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Prince Charles Openly Endorses New Draconian Population Study

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posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by DarkSecret

I believe Prince Charles is a Bilderberger . The UN/ NWO is Bilderberger backed . Agenda 21 is their (program) under which you will be governed . Population Reduction is an integral part of their plan . David Rockefeller is a proponent of a 80% population reduction openly . Bill Gates made a video on population reduction . With all of the failed pandemics and the Dutch Scientist recently claiming victory for creating a more virulent Bird Flu as if they were ecstatic about creating a world population killer what are we to think ? Other Bilderbergers in the Eugenics cabal want 90% to 95 % reduction and quickly .
Why would I be critical of his new concern about Population reduction ?

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by SimonPeter

See, once more you're talking rubbish. Rockefeller spoke in the mid-1990's about population control, not reduction and anyone with half an ounce of common sense can see that controlling the population level is critical to our survival as a species.

There are only a finite amount of resources, yet we prop up populations in area's of the world which cannot possibly sustain that many people with "humanitarian aid" which does more harm in the long run, but makes us fell all warm and fuzzy inside because we're "helping". We're not.

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 07:15 PM
crazzydob just posted this thread What Britain will look like in 2050! maybe based on this article Sardine can Britain: What life will be like in 2050 when experts predict the population will have exploded to 80million And I thought I would add it here as it is what they think it will be like if the population is not addressed today.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by stumason

Your arrogance exceeds your knowledge about David Rockefeller . He has stated that we need an 80% reduction in population on a video so there is no mistaking how many people must go . Simple birth control will not help us get to that point for a hundred years . Prince Charles is just parroting the same thing that has been the main topic of the Globalist Agenda . Bill Gates is doing the same thing . It may be crowded in the cobblestone streets of England but we are fine over here . The Social Security system and health systems are in jeopardy of being cut to facilitate killing off of those who have worked all their life and retire .This is happening every where . You will be in line for that same theme , people who are to old to preform are useless eaters and drag down the economy and it's time to go .

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Agarta
I found this quote by the man that Wrote the report that Prince Charles is endorsing and I find it rather disturbing

“Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.”
- Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University
Source: 9th one from the top.

the human race is doing such total destruction of the oceans and other ecologies with the technology they now have, it would be criminal to produce cheap energy for such an idiotic society.

untill our politics and society evolves, too much technology already exists.

an idiot can now cut hundreds of trees in a day, fishermen empty the oceans, miners destroy the earth.
and you would give them more power?

small rural communities can have a much greater negative impact on the environment with their atvs, skidoos, trail bikes, powersaws, etc., showing they have too much power already.

i would vote against giving the human race more power of any kind untill they show the possibility of wisdom.
the present world politics, including the american congress show not a hint of hope.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 01:13 PM
Well, Prince Charles has always been suspected of being a member of The Bildeburg group and Bohemian Grove.

The elitists are starting to play their hand, this sort of statement just starts getting the general public used to the whole idea.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 01:52 PM
I do believe that we as the human race upon this earth can not change our fate . The Bible some 2000 years ago told of the seas being dead and pollution and famine and pestilence along with Global Government and Global money that the use of can be strictly controlled . How long can people deny the authority of the Bible and of God . The bible told of Israel becoming a nation again and building a new Temple and the up and coming war between Israel and the old Arab empire along with Russia .

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 10:57 AM
Well keep quoting the bible that was written when there were only TENS of millions of humans on the whole planet. That's when God said go out and populate the planet. But God didn't say keep breeding until you reach 25 billion! Because that's the estimate by 2100 if we don't do something about it. imagine 3-4 times more people EVERYWHERE!

Also, the US is the single largest sustainer of most of the world's population. Whenever there's a food shortage in the US it's the rest of the world that suffers because we export cheap food or give it away as aid to poor countries.

How do you think the world will fare once the US population reaches 1 billion and needs every bit of food it produces to sustain our own population?! It will be a genocide or mass starvation and then people like you will find other reasons to criticize any UN agenda and even argue that the UN caused the overpopulation or starvation.

