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Exclusive Community Interview with David Icke

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posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 04:28 PM
Exclusive Community Interview with David Icke Managed by ATS Discussion Board staff member, John bull 1 David Icke (pronounced "Ike") is a former Professional Soccer player, journalist, network anchorman with the BBC, spokesman in the 1980's for the British Green Party, and since 1990 a full time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world. Many have dubbed Icke as the "most controversial speaker" on the planet. They used to laugh at him, but now they come in the thousands to hear him speak all over the world. He is the author of 14 books and among them are: And the Truth Shall Set You Free, The Biggest Secret, Children of the Matrix, Alice in Wonderland and The World Trade Center Disaster ~ why the official story of 9/11 is a monumental lie, and his latest book, Tales from the Time Loop - The most comprehensive expos� of the global conspiracy ever written and all you need to know to be truly free. For more information about David Icke and his theories and beliefs please visit his website at : I'd also like to add a special thankyou for Pamela for all her help with this. Q: ATS: David, first I'd like to welcome you to, I don't know if you've ever run across us before on your cyber-travels
. I wonder if you could start by giving us a brief overview of your theories for those who visit here who may not be well acquainted with them ? A: David Icke: Being brief is not easy when there are layers upon layers involved in the global conspiracy, each connecting with the others. At its most simple a network of interbreeding bloodlines going back to the ancient world sit atop a pyramid of global power. They control and manipulate the political system, banking, transnational corporations, media conglomerates, oil and pharmaceutical cartels, the legal system and all the areas of society necessary to control the people. They are the force behind the incessant centralisation of power in all areas of our lives and they want a world government, central bank, currency and army that would dictate to a micro-chipped population. We are moving ever closer to this by the day. Oh yes, and the whole thing takes place in the holographic version of a virtual reality game that we call the �world�. But that would take more space to explain than we have here. Q: ATS: And now for some questions from our members. A light one to start with asked by Irma. "Who was the best striker to 'put one past you' whilst you were at Coventry City?" A: David Icke: They were all good or they wouldn�t have scored! Q: ATS: ZeddicusZulZorander asks, Having a very large conspiracy community at ATS, is there any conspiracies (other than reptoids) that you are trying to find evidence of? A: David Icke: My focus at the moment is on the virtual reality game and I am going to explain what I have discovered in a new book due out in the new year. Basically the �world� we think we are seeing �around us� is an illusion and this is the level at which the manipulation is really taking place. Our bodies/brains are like computer terminals and the �world� is a holographic �Internet�. It�s a fantastic story, but makes total sense of the way the �world� is run and structured. Q: ATS: DontTreadOnMe writes, I'd like to hear Mr Icke's take on the Bush-Kerry election and the direction this election will take our country. His ideas on the current economics, no matter who wins the same force will be in control of us, and the financial situation in the world. A: David Icke: Bush and Kerry are two masks on the same face. They are both initiates of the elite Skull and Bones Society, a major strand in the web of deceit in the United States. I hear there are around 280 million people in America and the Skull and Bones only initiates 15 Yale students a year. But through covert manipulation two �Bonesmen� are facing each other for the presidency. In short, no matter who wins the farce of an election the same force will be in control and only the rhetoric and presentation will differ to give us the illusion of political choice. Q: ATS: This was asked by a few members in different ways. This was from earthtone: Thanks for taking the time to answer questions David. Now, have you ever been contacted, harassed, or had your work hindered in any way by agents of those you wish to expose? The publicity your information has got, you would expect a struggle against those who you claim control the media and everything else. I know radio shows in the US and so forth were cancelled in the US at one point (for example) but have you had any actual interaction of any kind with the reptilian forces or those working for them at any time? A: David Icke: Yes, I have had some hassle and it is ongoing, but nothing I can�t handle. In terms of publicity it has largely come through my books, talks and website, The mainstream media, when it has bothered to report what I say, has always sought to discredit it without investigation or, most of the time, even reading what they are seeking to trash. Q: ATS: MKULTRA asks the writes, I've been a fan of Icke's work for quite some time, and I'd like to know, How far along is the Illuminati on completing their 'control agenda' at this point in time? I know you've mentioned that infinite love can counter this agenda. Given the current state of the world's politicians (and populations), are we already trapped inside the prison without the bars? (i.e. is it too late for us to 'wake up' and achieve true freedom). Are certain countries "lost"? A: David Icke: I