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Mysterious cave found in Ecuador

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posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

Fantastic pictures!

Could be reading this wrong but are you trying to say that that "position" that relates to fertility/sexual gods has been around for thousands of years and relates to stars in the sky?

Would have thought it would have more likely related to that being a common position when both conceiving and giving birth to a child? That would fit hand in glove with the idea of fertility ...

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by slapjacks
reply to post by Kantzveldt

It really is... Really curious as to what those carvings mean exactly. Wish we could time travel back and see all this in the making

You could see it at your local hospital. To me it looks like a woman giving birth it almost feels obvious... but i could be wrong

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 05:55 AM
To confirm Chirije as almost certainly the area for the caves here's a ceramic from there showing the motif;

reply to post by george_gaz

Obviously it's a natural position and they didn't learn it from the stars, but rather when developing cosmic creation mythology they located a male pro-creative forefather in the form of Orion and his consort as Canis Major, seeing in the general pattern of the stars what they were familiar with.

What i've suggested is that the astral Goddess was also associate with death, and probably rebirth, similar in fact to the Isis and Osiris mythos from Middle Kingdom Egypt onward, were both are related to death and the Underworld, as well as general fertility and magic as well as rebirth.

Isis impregnates herself with an ithyphallic device to give birth to Horus, all very strange sexual magic, but i wouldn't expect anything less from the Ecuadorian cave Goddess, thus not exactly natural or un-natural.

reply to post by kykweer

It is all natural and obvious in one sense, i just try to create awareness of the greater mythological context.
edit on 24-1-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

the giant, Peruvian Nazca lines
edit on 24-1-2013 by reject because:

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:05 AM
The "Dragon Rose" Line (Dragon rises from the Degree Line as in the Necrom.) Starts in Brazil. This is where they opened the door at first.

All the artifacts show the rape, breeding, and experiments done on Mankind that is world wide from these 'god' invaders. If you haven't figured it out yet, these are the Branch of SET. The "Leviathan Class Serpent of the Abyss" which is the negative space between Heaven and the Underworld. This is who invaded.

Interestingly enough, we found a double headed eagle in Guyana. That is the '3 Ptolemy' sigil, of the Incestuous Twins. Alexander's first coven was WICCA, his sumerian name was Marduke and the Hebrew called him "Azazel". The 'Ancient Blessing Hand of Azazel' was in reference to the splicing of Mans dna with Snake (Hugga) to create the Human hybrid. This was so that they could possess the vehicle, and pretend to be 'men' with no one the wiser.

"Arsinoe" was her greek name ('The Vulture'), in Egypt her Coven Name was "Isis"; in Babylon she was 'Selene' and in England her Titled name is Elizabeth. Queen of the Moloch, the Owl Tribe. Still is the worst pedophile on the planet. Her coven Papal renamed her to Magda-lene.

They cut off all her statues noses during the uprising because the 'god' pharaohs had lied to the people.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by reject

could very well be orion.

one of his hunting dogs is even represented

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Kantzveldt
Several caves have been found in Equador which display an amazing number of petroglyphs;

The fertility Goddess of this type was based upon Canis Major, in her relationship to the place of first creation generally located as within the Orion nebula, and also generally associated with a bird God, in the Americas the condor for example, in the Near East the Falcon, a male Deity of procreation.

edit on 23-1-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

then there's also the condor

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:32 AM

Yet there is more. Additional secrets lie on a nearby side of a mountain where a collapsed cave remains unexcavated yet tantalizingly inviting to those who’s quest for answers are never satisfied.

Oh god, don't open it; you'll unleash a terrible evil upon the world. Only god know what was trapped in there.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 09:34 AM
Fascinating stuff, who else thought of a woman in missionary when seeing those pics xD?

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Kantzveldt
reply to post by stupid girl

An entertaining monologue thanks for the amusement. Of course you're absolutely right and it's all about sex and pro-creation, but i would insist on as in the Heavens, so upon the Earth...that the Goddess had an astral form.

