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I Guess I'm Your Enemy Too.Then

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posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 06:33 AM
I came here because I was researching something and it led me to this website. Liking what I came across, I decided to create an account and learn more. Now, I'm a big girl and I am certainly not taking my ball and going home, but I just have to get this off my chest and then I'm done letting this annoy me. I didn't come here to get involved in the weird anti-American government conspiracy theories, but I find myself lately going at it with some of the CTs over their outrageous, outlandish and unfounded accusations. I understand there is a certain boldness that takes over a person when they are surrounded by "like minded" individuals, but make no mistake about it, these folks are very tiny in number in comparison to who they think their enemy is. And now, I shall come out of the closet and confess, that I think I am among them. Their enemy, that is.

How I came to this conclusion was after reading thread after thread about the evil establishment that is supposedly dead set on doing harm to them and their little bits of belongings they hold dear and realizing that they are talking about me, my family and my loved ones. The military, the government, law enforcement, government scientists even, apparently, are all trying to destroy their little fantasies and delusions of grandeur. I guess I should have known when I started seeing Alex Jones and David Icky being quoted as reliable sources.
The people who are being referred to as the "establishment" or the "enemy" being slandered day in and day out in many of the threads on this website happen to be people who I am related to and work with and love. So, when they talk about them, I take it very personal and instinctively rush to defend them. Because, unlike the fantasy boogie men that they are being portrayed as, I actually have names and faces to go along with those of whom they speak. They are not some evil entity. They are real human beings.

And let me tell you Anti-American government CT's something. THEY are the real patriots. THEY are the real protectors of the Constitution and THEY are the real Americans. They don't have to call themselves this and brag about it, they just show it every day. It is who they are. They don't have to justify their patriotism by wrapping themselves up in the flag and stroking their guns like it's a certain part of their anatomy 24/7. See, they don't have to put on a show to prove themselves to the world. They are the reason everyone in this nation is alive right now. They are the reason you even have the freedom to bash them and lie about them in the comfort of your place of dwelling.You can't do anything in this country without them making it possible every single second of every single day. They are the ones making sure that you even get to wake up in the morning, log onto your computers and bash them all day. That seems over the top, but you have no idea how much your very lives in this nation depend on the very people you disgustingly assault online all the time. And they let you. Because it is the price they have to pay for the greater good of this nation. You have NO IDEA how good you have it because of them and instead of thanking them, you trash them and call them all kinds of disgusting things.

It makes my blood boil, but not theirs. They are used to this. They don't do it for gratitude. They don't want anything from you. Because it's not really just for you. It's for the sovereignty and superiority of this nation. And you will never get that. You will never understand that because you don't have any idea of what it takes to keep this nation the most powerful one on the PLANET. You take the good they do and turn it into something evil. You have no idea what you are talking about because you only see 2% of the entire picture. You have convinced yourselves that the 98 % of what you don't see is all bad and pure evil. Well, it's not and if me telling you that it's not makes me your enemy too, so be it. Just because you don't know something doesn't mean it's bad. This nation is much more important than the petty ideologies and political parties that actually think they govern it. You have no idea what or who you are even referring to when you slander those who keep this country the greatest country that ever existed. So, you can call me your enemy, a lemming, a dis-info turd , a spook , a spy , a rat , whatever. But just like the others you bash, I'm not going to stop loving my country and I'm not going to stop doing my job to make sure this nation keeps it's status. I'm not going to stop looking at the big picture because it's a beautiful one. There is a very good reason why our oaths contain the phrase"both foreign and DOMESTIC" folks. Nothing and no one is going to hinder this nations progress FORWARD. So, say whatever you want. Do whatever you want. I'm personally done trying to reason with the unreasonable.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

It was going oh so well up until paragraph 3, I was about to flag you then you went off in the wrong direction. In my experience 90% of politicians are in it for self interest, they certainly may well be patriotic in their own way but they certainly do not make everything I do every day possible. In general, politicians are a hinderence on what I do and the majority of them certainly do not reflect the people's interests in their policies but mainly that of their own interests, their friends and the big corporations funding their election campaigns. I'm tired of corporations lobbying government for law changes in their favour at the expense of the people's rights. The government in general is a long way from the picture you paint of them.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 06:41 AM
For the most part I can agree.

Our enemies are the politicians, the vast majority of whom are in it for the power and wealth that comes along with their positions. It is them and their cronies stuffing their pockets who our enemies.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by michael1983l

When I say government, I'm not talking about politicians. Have you noticed this nation still runs even though these people NEVER work? They are not as significant as they lead the people to believe.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by watchitburn
For the most part I can agree.

