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So you want to change the world. (Deep discussion)

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posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 10:18 PM
If you want to change the world, you must first understand what needs to be changed, and what are the main causes of humanity's suffering.

It is obvious that violence is the cause of our suffering. But what really causes violence?
Music, video games, tv, these are not the causes of violence. They are the effects of a culture (why are violent forms of entertainment, such as shows and video games, so popular?)

Here's a thinker: Why are most mass murderers, specially after 1990, under the age of 28? Why were they all men?
Well, to answer that you must ask who's mind can most easily be corrupted, an adult's or
a young person's? and which gender is more likely to seek power and submission from others?

Why are you so fascinated by the suffering of others?

What is going on? It seems like many of us have become totally possesed.
Its like our minds are telling us to cheer for suffering and death.

You can see this in your everyday life. News shows hit their highest ratings during and right after tragedies, movies of murder are top box hits, songs of pain and murder are as popular as any other type of music.
The number of countries that are contemplating attacking another is at the highest rate in 50 years.
I dont need to much convincing to show there's a huge percentage of humanity that enjoys pain,
not only their own, but other's specially. (The reasons can always be rationalized, "I want to be prepared", "i want to be informed", but then that does not explain music, video games, and video)

This fascination with pain, or hate towards life, has quickly become perfectly accepted in society.
Not even 30 years ago there was not a single song that talked about the artist's murderous ways, and now this is almost a requirement for a rap song to become popular.

What has caused our species to gradually move towards this passion for pain and hatred of life?

Have you noticed the more you think, the sadder you are?

I'm not talking about the useful kind of thoughts(solution-oriented and creative thinking), but thoughts about how you judge yourself and the world.
Thoughts about "me" and my life, of how problematic it is right now, (also of how exciting it is right now
only to come off the high a few moments or days later and go back to the sadness, or take drugs to try and
maintain that state of excitement.)

I'm tired of thinking about the promise of enlightenment. I'm tired of waiting for the # to hit the fan, and of looking for the next thing to entertain me. I'm tired of these things because I'm tired of useless thinking, which is my most common form of instant gratification. I seek pain because my mind craves some form of instant excitement, even if its negative.

This instant gratification seeking is literally killing us.

There's no happiness there, ever. You might think there is, but its just a instant form of excitement, that goes as quickly as it came. Hence the phrase, instant gratification.
Yes, its instant, and its also literally harmful to you and to the world. I remember a post on this forum comparing humanity to a virus, because virus kill their hosts, I agree, but unlike a virus, we can chose to not to destroy.

The antidote: Doing what your ego does not want you to do.
Your ego is that part of you that seeks that instant gratification. Instant gratification is the signature of the ego. Look at societies that we would consider egotistical: The western world, the middle east, africa. All involved in power struggles, racial or religious wars, all living in fear. All living under the spell of the ego, no surprise they are destroying themselves at the same time. They were all looking for that high, excitement, of winning, of conquering, of forcing others into submission, they weren't looking at the long term consequences that's for sure.

Look at all the decisions you've made throughout your life, which ones helped you in the long run, and which ones are to blame for your suffering, loneliness, or hopelessness. When you chose the path of most short term satisfaction, also the path that felt most comfortable, you suffered in the long run. But if you ever chose a path that felt uncomfortable but necessary for your own good, you felt pride, and it ended up helping you in the long term. It was in fact easier in the long term.

Have you ever noticed that when you talk to people in a relaxed manner, it gives you the same feeling as when you do something you enjoy? Have you also noticed when do something that you were at one point fearful to do, you feel a little better?

The only thing that we have as humans, that lasts, is the foundation that facing and overcoming our fears builds, because only then can you move past what stops you and get closer to your life's goals. True everlasting joy can only come from acting towards what is good for your role in this universe. This is where creative, not destructive, force comes from.

Your role in this universe is to do what makes you happy.

Are you acting towards that? Or are you just thinking about it?
Are you mentally masturbating with thoughts of "one day" or "what if's"?

Even for those of you who want to reach enlightenement, its not all about sitting there judging those that are controlled by their ego. Are you meditating regularly? practicing mindfullness?
Or are you thinking about how nice it will be once you become enlightened ? Again, are you acting towards your goal or are you seeking instant gratification?

Don't be the parasite that sucks the life out of your environment.

You want to change the world you MUST take action towards what makes you happy.
See how the universe rewards you much much more than you had imagined.

This is a movement I want to promote. If you understand this and want to be part of the change then you already know how to start.

