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Understanding Gravity (and more)

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posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by Thought Provoker

Doesn't this suggest that the universe will cease to expand (which is doesn't)?

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by Nevertheless

Sure it will... once the matter reaches the outer edge. There might not be any matter anywhere near that edge yet; we don't know how big the universe's confines are, if any.

Also, it's possible the matter hits the edge and then, like my separate black hole theory, it gets recycled into the "power grid." And we're living in an inside-out black hole.

At any rate, though, it will certainly be... quite a while before we have to worry about it.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:18 AM
When the moon's orbit is passing over the ocean; there is a bulge that creates the tides, if planetary bodies block this "wind" then why is there a gravitational ocean bulge from the moons gravity?

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by Thought Provoker
reply to post by Nevertheless

Sure it will... once the matter reaches the outer edge. There might not be any matter anywhere near that edge yet; we don't know how big the universe's confines are, if any.

Also, it's possible the matter hits the edge and then, like my separate black hole theory, it gets recycled into the "power grid." And we're living in an inside-out black hole.

At any rate, though, it will certainly be... quite a while before we have to worry about it.

But we already know that the universe does not cease to expand. This goes against it.
Also, this model does not work for the reason that as soon as something is not in the center of the universe, the "wind" will not be uniform and orbiting planets will run into trouble.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

Matter doesn't block the wind completely. Matter is mostly empty space; only the energy that interacts with actual, solid matter gets used up, to create some force upon that matter from all sides at once. The rest of the energy passes right through, to interact with other matter. The matter shields whatever's beyond it from some of the wind, not all of it... unless it's a black hole.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by Nevertheless

Science doesn't know yet whether the universe is either truly infinite, or just really, really, really really really big, so big that the matter in it looks like a grain of sand in the middle of the Pacific Basin. If one measured the exact rate of acceleration towards the edges, one could (if my theory's correct) determine the exact size of the universe. But it would, indeed, have to be massively huge and mostly devoid of matter to avoid the unbalancing you describe. Yet it is possible. To make sense, my theory requires a non-infinite, but enormous, universe. If anyone knows a way of determining its size another way, lemme know...

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by Thought Provoker

So your answer to the tide bulge is particle decay of some sort? What is your take on solar wind in regards to interaction with the wind you describe?
edit on 19-1-2013 by BigBrotherDarkness because: clarity

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:38 AM
Yea I could definitely see how blackholes could be used as massive energy sources, I want aware they evaporated either lol. What im interested in is this "grey area", the vaccum outside the vaccum of our universe..the subgrid of energy you described reminded me of.the theory of seperate parallel universes, which probably share energy from our universe as.well..

My question is, if all this force is equally applied to.our universe, could.there in theory be a way to not only harness it, but follow it back to its origial source. Would that also mean, although there is force.being.eerted at plack length on the edges of our.universe, the blackhole would make a temporary opening into this subgrid,.. like if we entered the blackhole right before it disolved at the speed of light, could we.end the sub grid or wherever that energy is coming from or going.

God Wise, I believe theres someone or a collection of energies that see to harmony within all matter on the highest of all levels

edit on 19-1-2013 by subtleperspective because: edit

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by Thought Provoker

Excellent read, very provocative.

Not even close to being able to comment on this but string theory does cover these energy strings - how does that correlate with your explanation as to the nature of gravity?

I'd love to think you'd just explained it and that it can be proven at some point.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:51 AM
Hey, what about Brownian motion? Heat? I think I can work that into it too. (Warning: thinking aloud ahead.) Heat comes from the friction of molecules rubbing together. But what's rubbing them together? The heat? That's circular. Where does the kinetic energy of their motion come from? Well, it has the answer right there in it. "Energy."

An absolute-zero substance has zero Brownian motion. Thus, "absolute zero." No heat energy. But there isn't zero energy in there; it's just all... still. Frozen. The strings... don't vibrate... ah. The slower the motion gets, the less the strings vibrate, because it's all that chaotic movement of matter around them that makes them wiggle. The slower that "moving the shields around" is, the less the strings wiggle... and the colder it gets...

