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David Icke vs Jesus

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posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 07:58 PM
I have started this thread so those that believe in his books and tapes can explian how, without ONE piece of evidance they believe him.

To me it is like the Bible to believe it you MUST throw out EVERYTHING else.

Science, Astronomy, History,etc.

Why would someone that Laughs at Christians for beliving something with NO proof but will by this hook line and sinker?

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:13 PM
Hey Amuk!
He actually does provide a lot of references in his book. A point to look at....Shamans. Icke is pretty much an extension of their philosophy. But, how do the sciences measure up? Well, I remember a famous quote, but not who said it unfortunately..."The observer affects the outcome of the expirement" You could pretty much extend this idea to all experiments. So what makes a hypothesis fact? Repition, almost a collective conscious of people believing that certain things will happen. We are indoctrinated with these beliefs as we grow up.

On a side note, I thought you'd be interested to know that Icke also believes all religion is bunk, and that we are all gods in our own respect.

But, back on track, you really don't have to throw all your beliefs out, you just need to be aware that that's what they are....beliefs. A fact is defined as "Something believed to be true or real."

The point is not to believe in anything, since anything is possible, which is believing in everything. On this point, I see it very different from the bible itself. So you see, it doesn't throw out everything else, it just adds on to it.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
To me it is like the Bible to believe it you MUST throw out EVERYTHING else.

Science, Astronomy, History,etc.

This only applies to the "Profane", "85ers", "Vulgar", etc.

For those initiates who don't take things on face value; the Holy Books(Bible, Qur'an, Pert Em Heru, etc.) open up to them a whole new world.

David Icke?


I'm not really feeling him all that much either.


posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
On this point, I see it very different from the bible itself. So you see, it doesn't throw out everything else, it just adds on to it.


I see it as a lot like the Bible on many levels both offer NO proof, both fly in the face of modern science, etc. Change Lizards for Demons and you couldnt tell the difference.

What in it makes you believe without ANY proof, or am I missing the proof?

How could this go on for thousands of years without ONE slipup?

Heck according to the Bible even God made mistakes

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:44 PM
Much of Icke's evidence are eye-witness acounts, shamans, and for the past, there is Sitchin. That's my biggest hang-up about his theory too, and I don't believe it nor disbelieve it. But, I do think there is some kind of global manipulation going on by a small percentage of people.

[edit on 28-10-2004 by Jamuhn]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
But, I do think there is some kind of global manipulation going on by a small percentage of people.

There is a large step from a handful of rich people working behind the scenes to shapeshifting, devil worshiping,baby eating, reptiles controling us via holograpic reality dont you think?

I dont doubt that there are a handful of families working behind the scenes, I dont give the omnipotiance that some do but to ignore the power of families that can buy and sell entire countrys is foolish also

[edit on 28-10-2004 by Amuk]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:56 PM
Well, the difference between the two theories is purpose. The Reptilian theory involves a purpose of sustaining the so-called "matrix" we live in. On the other hand, there is just a lust of power. But what is interesting is why these families try so hard if the individuals will die in the future.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
But what is interesting is why these families try so hard if the individuals will die in the future.

Do you have a family?

Why do you strive so hard to get them into colledge,etc, to put them a few steps further up the ladder than you?

It does you no good. And those that will benefit the most you will probibly never meet, great grandkids, etc. But you do it anyway.

The simplest answer is usually the best one.

And if these reptiles are so all powerful why not just come out and say "obey or die?"

What would be the purpose of all this elaborate web of lies?

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 09:10 PM
Icke thinks that it is to generate small increments of fear to sustain the matrix. But anyway, Icke doesn't think there are that many Reptilians out there, just the ones in power pretty much along with a few outside that. If they did just come out, we'd probably overtake them.

There is a difference between wanting to have a good life and attempting to control the world. If they are Reptilians or if they aren't I don't think matter at least now. If there are still families trying to control the world, than that is our problem regardless.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn
Icke thinks that it is to generate small increments of fear to sustain the matrix.

OK I will bite.

How does fear sustain the "matrix"

If they are Reptilians or if they aren't I don't think matter at least now.

It matters in the fact that if they are no reptiles then the entire story is based on BS.

It would be like saying it doesnt matter if God is real to the Bible without God the rest is meaningless

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 11:57 PM
the guy is nuts.... but very detailed in his nuttiness.

he talks of bush being a reptilian
the guy is an ex-drunk who turned to christianity, he met his wife at a friends bbq (maybe she doesn't know she's been having sex with a reptile!?!) WHAT CRAP.

Then he goes onto say that we are in some virtual reality machine. Well why would these reptiles need to exist the way they are all shapeshifting and trying to take over the world when they could just program the world to already be ruled by them?! it is crap. Also if we are in a virtual world how do you explain child birth and ourselves? You see kids come out of their mother's womb, there is pictures and film of the development of the baby not just appearing from nowhere. And if they somehow did place us in some virtual world how the hell are these children made.

Very detailed but the guy is nuts i refuse to believe it. He must of had far too many hits on the head with a soccer ball.


posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 12:01 AM
I see Icke as a guy who found his niche. He couldn't make it as a soccer player, so the conspiracy theory bracket was his best shot at fame. Throw in that some people will believe just about anything, and he's got himself a nice little business selling fiction to those who are quite willing to pay for it.