understand the question and I will be going into this further in the new book because it relates to this whole theme of us living an illusion while believing it to be real. That�s how they keep us in line. The Illuminati want their global fascist structure in place by 2012, but they seem to be behind schedule. Whenever that happens they seek to increase the speed of change by orchestrating major events that they blame on others � like 9/11. Look at how the agenda of control has moved on as a result of that horrific day and the orchestrator was not Osama bin Laden, but the force that has used it as the excuse to take away a stream of freedoms. It is a technique I have dubbed problem-reaction-solution � covertly create the problem, get the public to say �something must be done,� and then openly offer the solutions to the problems you have covertly created. It works like a dream. Q: ATS: Burke's Peerage clearly acknowledges that George W. Bush & John Kerry are distant cousins, both of whom are related to the British royal family. Have you received shape-shifting reports of either of these "oppo-same" presidential candidates? Is the US population screwed either way? A: David Icke: The Bush family is one of these �Illuminati� �royal� bloodlines that go back to ancient times and these are shapeshifters that can take either human or reptilian form. It�s all holographic trickery because everything, including the body, is a hologram and not �solid� as it appears to be. I have had many reports of people seeing father Bush shapeshift. As for Kerry, he is said by Burkes Peerage to be more �royal� in his bloodline than any American president, so he�s of the shapeshifter bloodline, too. Only the bloodline gets into the Skull and Bones Society. Kerry and Bush are both related to the British royal family and Vlad the Impaler (�Count Dracula�). Readers of my books will understand the significance of this. Q: ATS: Rumors have circulated about either an alien or human base on the far side of the moon. Can you tell us any information about what your research has uncovered regarding the existence and purpose of a moon base? A: David Icke: Don�t know. I have heard these stories, but once you realise we are living in a holographic virtual reality game what is real anymore? Only what they can manipulate you to believe is real. From this perspective there is a great deal more to know before we can fully understand this whole extraterrestrial deal. Q: ATS: Given the prevalence of "lapel pins" on televised politicians lately, is this some sort of illuminati symbol that they are "hiding in plain sight"? If so, what do you think these are communicating? A: David Icke: No idea. These people are obsessed with symbolism, that�s all I can say. Q: ATS: What kinds of major military actions can we expect the illuminati to initiate over the next few years? Is North Korean leader Kim Jong Il acting out a significant part of the control agenda? A: David Icke: The Illuminati want a conflict between the United States and China eventually. I have been told about this by insiders and through other sources for many years now and first mentioned this back in 1996. It is highly likely that the focus on North Korea is a means through which they want to trigger this conflict. North Korea has a border with China and many close connections. The Illuminati also want control of the Middle East, including Iran, and they are planning more �terrorist outrages� to advance the agenda and manipulate the people to concede to their plans. Q: ATS: Sauron asks, a) "I would like to ask David to expand on his beliefs about the street layout and design of Washington D.C. in relation to the Illuminati ?" and b) "What does he think of the Obelisks n Washington, and the other in New York as to what they really mean ?" A: David Icke: I go into this in detail in my books and there is not enough space here to elaborate. But an obvious Illuminati symbol is the Statue of Liberty, which was given to New York by French Freemasons in Paris who knew what it really symbolised. It is Queen Semiramis, also known as Ashtar, the goddess of Babylon (now Iraq), an ancient centre for the Illuminati. Illuminati/Babylonian symbolism is all around us and it is designed to affect us subliminally and by the effect it has on the energy field. Q: ATS: Gazrok asks, Have you heard of the infamous "Lacerta" interviews? What's your take on them ? A: David Icke: Haven�t seen them. I will give them a look. Q: ATS: mocken asks,Please inquire why there are few references or citations in the majority of his books that discuss aliens, and so on? A: David Icke: Don�t understand the question. Q: ATS: Sen5e asks, Does he still feel the color aqua has any significance as you used to wear aqua colored suits during interviews ? A: David Icke: All colours are significant because they represent a vibrational frequency that affects the wearer. This is why people can look vibrant in one colour and not in another. Turquoise is a very powerful frequency and I wear a lot of blue these days, too. I don�t sit down and work it out, I just wear what I am attracted to. Q: ATS: Worldwatcher asks, Mr. Icke in your reptilian theory, you mentioned the race of reptilians as being called Ari-ans or Aryans. Now Hindu mythology speaks of the great race of Aryans from which the God Rama is said to be a leader of, knowing that you believe in reincarnation and the similiarity to the repitilian race of Ari-ans and the real Aryans of the Indus valley in India, I wonder what are your thoughts on the Hindu religion in general and if there is a connection between the two Aryan races? A: David Icke: I don�t see the reptilians as �Aryans�. I say that the