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Feminism & The Downfall Of The Traditional Family

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posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 03:21 PM

reply to post by orangetom1999

Increasingly, one single parent families are headed by a woman...3X more than single parent families than headed by a man - so, you can see why women are targetted by big business? You need to do a little reading and the article I posted below is a good starting point.
edit on 11-10-2013 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)


This changes nothing about what I have posted.

Whether Married or single parent households...with children ..the females of this nation determine how the monies are spent..not necessarily how they are earned or the RISKS taken to earn them..but how they are spent.

The female is still the determiner of how the monies are spent all across the spectrum.

Even single women with children are targeted by big business and big government for capital and also by govrnment for votes.

For Single parent households are often getting monies from a man somewhere in the system..meaning access to monies without RISKS and without the maintenance costs of a man.
A woman/female gets the benefits of a man without a man.
A business knows this and so too does a government.

For they both know that women make up a bit more than half the population of this nation but make up way more than half the decisions in how the monies are spent...not necessarily how the labor for the monies are...RISKED..but how the monies are spent.

I know this also because when political peoples..including those in the Feminist movements , make speeches ..they seldom speak of RISKS..and if they do is only one sided.

You cannot possibly have a downtroddened Victimized..Female population...or a Male dominated society under such conditions. It is not possible.

Only a male can be this naturally and giftedly stupid about these conditions. For the women and females understand this potential much faster than the male. The females also understand way much better than the male ever will know to operate Under Occult conditions...hidden and concealed...just like a Politician.

The Businesses will not explain this to the population..particularly the males...nor will the government explain or teach this in public schools...they dont dare jeopardize the votes or dollars they desperately need by promoting the "Victim Dictum."

The dumber and more ignorant the male is ..the better for them and the women/females..the default settings work much better this way.

It will work much better for businesses and government if the males continue to run a lifetime of sports conditioning.

All a female has to do is substitue her plays for his. Its easy. Either in a relationship or by law.

You know....In about four or five will be Springtime.

I will be going to Home Depot or observe a male dominated society at work. I will be seeing so many males following thier women around with the shopping cart or the heavy wheeled platforms ..picking up potting soil..gravel...fertilizer and other heavy items at the behest of their woman. Then after the woman has completed her shopping ...the males will take this the for it..and then load it into the vehicles ...then drive it home and unload it ...then spread it out again at the behest/instructions of his woman.

Sounds like a male dominated society to me. Know what I mean InTheLight??? Burkas..right!!??

Once I figured that stuff...Out, along with other patterns of behavior out here, I did a total reversal of who was the "Victim" Out here.

By the way InTheLight, I never watch sports. The sports page is the first part of the newspaper I throw in the trash or discard. That is..if I bother to get a newspaper.

Well..thats not entirely true..I do watch a good fishing program if I can learn something from it. Otherwise I have no interest in Sports or Sports conditioning. I just like to catch and eat fish when I have time.

All your article did for me was confirm what I was stating in my previous posts.

The male in this society is the most disposable and expendable sex out here. Not the Female.

Thanks for your posts,

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 03:38 PM
It might not be all to do with the rise of girl power. It might be the lack of manliness. Men are no longer real men. All they do is sit around playing video games and watching football. So ya the women have to end up wearing the pant sometimes as there needs to be at least 1 man in the house. Real men don't really exist anymore very much. Like my father, he's a real man. So I know what a real man is like. Those kinda guys just don't exist! I'm not even like he is. We've all grown too comfrotable, too weak, too soft, to naive. We're just a bunch of stupid male sheeple for the most part. We're no good for nothing often times. That's also one of the agendas of the NWO, to feminize men, make them weak, put BPA in plastic that we take into our bodies, so gradually there's no real men left to fight or stand up for anyone. Like most of the WW2 vets are almost dead. So there's not many real men left. then all the while proping up women to basically become men! Girl power, you can do it all baby! Like I mean it's totally fracked up. The system in north america is broken in so many ways it's not even funny.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

See previous post, men need to step up and take it all back.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 09:47 PM

It might not be all to do with the rise of girl power. It might be the lack of manliness. Men are no longer real men. All they do is sit around playing video games and watching football. So ya the women have to end up wearing the pant sometimes as there needs to be at least 1 man in the house. Real men don't really exist anymore very much. Like my father, he's a real man. So I know what a real man is like. Those kinda guys just don't exist! I'm not even like he is. We've all grown too comfrotable, too weak, too soft, to naive. We're just a bunch of stupid male sheeple for the most part. We're no good for nothing often times. That's also one of the agendas of the NWO, to feminize men, make them weak, put BPA in plastic that we take into our bodies, so gradually there's no real men left to fight or stand up for anyone. Like most of the WW2 vets are almost dead. So there's not many real men left. then all the while proping up women to basically become men! Girl power, you can do it all baby! Like I mean it's totally fracked up. The system in north america is broken in so many ways it's not even funny.


