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Life on earth is living proof Extraterrestials exists.

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posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by karen61560

We have plenty of footage of extraterrestial craft as well.

What I was getting at... Is that said member has not actually seen it for himself and claims it to be true, but he would not do the same for aliens. WHY? because he would claim the countless footage is hoaxed, CGI, UFO not extraterrestial in nature, or that its simply not a clear pic.
Nasa could of just as easily fooled you into thinking the world is round imo and this is freaking NASA the einstiens of cgi. So ponder that and ask me if I am still silly now that you know, it was rebuke and stab at his intelligence rather than what I believe.
edit on 2-5-2013 by Springer because: Removed childish name calling

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by youthsavior

These members you speak of, in this thread, do not accept my claim as proof, do you?

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by votan

It would be simpler to "borrow and not give back" a winning lottery.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by beautyofperil
reply to post by TrueBrit

No we are proof of life in the universe.

No, we are only proof of life on this earth.
Unless you have an extra-terrestrial entity in your pocket, you don’t have proof.
While I do think there is life in the universe, right now there is no proof.
And while the numbers point to the possibility of life in the universe, that’s still not proof.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:59 PM
Moon-seed by Superintelligent Design..?

"It was the stone that was rejected by the builders that became the keystone."

So this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation
~ Isaiah 28:16

Can you imagine?!

From what I can tell from all the research I've done on this, I am not saying necessarily that in the moon-earth-sun relationship can be seen a first/last cause, but then again that is what I'm saying, and my hope for a universe teaming with life is actually pinned on the idea that God has still more tricks up his sleeve i.e.: that other worlds might be "moon-seeded" in the same way, so precise are the earth-moon-sun conditions that have given birth to all that we presently enjoy today as life here on earth.

But here is where he laid down His fingerprint (keystone), by making of our single moon a perfect reflection of the sun at the emergence of human observers on earth..

It is entirely conceivable if not probable in the extreme, that this place, of all places, is the one and ONLY one, from which a bipedal, self aware, sentient observer can look up and bear witness to his/her single, giant moon (in proportion to the host planet) perfectly eclipsing the visible diameter of their sun, while also "squaring the circle" of the earth by proportion and divine ratio.

You call it "coincidence", others cite the Strong Anthropic Principal to dismiss the data as irrelevant and therefore avoid the implications, at any and all cost.. even at the cost of reality itself if the truth be told and known.

But I cannot help but think of it as the very fingerprint of God whereby "the last shall be first, and the first, last."


So the implications of this God hypothesis aren't just the most reasonable, but the most astonishingly breathtaking imaginable, enough to make a person laugh out loud seemingly for no reason at all, because it's a joke that starts here (goes the whole circle) and ends here with us, included and not excluded i.e.: where it pleased the first father of all creation to share his kingdom with all his children and it is for this reason that we are not to fear or let our hearts be troubled, even to be of good cheer!

In the context of modern man, however, the implications of this idea of superintelligent design, as mindblowing as they are, when taken together with the teachings of the son of man son of God - why then they take on a whole new meaning, enough to put a smile back on anyone's face with sufficient intellect and imagination to really "get" the meaning and significance of what it means to be made in the image of God (as the moon is to the sun) and then left with a sign (rising each day, and night) saying as much, point blank.

There's no other way to read it and understand what it means and signifies (interpret it, meaningfully), if random coincidence must be discarded as unreasonable in the face of all the evidence to the contrary.


Things that make ya go hmmm....

So if I'm right, we'll see more and more atheists arguing for the exclusivity of life on earth, and the theists arguing the other way, because once such a creative agent or superintelligence is identified (by his intentionally left fingerprint) and thus proven to exist and to have created our world, then by extension such a one just might be up to some very very intriguing possibilities in what for us remains the great unknown unknown or what we cannot even access, except in the fun but purely speculative conjecture, of science fiction.

"No ear has heard, nor eye seen nor the mind of man conceived, what God has in store for those who love him."

P.S. This idea, of an astroengineered, intelligently designed "moon-seed" origin of life on earth WON the award for the best truly original idea here in this thread Contest with prize by me..
I should have collected the grand prize of all those stars maybe looking back in hindsight but it just felt better at the time to give it all away.

