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You are a potential terrorist!

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posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 07:36 AM
Its all relative...........................

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 10:09 AM
Quite a few members have responding to my first few posts in this thread, I am not going to reply to individuals as there are loads of other threads I want to write replies to just now but if anyone has a specific question or point to raise then please feel free to do so.

My main point of contention I do not think I made clear in my previous posts, essentially what I am saying is that what the government may say makes one a potential terrorist and what actually constitutes a terrorist are two totally different things. Every one of us has the potential to become terrorists, but it does not mean that the state regards us as terrorists or even as “threats”. The two main groups that people on ATS like to rise as “potential terrorists” according to the government are veterans and those who have a belief in conspiracies. It is true to say that those groups may constitute “potential terrorists” but this does not mean in any way that the government intends to treat them as terrorists or define anyone who is a veteran as a “terrorist”.

Lots of these lists that people present to show what the government regards as potential terrorists are catch all lists. Such lists are not definitions of terrorism and that is what people don’t seem to understand, they argue form a position that “the government regards veterans/conspiracy theorists as terrorists”. This is untrue; there is no legal definition of terrorism that is used in American law that explicitly states that veterans are terrorists. Many of these lists also have a emphasis on racial and cultural profiling, I have to say that such profiling does not work, it creates gaps in security so to say all “white” people, “Arab” people or “Muslims” are to be profiled racially as potential terrorists only creates a gap in security and as such they are not advisable.

We all have the capacity to commit acts of terror, but that does not make us terrorists.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 10:22 AM
The way the Government defines a terrorist, if they ever label me one I will wear that badge with pride!

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

You are a potential threat to society and are quite possibly a terrorist

Do you use the mainstream media to spread fear and terror?

Do you engage in global financial thievery by manipulating the printing of currency for your own benefit?

Do you create false flag attacks on civilian populations and blame them on your enemies, to get your nation to wage war on your enemies?

Do you desire to completely disarm the public, to make your control grid easier?

Do you engage in concerted disinformation campaigns to keep the truth from the population?

Do you create false Psychological Disorders to demonize anyone who disagrees with you?

Do you falsify public opinion polls to create the illusion of popular consensus?

IF so, you could be a terrorist.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 11:34 AM
@ OSOTC I understand what you are saying, and to a certain extent I agree. Being on a "list" does not make one a terrorist in the true sense of the word. Making a list of "people to keep an eye on" just pi**es me off in general. One could argue that by making a list as such constitutes an act of terrorism itself. It uses fear to achieve thier goal and desired agenda. I don't like profiling no matter who is being profiled, all it does is promote intolerance! IMO a message that stated "America, be aware and stay vigilant" would have been worlds better used as a slogan as it keeps everyone aware and on the lookout, but doesn't profile anybody.


@ EterNaGia I think alot of powerful people would fit into that list nicely, people who live in glass houses shouldn't go to the bathroom or throw stones for that matter

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

Key word "potential". They should look into these things, and if you are not a terrorist don't worry about it. They are not as dumb as you think
they do have actual bad guys to go after and going after you would be a waste of time.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by NarrowGate
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

Key word "potential". They should look into these things, and if you are not a terrorist don't worry about it. They are not as dumb as you think
they do have actual bad guys to go after and going after you would be a waste of time.

Well call me nutty then, I am not a terrorist, never have been and never will be, I just really don't think the average American enjoys the Feds noses up their arse. Some prices are to high to pay and giving up our rights is and was too high a price for safety. Being aware, as a people is fine, being paranoid and stripping citizens of thier rights, subjecting them to illegal searches, detaining them without cause indefinately, giving the ok to kill them without due process etc. is not so fine.

We are sliding down the slope, our rights are being incrementally stripped. It is time to use the pickaxe and swing it into the cliff face as hard as we can to stop the slide.

Those who give up liberty to obtain a little safety; deserve neither liberty nor safety. -- Ben Franklin

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

I agree on illegal searches. I am talking about checking people out within the means of the law to locate potential threats. This is something I am grateful they do, because I like my child to be safe. I like yours to be safe too. They are not running around arresting and/or investigating people they do not feel are threats. That would be a waste of resources that are precious to them. We do have quite a few enemies.

When they start to violate the constitution is when we have a problem.

eta: OWS was duped and taken over by people with malicious intent from what I can see. That was the reason for investigation. As usual, some police overstepped their bounds. However they do have a stressful job. I do not condone their actions, trust me. I am saying things are not what they seem, and that was not just all a plot to keep people down. It was deeper than that, people with truly malicious intent became players in the movement (from what I have gathered, which is little).
edit on 30-1-2013 by NarrowGate because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by NarrowGate
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

I agree on illegal searches. I am talking about checking people out within the means of the law to locate potential threats. This is something I am grateful they do, because I like my child to be safe. I like yours to be safe too. They are not running around arresting and/or investigating people they do not feel are threats. That would be a waste of resources that are precious to them. We do have quite a few enemies.

When they start to violate the constitution is when we have a problem.

eta: OWS was duped and taken over by people with malicious intent from what I can see. That was the reason for investigation. As usual, some police overstepped their bounds. However they do have a stressful job. I do not condone their actions, trust me. I am saying things are not what they seem, and that was not just all a plot to keep people down. It was deeper than that, people with truly malicious intent became players in the movement (from what I have gathered, which is little).
edit on 30-1-2013 by NarrowGate because: (no reason given)

They have already started violating the constitution, they started after the Patriot Act was passed, passed in a shady way if I may add. I wonder if the 14 year old American citizen that they killed with a drone attack overseas and thought his rights were in any way violated. Well in the few seconds before he died that is. I wonder if all the innocent civilians from other countries that are deemed "collateral damage" feel that thier rights were violated?
edit on 31-1-2013 by Darkphoenix77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-1-2013 by Darkphoenix77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 07:14 AM
I find it surprising that people still think of this as a surprise, the way the government has been going for the last few years.

I may be young, but I knew full well at the time 9/11 happened things were going to be far different than they were before. Everyone is a terrorist, and I'm sure they thought that even before the 'publication' of this. Anyone who is intelligent is a threat, and that's to anyone who has something to hide.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by zonetripper2065

Yes you are.

Think we wouldn't know.

posted on Jan, 31 2013 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Yep that's me the big bad ole bomber. I spout love, acceptance and freedom for all, that makes a very dangerous man in the eyes of the government.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Transitarian
I find it surprising that people still think of this as a surprise, the way the government has been going for the last few years.

I may be young, but I knew full well at the time 9/11 happened things were going to be far different than they were before. Everyone is a terrorist, and I'm sure they thought that even before the 'publication' of this. Anyone who is intelligent is a threat, and that's to anyone who has something to hide.

I agree with you 100%. We need to take steps to reign in the attitude that everyone is suspect before the country slips into a full blown police state. We can no longer be ruled by fear.

posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 03:15 PM

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