The system in North American is indeed broken in so many ways.

However not all the males are at fault as is so popular today with such Nonsense as a Male Dominated Society.

Dont worry about the system being broken in so many ways. It is going to collapse of its own weight and ignorance. It cannot possibly do anything else. I believe it is being designed and intended to collapse.

I agree that the males are being feminized but covered that in my previous post above.

For you see..spartacus699..I've worked with alot of these feminized males. I require them to man up and follow my lead with a view to the time when they will have to themselves take the walk safety net. If they cannot step up to the plate after a sufficient time I get rid of them. They are a liability..not an asset or team member. You do not have to be nice about it. And there are alot of them out here.

When you have to do dangerous risky work and labors..alone safety net..and think it through from beginning to end...this is going to separate you from most of the males today..most of the females as well.

This does not at all make you better than others..but it does make you different. It makes you different sufficiently that you are not interested in being a xerox copy of what nonsense tries to pass for excellence out here today ..male or female both.
You find out most of it is very very mediocre.

I have no interest in video interest in amusement parks to think I am a brave man...overcome certain fears and insecurities or to prove to a woman that I have certain stuff or characteristics.

If you have to come out here in the world and prove or demonstrate to a woman that you have certain characteristics...ask your self if she is worth the trouble. What assets does she bring to the table?

You will find out right away most of them get very gun shy right here. And if you are going to spend your hard earned monies on them ..monies earned at had better learn what real intrinsic value they have to put on the table..and quickly. Not looks..not sex ..not appetites.but real intrinsic value..not the earsatz nonsense which tries to pass for excellence today...both male and female.

As I have stated..most males today are raised in front of a babysitter called a television set...and by females. Very few male examples left because their fathers too have been raised in front of a television set and by females. Very few male examples to follow. They have television and movie thoughts, television and movie emotions, Television and movie values..not even their own thougths, emotions, and values but someone elses transplanted into them privily..without them even being aware of it.

How many males do you know who when asked a moral and ethical question..must quote some television and or movie program they have watched. I know lots of them and I notice this fingerprint very quickly about people.
I realize quickly they have no real experiences or thoughts of their own. They are second hand people.
What is very scary to me is that these people are now voters.
Are you understanding the problem out here now???
Why would you expect any other outcome than what you see out here ??

Now throw females and women out here with the same fingerprint who are also voters and make up more than half the population but have discretion over how most of the monies in this country are spent.

Are you getting a concept of how big the problem is..the very scale of it??

If a woman is interested in me she needs to think and come to a realization as to what is missing from my life and how she can fill it. Not what she can get from the relationship for herself and her children if she has any.
This is standard bill of fare or menu from so many women and females out here. When I tire of it I ask them point blank if they would like me to fill out a resume?? Is this like trying out for the baseball team??

I let them know that they do not want me going down this road with them because I am not going to ask the standard bill of fare questions which fill the heads of so many males and men.

And I am not running out the biological clock.

I would strongly suggest spartacus699 that you watch and learn from this series of videos by a fellow who used to belong to the National Organization of Women...before he figured out that they were not the product advertised. His name is Warren Farrell.

He brings out alot of concepts for which women do not want understood about how things are out here and also questions and understandings for which most men and males with sports conditioning would never think through to wisdom.

There are alot more videos by Dr Farrell to the right of the screen ..just click away and they will lead you to more material.

Dr Farrell..has a number of videos on U Tube and also written a number of books on this topic about male/female relationships and the material is very good to the thinking male. To the emoting male who thinks just like a woman..the material is useless. Females who have bought the feminist position cart blanche....hate these videos. But they do not have any materials to rebutt...they must instead label and stereotype as do so many today using and misusing the "Victim Dictum."

There is indeed an abominable amount of ignorance on the part of the males out here ..and this is indeed their fault. But they are not responsible for what happens out here...particularly when you have others sponsoring the results and dumbing down the males.

If the females think they are better they should step up to the plate and take over ..thus making themselves disposable and expendable for the greater social good..since that seems to be the prevailing religion going on out and zealous religious belief system.

What you are going to find out is that so many out here today including males ..think things happen because they are good people and entitled. It just happens not to be so.

I also know that women are not interested in taking on more traditional male social roles or responsibilities. They want more female social roles..but not necessarily the responsibility. They want the rewards.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 10:12 PM
continued for spartacus699 and others,

Dr Farrell covers these concepts and other materials in his videos and books and it is well worth the read or viewing for males with an attention span longer than a sound bite and with more than sports conditioning to run touchdowns without asking themselves the real intrinsic value of the game..or any other game.

What myself and also Dr Farrell is saying in his long dissertations is that women and females are looking for "Options" not necessarily more responsibilities..or RISKS.

