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The end is very near

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posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 07:01 AM

Originally posted by TheLieWeLive
The one thing I've learned throughout life is we don't know what we think we know when we think we know it.

You know?

Agreed, well said
but may I offer another version with a small change
We don't really know what we think we know and therefore think we know what we don't, and are usually prepared to believe the opposite of what we know, because mostly, we also don't know what we do know.

we simply
deny understanding
and do not
deny ignorance

You know?

the ultimate truth is the truth we tell ourselves about ourselves.
the ultimate lie is the lie we tell ourselves about ourselves.

The very telling of this OP is either one or the other.
Who can tell which?
Time will tell but as we have seen, does not teach any lessons to those who in the future will also declare the end to be in sight. Right?
Will the end of those telling us the end is in sight, ever be in sight?

Oh, and don't waste any time reading this post!

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 07:02 AM
The motto for this site is 'deny ignorance', no offence but why do the mods allow people to preach such mindless drivel.
I mean, I'm all for freedom of speech but this would fit better in the short stories section?
edit on 24-1-2013 by Wongbeedman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive

Never known that it may be the truth....

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 07:13 AM
i have not been a strong christian in the past and im not the strongest most faithful one you'll find now but if some of you guys just ask God to reveal the truth to you and make you a better christian with an earnest heart, i garrantee he give you answers and mould you into a better person. i started keeping a close eye on some of the events happening across the world and if you tie them up with the bible, you'll definitly see that the end is nearer than most of us think. remember following jesus is not about only going to church, its about believing that he saved you and i from our sins and he is going to do it again. there is no other book, religion, person that has foretold the future in such accuracy like the bible and everything that has been prophecized in the bible has and is coming true. sadly there is only a few prophecies left to fullfil.
may God be with us all..

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by BSFC123
reply to post by BoxInAbox

Most of the prophecies of Daniel, Revelation and other books could not even be understood until the last century. Not to mention no one ever understood why Israel was mentioned in the end times when it didn't exist anymore : )

Changed in 1948. And with the advent of TV and computers. Also predicted an army of 200,000,000 in the end...when there weren't that many people on the earth at the time. Honestly, I know you have to humble yourself and look past your own intelligence to see these things, but it is so blatantly obvious that you really do have to be stuck inside your own denial.

edit on 23-1-2013 by BSFC123 because: (no reason given)

Personally, I don't see much different with the situation in the middle east than what i've seen my whole life, since Jimmy Carter. Unrest, wars, etc., with the ever-present looming peace deal. That's not to say the shoe doesn't fit. If that;s what's going to do it, it could happen soon - or it coukd happen in 30 years, or 200 years...I don't see a deal on the table.

I had read several years ago about how China had juat then reached the point where they could raise the 200 Million man army from the East. Assumingly, they don't have *a standing army of that many, but they could "call up" from their reserves, draft, whatever they would call it there and throw that many together. It would be a piss-poor army, but 200,000,000 of them nonetheless.

So yes, we *could* be in the Biblical endtimes (and if the prophecies are real, there's a huge range of possibilities in exactly what some of them mean, and how it would go down. That said, it coukd just as easily be years, decades, or centuries away still. Is it "soon?" mYbe, maybe not. All we know is that some of the key precursors are in place (some of which have been for quite some time now), so we cannot rule it being soon out at this point. We also have no 100% sure interpretation on exactly what's going to happen either. Sooooo....we shall see!

By the way, OP, well-written, you gave us your beliefs in a fashion where you demonstrated your 100% buy-in to a specific interpretation, without being condescending or assuming. While you may or may not be right, you presented your belief concisely and respectfully. Further, I didn't have to punch myself in the head trying to fight through a brutalizing of the English language, which, for some reason, is usually par for the course with "this type" of thread. This is a difficult topic to write on without sounding lime you're sure of things you couldn't be, or like you are condescending to everyone who doesn't believe exactly what you do, so again, kudos for that. S&F.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 08:15 AM
I agree with you in whole, but the rapture happens AFTER the tribulation. One HUGE mistake people make is to think that the tribulation and the wrath of God are the same thing, when in fact they are two seperate events. The rapture will take place after the tribulation, but before the wrath of God. There is no scripture to support the pre-tribulation rapture, only opinion from Darby and Scofield who are the originators of the pre-trib theory. I feel very bad for all of the Christians that have fallen for this false line of thinking. They think that they will not have to endure any hardship brought about by the tribulation, but they are VERY wrong.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by creatives
reply to post by BSFC123

Just a quick question from a biblical novice Can you tell me chapter and verse where the word rapture is mentioned in the bible?


