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All of the long hidden esoteric secrets have now been exposed. Nothing is being held back now.

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posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by Gemwolf

That's the point, Gem. The OP refuses to discuss the topic.

You have a point there, there is nothing specific in the OP, except maybe the mention of channeling. But there are a raft of hokem threads, some very elaborate, (since they are already established elsewhere) currently on ATS like this, thought by some, to be a product of 'Bernard' let's call him 'Bernie the bolt' but essentially about channeling, or transmitting/receiving just about every scenario, aliens of course, aliens in a different universe, but all the while coming back to a God figure, even a Christian God figure, as if no one else matters. I'm sure about that particular source, but I also think that the same source is currently targeting ATS with other accounts, but I have no proof of that.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:08 PM
Things are not as they seem.

Nor are they otherwise.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:28 PM
You want to be careful how you approach this subject OP.

The esoteric secrets of the world were never a secret. There never has been a secret, of any kind.

What it is, is not a secret, instead, its there for those who seek it.

Most of the population does not seek, so they do not find. When you do not seek, all you have is what you are told, faith and belief.

None of these things will ever answer the questions you have. They will just solidify a certain contentment in you that will always come back with more questions. Many get attached to their beliefs so hard that they can't break their beliefs even when they are known to be wrong. That is the problem of the world today.

It has become a physical world, that is run by ego. We don't believe anything outside of the 5 physical senses. If we can't see it, or hear it, taste it or touch it, measure it or weigh it, it doesn't exist.

But that is what you are told, its not what you have experienced. The things you are told, are taken as truth, but we all know that you can't learn to ride a bike by being told how to ride it. You can only really learn how to ride that bike, by actually getting on it, and riding. So no matter how many books you want to write on riding a bike, it will never be the truth, because you've never ridden a bike. That is what religion has turned into on this planet. All these people believing in their religion of choice. Believing what they are told, not what they have experienced.

All the major religions teach the same lessons. Those lessons have been misinterpreted, taken out of context, and completely confused the real lesson. So the people of the world, are confused, and we argue over dogma, because each person interprets it a little differently. Then we argue with other religions and so on an so forth, and the confusion spreads around the globe like a wild fire, and suddenly truth, has become so obscure, so detached from the scriptures, that its hopeless to bother with.

That is what has happened. But the truth still exists. And we call it a secret. The ancient mysteries and so on.... But its not so much a secret, as it is seeing through all the dogma.

The esoteric schools of the world aren't about scriptures. They are about experiencing what those scriptures are really saying.

When you realize that the bible, and all the other religious documents out there, are really refering to the human body, things start to become much clearer. All of the religious documents are literally a guide, an instruction manual, on how to use the human body. They explain in clear detail what is right and what is wrong. Everything evil, is the giving into desire, giving into the 5 senses, what is known as the ego. The ego, is satan, the ego is the devil, it is the mark of the beast. The ego is what separates humans from realizing their divinity.

When you strip everything you believe yourself to be, all your passions, all your hobbies, all your desires, all your material possessions, all your identification..... You are left with just you. When you are naked, you have no identity. Unless you look within. By going within, and letting go of everything you believe to be you, you will discover something incredible. You will discover who you are. You will discover the oneness of all creation and the energy that permeates the entire physical world. It cannot be seen or heard, tasted or touched, measured or weighed. But you find that it is the undeniable, impossible to debunk, truth.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

Here' s my take on it. We are on our own . No more books, seminars, videos, gurus, groups, blogs, sites, heroes, mountaintops, seers, soothsayers, channelers, psychics, priests and on and on. We have and have had the information within. It has all been revealed. Nobody has more information or knowledge than we ourselves. There are no secrets (who kept asking "what are the secrets tell us the secrets why don' t you give up the secrets?" geez). There is no more information gathering. We have everything we need to make choices to determine our health, abundance, and well being. Stop looking to others.

I' m working this out for myself of course. It helps to verbalize it in this way. Still will have to check in with Mooji sometimes.