And they have learned that if they play the system correctly they can default through by being the squeaky matter if what they are crying is true or false.

This is not the same as "Equality." This is what you learn when you stop the sports conditioning to run touchdowns.
For they will keep you running touchdowns forever or until you drop dead..because very few will be able to tell what is really happening out here. They just dont see it because of the very Occult nature of a thing. Hidden and concealed from most eyes...particularly the male.
No one sees what we do!!
This is why I say there are a bunch of dumb ignorant males out here.

They, the males, don't have to take back anything..just let if fall of its own weight. IF they dont ..they will be killed or maimed trying to hold it up..forever while other people keep throwing more stuff in the wagon for the males to pull ..till they drop.

It will drop as a system... if for no other reason..than inflation.

Inflation is the ultimate feminine to get something for nothing..without RISK..without labor...and very very few will ever know how it is being done to them. Inflation cheats everyone in the system..everyone...male and female both...but in the end it hits the children and elderly the most immediately. Inflation is both Occult..hidden and concealed and that it gets something for someone for nothing...without RISK/without Labor.

You cannot continue to pull an inflated wagon in this will eventually collapse.

For what is actually happening in this inflated female dominated system..

The males are quickly become the most expendable and disposable sex in the system and now by leaps and bounds the children are also become the most expendable and disposable in the system as well...for female "Options and glory/convenience."

IT works so well because .."No one sees what we do!!"

This is to me a definition of is inflation.

Think it through further than a football game or sports fits.

Hope this helps,

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 10:27 PM

reply to post by orangetom1999

See previous post, men need to step up and take it all back.

See previous post to spartacus 699.


posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 09:16 AM


reply to post by orangetom1999

See previous post, men need to step up and take it all back.

See previous post to spartacus 699.


See previous post to spartacus 699 and this time you really need to read the link I posted. Our society is shaped by our actions, hence when a woman or a man walks away from their family they put the wheels in motion - creating a cause and effect situation within that society - where he/she leaves all the responsibilities of caring and managing a family to the person the left holding the bag, so to speak. Since 3X more women head single famly households, it appears more women than men are willing to assume the extremely important role of nurturing and raising children.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 09:58 AM



reply to post by orangetom1999

See previous post, men need to step up and take it all back.

See previous post to spartacus 699.


See previous post to spartacus 699 and this time you really need to read the link I posted. Our society is shaped by our actions, hence when a woman or a man walks away from their family they put the wheels in motion - creating a cause and effect situation within that society - where he/she leaves all the responsibilities of caring and managing a family to the person the left holding the bag, so to speak. Since 3X more women head single famly households, it appears more women than men are willing to assume the extremely important role of nurturing and raising children.


You are working here off a standard issue default setting and for which you believe you can automatically play thorugh on the moral and ethical high ground. I know this by the assumptive use of he word "Since " in your last sentence.

Neither you nor I know the circumstances of how and why these people broke up.

However you are that our society is shaped by our actions.; Children are not an excuse or justification to play through anymore at the rate they are being aborted.... in order to get it both ways. This is becoming more and more clear to those who can think outside the box of default settings for which someone is want to stick everyone today..without thinking..without reasoning it through.

Abortion does not have the draw it used to do...though social engineers and political strategists try still to use and misuse it as a litmus test for fitness In office as well as to get the female vote.

Abortion as a sexual issue..ala..."Hitler" style seems to be eclipsed today by a more important social issue.. by another emotional sexual issue.."Homosexuality."

Ironic in that they are both sexual issues being used to control and censor or silence any opposition. Could ther be a political social connection of importance to those in the manipulation business...emotional social default control??

At one time in this country it got so bad...that you could not run for dog catcher without stating ones position on abortion. Today it is rapidly becoming Homosexual issues. But it is the same strategists trying another censor method on an unawares people...using and misusing the "Hitler " technique.

So too it will become the same with the family unit as it too..just like the males... becomes a disposable and expendable commodity out here to keep the "Options" coming..including the female vote.

3X women can head whatever households they will still not change things..with disposability and expendability nor who determines how the bulk of monies are spent and on what in this nation. Nor will it change the amount of RISK being required to be defaulted to keep and maintain this phony Occult system.

OF interest to me and noted in your posts by it's absence is where RISK is never mentioned in lieu of the standard religious default settings, beliefs, and positions.

As I said in my previous posts..the male is the most disposable and expendable commodity in this phony occult social structure...while others are screaming and preaching a religion in which there is a Male dominated society.

By the way... InTheLight..Dr. Warren Farrell covers this phonomon you are describing quite well and from a very enlightening and different perspective from yours.

This is not possible under these auspicies to have a male dominated society...but it is politic.

Thanks for your posts..on this and other threads.


edit on 13-10-2013 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

I will let you have your misbeliefs because I know that is where the foundation of your insecurities and perhaps the need for revenge towards the female sex lie. I suggest to you that you claim not that men are victims, but rather men step up and assume the responsibilities that they create and not take the easy way out.