The word rapture is not mentioned in the Bible, however the idea of it, or description of it is mentioned in 2 Thessalonians, Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Revelation, and other places. The word Trinity is never mentioned either, but the idea of it is clear as day.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by BSFC123

Which way to the donation box?

Also I love the English language. "Christ is coming SOON."


In comparison to what? The Age of the Universe?

In our young lives we are taught there are no monsters in the closet or under the bed and that imaginary things cannot hurt us. We are taught that reason and science help us define our world and our place in it.

Then Sunday comes along and hoards of us want a creator of everything to scoop us up and take us away to ever lasting good times in his house beyond all creation.

At our core we are obviously afraid of just how small we are.

So OP, if your beliefs allow you to sleep each night and interact with the world in a positive fashion, well good for you. For myself though, I'm doing fine without all the trappings.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 08:53 AM

Christ is coming soon. Really soon. I will not set a date, because no one knows the day nor the hour other than the Father. The events in Syria, Egypt, Israel, and the entire Middle East are lining up for the beginning of the Tribulation, just as the Bible foretold
reply to post by BSFC123

Christ is already here, didn't you read your Bible? He is WITHIN each and every one of us. Don't take my word for it though, Im just telling you what he said via the Bible.

Also, these brothers have been warring forever. Again, don't take my word for it. Read the Bible.

When peace is being discussed, a real peace, that is when Christ will come back and take His church out of this world.

The church is a metaphor for the embodiment of spirit. He lives within each of us and us in him. He represents all of mankind. When He "takes us back" is when we all rise to the occasion of giving love like he did through what some may call "Christ consciousness". Again, this can be found in the Bible. Instead of listening to a man tell you what it all means, read it and decipher for yourself.

Christ is giving you a way out....honestly, I am terrible person, a sinner, a person who doesn't deserve to be saved at all...Christ saved me in grace. I am not any better than I was before, I was completely saved by His sacrifice.

You sound like one of my family members. Its sad, really. You are no good, don't deserve peace or happiness because you are a bad sinner. What a shame you think so low of yourself. Jesus did not teach this AT ALL! Jesus would rather you be like him (a giver who does not divide others) than to follow him. He never meant for anyone to worship him as a father. He is not coming to save you, my friend. He did not create this religion you follow nor does he approve of all the dogma that has switched his words around to fit a controlled agenda via the elite. You, like many, are falling for mans dogmatic control. God wants us free from the bondage. Know this.

Look into your own heart, I implore you....God has written the law on all of our hearts. We all know it, even those who wish to create their own gods out of money, sex, possessions and power....all of these things will pass away, and all of these things will bring you fleeting pleasure at best. You may ask why there is pain, why God allows death to begin with...human beings brought all of this pain and death on themselves, we gave up God's perfect world for a world of sin.

We have free will. This experience is a part of the will to know and experience all of creation. Look into your heart and ask why a loving father does this? He doesn't. He gave us free will to come to this planet and experience just as we do for all of time. We are learning how to be perfect in an imperfect world. The law that is written in our hearts is from the nature of all things. Is it natural? Does it go against nature? If one of us makes a choice that goes against nature... its a trickle effect that travels to no end. Same with making a choice that coincides with nature. Its simple really. We all love the same God. We all must make choices that coincides with nature. When we get this through our thick skulls we will have peace on Earth without the division.

The Bible is not analogy. It is not fairy tale. It is real, God is real, and he is offering His love to you, a perfect love. I don't go to church, I don't walk around on eggshells, I don't buy into man made religion. I believe in God and that He sent His son to die for our sin.Asking Christ into your life does not mean going to church, or trying to be simple means asking God to forgive you for your sins, and seeking His will for you. I believe because the Bible contains knowledge that could only be supernatural

The Bible was created for the control of the Christian who back in the day disagreed based on the many sects of Christendom at the time of Constantine. Its lost a lot of its mysticism due to controlling the masses. One can read the Bible and see where it fits mans ideals at the time of its inception. No doubt its a great read, but there is so much added to and taken away. Know this.