Be sure to spread the message.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 10:39 PM
Honestly, you may be onto something here. I'm not quite sure of you agenda, but focusing on "Happy Thoughts" can never be a bad thing.

I get wary of members under 500 posts presenting new paradigms for our lives, but yours is mostly within reason. That bit about enlightenment scared me, like you wanted to say "ascension", so I'm on the fence here.

Can you make it a bit more, well, normal?

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by omarm1984

Yeah taking away people's ego would make them more humble. And easier to fart on metaphorically speaking. Think of a egoless monk walking down the road someone comes along and farts on him. The monk is most likely gonna bow and smile in gratitude.

When you take away people's ego's all your doing is making them easier to control and manipulate because they lost what it was that made them critical and sharp. The ego is needed. Otherwise your just making a flock of sheep even more degenerate and lord knows we don't need that.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 10:43 PM
If you really want to change the world, here is a suggestion.
Get out of the lotus position, get off the internet, get off the couch and go outside and actually meet your neighbors.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by omarm1984

You are assuming that good people are rewarded by the Universe and bad people are punished. Unfortunately this is not so.

The reality is that bad people who are not that smart tend to cause detriment to themselves this coming from good people who will not either associate with them or do business with them or perhaps put them in jail.

Then you have the SMART BAD PEOPLE...who being intelligent have found a way for Good People to believe that they are also good. These people go through life living off the work and sweat of others or perhaps get what they want by taking it and quietly causeing the deaths of others.

I know the later very intimately in my sometimes JOB and if I and my Team are brought in it is because there is no other recourse.

Thing is that very often...Bad things happen to Good people and THAT is one of the rules of our Universe.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by XsweetNspiceyX

An ego-less person is not an unconscious person. In fact, the ego can get in the way of intelligence, and an intelligent person follows only what is best for them. You will never be dominated when you're fully conscious.

Nevertheless, you went from one extreme to the other. Life is about balance. I don't and will not advocate totally getting rid of your ego, because I agree that the ego is good on the basis of always wanting more. This can serve you when you use it to seek more long-term goodness, as opossed to seeking more instant gratification.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

You do realize the smart bad people are the ones who smile at people! Go to church! Town meetings. Treat everyone good and nice. Go home talk about those people behind they're backs and either beat they're wives physically, emotionally or mentally. And hide all that with they're public reputation.

That's why you hear things like. "Oh he would never do that" "She never did anything to make me think that way"

Or because they work do they get a get out of jail free card?
edit on 28-1-2013 by XsweetNspiceyX because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-1-2013 by XsweetNspiceyX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by omarm1984

Never said they was unconscious said they was pretty much person less. Meaning they have lost the ability to stand up for what's right. If you say you are ego less and yet you stand for what's right and would defend your house. Your not ego less. Ego less people are humble to the fact that everything is in someone else's hands GODS and that everything happening around them good or bad is the will and or acts of GOD.

edit on 28-1-2013 by XsweetNspiceyX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 10:58 PM
The poor ego, everyone is tramping down on it these days Like we can just toss it aside. Fair go.

edit on 28-1-2013 by Shema because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-1-2013 by Shema because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by Druid42
Honestly, you may be onto something here. I'm not quite sure of you agenda, but focusing on "Happy Thoughts" can never be a bad thing.

I get wary of members under 500 posts presenting new paradigms for our lives, but yours is mostly within reason. That bit about enlightenment scared me, like you wanted to say "ascension", so I'm on the fence here.

Can you make it a bit more, well, normal?

I dont really care about many spiritual concepts as i find them oxymorons, and ascension is one of them. I'm not advocating "Happy Thoughts" or any hippy talk. I'm talking about focusing on taking action towards your goals and overcoming your fears. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

Don't worry no agenda here, but just looking at my environment I feel a strong impulse to convince others about something I already benefit from. This is nothing new, but hopefully my argument is a little more convincing than the usual pep talk.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 11:00 PM
You're correct that being narcissistic is the problem with most things in our society, but there is a direct cause to that current effect.

Marketing/advertisements are designed to hook a person's inner-narcissism to get them to fall prey to instant gratification, and our society has gradually been brainwashed to be selfish over the last 100 years.

Enact laws that prohibit manipulation via subconcious narcissistic messaging, and the issue will sort itself out.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by XsweetNspiceyX

The belief that there's an entity out there, who has planned out every action in your entire life, because you're special to them, is pretty narcissistic.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Evil_Santa

An ego less person would never argue right or wrong simply what they believe and if someone disagreed would accept that that is just the will of the universe.