Our enemies are the politicians, the vast majority of whom are in it for the power and wealth that comes along with their positions. It is them and their cronies stuffing their pockets who our enemies.

In which case you do not agree at all. The OP says that the politicians are our savious and make every day we live possible. I think you may have misunderstood the OP's post either that or I did.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher
reply to post by michael1983l

When I say government, I'm not talking about politicians. Have you noticed this nation still runs even though these people NEVER work? They are not as significant as they lead the people to believe.

So you are not talking about the Government at all then, you are talking about Civil Servants.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by michael1983l

Originally posted by watchitburn
For the most part I can agree.

Our enemies are the politicians, the vast majority of whom are in it for the power and wealth that comes along with their positions. It is them and their cronies stuffing their pockets who our enemies.

In which case you do not agree at all. The OP says that the politicians are our savious and make every day we live possible. I think you may have misunderstood the OP's post either that or I did.

You did.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by michael1983l

I'm talking about the 98% of the picture. The so called branches of government are just constitutional ornaments.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 06:54 AM
What flavor is your kool aid? If you truly believe that the government is full of "good guys" and nothing more, you are fooling yourself. If you are not fooling yourself, then you ARE my enemy.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

People who complain about the direction America is headed ARE the true patriots.. I was in the Army. I Love my country.. Because of this love, I will defend the constitution against all enemies foreign or otherwise.. It's being destroyed from within, and it's not from most of those people that have government jobs, just like most teachers are good, while education sucks.

A big girl should know that just because you don't understand the need for defensive weapons, doesn't make it a "guy" thing, nor does it make a weapon a part of the male anatomy. This world is much more serious than you thinking about guys "stroking" their ego.

Sounds like you are my enemy.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

...You can't do anything in this country without them making it possible every single second of every single day...

theres a line from "my fair lady" that says, "the world will keep right on turning without you twirling it about."

I fully expected to come in here and agree with everything you say. but to the contrary, I feel like I need a shower. see, I too feel like I am the enemy round here for holding certain pacifist opinions. but I also have a fiercely independent streak which is most easily framed by the words: "we hold these truths to be SELF-EVIDENT..."

so, while in your opinion all of the super amazingness of america comes from certain persons to whom we all owe some bizarre abstract debt, it is my opinion that the awesomeness comes from itself......neither taken and certainly not given.

so, dear enemy, I must say to you what I usually say to those that push this particular line:

I owe no such debt.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

You are right on all counts. They are the most patriotic, and duty bound people. The real defenders of the country. Its sword and its shield. Its candle of vigilant light in the darkness.

That said.

The other side of the coin is that people are not sure about anything the government does anymore. They feel something is afoot and honestly it sort of is. 9/11 was used as a vehicle to pass legislation that was entirely unconstitutional.

I am not a 9/11 freak. I say regardless of the story being correct or not, PATRIOT ACT was not written shortly after the attack. It was written LONG before the attack took place. The lives of Americans bought the roadway to illegal and fundamentally flawed legislature and a whole series of perversions to the country.

I am not saying NOTHING had to be done. I am saying that it should have been decided on with logic and reason, not as it was done.

Then we were sold on a costly war against an enemy that really was the sort of deterrent we needed in the ME.

Saddam didn't like insurgents and radical Islamist. He would have kept them in check in his territory. We instead gave them every thing from reason to draw support against us as well as a training grounds in which to make hardened fighters for the cause of what ever enemy of our country there is.

I am not one to say all lives are precious and no war is ever necessary. I understand that we need to keep a steady number of hardened and well trained combat forces. I understand that that is only possible by ACTUALLY fighting someone.

That said, we chose the wrong enemy IMO. The choice was made by profiteers, not strategic minds.
The country pays the price, they get the benefits.

That was 2 major lies with dire consequences that the American public watched on in horror. We have learned of the MASSIVE propaganda effort being coordinated by retired military acting as "specialists" before the war appearing on FOX and such that made the case for the war. We saw them as direct messengers to a lie and a FALSE threat.

We have our doubts about 9/11 having been told to us as it really happened. Really at this point it is mute. The truth will eventually come out, but that is neither here or there.

That is not even mentioning Libya and Syria, as well as Egypt where we condoned the use of the largest mercenary force ever assembled that got its feet off the ground in Iraq and moved into Turkey a little more experienced.

We then saw the third major lie and final stroke to the governments credibility with the American people. The financial collapse. People REALLY organized and successfully pressured DC to NOT bail out the banks.