reptilians like to interbreed with what are called Aryans � blond haired, blue-eyed, people � because there is something in the genetics that they want. Blond hair and blue eyes comes up a lot and I have yet to meet any survivor from an elite mind control programme who was not like that. Q: ATS: Jamuhn asks, Do you plan on creating any historical fiction novels to gain a broader audience for your work? Don't you agree more people would be exposed to your general ideas if the setting of the story was fictional? A: David Icke: Fact is far more fantastic than fiction and we don�t have the luxury of communicating this in baby steps. Q: ATS: WW ,Mr. Icke, if we are to believe your writings, it would mean the world is currently in a sad and deplorable state, what does the average person have to look forward to if all you speak of is true? A: David Icke: Knowing that they have the power to manifest their own dreams and desired destiny and not have their reality implanted every day through thoughts they believe are their own. It doesn�t have to be like this, but if we don�t wake up it will be. The first step is to realise that there is no such thing as an �average person�. Q: ATS: I realize you promote awareness and awakening to the truth but again referring to your own writings, Would it not be too late for any change to be made? In essence aren't we simply screwed with no hope for a future? How will knowledge of the truth change anything on the global scale for the average individual? A: David Icke: I am not trying to save anyone. I am communicating information that people can make of what they will and act upon as they see fit. Actually there is no future and there is no past. That�s a key part of the illusion as my next book will explain. There is only NOW and that�s the only place that anything can change because there is nothing else! If we believe we are screwed we will be. The world is an illusion and we can change it in an instant when we realise who we really are. Q: ATS: In your writings you mention "Black Nobility" which ties in the Queen and other bloodlines such as the Bilderbergers, who have been in control for hundreds of years. Do the royal bloodline of the Arabs and Sheiks of the Middle East also tie into "Black Nobility" or are they separate groups? A: David Icke: In many cases yes they do and the House of Saud that rules Saudi Arabia with a rod of iron is among them. They are Illuminati bloodline to their fingertips and they have hijacked the centre of Islam on behalf of their masters. Q: ATS: One of the most disturbing theories I have read of your's is that of the "missing children". You mentioned satanic rituals and dark government projects, can you elaborate on what these children are being used for? Is there any proof other than the missing children in themselves that would support your theory? A: David Icke: This is a big subject that needs a lot of explanation. I am currently compiling a book with an American woman who has a fantastic story to tell about this. Yes there is evidence, tons of it, if only people would bother to look. Q: ATS: Mind Control; Who is using it? How we prevent it? What is the ultimate motive? Why is it that many of us feel that it is impossible for another to invade or control minds? A: David Icke: Billions of people have had their minds invaded by believing the official story of 9/11 when it is a monumental lie. What is mind control? It is getting someone to think what you want them to think and therefore do what you want them to do. The mass of the people are mind-controlled every day just by watching the TV news. These mind-control projects simply do the same with individuals in a much more extreme way. Q: ATS: Mr. Icke, you are often criticized and ridiculed for your opinion and ideas and even harrassed by the govt at times. Many feel that if what you say is true, it would be in the best interest of those "in know" to silence you for good. Have you recieved any death threats in the past and do you feel that your life is in danger for sharing your thoughts? A: David Icke: I will complete what I have come here to do and no goon in government is going to stop me. End of story. But yes, they do try. Q: ATS: All Seeing Eye asks, Since so many people seem to have a problem with the word "Reptillian", I would ask David if instead we compare the shapeshifters to Satanists, or wolfs in sheeps clothing ? A: David Icke: I use all kinds of terms to describe these people, including Satanists, and I don�t talk about reptilians that much really because there are many other aspects of the conspiracy to communicate. People have to come into this research at a point where they feel comfortable and I am happy to talk about the conspiracy on any level that people want. If they want to talk about the banking scam, the reptilian connection or the fact that our entire reality is an illusion, that�s fine by me. The point is � take what you want and leave what you don�t. The silly thing to do is dismiss it all because you can�t get your head around one aspect of it. Q: ATS: Lost asks, David, time and time again you have stated that you can not prove your theories regarding reptilians etc. and also do not care what others think. David, are you absolutley convinced of your theories, or do you still reserve some doubts. With such wild theories and no proof, are you open to the idea that you could be wrong? A: David Icke: I have written tens of thousands of words on the subject and talked to hundreds of people all over the world from very different walks of life who have had experience of this phenomenon. Their accounts are remarkably consistent and then look at the ancient accounts of the reptilians and