Thanks OP. I am at a loss as to where all the animosity came from but hope you were not hurt by it.

edit on 25-1-2013 by 1007532013 because: forgot to thank OP

edit on 25-1-2013 by 1007532013 because: same

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 09:41 PM
i apologize because i know you took time in preparing your thoughts and i don't mean to simplify things but the "real" truth is that greed is the motivator for everyone and that's no secret, greed has been the motivator since adam and eve ate the apple.

take our current monetary system out of the equation and i guarantee we'd see "real" change in our society, cities, planet.. etc.. for the better/worse? i can't say but my thoughts are for the better because it's definitely not working the way things are now.

going back to some form of the barter system would be a good start, i bet there'd be a lot less people giving themselves million dollar bonuses for doing absolutely nothing other than crushing the hopes and dreams of hard working families and destroying humanity one family at a time.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:19 PM
I like the idea of the OP, but IMHO the one thing that stands in the way of the truth in this world is the ego.

Ego is responsible for people ridiculing other people's ideas under the guise of "denying ignorance" but in truth for the sake of seeking recognition for themselves.

Ego is responsible for taking offense on other people's thoughts either personally or over the internet. Offense is never GIVEN, it is only TAKEN.

Ego is responsible for people who have studied a lot on a certain subject to think they know more than others and develop a closed mind for new ideas.

Ego is the reason we are ashamed to admit we don't know the answer for a question, and the reason we find hard to admit that we were wrong.

Ego... now this is important... EGO IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL.

Tone down your ego by a notch, and notice how much happier you will become. Tone it down ten notches, and people will call you wise.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Wanderer112358

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
reply to post by Wanderer112358

So are you basically saying "do as you will / want"?

Is that the "truth" or "secret"?

Didn't Aleister Crowley preach that?
edit on 1/25/2013 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

Well, I really must have hit a nerve here, because people are having a really hard time with this issue or I have not presented it well at all. Probably the latter. *sigh*

No. It's not your fault. ATS is the most hateful, cynical place on the internet. Great thread. Don't let all these cynics dishearten you.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 11:26 PM
I, for one, do believe that the greater truths have been revealed, and now it is just a matter of putting them into practice. No more talking about all this crap and sitting on the fence. A spiritual experience is not going to be had by just talking about spiritual crap all the time. I can shove my beliefs of oneness and love down your throat all day long, but at the end of the day, all I have done is argue on ATS. Oneness and love is not experienced by talking about oneness and love, or any other spiritual truth. It's experienced by hanging out with friends and helping people out and doing nice things for people.

Great thread op.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:40 AM
In a nutshell, humans should trust intuition instead of relying on more and more data to find the truth. Is this what you're trying to say OP? Lucky for me then, I've been using it since I was a little kid ^^

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx

There never has been a secret, of any kind.

i will disagree with this one statement in your post..

there was a time when it was a secret. to kill for, and a time when it was a secret to die for.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
I, for one, do believe that the greater truths have been revealed, and now it is just a matter of putting them into practice. No more talking about all this crap and sitting on the fence. A spiritual experience is not going to be had by just talking about spiritual crap all the time. I can shove my beliefs of oneness and love down your throat all day long, but at the end of the day, all I have done is argue on ATS. Oneness and love is not experienced by talking about oneness and love, or any other spiritual truth. It's experienced by hanging out with friends and helping people out and doing nice things for people.

Great thread op.

The belief is that there is a spiritual experience to be had.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
I, for one, do believe that the greater truths have been revealed, and now it is just a matter of putting them into practice. No more talking about all this crap and sitting on the fence. A spiritual experience is not going to be had by just talking about spiritual crap all the time. I can shove my beliefs of oneness and love down your throat all day long, but at the end of the day, all I have done is argue on ATS. Oneness and love is not experienced by talking about oneness and love, or any other spiritual truth. It's experienced by hanging out with friends and helping people out and doing nice things for people.

Great thread op.

There is just one truth and it cannot be practiced.
This is oneness.
edit on 26-1-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by 1007532013

who kept asking "what are the secrets tell us the secrets why don' t you give up the secrets?" geez)

That would be me. The topic concerned "esoteric secrets". That's not very specific. And the OP seems to think that we've found all the answers. What makes him the expert?