Well brother, as you know, I'm no stranger to your threads and always enjoy them even if I don't necessarily participate in them....I'm readin' and flaggin'.

The purpose of my post was to go ahead and point out the obvious, and since it seemed up to that point some of your thread participants were squirming in their seat as to how exactly they should word their natural reactive thoughts to such depictions, I thought including a comment from an obviously female perspective would break the ice and move the discussion along. Something I learned a long time ago in my predominately male-oriented career and it's always served its purpose time and time again. My apologies if you felt I happened to be a little too colorful, I'm also no stranger to making others a bit uncomfortable with my habit of brash honesty.

Nonetheless, it is what it is, ain't no big whoop, ya dig? We've all got our parts and we all know what they do and what they're for and what they look like and where they're located. Well, at least most of us anyway, at least most of the time. I'm sure there are the struggling exceptions, but I digress, and I am making a concerted effort to be on my best behavior because that's what wantonly silly individuals do when they're supposed to be acting like a mature, educated adult.

Now, having said all that, I must admit I was quite surprised by my personal epiphany at the simple purpose that fertility paraphernalia and ornament most likely serve. Like most significant truths, the answer is usually simple and obvious, but those of an educated persuasion tend to pontificate and wax way eloquent on the profundity of their self-perceived understanding and insight and blah and bluh and blappity-doo-da, etcetera, etcetera, and so on and so forth, amen.
The example I offer is when the Little Mermaid Ariel asks the seagull the purpose of an object she's found and he advises her that it is known as a 'dingle-hopper', and goes on to describe its use in great detail as some sort of hair-combing device, when the object in question is, in fact, simply a dinner fork.

So, although I agree that fertility and procreation have obvious ceremonial connections to the spiritual beliefs of mankind throughout the millennia, many of which are inspired by and allude to certain and specific constellations and star systems as perceived from earth's perspective, I respectfully disagree with you on the astral goddess business.

While I acknowledge the obvious importance of ritual and spiritual ceremony in ancient cultures, man is first and foremost a carnal creation. And as such, especially in the particular regard of sexual activity, I must insist that occam's razor (reluctant as I am to use that expression of much ATS disdain) takes precedence here.
Most notably, although females are typically more sensually inclined, males are predominately visual. Period. They want to see it, and like to look at it and like to think about seeing it and looking at it. The only thing they like more than thinking about it or looking at it, is doing something with it.

So while the fertility images and effigial objects we have discovered thus far may indeed be considered ceremonial, the ceremony itself is simply good ol' fashioned rockin' and rollin'. And it is my astute, yet humble postulation that the 'ceremonial' objects and depictions, for all intents and purposes, were simply for sexual inspiration with the goal of sexual arousal to lead to copulation and all that entails.

And I must admit, I'm actually quite proud of myself for being such a good girl and keeping my compulsion towards silly, crass humor at bay for most of my post.
I think I'll go eat a cookie.
edit on 24-1-2013 by stupid girl because: death by commas

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by kykweer

I have seen women having babies, and they almost (almost) never raise their arms like that over their heads. The one arm up one arm down thing, the Masonic sign of distress, is also not a birthing posture.

I think the "squatting man/woman" symbol is related to plasma discharges in space as seen from earth at a time when the planetary configuration was not what it is today.

See youtube for "Electric Universe". That particular squatting posture is well explained by the electrical/plasma theory.

Yeah, I recognize that some of the images in the cave(s) appear to include detail of the vulva. Those are obvious. But the others are more akin to the postures seen in tne E.U. vid.

We assume the skies have always appeared as they appear now. I think that is not a safe assumption, expecially given the way in which early (earlier) man was seemingly driven to distraction by the skies, the planets and stars. They would not have been so interesting, AFAIK, if they were simply the tiny dots we see in our night sky.

Did "aliens" come here and get involved in human progress? Are "we" from Mars? Are lizards and others living among us (ala MIB)? Prolly. No way anyone here is gonna "prove" it, but hell, how manay things in life are really "proved"? Not many, I'd say. We are critters of faith, for good or ill. The divisions among us mostly go to what the contents of a particular faith are. This is one more example. The Bible Christians will never ever sign on to anything that is heretical, so there's no real point trying to convince anyone of anything he doesn't already believe, in most cases.