shapeshifters that tell a similar story. So there is a great deal of evidence, but unless people experience the reptilians directly they are always going to say there is no proof. The world not being flat was a wild theory once and, anyway, the reptilians, like the Illuminati, are only a sub-plot in a much bigger story, as my next book will detail. Q: ATS: Paul-Richard asks, The Zetan-Greys are the most commonly reported aliens by abductees, with Nordics (genetically engineered Homo sapiens) reported as serving as security to protect the weaker Greys against their Terran prisoners, and the Reptilians being the overlord caste. What have you learned through your investigations as to the role and caste rank (in relation to the Reptilians) of the Insectian aliens, specifically the Preying Mantis types? In other words... Are the Preying Mantis aliens considered to be on equal caste rank with the Reptilians? A: David Icke: It�s very difficult to get a fix on these hierarchies, especially when our reality is a holographic illusion anyway, but from what I am told by those who have experienced the reptilians directly, and people like Credo Mutwa, the Zulu shaman in South Africa, the greys are subordinate to the reptilians and may well be a manufactured worker-bee species. Q: ATS: Sauron asks, Why were you banned entry to Canada? A: David Icke: There are forces there who don�t want me to be allowed to speak there. This includes a government-employed lawyer called Richard Warman who has worked very hard over the years to have me stopped by immigration and venues ban my public events. It is amazing how simple it is. You call immigration and the talk venue, lie about what I am going to say, and everyone jumps. Pathetic is the only word. These same people then say they believe in freedom and condemn other countries for suppressing free expression. Q: ATS: Why was your New York seminar cancelled ? A: David Icke: Not enough time after the big LA event because the same people were organising both and not enough funding to do it justice. Some people think I have a big support team and make lots of money. If only they knew!! Q: ATS: Project_pisces asks, David what is your take on the recent death of Dr John Mack Author of: A Prince of Our Disorder & 1994's "Abduction'' and 1999's "Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters.'' (September 29, 2004 � Dr. John Mack died Tuesday in London, the victim of an auto accident. Dr. Mack, a Harvard professor, wrote A Prince of Our Disorder, a Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of T.E. Lawrence, or Lawrence of Arabia. Years later, he did controversial research on people who claimed they had been abducted by aliens. NPR's Robert Siegel speaks with a friend and colleague of Dr. Mack, Dr. Robert Jay Lifton of the Harvard Medical School). A: David Icke: I don�t know enough about this to make a comment worth hearing. Q: ATS: Amuk asks, Why you are not leading an armed revolt against our Reptilain overlords instead of being happy just to make a buck off of the suffering of millions of your fellow humans? I know if I believed it I would go down fighting rather than see my childern food and sex slaves to a bunch of lizards. A: David Icke: We have a word in Britain called bollocks. It is a slang word for testicles and also means something that is utter nonsense, as in �a load of bollocks�. Your question, Amuk, immediately brought the word to mind. Don�t be a prat all your life, mate, have a day off. Treat yourself. Jeeeez. Q: ATS: Amuk also asks, Why not kidnap one and force them to shift in front a group of people? Why not get PROOF of some sort and show it to the masses? Why not kill as many of them as he could? Why not do SOMETHING to try to force the issue? A: David Icke: Why don�t you? Q: ATS: Jamuhn asks, Mr. Icke, do you practice your spirituality? Do you Astrally Project? Do you meditate? Do you fight the dark reptilians in the shadows by using the light and love of your mind? What do you exert? To me personally, you just seem to care about making yourself a better person through love and I'm wondering what external power you utilize (except for writing and speaking)? A: David Icke: It is simple, really, Jamuhn, I follow my intuition every day and never go against it. That�s all I do and it has served me very well. I think the art of opening up to higher levels of ourselves is the art of getting out of the way. We don�t have to seek enlightenment because we are enlightened. It is our minds and emotions, our programming, that blocks the connection. Following intuition even when the mind and emotions are screaming in protest is to breach that blockage. That�s the way I see it, anyway. Q: ATS: And also if, Do you still take magic mushrooms and ayahuasca? Have you experimented with any more drugs? A: David Icke: No, I took ayahuasca twice in Brazil in 2003 and magic mushrooms once a few weeks later. Apart from that I have taken nothing before or since. It was an experience that gave me a great deal, but I have felt no desire or intuition to continue. Funnily enough, a review of Tales From The Time Loop, I think it was in the Fortean Times, said that I confirmed my theories by constantly taking ayahuasca. You have to laugh, really. Q: ATS: And, Where are you at in your life right now? A: David Icke: A turning point. My work is going to go in a very different direction from here, although it will still be related to my journey so far. The story is much bigger than almost anyone can imagine and if people think the reptilian stuff is far out they should see my next book. Q: ATS: Off The_Street asks, "Do you have any hard evidence whatsoever that certain people on the Earth (including