The only religion that is valid is the religion one teaches himself regarding the golden rule. Everything else is dogma. Love others and give to others. Its that simple. God does not have time for the religions who seek to divide and conquer. Thats not freedom.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by itsJUSTzo

Originally posted by itsJUSTzo
Im willing to believe anything if it is the right thing.

The question i've always wondered is..

What about those who have no access to a bible? Those who cant read or have never even heard of or seen a book. Those in poverty around the world that have never heard the term, "religion". Are these people doomed or are there special chances for them due to the fact that they will never "accept" Jesus into their life because they never hear of the word.

This is a true question.
edit on 24-1-2013 by itsJUSTzo because: Mistake Prone


When the student is ready, the master appears. A soulbrother or soulsister will be sent when it is time for the next stage of understanding when you have the right need.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:12 AM
The ones running the world seem to be working at providing the signs, so I think we need to always be prepared, but praying for remission of them and healing, infusion of Peace and Love in all people, and that all will be forgiven, forgive themselves and all others. I think religions are very controlled and distorted, the bible is not a truth but contains too much murder. However Christ's message is the Golden rule and most of the altruism and foreign aid in the world comes from this.

All that counts in this lifetime is doing our best, each moment striving to help others. Without focus on self and selfishness, striving to make those around us happy and help those in need, wherever we can and do what we can with out gifts to be there for people, and nudge people to living a life of Love and Goodness, like Family too.
The only religion on this planet with that focus is Christianity. And praying and saying your sorry for your faults and asking for forgiveness, help, healing.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:14 AM
So will i miss this Tribulation thing if i don't believe in the God?

Also how soon is soon? From my perspective soon would be this year, from the cosmic point of view, 1000 years = pretty soon.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by BSFC123

But lets imagine im right....

You wouldnt hurt anyone or yourself would you?

How do you think you would feel realizing it was all a lie?
edit on 23-1-2013 by Wertdagf because: (no reason given)

But let's imagine you are wrong. Then what? How would you feel going your whole life denying God and suddenly, after death, be standing before him? And once you're standing there he is going to judge you and no matter how you protest it makes no difference.

Imagine Believers are wrong. Then what? They die and poof, nothing. Or maybe their consciousness just floats around for eternity. But either way, neither option there is as bad as Hell.

My point is, believe what you will. But realize that your belief, or disbelief, takes just as much faith as the other guy. The atheist has faith in no God, the believer has faith that he is saved by his God. I don't get calling people ignorant for their beliefs when everyone's belief is faith based. Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.

Just my 2 cents.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:36 AM
Why do Christians believe they are going to escape this mess most of them made?

Why do they think they will escape tribulation?

Why do they need to feel they need to be rescued by Jesus?

Why do only about 1/6 of the world's population think they are God's chosen and hell with the rest?

Why do they believe that Jesus will not destroy every single Christian for not being good stewards of this beautiful Planet?

If Jesus does return I think the Christians will have a lot of explaining to do on why his home was robbed, gutted and pretty much burnt to the ground by them...

edit on 24-1-2013 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:47 AM
A virtuous loving wise person not indulged in the Christian faith is doomed. If that really is Christianity (which it is not, the bible is SYMBOLIC) than who wants to be a part of that.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by abeverage

The people, all over the world, have not made the mess. A small ruthless and very distorted by dark controllers, dark hat group runs the entire planet and creates all the problems on it and tries to dump the karma on others, because they work to lower earth's frequency, trip people up and ensnare them, and give access to the dark side. Even the things they do that harm innocents, like children, the starvation and corrupt gangster leaders not serving the people but patted on the head and given lollipop's by the bankers who continually give them spending money to spoil themselves with, but add up mountains of debt to the masses in the country who never benefit.

The universal laws are played carefully by them and their negative overlords, for death of innocents and injustice weighs heavily on the planet, though it is procurred by the few! And it creates even more downward spiral and access by helhounds. It also makes more who are born here, have that opportunity from bad type planets, more and more coming in from even more fascist and negative planets are being born here now.