Best Regards,


edit on 5-2-2013 by NewAgeMan because: you'll either get it, or you won't.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 08:59 PM

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 09:16 PM
Statistically the fact that we exist is evidence that other life exist. Not solely in the form of bacteria, insects and animals but, also in the form of human consciousness as well. It is very possible that a technologically advanced civilization such as ours could be so rare that it exists 1 per galaxy. But in relation to the numbers there are no real scientific reasons to consider, that there is less than that.
edit on 5-2-2013 by Kashai because: added content

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by beautyofperil
reply to post by Pauligirl

Than it is time to move out from under that rock which hopefully does not belong to your parents, because that would make your poor case much sadder.

Stooping to personal insults to make a point?
Poor form. And usually a sign of a weak argument.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Kashai
It is very possible that a technologically advanced civilization such as ours could be so rare that it exists 1 per galaxy. But in relation to the numbers there are no real scientific reasons to consider, that there is less than that.

Yes there is. I've raised it in the last couple of pages in regards to the extraordinarily unique earth-moon-sun relationship. Just because the conditions were met here in our galaxy does not necessarily imply that every other galaxy must produce at least one also. It's an assumption, not evidence or proof.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by Pauligirl

Still true.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by beautyofperil

You can be really ugly sometimes, and the avatar doesn't help much in the way of improving the image!

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I'm not here for a beauty pagent.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by beautyofperil

You made it clear early on that you're here to be right, and to make other's wrong. It's so clear, and it's the kind of attitude that's ruining ATS if you want my honest opinion and I'm sure that of others as well. So it's you who are being immature and unwilling to listen and learn, and to grow.

It ain't very pretty that's for sure and I'm not just talking about the avatar either.

Readers I've discovered are BRILLIANT at reading between the lines and what we say, even about others says WAY more about ourselves than anyone else.

But some people have blinders on as they say, blinded by ego and the idea that they are always right and know it all.

It's actually pretty funny, but then I know that you're not laughing.. which is sad.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

No I directed my claim at non believers and was called wrong by others who believe in life anyways. People like you just paint a pretty picture of their perspective to justify not being wrong and make me out to be a bad, which if you read many posts of mine, I respected opposites views.

And listen and learn is what I have done but nothing substantial has been put forth, other than a contradictory statiscal analysis that was than used agaisnt me even though it was wrong.

And you of course being the one making me out to be so righteous, well I have only done what was stated in OP which was supply proof and than proceeeded to defend my claim to nay sayers such as yourself!

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Pauligirl

Originally posted by beautyofperil
reply to post by TrueBrit

No we are proof of life in the universe.

No, we are only proof of life on this earth.
Unless you have an extra-terrestrial entity in your pocket, you don’t have proof.
While I do think there is life in the universe, right now there is no proof.
And while the numbers point to the possibility of life in the universe, that’s still not proof.

Are we not in the universe? Of course we are proof of life in the universe. We're not proof that life can be found anywhere other than planet Earth, however we are very strong evidence that it can. Statistically speaking there almost HAS to be life elsewhere.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 10:04 PM
As the situation stands right at this moment we're basing our assessment of the probability of life elsewhere in the universe on the example of the one place we know for sure it does it exist,Earth.

Statistically speaking we simply don't have enough data from our pool of one planet to make realistic genuine predictions for the conditions of life in the rest of the universe but common sense based on what we do know strongly suggests that life must be out there.

Drake's Equation seems to lend real mathematical credence to extra terrestrial life out there but then what of Fermi's Paradox ??

I think Drake probably over estimated the number of potential civilisations out there because we know there are more factors in Earth's suitability than were appreciated at that time,like the importance of our moon in stabilising the Earth's rotation giving us regular seasons and the role Jupiter and her gravity seems to have played in shielding us from a lot more extinction level impacts from asteroids and meteors throughout our history.

Both these factors have allowed life the peace and security for significant lengths of time to highly evolve meaning that similar mechanisms would surely need to be present for other life bearing planets to allow life the time to evolve to a level where a fully sentient being could appear.Taking that into consideration it would seem to me that the probability isn't as high as Drake originally thought although his Equation was centred on our galaxy if you apply it to the universe as a whole the chances of other civilisations evolving has to be significantly high !!!