the British Royals) are really shape-shifting reptoids?" A: David Icke: Read my books, The Biggest Secret and Children of the Matrix � more than 1,000 pages in all � and you decide. Q: ATS: Gazrok asks, How do you account for the fact that not one Reptoid, in all of recent history, has not wanted to simply cash in on a sure thing and celebrity by coming up to the surface and saying "look at me! look at me!" Surely in the untold number of them under our feet, ONE of them would have eventually done this? Even if their society does not value fame nor fortune, there are ALWAYS exceptions to the rule... A: David Icke: It is far bigger than that, Gazrok, and there is a lot more to know before we can understand the background to what is happening and why. Q: ATS: and also, Do you believe the Reptoids are behind the creation of the War on Terror? If so, what do you believe is their agenda in doing so? A: David Icke: The Illuminati reptilian bloodlines are behind the war on terror and why wouldn�t they be? Just look at how our freedoms are being curtailed by the day in the name of fighting terror when the world�s biggest terrorists are the ones in government (see Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster and Tales from the Time Loop for the detailed background.) Q: ATS: Kinglizard asks, Do you still believe that the Holocaust in WWII was fictional? If so why? What purpose does it serve? A: David Icke: The Holocaust wasn�t fictional in the sense that vast numbers of Jewish people, Communists, gypsies and so on suffered abominations at the hands of the Illuminati-created Nazis. But what I also find grotesque is the exploitation of that suffering by those who were not there and seek only to advance their own agenda and line their own pockets. Norman Finklestein, who�s parents were in the concentration camps, has written a magnificent expose� of these people in his book, The Holocaust Industry. Highly recommended. Those who wish to suppress the exposure of the global conspiracy also use the treatment of the Jews in Germany to dub researchers racist because they reveal the manipulations of people like the Illuminati Rothschilds. It is not about protecting Jewish people from discrimination, but using Jewish people to protect their own self interests. Q: ATS: And also, You said you always felt a constant presence around you like you were being watched. Do you still feel this presence? If you do who or what do you think it is? Has this entity ever talked to you? A: David Icke: Yes I do feel an energy around me most of the time, especially when I am writing or speaking in public. It communicates through my intuition. Q: ATS: Cassie Clay inquires, Fighting against the Reptillian mindset in daily life (business, politics, medicine, the media, etc.) can be exhausting & sometimes seems like a constantly losing battle. Do you have any advice as to how to overcome it in any meaningful way? And is it in your opinion possible to "make it" in this world in terms of fame or money without playing Their game? Thanks, & I'm a big fan of your work by the way. A: David Icke: Don�t fight anything, that�s the most important point. I don�t fight anyone or anything, I just do what I believe to be right and what happens, happens. What you fight you become, as we see with the mirror �polarities� in politics, religion, etc. The world is an illusion and so long as you know that you can enjoy it for what it is. Illusions only control us when we think they�re real. Q: ATS: OK the matrix asks a long question which I'll post in full: After talking to many people that attended one of your conferences, I've come to notice that alot of them, before having a deep discussion about the conference, remember and talk about the "out there" feeling of the "Reptilian Agenda" part of the conferences and have litle to no recollection of the vast pool of information you provided them before this part of the lecture came up, where you explain the history and current day political, symbolical and agenda related aspect of the entire conspiracy. The history, symbolical and agenda aspect of the conspiracy is what is most easy to grasp and for people that can't 100% liberate their mind (yet), the most important part to hear, to start becoming aware of the situation the world is in on the 5 sence plain. After discussing the lectures with them, they recollect all this information again and start seeing the lecture differently and learn to put aside what they think is out there (reptilian part) and listen to the information you provide. In my opinion its a pitty that by going to the reptilian part you loose the ear of many people, whats your opinion on that? Do you think there is a way to keep people from disregarding and forgetting the wealth of information you provide before you come to the reptilian part, because they can't grasp the level of the reptilian agenda and infinite one'nes? After listening and watch several of your conferences myself, I've noticed, even during the conference, that there is a great difference in interaction between you and the people listening during those 2 parts. During the history and agenda part, people are listening, participating and truely show understanding for what is being told to them. Then during the reptilian agenda and infinite one'nes part, they sit there totaly stumped, silent and in disbelief of what they are hearing. Sometimes when you tie in references to movies like The Matrix, they seem to be able to folow again, but then get lost really quickly once you continue with the reptilian part. Are you aware of this and do you have any plans or idea's on how to find a way around this? A: David Icke: My talks have evolved as I have discovered more and more information and I try to give an overall picture of the situation on several different levels. I emphasise the five-sense level for by far the longest part of the talks because that is what people daily experience and can relate to. But my agenda is set by the information I come across, not what I believe people will think of it. My approach is here is some info, make of it what you will because what people think of what I say is none of my business. It is only theirs. Some people will except some parts and not others. That�s fine and as it should be. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, just give them a perspective they will never get from mainstream sources. I have now reached a point where I am going to change the emphasis as I see what is most important to know. Q: ATS: el_topo wishes to know, What is your opinion on why you have not been stopped by those who you say are in power? Do you feel that they are allowing you to continue because they assume no one will believe you or do they have other motives for allowing you to spread this information? A: David Icke: They are trying to stop me on a number of fronts. But they will not succeed, bless �em. Q: ATS: and also, What do you think has been the most important event of the last five years regarding aliens/conspiracy topics? What do you think will be the event of the next 5 years? A: David Icke: 1.) 9/11 2.) People waking up from their hypnotic trance. Q: ATS: Weirdo asks, You come across as a person to everyday people in a way that damages your creditabillity.If you changed the way you promote yourself don`t you think people would believe you more? A: David Icke: I am me and I am not trying to be believed. Q: ATS: Cloud asks, have there ever been any attempts on your life, or any one who has been placed into your life to lead you astray on your mission? A: David Icke: I use my intuition with people and there have been a number who have tried to come into my life that I have made sure have nothing to do with me and my work. I also work alone on the research and books and have no organisation to infiltrate. I have no knowledge of attempts on my life, but let us not forget that there are other forces at work here also that want this information out there. Q: ATS: and also, have you heard of the item known as "orgone"? some say it can be used to combat negative entities that surround you. A: David Icke: This protection stuff is not something I get into for reasons I am going to explain at length in my next book. Q: ATS: phantompatriot asks, What made you want to stop being a commentator and become what you are today? was it a gradual change or almost overnight? How do you respond to all this scepticism? A: David Icke: It was very fast as a result of some extraordinary experiences. The first chapter of Tales from the Time Loop explains what happened. It�s a long story. Q: ATS: Kriz-4 asks, David, The information you state on bloodlines and historic ties, I find very interesting. I do not doubt you know what you are talking about. I intend at some point in my life to look into this. However, for me as for many others the reptillian factor is a hard to swallow idea. Just because it is hard to swallow does not mean it is not the truth. My question to you David is this: How have Reptillians affected you and the people you know? Have your relationships changed with people close to you? A: David Icke: We are affected by anything only to the extent that we allow ourselves to be affected. We have the power to decide our own destiny and experience, but we give that power away all the time. My relationships have only been affected by the changing perception of life, of myself, and those around me. I am fortunate in that my wife, Pam, is on the same wavelength and understands where I am going and why. Q: ATS: parker asks, Courtney Browne and other remote viewers describe a kind of governing body or "galactic federation style council" That over sees territorrys and claims other worlds have on certain planets and species. Any hostile action taken by them (the reptillians) towards Earth and its people, would be subject to their approval or their intervention. Do you think this is the case, have you heard of this council, and could they be effective if the need arrises?. A: David Icke: I have heard these stories, but my own focus is to go beyond the sub-plots, interesting and often true as they may be, and identify what is behind all of them. I am working on that now with the new book. Q: ATS: Crustas asks,When will the human race be free? A: David Icke: When it remembers that it already is. Q: ATS: Are there any issues concerning your theories in relation to the current global or national political events taking place recently that you would like to tell our members about ? A: David Icke: When leaders tell you to look one way look the other. Q: ATS: David I'd like to thank you on behalf of the membership of for taking the time to answer our questions.I hope you can visit ATS from time to time.I wonder before you go if you could let us all know what you're up to at present time and about any projects you have in the pipeline ? A: David Icke: I am working on two new books, the first should be out in February or March at the latest. Also, in the next few weeks we are launching a new website network that includes a new site,, that focuses on the illusory nature of reality and how we can control the illusion instead of -- as now -- the illusion controlling us. Oh yes, and watch for a movie about the reptilian connection based on my books in which I appear as myself. Details will be on my website when it is available. It should be soon. -end-