TO me though, the E.U. theory explains the squatting man very well.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by reg

This reply is TOTALLY OT.

The dance is called The Haka. I love that stuff. Wish we had some of it here in the US.

Of course, we do it different though. Our tribal war dance involves a XBOX controller and an umnanned aircraft 3000 miles away.

I wonder why a geek would agree to murder women and children across the planet by remote control.

We now return me to normal spacetime.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by stupid girl

The major flaw with this is you're talking about ancient Equador were women pretty much walked around naked, it seems unlikely to me the menfolk would have wished to travel up into gloomy mountainous caves full of bats to seek arousal gazing at crude stick like representations of women....your theory might work for say Saudi Arabia.

The more developed cultures became then the more erotic and sensual form became appreciated, with Goddess' such as Aphrodite Porne, Venus, Lakshmi, Hathor etc, these were very rarely overtly sexual however, perhaps apart from the Indian period of erotic extremism, but catered toward refined tastes in sensuality and aesthetics, as again in those cultures semi-nudity was common and prostitutes plentiful and cheap.

Again, even with the most overtly sexual types of these images as found in India, often the figure is portrayed headless or with a lotus bloom replacing the head, as a symbol of cosmic creation, replacing the head with a flower is an unknown sexual stimulant even for men...

Going back to Colombia and Equador and looking at examples from their classical period, when they had the artistic capabilities to have produced refined erotic representations if they so wished, one finds instead they have developed toward a stylized geometric form devoid of any sexuality

reply to post by reject

There are quite a few regions in the Americas were similar petroglyphs to these can be found, the Atacama desert being a good example.

reply to post by MarsSentinel

The history of such representations is too long and consistent to have been based on a now you see it now you don't natural plasma discharge, their anthropology is very poor and misleading...having said that i like Thunderbolt weapons.
edit on 24-1-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by YellowRoseTx51
The "Dragon Rose" Line (Dragon rises from the Degree Line as in the Necrom.) Starts in Brazil. This is where they opened the door at first.

All the artifacts show the rape, breeding, and experiments done on Mankind that is world wide from these 'god' invaders. If you haven't figured it out yet, these are the Branch of SET. The "Leviathan Class Serpent of the Abyss" which is the negative space between Heaven and the Underworld. This is who invaded.

Interestingly enough, we found a double headed eagle in Guyana. That is the '3 Ptolemy' sigil, of the Incestuous Twins. Alexander's first coven was WICCA, his sumerian name was Marduke and the Hebrew called him "Azazel". The 'Ancient Blessing Hand of Azazel' was in reference to the splicing of Mans dna with Snake (Hugga) to create the Human hybrid. This was so that they could possess the vehicle, and pretend to be 'men' with no one the wiser.

"Arsinoe" was her greek name ('The Vulture'), in Egypt her Coven Name was "Isis"; in Babylon she was 'Selene' and in England her Titled name is Elizabeth. Queen of the Moloch, the Owl Tribe. Still is the worst pedophile on the planet. Her coven Papal renamed her to Magda-lene.

They cut off all her statues noses during the uprising because the 'god' pharaohs had lied to the people.

I spied this post as very intriguing. Links please ?

reply to post by Kantzveldt

In the above and porno-graphic pic, I'm not understanding the representation of the head. I may be missing something or maybe the head is missing ? Or is that a head dress ? Or...