Or he's nuts.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 04:48 AM
You have to take Icke with a pinch of salt, or maybe a fistful.

His claims contain a great many known conspiracies which he interlinks, unfortunately he includes some conspiracies which are based on pure hearsay and paranoia. The Reptilians being the main example. I've heard alot of people refer to his books as very informative and eye opening, but they also tend to go the way of disbelief when he starts talking about "Child eating Reptiles" and what with his new claim regarding, The Matrix �, is doing himself no favours in attaining any credibility.

He new full well that he would be ridiculed for his claims and has made more money through controversy, than he would have without.

As someone said in the other thread, Jesus didn't charge for his beliefs.

Icke also claims that he is not stating all this to save anyone,

So I ask. why say anything, if not to make a living out of it?

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 05:06 AM
Amuk, just a quick question so I know where your thoughts are coming from. How many of his books have you read? If any, which ones?

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:29 AM
Before David Icke, there was Erich Von Daniken. Before him, Charles Berlitz. Before both, Immanuel Velikovsky.

And a century ago, Ignatius Donnelly.

You don't read this twaddle for the conclusions of the delusional. You read it for the facts presented, or in the case of Charles Berlitz, the facts distorted. Then you draw your own conclusions.

I believe that David Icke is both well informed, and crazy as an outhouse rat. Like Erich Von Daniken and Immanuel Velikovsky.

Ignatius Donnelly and Charles Berlitz peddled falsehoods to the gullible.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:57 AM
His comments about the reptilians breeding with and prefering blonde blue eyed people. It sounded like some weird perverse nazi fantasy or something.

I still have yet to see any trace evidence of reptilians. With UFOs and aliens, at least we have evidence that something is REALLY going on. We dont have absolute proof of its existance, but have evidence that is curious. We have landing sites that show signs of strange radiation and such. We have photos, that, after being cleared of normal phenomina and hoaxes,leave us with an image of something...which we are left to puzzle over.

But the thing with UFOs, is that its a very consistant phenomina that many people of all walks of life experience, and we have a trail to let us know SOMETHING happened.

But i see nothing of the sort with david icke's theories. He is I believe the first one I am aware of fully who has come up with these theories, a recent development. before him, I see no evidence of anyone mentioning anything that could be somehow related to reptilians ruling the world, a matrix holographic reality. The bloodline thing might have something to it, as we can see how royal families inbred throught the ages and shunned outbreeding.

I see no evidence, not even a hint of evidence, that we live in a matrix reality, that reptiles rule us all and shag blonde blue eyed people.

It seems all pretty weak to me.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:58 AM
David Icke Vs. Jesus

Now this is an odd subject, as David soon after his Television Sports Comentary carreer ended, declared himself to be the New Messiah ( The second Coming). He called a press conference and announced it to the world. The Press had a field day, after standing with mouths open for the first 15 minutes.

Now you can say he is crazy, you can say he is deluded. But you can not say he is not known. Within 24 hours the name David Icke was a world wide talking point.

Since then he has written thousands of articles, I suspect hundreds of books. He travels the world giving lectures. Most of these are sold out. He makes a very good living. You may call him crazy, deluded, but you can not call him poor.

David works very hard, so he deserves what reward he gets. Lets not take that away from him.

My critisism of him is that his Articles flame fear, then he sells you a book to explain away that fear.

I have always thought of him as a "Elma Gantry" , Burt Lancaster film where he plays the Hell Fire preacher, tells you your all going to hell, but if you just place a few dollars on the collection plate all will be well.

Well both David and Elmer have every right to make there few dollars, I think its a deception, but what do I know. But it is only deception if they are not telling the truth ? if they believe what they say, it is not.

I have been after David Icke for some time, for an interview, but apparently I am not equitable enough to be granted one. So therfore I am left to speculate.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by billmcelligott
David Icke Vs. Jesus

Now this is an odd subject, as David soon after his Television Sports Comentary carreer ended, declared himself to be the New Messiah ( The second Coming). He called a press conference and announced it to the world. The Press had a field day, after standing with mouths open for the first 15 minutes.

Another common half-truth used by criticizers of his theory. He declared we were all sons of God, like he was. I don't remember hearing ANYTHING about him saying he was the new Messiah or the second Coming.

I have no idea where you got that from, and if you have any proof I'd like to see it.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 11:49 AM
O.k....I've read a lot of david' s books and I check out his site once in a while

I don't beleive EVERYTHING he says....sometimes, it's a bit freaky I must admit...but he's the one who made me put my researche further...I've read a lot of other books, articles and so on about all that (reptilians, nordics, illuminatis, free masons, greys, pagans) I'm not into any religion, i,m into spirituality, but I've also read the bible and I searched about indians beleifs, boudhists, ancient civilisation bla bla bla...................
I must say that a lot of things he says makes a lot of sens!!!!!!! Take some and leave some, but search other sources before saying he's totally crazy!
I must admit that christians or down to earth persons can say he's crazy...but I'm a lot open minded and it's very interesting what he says...really!!!


posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 12:02 PM
Well normally I would say Jesus would be victorious in a clean fight, but you just know David is going to stoop to ear biting like Tyson did.

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