within your own essence...
Go deeper into that, embrace that intention...
Become that intention...
Let the intention, the flame of your essence from within your heart be lit, by the love and light of our Divine Father...
Touch this with the humbleness, gratefulness and love from your heart...
With the wish for a true connection, deep...

Feel that flame grow, from within your essence and through your heart, and the light from it shine throughout all of your bodies...
Physical, emotional, mental, soul...
Let it all be vibrated through by this light and this love flow, so that all your existence manifest are filled with this...
You may experience this as a golden sphere or a golden castle of the spirit built around you...
Remember to continiously refer into your innermost essence...
To keep the level of purity and truth...

From here embrace the will of that One source...
Align it with your own will...
So that you make a deep decision, of letting this be your will of what to spread into the world....

Now face the world, still having focus on this golden sphere of the spirit...
Embrace the world as it is...
Open and lovingly...
Not judging, seeing with clarity and love...
With the eyes of the Oneness

All is what it is
it may be ugly, beautiful, amazing, hatefull...
Everything is what it is
Right at this moment
All relations you've got
People you know
Places you are
Your home
Your work
Open up...
Breathe it in
There may be shadows, flawed tunes, lies, hurt, pain, shame
what is, is
Here and now
Embrace, breathe it in

When you have breathed it in, hold it a few moments...
Align all that is, present in this world, this moment, with that golden sphere, that heart of Oneness, the love and light of our Divine Father and Mother...

Feel how it meets

Now use your will power
You know what you will send into this world
Do it!!!
Golden light, love and light...
From the Highest, through your essence and heart...
To all

If they have hurt you, doesn't matter
Still we are one
If you have hurt them, still doesn't matter
Whatever your relation, your will is to send this pure light and love

Repeat this for as long as it makes sense
Better to do it often and briefly, than doing it rarely and for a long time
To do it often and briefly, you train your bodies
Form them with hte power of your will
Aligned with the will of One

Flowing this into the world, you transform all
To make sense, to be connected
even the 'bad guys', even whoever...
By making the aware decision to do it
and using your will to keep on

Emotions is like waves, one day up, the next day down
Your will, connected with your heart and mind do not bend
It stays to your decison, made from within your essence

Of my heart, wishing you the best with this

Have faith!
You are able to do everything you set your pure intention to
Know that!

You ARE amazing
And you DO matter!!!

You are needed in this
We do this together

Lots of love

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 07:49 AM
There are many ways to look at concentration...
But this explanation might be helpful, otherwise ask deeper...

First of all we have to distinguish between the small mind and the big mind...
The small mind is that what re-acts on all the input from our sensory system, combine them with our experience, and our 'data-bank' of knowledge, this is also highly influenced by our changing emotions and our relations, with bot a negative and a positive pull (e.g. when we are happy and people are nice to us, we operate better with this mind-set, therefor it is very conditioned by the surroundings and are linked with the solar plexus and the energy center below the diaphraghm

This kind of mind-set are good at making to-do lists, and to operate within the systems...

To embrace the moment fully we need to go deeper...

Here it is essential, first to wake the heart...
You may say that the leap of faith, is the jump form the solar plexus centered small mind, to the heart consciousness...

A way of seeing the heart consciousness is like a huge ocean, the water is clear and pure...
Yet all our emotions and outer input and how we let them affect us makes waves in that ocean...
Waves that create distortion, and makes the clarity lesser...

When we chose to stay focused in 'what is'... That is embracing the moment and just letting it melt into our awareness without re-acting, slowly the waves of the outer input/emotions become smaller and smaller...
Just observe the waves and let them flow...
At some point they'll die out and leave the surface of this inner ocean more tranquil...
That way something amazing happens...
Our inner Sun, which is above this Ocean, which is our direct link with our spirit Essence, the Father, the One Source...
We might not be able to gaze directly at this Sun,but then something else amazing dawns...
The water are so clear, that we can see through...
See how the inner true Sun, the Father, are reflected into the Depth of the inner ocean...
That way we become aware of our deep Divine Mother, which is also the One Source reflected in this world...
At this moment we may surrender ourselves into this One Source...
Surrender with gratitude and fully openness, humbly and honest ask to be filled with this One Life, and thereby our inner flame in the heart will be ignited...

This is the flame that burns so brightly from our own spirits essence, and its light will embrace and transcend all our incarnated bodies...
From the densest physical to the highest vibrating soul level...
True balance will dawn this way...
Then the flame, inner light/fire will connect via the throat center into the higher mind...
That way we will be able to speak the word of the spirit, and the higher mind will be awakened...
Or the heart-mind...
That is connected with spiritual insight, intuition, understanding, and works perfect with the knowledge of the lower mind and the love, wisdom of the heart...
The throat holds the ability to truly listen, and express the flame of the spirit through word, and by the tone and depth of your voice...