I remain,
In The Light.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 12:00 PM

reply to post by orangetom1999

I will let you have your misbeliefs because I know that is where the foundation of your insecurities and perhaps the need for revenge towards the female sex lie. I suggest to you that you claim not that men are victims, but rather men step up and assume the responsibilities that they create and not take the easy way out.

I remain,
In The Light.

In The Light,

I will let you have your misbeliefs because ...

You will let me have nothing...I choose and understand these beliefs. I can state them rather clearly and with understanding and know for surety who is the most disposable and expendable sex out here while others are screaming equality without RISKS.

As I stated...this is absent from your posts as well as the posts of others.. RISKS.

Ironically is absent also from the posts of most of the males out here. It should not be this way.

For you see..In The Light...the male must not only be silent about his sexuality but also the RISKS he takes for his monies...while the women and females default through on both issues..both counts. This is also not equality.

I dont think it is a good nor healthy issue for a person to define ones self by their sexuality...ever. I think it is very very dumb. I am not expounding against sex or sexuality per se here..but only that a people would choose to define themselves by their sex and sexuality..while others are censored. I think this is ignorance...institutionalized..government sanctioned...promoted..and blessed ignorance.

For you see ..In The Light..I happen to have a Belief that people are so much more than sex and sexuality. Much much more.

But you would never get this from the womens movements..nor from government. For if you remove sex and sexuality...from the chaos..what is there left for the women....RISK!!?? Equality!!??

Not difficult to see it for what it is. Particularly when you understand the "Hitler " pattern.

As to this...

I know that is where the foundation of your insecurities and perhaps the need for revenge towards the female sex lie.

I understood this about your thinking pattern back when you started on the "Male Dominated Society " nonsense. I just knew enough to understand it did not make good nonsense to those who can think it through. As I stated..I do not worship at the altar of the sports gods nor feel the need to run touchdowns for a woman or children.

I like women and children..but dont put up with any nonsense or default settings where as a career I come in last and continually to female default settings and beliefs. I will weigh what a woman wants or needs along with what the children want or need with the view to the RISK I am going to have to take to get, make, or acquire them.

I am not telling a woman to put the children last...I am telling her not to put me last in order to continually put the children first. I also do not believe in children runnnig a household...while others take the RISKS to "Flashdance " them through life.

I have enough savvy to understand that if a woman puts the children first...the children will often be running the household and the man last matter how many or what types of RISKS he takes to bring home the goods.
This is not Peace matter how much Piece he gets. It is High Maintenance.

And most women are not looking to keep and maintain a High Maintenance Man as a career...but prefer it the other way maintain her and the children but often keep the man ignorant of how this is done...if possible...and running touchdowns.

Children should be taught to grow up in steps ..with much more than a television and movie education.

Men do indeed need to step up..but not in ignorance or emotions but by carefully thought out methodology...understanding of how a thing is done..particularly in Occult patterns of thinking and behaviors.
This is why I mentioned Dr. Warren Farrell..for his videos and books are very instructional and educational to a man's thinking pattern and understanding of why things are the way they are..not necessarily how they are promoted and advertised.

They, the males, also need too understand the Occult pattern of today's default settings and beliefs as part of a devout and zealous Occult religion. Or as they often say..

" I shall ever conceal and never reveal."

Another version of this Occult pattern goes like this..from a famous woman..

"You have pass the bill to find out what is in it."

There is more to it but that will suffice for now.

Not letting a woman or female default through is revenge??
Not letting a male be ignorant is revenge??

Some clarification here please!!??

edit on 13-10-2013 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 12:08 PM

InTheLight..I work as a machinist in a shipyard.where we build submarines and aircraft carriers. What are you going to teach me about insecurities and fear?? Think it through ...carefully.

I am also a qualified Nuclear Fueler. I am on a team which puts fuel in to Nuclear Reactors...and also remove the olde spent contaminated/radiated fuel.

This entails taking RISK..severe RISKS against dangers which one cannot often see or smell..nor hear. Radiation and contamination.

What are you or any other woman or man possibly going to teach me about insecurities, fear, or RISKS??

None of the women I have ever known take this into consideration when spending my monies earned at RISK. It does not factor in for them..only their girl stuff religion factors in. Children or not.

None of the women I have ever known take this RISK taking into consideration when giving me clues and cues to take more RISK for them and or their children.

What would happen with a woman doing this kind of work and taking this kind of RISKS if a man were to be high maintenance in this manner?? How long do you think a man would be around??
Think this through carefully. Most men cannot. To much touchdown conditioning.

Women who come into this field quickly find jobs on the periphery or where the RISKS are less. It was the same before I became a nuclear worker.

You need to think that through again about insecurities.