Still not an explanation though. Let's see... Heat energy transfers by touch, like electricity. The hotter thing loses heat energy into the colder thing until they're both the same temperature... like how electrons will flow until there's no "difference in voltage potential." Or how gaseous pressures always equalize when connected together. The heat is pushed into the cold, like lightning into the sky. Sounds like "entropy" to me...

This is getting deep. Brain fading. I'm sure there's an answer in there somewhere; someone find it please.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:52 AM
Evolution in Thermo dynamics might also help detect where the strongest points of energy comes from and possibly the geometric shape of our universe..I wish satellites werent so exclusively monitored, we probably never get to see images that completely challange every foundation of physics and science we know of..

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by BigBrotherDarkness

So your answer to the tide bulge is particle decay of some sort?

Not particles. Waves, of energy, spherical waves moving in every direction, saturating every part of space-time. That's what gets partially absorbed, or blocked, or "used up," when it goes through matter. From the water's perspective, some of the energy is blocked by the moon, but more is blocked by the earth, just enough to make the water bulge moon-wards (ground too, but it's more rigid and doesn't move tidally anywhere near as much).

What is your take on solar wind in regards to interaction with the wind you describe?

Solar wind is just a bunch of particles in motion, not a wave. The "gravity wind" (waves) makes them exist and tells them how to move, like all other matter. That's all the interacting the two do.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by citizenx1

String theory does cover these energy strings - how does that correlate with your explanation as to the nature of gravity?

The force that compresses energy into a string shape is the same force that's pushing the Milky Way and Andromeda together. The difference is, at the planck-length scale, the spreading energy from every point is still a tiny little ball, very, very concentrated and strong. At the atomic scale, the energy has dispersed, it's orders of magnitude weaker at any given point on its sphere, but still powerful enough to push electrons away from the nucleus. And at the galactic scale, the still-spreading energy is a huge sphere and very, very weak. It's all the same energy... but some is big and weak, some is tiny and strong.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by Thought Provoker
reply to post by kwakakev

As in, how like charges repel and opposites attract? Hmm. Lightning... the electron charges go from the ground up... pulled along a conductor towards the lack of electrons up above... by golly, that might be a different force, unless it's "in disguise," like magnetism. What imbalance is it that causes electrons to always move towards the more-positive side in a conductor? The force of the electrons in the power source, pushing them, repelling them rather. Least resistance means, if there's a hole for them in the opposite direction from whence they're being pushed, they'll go into that hole. And on and on, until it can't move any more. Lightning isn't pulled into the sky by the clouds; lightning is pushed into the air through whatever water drops and air gaps can conduct electricity. Wow; I guess everything is the opposite of what we think.

And it must be like magnetism, operating over small (single-atom) distances, via valence shells. Electrons must have some special shape, or property, that "shields the wind" in a slightly different way, to cause an effect that only pushes electrons. It's like... a wind within the wind, a wind that ignores everything but charged particles. Maybe a "positive" particle is just "less negative." Less energized. And there's not really any such thing as a "positive charge," like how shadows are the absence of a substance rather than a distinct substance of their own. Magnetism, gravity, and electricity; the same mechanism, but acting differently on different things as well as at different scales...

Thank you very much. That never would've occurred to me.

Your brain in motion is awsome.

Okay, non smart person take here....different angle and who knows?! Every little bit helps right?

Those forces you mention are able to be felt.

I read somewhere that day was negative and night was positive and that if everyone spent waking time in the night more, than they do now, it would enable a better balance to their systems, right.
So most people today work all day sleep all night, if you follow the, "I'm normal thing". Missing out on valuable waking night time, get's less as you get older, or at least your trained ot think so. okay bla bla bla

I meditate and go by feel. I have felt the draw up from the feet to the head and out (and I do mean out, it flows and I can increase or decrease or stop this process, to a certain extent too), perfectly involuntary,
I wait for my body to show me the direction of the flow first, since I assume it follows this law of nature everyone is banging on about, my body self will lead the way.

but I have also felt the, in from the head down and out the feet and it doesn't always follow what someone else said about day time and night time thing, which would probably come back to MY state of negative or positive mind at the time.
So essentiallly WE are those paths of least resistance too (planet wise at least), in, down and out, and in up and out, get it? We're like antennea, biologically speaking.