Two different spellings for Velociraptor.or Philosoraptor. I just go with Raptor.

reply to post by reject

Lucy, you got some splain'nn a do !

edit on 24-1-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

I totally concede to your well made point. In making my own in the previous post, it was the more provocative artifacts and symbols that I had in mind, rather than those with abstract representations.
Great thread, great discussion nonetheless

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Kantzveldt

It is all natural and obvious in one sense, i just try to create awareness of the greater mythological context.
edit on 24-1-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

Well it is amazing, its incredible how people around the world were so entwined.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Kantzveldt
reply to post by stupid girl

The major flaw with this is you're talking about ancient Equador were women pretty much walked around naked,

True that. However, to my knowledge the ladies also did not cop-a-squat and drop it like its hot all around the village, advertising the glories of their inner sanctum for all the world to see. Being naked is one thing, but displaying quite another.
Even now, a man sees his wife naked everyday, no big whoop. But when that same naked woman jumps up on the bed and commences a squat....well, hopefully you see my point.

it seems unlikely to me the menfolk would have wished to travel up into gloomy mountainous caves full of bats to seek arousal gazing at crude stick like representations of women

Darlin', not much has changed over the millennia. It's no big secret that scores of men travel into a cramped, musty toilet space to look at lady-parts, whether in magazines or from their phone, while doing only God knows what in there. Personally, I don't know of any women that actually "hang out" on the toilet like most men do. And I really don't think these guys were much different than y'all fellas today. Who knows? Maybe the bat cave was where the men went to go #2. Maybe we're just looking at the paleo version of obnoxious bathroom graffiti.

The more developed cultures became then the more erotic and sensual form became appreciated,

exactly, which would support the crude and base portrayals seen with the more early cultures. As time progressed and men became more civilized (I barely typed that with a strait face) the fertility inspiration became more refined and sensual. Also probably because it took that long for women to begin to get through to them. Hardy-har-har.

Again, even with the most overtly sexual types of these images as found in India, often the figure is portrayed headless or with a lotus bloom replacing the head, as a symbol of cosmic creation, replacing the head with a flower is an unknown sexual stimulant even for men...

unknown sexual stimulant? not sure what you're talking about there, but I tread lightly here when I point out the obvious. Which is that when most men are seeking arousal for arousal's sake, they are not really that concerned about her head.
I think a headless woman may be a little too creepy for many dudes, so a pretty, yet simple and not too distracting flower works nicely with your picture you've got there of Miss Coconut Hooters doing, ehrm, well, doing her 'fertility' pose.

Not trying to argue with you my man, just offering a more simple, albeit unrefined perspective. I wish everything were simple, but I know it's not. However, I do believe that the more obvious portrayals of women either in provocative poses or with absurdly enhanced sexual features, flowers for heads notwithstanding, were quite possibly more intended as erotic inspiration.
But that is my own unsupported opinion based on speculation.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 03:09 PM
Is this in the same general area of the cave that was discussed in an episode of Ancient Aliens? Apparently holding alien artifacts.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by YellowRoseTx51
The "Dragon Rose" Line (Dragon rises from the Degree Line as in the Necrom.) Starts in Brazil. This is where they opened the door at first.

All the artifacts show the rape, breeding, and experiments done on Mankind that is world wide from these 'god' invaders. If you haven't figured it out yet, these are the Branch of SET. The "Leviathan Class Serpent of the Abyss" which is the negative space between Heaven and the Underworld. This is who invaded.

Interestingly enough, we found a double headed eagle in Guyana. That is the '3 Ptolemy' sigil, of the Incestuous Twins. Alexander's first coven was WICCA, his sumerian name was Marduke and the Hebrew called him "Azazel". The 'Ancient Blessing Hand of Azazel' was in reference to the splicing of Mans dna with Snake (Hugga) to create the Human hybrid. This was so that they could possess the vehicle, and pretend to be 'men' with no one the wiser.

"Arsinoe" was her greek name ('The Vulture'), in Egypt her Coven Name was "Isis"; in Babylon she was 'Selene' and in England her Titled name is Elizabeth. Queen of the Moloch, the Owl Tribe. Still is the worst pedophile on the planet. Her coven Papal renamed her to Magda-lene.

They cut off all her statues noses during the uprising because the 'god' pharaohs had lied to the people.

Say WHAT?!??

From whence have you amassed this information and in what context is the perspective?

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 03:59 PM
I think it's fascinating that it is 2013 and discoveries like these are still being made

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