So yea keep on preaching your God and make sure you eat His Manna because you can't have the tainted food of the GMO corporations - and yea by 2100 we will HAVE to eat everything GMO because how else do you feed 25 billion people???

I guess you can't have it both ways. Either give out free/cheap birth control (condoms, pills, implants, IUDs) and abortions OR we end up overpopulated, with a huge poverty & crime rate, and starving.

And for the record, I dislike prince Charles and all other royalty or celebrity but population growth control (NOT killing off people, just preventing too many more from being born) is a valid idea.
edit on 26-1-2013 by DarkSecret because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by DarkSecret

So you think God is not in control? Then you think America is the problem?You aren't really up on what the Globalist are doing are you .They are working on reducing the population for their reasons and you are no doubt one of the reducies.The problem is the Middle East where 5 Billion live . Then look at England where 74 million live verses our 311 million . We have 20 times the land mass as England . And we do not feed the world anymore . There are many other countries that produce food .
Get off od America and Get off of God .

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by DarkSecret

So you think God is not in control? Then you think America is the problem?You aren't really up on what the Globalist are doing are you .They are working on reducing the population for their reasons and you are no doubt one of the reducies.The problem is the Middle East where 5 Billion live . Then look at England where 74 million live verses our 311 million . We have 20 times the land mass as England . And we do not feed the world anymore . There are many other countries that produce food .
Get off od America and Get off of God .

I'm sorry but what you posted in your reply is completely incoherent. I realize that the US educational system is broken and that mental illness is a real problem that needs to be seriously treated but when you combine both of those with religion you get your post above...

Again, the problem is that poor, uneducated women the world over can't afford to control their own reproductive cycles due to lack of knowledge, lack of resources, abusive men and other such reasons. People in the West (US & Europe) can afford their contraception and somewhat better educated when it comes to how reproduction works.

Although unfortunately Bush's "faith based education" ruined a whole generation of teens and the US has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates of the whole first world, but it's still way better than third world countries.

Generally, the West is proof that when you educate women you also slow down the birth rates. That's the whole idea beyond population control and it's almost always targeted at poor countries around the world and sometimes at poor neighborhoods in the West.

I take it you're one of those who likes to keep women ignorant and under the men's fist, as God dictates in the Bible? Because that's what you're really advocating.
edit on 26-1-2013 by DarkSecret because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Aleister

I do not like those types at all. They are a bunch of racists that want all the non-whites gone. I never seen a Mexican support these policies, it always been white people. I will never be a vegan and betray my race to something so white and city dwelling. If they have it their way, the world would be 100% white and elite and machines would take care of their labor needs. I am from a rural area and those city folks always want to try press their beliefs on everyone else. Animal rights people are nuts and I enjoy eating meat. I will keep on hunting and fishing.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Chopper
reply to post by Aleister

I do not like those types at all. They are a bunch of racists that want all the non-whites gone. I never seen a Mexican support these policies, it always been white people. I will never be a vegan and betray my race to something so white and city dwelling. If they have it their way, the world would be 100% white and elite and machines would take care of their labor needs. I am from a rural area and those city folks always want to try press their beliefs on everyone else. Animal rights people are nuts and I enjoy eating meat. I will keep on hunting and fishing.

I'm not sure what race you are but you're ranting. Nobody wants to eradicate the non-whites. Additionally if you look at the global race distribution, Whites & Blacks are each at 15%.

It would take thousands of years of planning to eradicate non-whites OR they would need to drop nukes on Asia. the Middle East, and Latin America to achieve this goal.

But the truth is that areas with non-whites tend to be worse off due mainly to gangs (which are made up of people of the same race as the neighborhood they are terrorizing) and lower incomes. And let's face it, anybody in the US (and the West generally) can go to college nowadays so blaming "the Man" for keeping down minorities doesn't fly anymore. Heck we have a black President and Attorney General. So it's the minority communities that need to really unite and pull together and clean up their youth to stop the decay. But of course it's easier for them to hate whites and blame whites for all the evil in the world. The victim card is used by all criminals too.

There's nothing wrong with hunting and fishing as long as you ACTUALLY eat what you hunt. Unfortunately there are a lot of wanna-be hunters who just enjoy the killing and then end up wasting most of the meat. If you're going to kill something then you have to respect it because it gave its life to feed you!