I'm not an idiot. There's a madness to my method.
edit on 26-1-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Hey, sorry man. That was snarky of me. My apologies. I think everyone on these spiritual forums means well. It's a passionate topic, yes? We can get a little stirred up but I need to remember, we are all in this together.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Wanderer112358

Originally posted by Shema

Who are you to tell us what is right and what isn't?

Ha,ha. I haven't said a SINGLE thing that I have asked you to believe have I?


Man, I sure hope that 4 pages from now I don't suddenly realize that this is yet another idiotic thread about literally nothing whatsoever to do with what it is - of all the bullsh*t that clogs this board from day to day to week to month to year - that is a long hidden esoteric secret that has been exposed. Sometimes I suspect that there are guys who pretend to be crazy and cryptically "in the know" just to jazz up the traffic on slow forums here, with these kinds of threads that reveal themselves to be a complete waste of time after 10 pages of fan dancing by a noob. Like these alternate personas are created, and left fallow, to be employed when the traffic numbers start dipping here and there.

I get it. I mean, I understand the need to drive activity, but eventually it's going to backfire if this is what you're always going to find at the end of yet another topical rainbow; not even a pot to piss in, let alone a pot of gold. I'll press on, but I can almost taste the disillusionment already, and I'm only on the 1st page.

edit on 1/27/2013 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 09:15 AM
For the most part, if someone has been digging and following other sites, and seeing the astrology, whats hidden in pictographs, turn them upside down, the astrology especially, and follow Jason Verbelli, Michael Tsarion, and others, alot has been revealed, including their NWO push. They must think they're iron fist rule is coming, or something they work towards, if they convince minds to accept these shackles that is.

However, they haven't released it all, they haven't released the twin vortex universe and the real sciences or brought out the real technology and ensured establish sustainability outside manmade systems, as should be. They bury that and its still very dangerous to embark on these ventures.

They have really only revealed what fits into their plans.

I think they think the sun is going to do something myself, and want us to establish fear to give up control. Whereas if a huge pile of energy suddenly comes in, thats not doom, its enlightenment.
edit on 27-1-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Wanderer112358

What you said is right. However, the whole purpose for this thread was the idea that all of the esoteric knowledge is now open to anyone to see.

Yes, the truth MUST be sought, BUT the truth is all open for anyone to pursue if they wish. You don't have to be a member of some occult group or be selected into some elite cult to have access to the truth.


What's true is that esoteric belief systems are now experiencing their death throes, and the fact that there is nothing whatsoever that can be invented as new and added to the whole to save it from irrelevance is becoming more and more evident. That doesn't necessarily require that a choice must now be made between one flawed set of tenets and another. In fact, the truth seems to be that no choice at all should be made if no clarity has been accomplished after so many centuries of this stuff being shoved down humanity's collective throat, by so many highly influential people with so much at stake in the success or failure of so many disparate versions of what is essentially the same notion of primordial human drama as the existential root of all reality.

The building tension you feel is the impending collapse of all esoteric belief as the infantile misunderstanding that it's always been - the literalization of allegorical construction that served to translate the technical aspects of reality into easy-to-pass-on chunks of fiction that wouldn't fall victim to willful or inadvertent distortion in the process. I never forget that esoteric concepts were preserved initially by societies where illiteracy was the rule, not the exception, and that literacy was generally defined as being able to physically draw the characters of written language without being able to actually decipher them. Allegories - stories that intentionally present concepts as human archetypes - were the surest means of preserving the general idea behind the story itself. From there, esoteric beliefs emerged as the result of a "telephone game" version involving millennia and countless languages and dialects.

Yeah, all the esoteric stuff is out there. That's what happens when something like that runs its course.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

I'm thinking you need to read this post more closely.

reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

edit on 27-1-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

So basically this is what I got from all your posts in the thread, including those taken out for "manners and decorum":

"The truth is out there. Go find it. If you can't, tough luck fools. I can't tell you anymore than that, now leave me alone."

I'm still not understanding why make such a cryptic thread when all you needed to say is "the truth is out there somewhere".

edit on 1/27/2013 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

But the truth is not 'out there'.
When the truth is uncovered, it is found that there is no in or out.
One without a second.
edit on 27-1-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

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