Christians are the main group that tries to help those in other countries and realizes that its service to others, giving, that matters the most.

They're not the ones causing the problems.

I don't want to downplay other faiths in their generosity however. Faith does lend to lending a helping hand however.

edit on 24-1-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ

The only religion that is valid is the religion one teaches himself regarding the golden rule. Everything else is dogma. Love others and give to others. Its that simple. God does not have time for the religions who seek to divide and conquer. Thats not freedom.

And they ate from the (apple that contained) knowledge of good and evil and created their egos that created duality and separated them into disconnected parts, not one/connected with god and each other.

And still many of them eat the apple again and again and wander as disconnected parts seeing only thru the fog that is created by the ego and small minded thinking.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 10:04 AM
I'm not a person who believes in one religion, and in fact stay clear of religions. We need to do a lot of searching. One thing I think is important is seeking, praying, meditation, knocking on your own soul, and also Goodness/Love/God's door and seeking to do the work you were meant to do. We all came for a reason, to improve or learn or do. We're little lights trying to grow our lights bigger. So we need to actually disengage from the ISMS and the politics, news, and programming here, and stop patting ourselves on the back and putting down those in need and learn mercy, kindness, equality, and to give, not take (and that has nothing to do with substenance, but out of extra).

But after seeing the astrological and mystery school information buried in the bible, and all the Master of Disguise stuff where they make a dark war mongler into God for parts of it, you have to use alot of discernment and only what lights your heart up with love is good, and calls you to turn around your life to change for the better.

But in the end, can't walk away from the message of Christ. For there is no proof it wasn't based on a real person, and Spirit drew me there. So it would bearing false testimony for me to ignore that message of Him. So I pray in the name of Christ Jesus/Yeshua, And place the actual mystery there in God's, for I don't claim to know the highest levels, so add, in the Name of the Spirit of Peace and Love and in the Name of the Highest Level of Love and Goodness in existence.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by abeverage
Why do Christians believe they are going to escape this mess most of them made?

Why do they think they will escape tribulation?

Why do they need to feel they need to be rescued by Jesus?

Why do only about 1/6 of the world's population think they are God's chosen and hell with the rest?

Why do they believe that Jesus will not destroy every single Christian for not being good stewards of this beautiful Planet?

If Jesus does return I think the Christians will have a lot of explaining to do on why his home was robbed, gutted and pretty much burnt to the ground by them...

edit on 24-1-2013 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

Jesus said in his own way there are the Christians who wear their Christianety as a garment and there is Christians who are Christians at the core (In fact there are for instance Buddhist that are Christians at their core).

The core matters the garment does not. Both god and Jesus can see right thru to the core so clothing yourself in a holy garment is just a show of vanity from my point of view.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by abeverage

The people, all over the world, have not made the mess. A small ruthless and very distorted by dark controllers, dark hat group runs the entire planet and creates all the problems on it and tries to dump the karma on others, because they work to lower earth's frequency, trip people up and ensnare them, and give access to the dark side. Even the things they do that harm innocents, like children, the starvation and corrupt gangster leaders not serving the people but patted on the head and given lollipop's by the bankers who continually give them spending money to spoil themselves with, but add up mountains of debt to the masses in the country who never benefit.

The universal laws are played carefully by them and their negative overlords, for death of innocents and injustice weighs heavily on the planet, though it is procurred by the few! And it creates even more downward spiral and access by helhounds. It also makes more who are born here, have that opportunity from bad type planets, more and more coming in from even more fascist and negative planets are being born here now.

Christians are the main group that tries to help those in other countries and realizes that its service to others, giving, that matters the most.

They're not the ones causing the problems.

I don't want to downplay other faiths in their generosity however. Faith does lend to lending a helping hand however.

edit on 24-1-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

I think it is those same people who tell you a fairy story to keep waiting for something that will never happen. Unless of course it is individual on their death bed. But for the whole of humanity Jesus is not going to return until we grow up and become the good stewards of Luke 12:42-46.

Right now I see too many people and far too many Christians caught up in this world.

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