What did the government do after listening to them.....?....they went ahead in the next couple weeks and did it Anyways..

That IMO was the last straw for MANY people. Then they tried to elect someone to represent them.

Dr. Ron Paul. While he was made out to be a fringe player, he only was made out to be so because what he was saying was EXACTLY what the people were saying to themselves. HE basically WAS the American voice, and it was completely disqualified from the get go even though he best represented the country. Both sides of the isle.

So the people are seeing now more unconstitutional behavior and opportunism by the elected. This Sandy Hook tragedy was just awful, but instead of respect for the people the agenda driven mad men saw an opportunity to pass legislation that has been waiting for a very long time. Since really before Kennedy.

The US is to be disarmed. Say what you will, but that is on the books, and just waiting in one form or the other, like PATRIOT ACT was....
PL87-297 Arms Control and Disarmament Act /State Department Publication No.7277

so really can you blame them?

I mean I understand where you are coming from but you are better off trying to understand where they are coming from. If not you make them into rabid liberal morons and you risk becoming a dumb-ass conservative freak all out of spite IMO.

We need to meet half way. Our countries unity is really at stake because the way I see it, we are risking the Union itself. State sovereignty is going to try and assert itself and the federal government is full of fools who will follow Ego and Gaul over reason and tact.

That will provoke the morons on the left and make them foam at the mouth and THAT will provoke the hard line conservatives to draw blood. (all figuratively of coarse)......

In the end we will become a very divided country, if not plant the seeds for an outright fractured continent by the time our grand kids receive it.

that is all I have to say really.

have a good day Sir /Maam.


edit on 18-1-2013 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher
While i agree with your disfavor of the conspiracy movement at the same time it's their right,further more this site gives people the free choice to advocate their opinions,weather it be talking about political conspiracy or if it's talking illuminati we like it or not it is the purpose of this site to have such controversial conversations.It is after all a conspiracy web site.And secondly but most importantly it is still within the U.S.A's constitution the we have freedom of speech so in that respects I can only say to each their own.

edit on 18-1-2013 by Onewhoknowsjesus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 08:02 AM
the only thing i can think to say to your post right now is that i remember
reading not long ago about a breaking story of how the government
used the people of a city for experiments, and if i do remember correctly
that this was based on actual declassified papers from the government
itself, IE there is no real doubt they did it, now ask yourself this, if these
wonderful people would do that to their fellow citizens even with the
rights we should have, then what in goodness name would they do if
we were to treat them like the trustworthy people you believe them to be.....

Im no nut when it comes to conspiracies but im also not crazy enough
to ignore factual well documented scary stuffs these fellows have done
to us, we need more paranoia if you ask me, not less.
edit on 18-1-2013 by bloodreviara because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 08:06 AM
Anyone that calls themselves a patriot is full of #.

edit on 18-1-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher
Oh yeah and one more thing.....if your trying to be intelligent buy telling people they don't have a clue?....or see the bigger picture?then all means share with the rest of us common folk this part of the bigger picture we are not seeing.You talk and state things as though you know from first hand please enlighten everyone to this picture we are not seeing....I for one find your comments to a little bit insulting towards the common majority's intellect.Your going to have retards's simply unavoidable.But when you start talking down to a crowd of people you do not know anything about it tends to get offensive.I am no fool madam I have eyes to see and a brain to that's pretty short, I understand more than you can imagine

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by WaterBottle

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by skepticconwatcher

Originally posted by michael1983l

Originally posted by watchitburn
For the most part I can agree.

Our enemies are the politicians, the vast majority of whom are in it for the power and wealth that comes along with their positions. It is them and their cronies stuffing their pockets who our enemies.

In which case you do not agree at all. The OP says that the politicians are our savious and make every day we live possible. I think you may have misunderstood the OP's post either that or I did.

You did.

Then who are you calling the good guys? Because I got that you were saying the politicians were from your OP.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

Wow, just wow.

Listen, I'm sorry to interrupt the daily worship session you have going on here, but I really have to ask; who exactly are we supposed to be worshipping? Who exactly do I owe this huge debt of gratitude to? I don't need names, give me job descriptions for example.

Anyone in Congress, with their 9% approval rating?

Who exactly are these paragons of moral rectitude whose black shoe-polish is staining your tongue?

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 08:19 AM
I get that it is your rant, but to have a good rant, should you be clear about what or whom you are ranting against?

Maybe it's just me, but "They" is as clear as mud.

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