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:11 AM
I never read his books or researched him. Interesting stuff!

[edit on 28-10-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:12 AM
Great Interview!!! Excellent work JB and ATS

my only gripe with Mr. Icke is him pushing his $29.99 books, but I guess even in an illusion, money rules.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:15 AM
I also don't like how he always plugs his books instead of just giving the answer.

I'm suprised no one asked about his upcoming apperance in the Big Brother reality show.

[edit on 10/28/2004 by Simulacra]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:22 AM
I must confess I'm a little baffled that one so into Reptoids has never come across the Lacerta interviews....

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:23 AM
I figure he's just another marilyn manson type, you know he doesn't actually buy into the crap he sells he just does it for the benjamins.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:23 AM
I found his wife very charming.As for book promotion...... You've got to expect a little of that and I did find the answers as anoying as Stanton Friedman who used every question to promote something.

I think it's hard when you've written exhaustively on a issue to have someone ask you to give a short answer to a complex issue.

My favorite bit is where he tells our esteemed moderator Amuk that he's talking bollocks.

I thought it was an honest interview.Straight answers,referiences when answers are more complicated,and admission when he didn't know.

One thing I was struck by is that he hasn't seized every opportunity just to be controversial.

[edit on 28-10-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:45 AM
Well done for that guys.

Can't say as I expected anything more than what we got, if you want any real answers to the questions asked I guess we have to line his pockets with a few sheckles.

I'm a little confused, he said that he wasn't trying to save anyone, so what exactly is he trying to do?

And as for his new and improved matrixesque theory, get ready for a lawsuit from the Wachowski's.

He doesn't get his ideas from meditating, he draws all his information from the same sources we do, books and the interweb, people were talking about these conspiracies long before he started preaching.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:59 AM

And as for his new and improved matrixesque theory, get ready for a lawsuit from the Wachowski's.

After seeing those movies, I'm sticking with the red pill, thanks...

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by John bull 1
I found his wife very charming.As for book promotion...... You've got to expect a little of that and I did find the answers as anoying as Stanton Friedman who used every question to promote something.

I think it's hard when you've written exhaustively on a issue to have someone ask you to give a short answer to a complex issue.

My favorite bit is where he tells our esteemed moderator Amuk that he's talking bollocks.

I thought it was an honest interview.Straight answers,referiences when answers are more complicated,and admission when he didn't know.

One thing I was struck by is that he hasn't seized every opportunity just to be controversial.

[edit on 28-10-2004 by John bull 1]

Q: ATS: Amuk asks, Why you are not leading an armed revolt against our Reptilain overlords instead of being happy just to make a buck off of the suffering of millions of your fellow humans? I know if I believed it I would go down fighting rather than see my childern food and sex slaves to a bunch of lizards.

A: David Icke: We have a word in Britain called bollocks. It is a slang word for testicles and also means something that is utter nonsense, as in �a load of bollocks�. Your question, Amuk, immediately brought the word to mind. Don�t be a prat all your life, mate, have a day off. Treat yourself. Jeeeez.


Now that is funny! Well done Amuk full props to you!

Thats made my day

Some of Ickes stuff is interesting some are just plain wacked out!

Shape-shifting reptilians, whenever i see this discussed on ats i dont even bother reading or replying anymore because anyone who even thinks slightly that this is happening on earth has been taking acid way too long!

At least its part of the interview archives now and will lure other like minded people onto ats for our fun and enjoyment

Well done everyone who made this happen, looking foward to some other great interviews

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 09:09 AM
Hi to all team ATSNN, very good interview -- the answer to Cloud is not

wrong -- last phrase is true one-- other forces .

regards chapo

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by chapo
Hi to all team ATSNN, very good interview -- the answer to Cloud is not

wrong -- last phrase is true one-- other forces .

regards chapo

Not wishing to offend, but could you please clarify this apparent code?

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Koka

Originally posted by chapo
Hi to all team ATSNN, very good interview -- the answer to Cloud is not

wrong -- last phrase is true one-- other forces .

regards chapo

Not wishing to offend, but could you please clarify this apparent code?