Thanks for your posts,

edit on 13-10-2013 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by resoe26

Feminism was a movement that wanted to help inspire women to cultivate their personal sense of individuality.

Feminism in that context is still rational.

While I do agree that modern feminism has become "man-bashing," the issue is more complex than just blaming women.

I have met controlling men, and I have met controlling women. When a person has a tendency towards authoritarianism, they will seek out any niche they can find, to pervert to their controlling attitude.

Whether it is a controlling women perverting feminism to control others, or a controlling man using "traditional" roles to control others, the attitude is the same. Regardless of gender.

In absolute equality, I have my wants/needs and you have your wants/needs. We compromise using reason to figure out what is best for both of us. That is what it means to be equal. If a person doesn't want to compromise with reason, chances are, they want to control you. Whether they be male or female.

The divorce rates are caused by everything that you could possibly imagine, and then some. It would be irrational to believe that divorce rates are solely caused by feminism and feminism alone.


I, personally, have no fear of a woman embodying the Lilith archetype. I think that more women should. There is nothing attractive (in my opinion) about subservient attitudes.

I think the best way to stop the "controlling" attitudes of both sexes is by the study of logic. It is easy to deduce with logic if someone is either ignorant or simply being manipulative.
edit on 13-10-2013 by LewsTherinThelamon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 10:45 AM
Just to veer this conversation back to the original intent, that being discussing the deterioration of the family and what may be the primary reasons, other than blaming a movement by women for equality.

Just from reading a few more studies, it seems that divorce and the attitude that marriage is not really important tops the list. Of course, there are many reasons why a couple choose to divorce and, yes, perhaps now with women not having to depend on a man for their living (not feminism, but rather equality in that women now have access to better paying jobs and independence, if they so choose) more choose to walk away from unhappy or abusive situations and rightly so. After all, choosing a life partner without any training is a gamble - then children may be brought into the precarious union.

What seems to top the list is the prevailing attitude that marriage is not important. What exactly is not important, I ask myself - the commitment part?

This article delves into a few facts about this ever-growing trend and the norm for the future.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 01:55 PM

Just to veer this conversation back to the original intent, that being discussing the deterioration of the family and what may be the primary reasons, other than blaming a movement by women for equality.

Just from reading a few more studies, it seems that divorce and the attitude that marriage is not really important tops the list. Of course, there are many reasons why a couple choose to divorce and, yes, perhaps now with women not having to depend on a man for their living (not feminism, but rather equality in that women now have access to better paying jobs and independence, if they so choose) more choose to walk away from unhappy or abusive situations and rightly so. After all, choosing a life partner without any training is a gamble - then children may be brought into the precarious union.

What seems to top the list is the prevailing attitude that marriage is not important. What exactly is not important, I ask myself - the commitment part?

This article delves into a few facts about this ever-growing trend and the norm for the future.


I dont think you are real fast in the thinking lane before you post that kind of thing. All it does for me is illustrate the very thing I have been talking about all along..

The expendablility and disposability of the male in todays social structure...and particularly by the womens movements.

other than blaming a movement by women for equality.

Most of the women I have ever met are not interested in Equality..they are interested in "Options" and preferably without "RISKS."
Equality looks good...on paper and in slogans..just try to hold a woman to equality.and you find out quickly that equality becomes pro rata...but not equality

Just from reading a few more studies, it seems that divorce and the attitude that marriage is not really important tops the list. Of course, there are many reasons why a couple choose to divorce and, yes, perhaps now with women not having to depend on a man for their living (not feminism, but rather equality in that women now have access to better paying jobs and independence, if they so choose) more choose to walk away from unhappy or abusive situations and rightly so.

The message coming out clearly from these movements is that marriage is not necessary..and also that the male is not really necessary.

IF you ever look at that will find that many of the women in those areas of the nation have gone from the expectation of a man as a wallet the government and social programs as a wallet or substitute man. And government has helped to foster this belief system of the disposability and expendability of fathers and males...for votes..political lucre.
The women can have the benefits of a man or male without the male.

Nothing a male or man gets from a woman is protected by any government program or even by insurance.
Hence my facetious comment in a previous post about women taking out insurance addendum in Obama Care for their men that if they become incapacitated..or die..that the males and men are covered by a "sexual/cheerleaders/ alcohol and sports "Security Blanket."
You see..this would be equality.. InTheLight.
Do you know women and females who are interested in this much equality??

It is only recently that people are beginning to wake up and realize that a mistake has been made here and that fathers are important. People are beginning to question the bill of goods which has been sold to them their ungurarded false default settings.

In further examining "The Holy Religon of Equality"....

Let us take a look at this aspect of what you have posted.

perhaps now with women not having to depend on a man for their living (not feminism, but rather equality in that women now have access to better paying jobs and independence, if they so choose) more choose to walk away from unhappy or abusive situations and rightly so.