That way concentration is something that works through the heart and mind and all the bodies, and not simply an exercise for the brain...

A process of transcendens...

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 07:50 AM
The collective fields in this reality is created by us all...

There are those who seek power and control...
Those knows how to lure the free will into being caught into a cage...
Also they know how to take something real, e.g. our Divine Father, and make a dimmed down copy, to use for their own selfish purposes...
They are also aware how to impose feelings such as fear and hopelessness into the collective fields...

That makes it truly important, for us all, to resonate at our deepest level...
To find that truest intent and to contact our True Source, Divine Father and Divine Mother from there...
Asking/praying sincerely for help and clarity...
That way we get to our true inner Ocean, beyond the fear and hopelessness, so our true Inner Sun may shine for real...

So in other words, go at the deepest, don't buy any bullcrap and get it real!!!

Together we will make this world, real and balanced with our true nature...

That's a promise!!!

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 09:10 AM
laffoe, This particular post you shared couldn't have come at a much better time...words to live by for sure. Appreciating the "moment" and living in the moment and focusing on the here and now is key....yet, I hope I can do it,
what you have mentioned
I just read elsewhere about a boy that was bullied/beaten so badly, he is now in a medically induced coma. I used to be a nurse so I know what that can mean. I had a relative that was in a coma for 3 months as well. It is scary and hard to endure for the family.. I hope with all my heart this boy survives his ordeal and recovers with no permanent damage! I've been crying on and off all morning since reading about it. His picture reminded me so much of a young relative of mine.

So much cruelty in the world. Very timely, what you have written. These kinds of "happenings" just make me so very, very tired. Sad beyond measure. Your post and words...I will try what you have mentioned.

I was bullied in school as well. It is so stressful and upsetting and marks you for life. I hope this boy recovers and goes on to lead a happy, safe, and healthy life. So much sadness and cruelty in the world.
We are all one and in this drama called life together. Some people do not see that or realize that. Good thing there are some people such as yourself. You wrote the exact words many of us were needing to hear today! Blessings and hugs and many thanx for all that you do to help sustain those of us in need of reaching out and being in contact with a good heart/spirit such as yours.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by shrevegal

I wrote a short story recently called, Sky People..a different kind of story about "them".
When bad things happen, like the boy being hurt and such, I can't help feeling more than ever that i am not or have never been "of this earth". Sounds crazy, I know. But I just know in my mind and in my heart of hearts that there is a better place out there somewhere...where there is no cruelty and hate...I like to call it "home". Home is where the heart is and sometimes my heart just isn't into being "here"...a sort of "cosmic homesickness', if you will. Thanx again for listening. ^j^

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by laffoe

Truly wonderful.

As tears brim over and roll down my cheeks.

Your words speak so much volume to me. Are you in my head?

Sometimes I feel you are with your poetry and insights you give.

Im going to try what you have stated, I needed this today. Thank you.

Peace and love flowing your way
-nat the cat-

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by shrevegal
laffoe, This particular post you shared couldn't have come at a much better time...words to live by for sure. Appreciating the "moment" and living in the moment and focusing on the here and now is key....yet, I hope I can do it,
what you have mentioned
I just read elsewhere about a boy that was bullied/beaten so badly, he is now in a medically induced coma. I used to be a nurse so I know what that can mean. I had a relative that was in a coma for 3 months as well. It is scary and hard to endure for the family.. I hope with all my heart this boy survives his ordeal and recovers with no permanent damage! I've been crying on and off all morning since reading about it. His picture reminded me so much of a young relative of mine.

So much cruelty in the world. Very timely, what you have written. These kinds of "happenings" just make me so very, very tired. Sad beyond measure. Your post and words...I will try what you have mentioned.

I was bullied in school as well. It is so stressful and upsetting and marks you for life. I hope this boy recovers and goes on to lead a happy, safe, and healthy life. So much sadness and cruelty in the world.
We are all one and in this drama called life together. Some people do not see that or realize that. Good thing there are some people such as yourself. You wrote the exact words many of us were needing to hear today! Blessings and hugs and many thanx for all that you do to help sustain those of us in need of reaching out and being in contact with a good heart/spirit such as yours.

That boy will be touched by your true compassion and love
He will be better
I shall pray for him too
Together we are stronger and we will make our way
Heart by heart
Step by step

Much love to you sweet friend

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by shrevegal

You are not of this Earth sweetheart
You are one of those love hearted angels
Who came here to Earth, not bc you wanted anything or needed anything here
You came out of your good brave heart to share your pure love and bright light
Home waits for you when all of this is done
That is a promise of my heart
We'll get through and true together


posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:48 AM

Surrender with gratitude and fully openness, humbly and honest ask to be filled with this One Life, and thereby our inner flame in the heart will be ignited... 