Hi koka I am not pro Icke , but Iam pro lazy to tape-read again :question +

answer. chapo

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by chapo

Hi to all team ATSNN, very good interview -- the answer to Cloud is not

wrong -- last phrase is true one-- other forces .

regards chapo

Hi koka I am not pro Icke , but Iam pro lazy to tape-read again :question +

answer. chapo

So, you are refering to the last question Cloud asked, which is regarding orgone to which your answer is other forces

[edit on 28-10-2004 by Koka]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 10:53 AM
interesting must be a bit annoying being asked questions that you may have answered in one of a number of books that you have written...but i sorta have to agree with Amuk.....maybe Icke has the info but doesn't know how to actually go about 'fighting' to speak...

maybe the goal or his 'fight' is to just present the info and let others do.....whatever..with it.

to change on a personal level should be a goal for eveyone (the 'remeber you are free'..statement) but in this day and age when there are powerfull forces in place to manipulate mold/change/coerce our views to thiers AND they are and have been succeding for years.........isn't it time for the application of the ol' shovel upside the head of the masses?? but hard 'proof' needs to be shown along with that shovel....

yeah, yeah..i know what the response is...'the info is presented..what you do with it is up to you..' ( long sigh.............) someday soon though....i am sort of an opptimist

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 11:03 AM
I'm glad to see David is as much of a fan of They Live as I am.

I also know he's a fan of the mini-series V, another classic.

I don't mean any disrespect by this but Amuk you got completely roared off man, I was nearly in tears with David's response. I'm just annoyed, I always thought bollocks was censored on this site and so never used it...all this time wasted.

I know one is not meant to promote such illegal activities but I read most of his books when I downloaded them off kazaa, best way to go if you can't afford it, I'm sure he'll forgive you...

[edit on 28-10-2004 by John Nada]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 11:42 AM
great stuff. he makes me proud. i thought he made an excellent point, too. it even points to the kind of mind programming the populace is subjected to. if you don't believe in reptillians, ...fine. that is no reason to discredit all the excellent research into financial, nepotisitic networks of the ultrarich, which are so well documented in his books. here's another running trigger/program in the noosphere, ....'don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.'

i agree that earth is a hologram, and it doesn't even matter if you take that literally or figuratively. the chain of cause and effect spreads through the energy pool the same way. even mainstream physics tells us we don't really exist as solidly as we think we do. intent is not visible, and only sensed through cognitive reconstruction of virtual enviroments, use your gut. intuition and faith in truth go a lot further than scientists will ever admit(which is extra funny, because it is through intuition that most scientific discovery's are made. serendipity covers the rest). intent is the prime mover.

if you read this thread, david, please except my thanks for detailing the revelations of the mechanics of global control. i actually had a real epiphany myself, regarding mind prisons, pyramid power and bloodlines in about november of 2001. a REAL epiphany. it was great to be able to go buy a book that detailed the network. keep up the good non-fight, davey boy.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 12:09 PM
At borders, I picked up three, "The biggest secret" "Alice in Wonderland and the world trade centre disaster" and then "and the truth shall set you free"

I learned alot about this corrupt DNA he speaks about that can be linked to the bush monarchy, the queen of england, ect ect..
The illuminati and how they leave symbols all over the place like the all seeing eye which FDR put on the dollar bill the statue of liberty which represents a lady in babylon, this thing is so huge I can't even go into detail.

I can see why he says to read the books because there is just TOO MUCH information to blurt out in small answers...

Also when he was referring his comments to amuk about bullock's, I understand why he said that. Let me explain.

In his books namely "the biggest secret" he delves into how you can set yourself free, what you can do about this whole mess ect.
It's not to fight. You can't fight evil with evil so to speak.

You must see that this whole thing is like a pyramid. And we're all at the bottom.BUT being at the bottom is the only way we can break the pyramid.

We're the foundation so to speak. You can't fight the top, but you can ruin it by joining together in unity not division which is what they want us to do.

By love, ect you can fight this thing.

280 million people in the us and only 15 people are selected into skull and bones per year? And not one regular person has ever made it to presidency? But they say anyman can? He says bullocks. Everything around us including the media, libs and reps, are all in on it. The world bank, research institutes, everything, they have the keys to our brains so to speak.

But if you tune them out, how can they get inside your head?

It's such a big thing.. However, I understand what he says, and what shocked me the most was when he said in his books that "reptilian's need the most love out of anybody"

If you stay in the dimension they are keeping you in, you'll always stay in it. But if you free yourself from the anger, the fear, frustaration, subjectiveness, ect the world is your oyster and the possibilites are infinite.

Thats what I learned.
And because he mentioned amino acid in his book, I went and bought a herb book
.. I was in such a good mood when I left. We're not all #ed if this is indeed true.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 12:34 PM
Also i'd just like to know how he knows if bush and father have "corrupt dna"

Has anybody took a piece of his hair, or blood sample ect to come to this conslusion to make a link to these reptilian intrebred families??

just curious.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 02:28 PM
I would like to thank David Icke for taking time out, i wish i asked for some of his views on the New World Order for my FSME stuff....but i forgot.....crap

Anyways, Come and Post on the New World Order Section Dave!

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