Wow..More "Victim Dictum." I will not dwell on this aspect as Dr Warren Farrell and others in the video selection expound on this alot in their videos ...but instead want to cover another aspect of female/womens conduct which is never covered in these types of discussions.

Notice the emphasis here on women having their own sources of monies. Not dependent on a man for a living. And it is being touted/promoted as "The Holy Equality." A devout and zealous religious dogma..."Equality."

But watch something here...and think it through outside the political rhetoric..and social drivel...trying to pass for excellence and truth here.

Reason and logic would indicate that a woman not dependent on a man for a living ..this "Frees" a woman to come to a man for "Love Only" Not for a living/survival...not for monies..but for the "Holy Love" so often touted to and for the magazines , romance Novels and across the female spectrum.

But do they in fact do this..come to a man for love only?? The very thing so many women claim is missing from their lives??

Do you know independent women all across this nation who marry or take up with men and put themselves and their children down the economic ladder..but instead have "Love Only??"

Do you know women who are deeply and religiously interested in marrying the garbage man???

Want to know why so many women think there is a shortage of men out here. Most men are invisible to social status.
Because of entitlement thinking and concepts sold to them in a false paradigm of what conditions truely are out here.

Once you understand this..about "Options" in the female mind and soul...verses what they claim is begin to see a very different picture.

The important thing for the womens movement is that males never teach themselves to think outside these boxes of censorship...default settings.

Women as a whole are not interested in marrying or dating down the economic ladder..but up.

This is what my friend learned when he declared that all these women were coming over to his home dating him with a view to marriage..and moving up the economic ladder. They wanted what they could get from him ...for themselves and their children. Not what they needed to bring him to fulfill his life..but themselves and their children only. The male only figures in later down the line..after their default settings are fulfilled. He quickly dumped these women because the product was not as advertised.

They were in fact...calling this search for access to goods and services...without risk and
Because no one sees what we are doing...except other women.

This is not is not even love. It is expanding their Options. I know this because I knew many of the women dating him..and they worked and had paying jobs. Many were also bringing in monies from their exes.
They were looking to expand their options and calling this love.

You will never see this aspect defined in threads like this from the feminist women ...interested in Equality. Ironically you will never see this defined by most of the males out here..thus demonstrating my point about sports conditioning in males to run touchdowns.

Running out of characters down at the bottom of the page.
This will suffice for now.


posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 02:01 PM
It's obvious that you have not researched this trend, nor have bothered to read any of my linked articles to assist you in doing just that. So, again, I will leave you with your misguided beliefs, unless you can provide me with studies that support your beliefs.

Because fatherhood is universally problematic in human societies, cultures must mobilize to devise and enforce the father role for men, coaxing and guiding them into fatherhood through a set of legal and extralegal pressures that require them to maintain a close alliance with their children's mother and to invest in their children. Because men do not volunteer for fatherhood as much as they are conscripted into it by the surrounding culture, only an authoritative cultural story of fatherhood can fuse biological and social paternity into a coherent male identity.

reply to post by orangetom1999

edit on 15-10-2013 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 02:24 PM

It's obvious that you have not researched this trend, nor have bothered to read any of my linked articles to assist you in doing just that. So, again, I will leave you with your misguided beliefs, unless you can provide me with studies that support your beliefs.

Because fatherhood is universally problematic in human societies, cultures must mobilize to devise and enforce the father role for men, coaxing and guiding them into fatherhood through a set of legal and extralegal pressures that require them to maintain a close alliance with their children's mother and to invest in their children. Because men do not volunteer for fatherhood as much as they are conscripted into it by the surrounding culture, only an authoritative cultural story of fatherhood can fuse biological and social paternity into a coherent male identity.

reply to post by orangetom1999

edit on 15-10-2013 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

As I stated succinctly in my previous thread..I dont believe you think a thing through other than in surveys...articles or standard political rhetoric.

You do not legislate fatherhood..nor motherhood. A government is the absolute worst protector of such institutions.

All government has done is sell, bartered, and traded the very souls of thier people for political lucre.

A government which cannot even balance a budget is going to regulate fatherhood/parenting?? Surely you jest. How do you think we got here to the disfunctionality we are at today??

The system of Parenting is Authoritarian...not Optional...through government means. And government is the absolute worst institution to regulate marriage and parenting.

Only pubic education can dumb people down so far that they would put up such a proposition and think no one can see it for what it is. More feminist drivel. And government is also very very put another way..absolute power.

They want the fathers to make themselves even more disposable and expendable more government intrusion into their lives. And the women more optional ..before the males..but behind the government.

All this will be wonderful for the females...until they try to buck the government and the government will put them into their places..just as they did the males.
Only then will they realize how badly they messed up..