Keep that in mind and know there is something flowing 'out' or from the centre of the planet at opposite times as something is flowing in, opposite spots or places etc.

Cause and Effect - ish
I'm not sure about the opposites attract thing, there's something off with that also.
External / Internal ebb and flow. Stands to reason the planet has it too.
I know my response is leaning towards metaphysical undefined whatever, but since you've chucked std to see if it fits, I do the same.
Hope it helps

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by subtleperspective

My question is, if all this force is equally applied to.our universe, could.there in theory be a way to not only harness it, but follow it back to its origial source. Would that also mean, although there is force.being.eerted at plack length on the edges of our.universe, the blackhole would make a temporary opening into this subgrid,.. like if we entered the blackhole right before it disolved at the speed of light, could we.end the sub grid or wherever that energy is coming from or going.

If you went through a singularity, it would turn you into pure energy. And you would end up in the grid, but you wouldn't be around to know it. No, I doubt you could trace it backwards and say what matter it came from. (There's the Information Paradox again, sigh.) It's like melting a GI Joe action figure; the pattern gets lost. You can't un-melt it without the original mold that made it... or, in this case, whatever "mold" turned that raw energy into that piece of matter before it got recycled. But maybe someone somewhere is keeping a record of it all...

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by Thought Provoker

The interaction of solar wind is said to take place with plasma. So, this gravity wind is not a particle of any type...but a vacuum of zero point energy; in equal or varying vectors, and depending on interaction of a particulate type the interaction varies?

Sorry for asking so many questions; I followed what you said in the op, I just need clarification on the modes of action and expression how this gravity wind effect is supposed to take place, with the "knowns" or accepted gravity proofs. I appreciate how you composed your theory outside of mathematics, I do the same thing...However; I do have a fondness of the razor myself.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

You're speaking of kundalini. Chi. Perhaps that's another form of, or manifestation of, this same gravitational energy, the same way magnetism may be another form of it. Then again, chi isn't physical matter, it's more spiritual. Maybe there's one kind of energy that creates and manipulates matter, and another kind that does the same spiritually, but matter can channel it like an electrical conductor. Weird place, the universe. Weird things, dimensions. We may never figure everything out... not until someone invents a chi-meter, at least...

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by Thought Provoker

like this?

what else would/could you call it?

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by BigBrotherDarkness

So, this gravity wind is not a particle of any type...but a vacuum of zero point energy; in equal or varying vectors, and depending on interaction of a particulate type the interaction varies?

Basically. I'm not qualified to say what exactly it is about each particle type that makes them interact with each other as they do. Like, why do matter and antimatter turn each other into pure energy? I dunno. That's a job for bigger brains than mine... but if the basic theory is sound, a smart-enough person could test it against anything.

I just need clarification on the modes of action and expression how this gravity wind effect is supposed to take place, with the "knowns" or accepted gravity proofs.

That damn razor... Well; I went into it determined that nothing I came up with would invalidate already-proven proofs. If a proof I don't know about conflicts with the theory, I'll rework or drop it. Theoretical physics is only a hobby; that's why I'm eager for math geeks to take it for a veracity spin...

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

"A network of random number generators." This seems to be an experimental gauging of consciousness interconnectedness. That's at the soul level; nothing in my theory should have any bearing on the Akashic Record, or consciousness. Not yet at least... but wouldn't it be nice...

ETA: going to sleep now. Everyone see if you can tear it apart; I'll pick up the pieces later...

edit on 1/19/2013 by Thought Provoker because: zzzzzzzzzz

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