A ego less person would never stand up for freedom because again the will of the universe will decide whether or not those freedoms are takin away.

So they ride on the backs of everyone who has an ego. because those peopel with ego's are capable of making decisions. That influence everyone else.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 11:07 PM
It's the bad people that are intelligent that cause most of the problems in this world. The people who want power cause most of the problems. The people who are prideful walk around with their mind in a tightly sealed box, unable to see the truth if it conflicts with their way of life. Knowledge is not evil but too much knowledge seems to limit common sense, a balance needs to be enacted based on the health of a person's mind.

I can't change the world. Most people see what they want to see, ignoring most every sin they do to succeed in getting what they want. Need, not wants that are obsessive should be the direction of our desire but that is not the case. We have been program to want things we do not need and are willing to work hard to get these wants. People get wasteful when they get money and then dig their own grave that is hard to climb out of. Those who have had money take risky ventures when the money gets low and wind up in debt. They then often trample over others to get back to the top. We will destroy the livability of this planet if we don't start taking care of it or somehow have our population reduced by at least eighty percent.

I do not yet have the knowledge to successfully change the world. Maybe someday I will. Even if I had the power, I would probably be stuck in an institution for trying to change society. Changing consensus of the time is nearly impossible without drastic changes.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by XsweetNspiceyX

Those people are not all that smart as things such as a character defect is a WEAKNESS and is considered as such by those that are both highly intelligent and bad to the bone.

Such people are methodical and their ultimate goals...which are Power and Money are all they concentrate upon. Once such things are obtained...THEN will they indulge in all or any fetishes.

Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

You haven't watched many murder mysteries have you? Here is a good show to start watching Forensic Files.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by omarm1984

Why are you so fascinated by the suffering of others?

Basically our species are technological savages that haven't learned how to deal with other tribes thru negotiation and actually telling each other the truth. Mans DNA has some fundamental flaws that will always vector toward violence and competition. when technology eventually turn on us and leaves us in the cosmic dust; the universe won't even notice. Just another experimental casualty.

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by XsweetNspiceyX
reply to post by omarm1984

Never said they was unconscious said they was pretty much person less. Meaning they have lost the ability to stand up for what's right. If you say you are ego less and yet you stand for what's right and would defend your house. Your not ego less. Ego less people are humble to the fact that everything is in someone else's hands GODS and that everything happening around them good or bad is the will and or acts of GOD.

edit on 28-1-2013 by XsweetNspiceyX because: (no reason given)

Again, you're jumping to the other extreme. But i do see your point. As an aside, I always wondered about scenarios of egoless vs egotistical person and who would win. I'd imagine the egoless person being aided by his ability to be in the moment would be quicker to come up with a solution than the egotistical person is in formulating an attack. The universe would also play a part in aiding him through the law of attraction and karma.
I would also think that the egoless person being always happy and the life of the party would have a lot of friends who would come to his rescue.

As another aside, my figure of an ego-less person seems to be very different than yours. My figure of a ego-less being is a joyful charismatic person who befriends anybody. Someone who is not afraid of anything and truly does not care about the judgements of others, while being conscious of the other's feelings. He also works hard for what he wants without ever letting limiting beliefs or society's conditioning stop him from getting it. A peaceful person yet has a strong sense for survival and does whatever it takes to protect what he loves most, life.

A helpless monk with no social skills is probably the farthest image of an enlightened being that I can think of.

edit on 28-1-2013 by omarm1984 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-1-2013 by omarm1984 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-1-2013 by omarm1984 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 11:17 PM
Well written, and completely agree.

Doing what makes you happiest is the reason your here. To bad people are so occupied with their ego's they wont be able to comprehend this message.

They should fill those Chem trail planes with '___',
Im sure that would cause some mass "Ego-Death" lol

edit on 28-1-2013 by hoonsince89 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2013 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by hoonsince89

I got the message. I'm just getting out in the open what ego less is. Someone said I'm going to the extreme. Well ego less is an extreme. What are we talking about here ego medium?

What would ego medium be like. Well I would stand up for my rights but it is the will of the universe to lose them so I'll stand here trying to decide which decision is right for me.

While everyone else with ego's mind you is taking care of business.

Why don't we just agree that some people have a nut sack and other people don't Most people without nut sacks have no choice but to stop barking when the pitbull comes walking in the room.

So like the little barking dogs that they are with no bite mind you just have to accep there place in life. That they are a little dog. They bark but they can't bite. They'll be eaten.

If you can't accept your place hit the damn restart button! Or shut up.

Pretty simple!

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