This is also not freedom and individual liberty. It is socialism/Marxism...Da..Tovarich!!??


posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 02:35 PM


It's obvious that you have not researched this trend, nor have bothered to read any of my linked articles to assist you in doing just that. So, again, I will leave you with your misguided beliefs, unless you can provide me with studies that support your beliefs.

Because fatherhood is universally problematic in human societies, cultures must mobilize to devise and enforce the father role for men, coaxing and guiding them into fatherhood through a set of legal and extralegal pressures that require them to maintain a close alliance with their children's mother and to invest in their children. Because men do not volunteer for fatherhood as much as they are conscripted into it by the surrounding culture, only an authoritative cultural story of fatherhood can fuse biological and social paternity into a coherent male identity.

reply to post by orangetom1999

edit on 15-10-2013 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

As I stated succinctly in my previous thread..I dont believe you think a thing through other than in surveys...articles or standard political rhetoric.

You do not legislate fatherhood..nor motherhood. A government is the absolute worst protector of such institutions.

All government has done is sell, bartered, and traded the very souls of thier people for political lucre.

A government which cannot even balance a budget is going to regulate fatherhood/parenting?? Surely you jest. How do you think we got here to the disfunctionality we are at today??

The system of Parenting is Authoritarian...not Optional...through government means. And government is the absolute worst institution to regulate marriage and parenting.

Only pubic education can dumb people down so far that they would put up such a proposition and think no one can see it for what it is. More feminist drivel. And government is also very very put another way..absolute power.

They want the fathers to make themselves even more disposable and expendable more government intrusion into their lives. And the women more optional ..before the males..but behind the government.

All this will be wonderful for the females...until they try to buck the government and the government will put them into their places..just as they did the males.
Only then will they realize how badly they messed up..

This is also not freedom and individual liberty. It is socialism/Marxism...Da..Tovarich!!??


You make me chucke at the way you ignore facts and statistics and the part where government and the law are feminine - that had me almost laughing out loud.
edit on 15-10-2013 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by InTheLight

Government is indeed feminine..

For you see..government has institued a system where they can get something for nothing...phony fiat money creation whereby they can outspend everyone in the economy..including the females.
But the point here in feminine is getting something for nothing..without RISK. That is the common feminine denominator. Simple isnt it. Find an expert who will tell you that or put it in a study...or survey.

Government has also institued within this system ...a structure where they can take credit for what they have not done..and put blame on others without being noticed or seen for their part in it...very very Occult. Just llike Feminine and Feminism.

No one sees what we do!!

However..I have been getting ready to shove off to work now. I am on 12 hour shifts from 6pm to 6 am in the morning. No women on this shift...they prefer more "Optional" hours as do the feminine men.

But while I was getting ready ...something occurred to me. al.

Some people are saying about the Cosmo Girl..the girl/woman who reads Cosmopolitan Magazine and takes the quizzes...that they never have to take responsibility in their lives...they just take quizzes instead.

Simple isnt it?? Now I know not all women read Cosmopolitan Magazine..or any other of that genre..but there is definitely enough monies in it to keep the shelves stocked.

But the point is noted...dont take responsibility ..take quizzes. That way no one can pin you down.

You on the otherhand TheLight..seem want to quote surveys and the ultimate feminist..the government. For who usually sponsors and finances many of these studies...even through universities.

I am given to ask myself if you have any real life experiences of your own..or do you only have studies.

I have given examples of thought and Ideas..and people I have which you choose not to make any comments or remarks...but want to quote studies.

It is to me very much as I was stating earlier in this thread..about people when you ask them a moral or ethical question..they must needs quote a movie they have seen or a television program they have watched. They have no real life examples of their own..they live second hand lives ..second hand thoughts..second hand emotions.

It is ok by me..that is their choice ..male and female..but I do note it.

I do the same with you. I just note that you seem not to have any experiences or thoughts of your own but surveys and studies.

NO problem..I just note it here. The readers can decide for themselves.

Life out here is real to the people living it. Studies do not reflect the trials and tribulations of the people out here in living it.

You would do well to remember that when you quote another study as authorative..this does not impress people who are living and RISKING ..real life..not the Readers Digest Version.

And with that ..I must make haste now.
Thanks for your posts,

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by orangetom1999

Quoting you... "Now I know not all women read Cosmopolitan Magazine..or any other of that genre", it's nice to know you are willing to accept at least one fact in life.

Most women are unable to work those type of shift because their second job at home awaits.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 02:22 PM

reply to post by orangetom1999

Quoting you... "Now I know not all women read Cosmopolitan Magazine..or any other of that genre", it's nice to know you are willing to accept at least one fact in life.

Most women are unable to work those type of shift because their second job at home awaits.

I read this post of yours, InTheLight, on my lunch break last night using my Amazon Kindle and spent some of the night musing on it.

I was considering a concept which I dont believe you nor many of the readers out here understand about surveys, studies, and statistics when they are referred to or offered as truth.
This applies to your statement above as well.

