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Is the Local Interstellar Cloud affecting us in any way?

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posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 08:24 AM

Now from what we know, from what the current data is providing, we could be entering a zone where the cloud is denser. We could also be entering a zone of our galaxy where the space is denser. As the bowshock has turned into a bow wave, as the heliosphere is weakened, as more cosmic rays and interstellar dust are getting through to us, it is far from insane to think that we might be heading for a new ice age or at the very least, a mini ice age. It becomes more and more factual and this does affect us all.
reply to post by SonoftheSun

Good job SonoftheSun!!!
It does seem like we should be in a denser cloud region as its indeed affecting us all on a global scale. This research is really fun and I want to thank you again for the invite. I have really enjoyed the readings.

Space weather should take a leap into forecasting terrestrial weather. I see it coming and playing a major role in our future!!

According to this paper, "Cosmic rays and space weather: effects on global climate change"
By: L. I. Dorman who is from, Israel Cosmic Ray & Space Weather Center and Emilio Segre’ Observatory, Tel Aviv University, Technion and Israel Space Agency, Israel Cosmic Ray Department of IZMIRAN, Russian Academy of Science, Russia

He/She concludes that past data on large variations in planetary surface temperature over many millions of years, that the Earth’s global climate change is determined not only by internal factors but also by factors originating in space.
These include the moving of the solar system around the center of our galaxy, crossing galactic arms, clouds of molecular dust, nearby supernovae and supernova remnants.

Other important space factors: cycle variations of solar activity and the solar wind.

"The space factors which influence Earth’s climate most, however, are cosmic rays (CR) and space dust, which influence the creation of clouds and therefore control the total energy transferred from the Sun to the Earth’s atmosphere."

Take William Hershel for example. The famous astronomer in 1801 (!!!) "suggested that the price of wheat in England was directly related to the number of sunspots with periodicity about 11 yr. He noticed that less rain fell when the number of sunspots was big. Joseph in the Bible, recognized a similar period in food production in Egypt. This was 4000 yr ago!!!

Even the Bible predicted such weather. We have got to get with it. Geez!

"Over this period there is a striking qualitative correlation between cold and warm climate periods and high and low levels of galactic CR intensity, correspondingly (low and high solar activity)"

According to this paper..

"Cosmic rays play a key role in the formation of thunderstorms and lightnings".

Also states..

"Above we considered space factors acted on the Earth’s Climate mainly through CR in frame of scales not bigger than one thousand years. In Fig. 9 are shown data on planetary surface temperature changing during the last 520 million years, caused to the moving of the Solar system around the centre of our Galaxy and crossing galactic arms with bigger probability to interact with molecular-dust clouds and supernova remnants (with bigger intensity of CR and higher density of space dust, which both lead to increasing of cloudiness and decreasing of planetary surface temperature)"

So bigger probability (climate change) interacting with molecular-dust clouds and supernova remnants which means bigger intensity of Cosmic Rays and higher density of space dust. All leads to an increase in clouds and decrease of planetary surface temps.

So, in closing I do want to say again there is an importance of space weather prediction. It is probably going to take a more serious leap than ever before. I hope anyway.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 10:36 PM
Today the story on Space Weather is...

The UN Braces for Stormy Space Weather

The UN?


Into this void stepped the United Nations. In 1958, the General Assembly "recognizing the common interest of mankind in furthering the peaceful use of outer space ... and desiring to avoid the extension of present national rivalries into this new field...." established the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). COPUOS became a forum for development of laws and treaties governing space-related activities. Moreover, it set the stage for international cooperation on problems that no one nation could handle alone. .

At each annual meeting in Vienna, Austria, COPUOS members confer about these issues, which present some key challenge or peril to the whole planet.

Peril to the whole planet? Well, it is a possible reality. This year COPUOS has space weather on the agenda.

Lika Guhathakurta of NASA Headquarters in Washington, said she is glad the UN is recognizing solar activity as a concern "on par with orbital debris and close-approaching asteroids."

She also states that although solar storms (source of space weather) are coming from 93 million miles from Earth they can make themselves known.

We all know solar storms can knock out power, mess up satellites and GPS but we also know that...

Space weather might play a role in Earth’s climate, too. For example, the Maunder minimum, a 70-year period almost devoid of sunspots in the late 17th to early 18th century, coincided with prolonged, very cold winters in the northern hemisphere.

What is our "source" surrounded by? What is affecting it?

edit on 13-2-2013 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 02:16 PM
This will be my final post in this research before adding a closing statement.

I believe that we have shown that the LIC is playing a part in our present history. I believe we’ve shown that the LIC seems to have an effect on our star, its heliosphere and all that follows, all the way down to us. I believe we have shown that it could indirectly lead us into a mini or a fully fledged new ice age.

The scariest part could be, nonetheless, yet to come...