If it's simply a question of whether there is life of any form beyond our planet then it's utterly ludicrous to doubt it.To imagine that the one and only place that life exists ever is on Earth seems completely non sensical despite the the fact it's the only place we can prove life exists.You'd have to believe that there was something so outlandishly special about our planet to begin to accept such an hypothesis which in a universe that for all intents and purposes has practically infinite numbers of planets that have existed and now exist seems an impossibility.What has happened here must have happened elsewhere and be happening elsewhere now.

The only explanation for Earth being the one and only place ever that has produced life lies in the realms of the divine,special purpose,concious decision territory i.e god,supreme being ~ religion which for me isn't a relevant consideration in any way !!!

The conditions that existed on Earth,that were conducive to life emerging have to present in any number of places in the galaxy and universe if such a thing happened here at all.It's generally accepted that all the water present on our planet came from comets that collided with the Earth in it's formative stages so it would seem highly probable that microbial life came to this planet by similar means.

If the laws of physics apply almost universally throughout the galaxy and universe then the fundamentals of chemistry and biology do too making it almost certain the most basic forms of life are present where ever the conditions allow and as we've found out over the last few decades those conditions can be very extreme indeed.

Reason,logic and common sense point to life being not only present but common in the throughout the universe although we have still to find the solid evidence of that but seeing we've only got as far as our own moon as of yet,excluding the probes and machines we've sent to other planets,it's not like we've even begun to explore the cosmos in any meaningful way !!!

As for other sentient beings and civilisations as advanced as us or even infinitely more so again the probability is high that they exist despite Fermi's Paradox suggesting if they're out there why haven't we detected them of seen any signs.Of course countless people would state forcibly that we have been contacted,that they're already here yet even if we,for the sake of argument dismiss the mass of anecdotal assertions to the contrary and say there's been no scientific data,solid evidence or real proof of any contact that doesn't mean they're not there.

Perhaps it simply that any advanced civilisation that's passed by this incredibly remote backwater took one look at planet Earth and thought '#,it's infected with humans !!!' and avoided our planet like we'd avoid a virus infected corpse.Perhaps to a highly advanced form of sentient life we REALLY are just like a virus and has no wish to be exposed to

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Science is all about statistics and as an example gravity can only be inferred as absolute given our inability to test the entire universe, that in respect to a population. In respect to astronomical observation we can infer that in fact and at the very least, 1 advanced form of life, that is equivalent to ours at the very least exists in every galaxy. This is in consideration to how many Earth like planets can exist in any particular galaxy, which is substantial.
edit on 5-2-2013 by Kashai because: modifed content

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by beautyofperil

Ah no, I raised a novel idea that you'd never considered before or factored into this line of reasoning.

I'm not trying to make you look bad or be right, as I said earlier, I don't see things that way, but indeed some ideas are better than others, and are certainly worth sharing for the consideration of the open minded.

This isn't a faith based issue, it's not about "belief" but about facts vs. speculation, and it's important to make the distinction if reason and the faculty for critical thinking is to be made use of instead of appeals based on little more than an assertion of being right.

I love to have my old paradigms overturned by new ones, and when I find something worth sharing I'll share it to the hilt until I think that people are comprehending the point that I'm driving at.

And I can't not make it pretty, because it's absolutely magnificent to behold and to understand and comprehend.

And I already won the original idea contest so I've got nothing to prove anymore anyway!

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I only saw belittlement of me by you, so please show me what your talking about.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by beautyofperil

Oh sorry about that, but now you know what it feels like. It starts out on page six AFTER I told you to grow up, which is probably the point where you turned off from anything I might have to say after that (see how that works?).

We're all best to seek first to understand, myself included, before being understood, and the space of listening is probably much better when we treat each other with the utmost kindness and civility.

You know I thought back on that afterwards and regretted making those statements, you just got me a little riled up, but I shouldn't have said that stuff near the top of page 6, and I'm sorry. You once called me a kind sir, albeit a typical one, but it was a nice thing to say, and I would rather that be the way you think of me, even if only as being "typical" LOL

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