This is the flame that burns so brightly from our own spirits essence, and its light will embrace and transcend all our incarnated bodies... 
From the densest physical to the highest vibrating soul level... 
True balance will dawn this way... 
Then the flame, inner light/fire will connect via the throat center into the higher mind... 
That way we will be able to speak the word of the spirit, and the higher mind will be awakened... 
Or the heart-mind... 
That is connected with spiritual insight, intuition, understanding, and works perfect with the knowledge of the lower mind and the love, wisdom of the heart... 
The throat holds the ability to truly listen, and express the flame of the spirit through word, and by the tone and depth of your voice...

You were on the holy mount of God;
you walked among the fiery stones.
You were blameless in your ways
from the day you were created
till wickedness was found in you.
Through your widespread trade
you were filled with violence,
and you sinned.
So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God,
and I expelled you, O guardian cherub,
from among the fiery stones.
Your heart became proud
on account of your beauty,
and you corrupted your wisdom
because of your splendour (brightness)
So I threw you to the earth;
I made a spectacle of you before kings.
By your many sins and dishonest trade
you have desecrated your sanctuaries.
So I made a fire come out from you,
and it consumed you,
and I reduced you to ashes on the ground
in the sight of all who were watching.

All the nations who knew you
are appalled at you;
you have come to a horrible end
and will be no more.’”
Ezekiel 28:14-19

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by natalia
reply to post by laffoe

Truly wonderful.

As tears brim over and roll down my cheeks.

Your words speak so much volume to me. Are you in my head?

Sometimes I feel you are with your poetry and insights you give.

Im going to try what you have stated, I needed this today. Thank you.

Peace and love flowing your way
-nat the cat-

The tears are like healing angels
Knowing which shadows to melt
For you true love and light to shine through

You know
These words I share here are not mine
I am but a heart and a voice doing my best to let the One Life speak through me
Our beloved Divine Father and Mother
When you connect your heart with them
You will remember that they are always by you
Always was
And you'll feel it
And when you need them they'll be there for you

Much love to you my friend

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100

Surrender with gratitude and fully openness, humbly and honest ask to be filled with this One Life, and thereby our inner flame in the heart will be ignited... 

This is the flame that burns so brightly from our own spirits essence, and its light will embrace and transcend all our incarnated bodies... 
From the densest physical to the highest vibrating soul level... 
True balance will dawn this way... 
Then the flame, inner light/fire will connect via the throat center into the higher mind... 
That way we will be able to speak the word of the spirit, and the higher mind will be awakened... 
Or the heart-mind... 
That is connected with spiritual insight, intuition, understanding, and works perfect with the knowledge of the lower mind and the love, wisdom of the heart... 
The throat holds the ability to truly listen, and express the flame of the spirit through word, and by the tone and depth of your voice...

You were on the holy mount of God;
you walked among the fiery stones.
You were blameless in your ways
from the day you were created
till wickedness was found in you.
Through your widespread trade
you were filled with violence,
and you sinned.
So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God,
and I expelled you, O guardian cherub,
from among the fiery stones.
Your heart became proud
on account of your beauty,
and you corrupted your wisdom
because of your splendour (brightness)
So I threw you to the earth;
I made a spectacle of you before kings.
By your many sins and dishonest trade
you have desecrated your sanctuaries.
So I made a fire come out from you,
and it consumed you,
and I reduced you to ashes on the ground
in the sight of all who were watching.

All the nations who knew you
are appalled at you;
you have come to a horrible end
and will be no more.’”
Ezekiel 28:14-19

There are different kinds of fire

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:16 PM
You never cease to amaze me with your meaningful writings. You have a special soul which shines with light. The help you give people on here with your kind words is much appreciated. Many thanks

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by TheDoctor46

Thanks to you my friend
For always being here with kindness and love
Thanks for you to be you

I am just a heart and a voice among many, at my best ability stepping aside to let that what connects us all speak from and through my hearts, to share

Much love to you

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 01:30 PM
"There are different kinds of fire" true, laffoe! There is the fire of love that burns bright in the hearts of some people that I like to call "earth bound angels". Their hearts are filled with love and light and kindness and they truly wish they were huge angels that had wings that could expand and engulf and comfort every child that was ever in pain, every person that is suffering....comforting wings that could encompass all people in need of love and kindness and safety. Religion tells us there are fallen angels...these are not the ones I speak of....perhaps "they" are the psychopaths of the world, the ones that seem immune to human suffering and actually seem to enjoy it. No, the angels I speak of are the ones that are pure of heart, gentle of spirit, and that have hearts filled with love and compassion for all. The human condition is in need of those "angels". I am thankful I have met a few right here! Thanx for listening. ^j^
Love to my friends...laffoe, natalia and many others here.

posted on Feb, 8 2013 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by shrevegal

You have just met your true family
Now we are starting to wake and remember

Now you made me cry with your words (o:
And the depth behind them

Love to you sweetheart

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