Galactic Superwaves – Their Effects on Life and Society

Throughout this research, MamaJ and I have shown the effects of cosmic rays on Earth. We’ve demonstrated that the research is there, from NASA and affiliates, and also from scientists that have spent a great deal of time studying the LIC phenomenon.

The LIC has many properties, and one that is not to avoid, is the accompanied galactic superwaves:

Today, tomorrow, next week, next year… sometime in the coming decades… our planet could once again be hit by an intense volley of Galactic cosmic rays. It will come cloaked and hidden from us, until the very moment it strikes. We live on the edge of a galactic volcano. Knowing neither the time, the magnitude, nor the severity of the next eruption or its impact on our environment, we stand unprepared to deal with this event, much less anticipate its arrival.

That’s right. As it travels at the speed of light, we cannot predict it and it would arrive upon us like a disastrous and unpleasant surprise. It does sound like doom and gloom but the fact remains, the last time a wave hit us, 5300 years ago, there wasn’t much to be damaged. Nowadays however, just thinking of all of our satellites, our electric grid, the courageous people aboard the ISS, all that we mostly depend on, would go to waste at a snap of the fingers. It makes the Carrington Effect (1859) look like a child’s game:

In just one day, a major Galactic superwave event would inject into the geomagnetic field a particle energy equivalent to 1000 one-megaton hydrogen bomb explosions (1025 ergs). At this rate, the energy delivered to the belts after one year would exceed 30,000 times the energy received from the most powerful solar cosmic ray storms observed in modern times.


Nightmares. It would precipitate the ice age movement while rendering all electronics, all electric devices, totally useless. In 1983, we had gamma ray bursts that affected our GPS and communication systems. Those were hundreds of millions of times less damaging that what could be ahead of us, especially if we take into effect a weakened heliosphere, a just barely existent bow shock and a weakened planetary magnetosphere.

Studies have been done on this possibility in 2009, at the U.S National Research Council which can be found HERE.

A wave such as this one would send our sun into a very serious angry fit. Let us hope that there are no cycles to this (even though there could be) and that we will never have to deal with it. This would not be the end of the world but most certainly the end of the world as we know it.


posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 10:02 AM

LIC Research Closing Statement



First, I wish to sincerely thank MamaJ. I am in total awe; you spent numerous days bringing forward extraordinary content, you pushed the limits of expectations from your goals to excellence. I am very proud and thankful that you accepted this challenge, I truly enjoyed our conversations and I am prouder to be a friend! Thank you!!

Second, I wish to thank Moderator Rising Against for helping out and giving sound advice and recommendations. You, kind Sir, are an inspiration for many here on ATS, including me.

Finally, I wish to thank Phage for asking pointy questions and offering avenues of research. It was unexpected and deeply appreciated.

Is the Local Interstellar Cloud affecting us in any way?

This research was certainly challenging. From an unbiased point of view, the Local Interstellar Cloud still is – and remains - an undiscovered country. Although we showed that there could be some effects, that the LIC could be having an effect on the heliosphere, the bow shock, our sun and our planet by extension, there is still much to wonder.

The lack of measurements on the ground makes it hard to pinpoint its true effects. As the years go by, we will be able to further analyse the cloud and its impacts, both on the ground and in space.

However, it is no longer Terra Incognita as we know that it’s there but there is so much to analyse and consider yet that we are still pretty much speculating; and so are NASA and others.

Nevertheless, its impacts could be very serious and unfortunately could have dramatic repercussions and I think we have demonstrated these possibilities and scenarios to the very best of our knowledge.


Once more, thank you ATS for allowing us to participate in such a great forum, thank you Moderators for revamping such a quality board, thank you Fellow Scholars for aiming at excellence and finally, thank you Readers for making it all worthwhile. Thank you.


posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 11:19 AM
A truly stellar project indeed!

Thank you guys, you've certainly done ATS proud with this one. You'll be awarded with your points and Applause's soon.

Once again, well done!

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 10:47 PM
I just read the whole thread and it was like a Pentagon briefing with some light humorous notes. Wow. You two really work well together. This thread was amazing.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

Thank you so much SayonaraJupiter !!! And thank you for taking the time to make that awesome've made my day and I know MamaJ shares the same feeling !!!

Thank you !!!!

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 02:46 PM
I do feel the same way, made my day! Put a smile on my face fist thing this morning. The "Pentagon briefing" statement was very funny! HA! Love it!

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart to both you and R.A..... and of course SonoftheSun, for inviting me to be a part of this research thread regarding the LIC. I learned so much... and that is what I live for (besides my kids, of course).



posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

Excellent little overview. Thank you.

posted on Sep, 23 2013 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by soficrow

Oh, Thank you!!!

I learned an awful lot and I hope you did too. It's a lot to read over, for sure.

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