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by DarkSecret

I wouldn't doubt it was incoherent to you . You believe America is the problem . Europe has no problems . When they get crowded they attack each other and kill off a bunch of people like they have for their entire history including the last 2 world wars .
America is doing fine . We have plenty of room over here . The only place it is crowded is in the cities , where people work. If you people are so smart why can't you control your own country .I would imagine we feed you too!

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by DarkSecret

Have you not become aware of the Globalist Agenda . In fact Agenda 21 . Or are you one of those that deny the Globalist NWO ?

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by SimonPeter

Where is this video then?

Put up or shut up, matey. I've found dozens of video's of the same speech he gave in the 1990's and he doesn't make any kind of call for actively reducing the population - just the need for control over the population level.

It's when people with a pre-conceived bias (such as yourself and anyone else totally in love with the idea of shape-shifting reptiles or secret cabals) look at these and twist what was said in an effort to prove their point.

It's exactly the same as when any idiot tries to use the old Prince Philip "quote" about him wanting to be a virus and wiping out humanity - he never actually said that but people believe he did and repeat it ad nauseum.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by SimonPeter
reply to post by DarkSecret

I wouldn't doubt it was incoherent to you . You believe America is the problem . Europe has no problems . When they get crowded they attack each other and kill off a bunch of people like they have for their entire history including the last 2 world wars .
America is doing fine . We have plenty of room over here . The only place it is crowded is in the cities , where people work. If you people are so smart why can't you control your own country .I would imagine we feed you too!

You know it's people like you who completely discredit the conspiracy theorists. Incoherent people like you who can't even take the time to read before hitting the post button. Is that really what you read into my previous posts? Did I blame the US for anything? Or rather did I say that the US feeds most of the world because we have the most advanced techniques and a huge surplus?

Anyway, I'm well aware of Globalism and Agenda 21. However the 1% Rich never cared much about the poor. Why would you think they would bother killing people off? If history is a lesson, whenever there's a mass die-off, the remaining humans become more valuable and more expensive. See what happened in Europe after the Plagues when half the population was gone. The Rich had to pay higher wages and that eventually lead to the Renaissance.

So why would the Rich want to kill off the poor people and thus decrease their own profits due to lack of competition in the workforce?! But of course you will come up with some other God related conspiracy. Sorry but you can't express a coherent idea in any of your previous posts.

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by DarkSecret

I have one question in regards to your post. Although I agree with your statement that the survivors would be more expensive to maintain on an individual level, one thing I know is that the top classes never do the accounting for an individual. They look at the combined bottom line. So with that in mind, we do the math. You have 50 people working for $10 and hour vrs. 10 people working for $20, $500 pay out vrs. $200. They are indeed paying out more to the individual but at the same time saving $300(simplified numbers of course but you see my point). By eliminating the majority of the higher paid Middle class and paying the survivors more it actually comes back to the top classes as a savings or more profit, does it not?
edit on 27-1-2013 by Agarta because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Agarta

The Prince of Wales' position reminds me of the words of a song..."Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me...." (except substitute "population control" for "peace"....Sorry Bonnie Prince Charlie).

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by DarkSecret

Actually I have read where there is a rift among the Bilderberg Principle Parties about population reduction . But you don't understand high finance . They pretty much own it all . Money is nothing without ultimate power . Population reduction feeds the coffers by selling resources for a higher price like gas in England rather than the Walmart approach like gas in America . Sell less for more . The same for food . Then these robber barons can have the freedom to go where they want without being in a traffic jam . There is a target population for reduction according to the Eugenics Quotes .

posted on Jan, 27 2013 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by CosmicCitizen
reply to post by Agarta

The Prince of Wales' position reminds me of the words of a song..."Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me...." (except substitute "population control" for "peace"....Sorry Bonnie Prince Charlie).

may be he is annoyed at the thought of becoming a grandfather

i can see his point of view and i can envisage the day when we will no longer have the right to have large families similar to China for Draconian methods well they have been killing off the poor for decades
...tip of the day .be mindful of what you eat

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