I was going to present this concept much earlier in this thread but now is a good time to inject it into the conversation for the understanding of the readers out here.

This concept is one of truth verses validity.

The problem about your references you are so often want to cite is exactly of truth verses validity.

Such studies are usually very general in nature to show a validity in trends..not necessarily the truth of a thing. Between these two a wide gulf to those who know how it works..particularly in politics..and the femininst positions have today gelled down to almost pure politics..and away from truth.

For example...validity..

Women want a sensitive man.

Now this looks good on paper and seems quite valid...even to those unperceptive about it's appears true.

But watch how this works in truth..

Women want a man who is sensitive to them.

Between these two positions is a very wide gulf in knowledge and understanding. Most males are and never will be trained to spot the gulf for what it is. For you see, InTheLight, therein lies an occult and hidden system at work...intending to hide and conceal a very baisc truth about the nature of this world around us...particularly to hide it from the male.
A woman/female would understand this very very quickly. A male ..not so quickly. But would she be willing to tell and teach the difference to a male, in Truth.

Now watch this one of yours In The Light..

Most women are unable to work those type of shift because their second job at home awaits.

This looks good initially ..but is it true?? looks valid..

Now Mark..a fellow in my crew..his wife does not work...
But he feels that he has to run her programs to please her..consisting of doing and taking care of the children and doing stuff for his mother in law..and his wife too...In addition to his 12 hour shift. What he does not get a good amount of sleep. His wife does not change her hours..but he does..even if it means lack of sleep. He runs her expected programs in addition to his programs. He adapts to her and the childrens needs...but she does not change her program..and take on his traditional roles...but he takes on her roles.
You see In THe Light..the problem with that the males were expected even demanded that they take on so many more traditional female roles..but the females were not willing to take on more traditional male roles. What the females wanted to do is have time for more female stuff.
The males felt that more was expected of them but more was not given to them. Many males now understand that his false paradigm is what passed for was validity..not truth.

Now if a woman does not have a man..and works..that makes her very much like a man ..and that would be equality..equally disposable and expendable. Children or not. And this is exactly the position in which so many males and men find themselves.

Your position looks valid..but it is not necessarily true. But it can pass for truth to those who do not know the difference.

Many women found this out about life when Desert Storm one and two took place...even single women with children. They had to fulfill their military obligations first. Many found inventive ways to get around it ..even pregnancy. But the males could not. Male disposability and expendability. Even married males could not.

I am slowly training Mark to understand about Running Touchdowns. He is a very feminine and slow learner. Well trained to be feminine himself..complete with Drama.
He thinks that running touchdowns will make him more valuable to his woman..even when he is 70..if he lives that long. More remain within her limited line of trying out for the baseball team...try outs.
He does not see that he is only making himself more expendable and disposable..including valuable sleep...and particularly when he is working 12 hour shifts.

Here is another one ..valid but not necessarily true..if you know how and what it's very deceiving nature.

"Men are physical and also very visual"

What broke me out of this kind of false default setting was that business of the 7 to 1 merchandise in the stores.
When you look at how so much of female goods are presented in the stores you realize how visual and physically aware a female is..across a much wider spectrum than is possible for most males. Colours..cut...clarity...and cost....lines and shadows. Women can take all this in with a very brief glance.
I cannot do it. Most males I know also cannot do it. The males are visual and physical across a very narrow spectrum of recognition..the females across a much wider spectrum of visual and physical. That is the difference.

A further illustration of this is a couple of women I have dated who asked me to take them flea marketing and yard saleing as I have a truck and they do not.

What I noticed quickly about both of these women ..and to my that they can spot something interesting to them.. "from a Moving Truck"..while screaming .."Stop here!!!"

These two women were on the move and out of the truck ..even before I came to a complete stop. I was dumbfounded...stunned that they could be so physical and have such good eyesight. This also told me that in this arena they could be very competitive.

To be this good one has to have both physical and visual skills and talents. They are much better than am I at this.

This too is the difference in validity and truth...and it did not come from a study ..but real life experiences.

Oh..and another facet of your quote above..when I see a woman..I take note of what kinds of materials she reads and the programming she observes as a tell tale of her real thinking ability and values. I dont have much use for Cosmo Girls...but On occasion I do buy a copy to see if the trend line has changed over the years. It hasn't changed. Still the same olde format complete with quizzes.

By the way...Maxim magazine for men is the same format ..but for men. I never knew this until I asked a young man to view his copy which he brought to work. I immediately realized it was the same format as Cosmo..but for men. I did not note that there was Quiz in Maxim...but the format was the same...overpriced and overvalued...high maintenance.

Well ..once again I Must make haste.
Thanks for your post.

I hope this clears up much to the readers here about the difference in valitity and truth on many issues..particularly as pertains to politics and feminism.


edit on 16-10-2013 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

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