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Satanist Hitman Stopped From Killing Target By A Powerful Light That Burned His Hand

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posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 08:24 PM
In the following interview an ex-Satanist recounts his experiences after sent minions failed to grab (girl) target sacrifice for " Mr TOP BOSS" and taking matters into his own hands knowing that not getting her would be not so good news for him and finding himself against a powerful source of protection that started him on the path of confusion and questions.He explains, when " Mr TOP BOSS" wants something you got to get it. He also finds himself stopped by the same light like the other guys, gets burned, starts asking questions and finds even " Mr TOP BOSS" who should know refuses to tell.

You don't believe in the supernatural? Listen to this guy's experience and find out if it's real or not from somebody who lived in that world and the conclusion of the powerful source of protection that even the guy who gave him so-called " everything" would rather not speak about.

[color=crimson]Note 4 Mods: I actually intended this thread to go in the paranormal forum but I clicked on the wrong place. I guess there is something conspiracy about it but if you feel it's more fitting for the other place then feel free to move it there.

Another interesting thread:

edit on 9-1-2013 by EfficientP because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-1-2013 by EfficientP because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-1-2013 by EfficientP because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 09:31 PM
I also heard an ex-Freemason say he worshiped Satan and became a vampire only to be thwarted by a little old lady writing "I'll be praying for you" on the back of one of his checks.

We should take these sorts of claims with a grain of salt. Or sugar. I prefer salt myself.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 11:19 PM
I'm not a hitman, far from it, but I also had a very similar experience.

It was the mid 1980's, Friday night, in the Northern California town of Hayword, and I was glad to finally be off work.
I got in my car, cranked up the Yngwie Malmsteen tune and started singing along to the lyrics.
Even though I was an axeman at the time, I was merely practicing my singing while attempting to sound like Jeff Scott Soto,

I kept singing as I drove down the freeway until I got to the part where the song mentions "Lucifer's Son".
Just before I was to blurt out those lyrics, I felt a jolt right to my lower jaw.


It was as if a lightning bolt had zapped me right smack in the mouth.
I don't know, maybe I pinched a nerve or something but it felt like an electric shock.
It was so severe, it literally caused me to see white stars for a split second.

I then turned off the stereo and quietly drove home while I kept wondering and thinking, "Geez, maybe these guys really did sell their souls and maybe something or someone is trying to tell me something?"

I would still listen to Malmsteen afterwards, but it was never the same.

I won't embed the vid but here is the link.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 01:41 AM
Class IV laser from a Predator Drone?


posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by EfficientP

I just don't believe it, if you look at the crime data Satanists actually are probably the safest group to hang around. Human sacrifice was really just a hot media item in the 90s and helped David Icke write a bunch of books, in reality it really does not happen.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by Superhans
reply to post by EfficientP

I just don't believe it, if you look at the crime data Satanists actually are probably the safest group to hang around. Human sacrifice was really just a hot media item in the 90s and helped David Icke write a bunch of books, in reality it really does not happen.

Doesn't it? What if it does happen and the Media just cover it up these days?

Seven young members of a satanic sect have gone on trial in Russia accused of four gruesome murders in which they "ritually sacrificed" their victims before cooking and eating parts of them.

That sounds pretty satanic to me.

Satanic rituals up until 1996

In the above link you will find numerous cases which all had satanic elements to them..

Horrified cops found body parts dumped in a pit beside an upside-down cross, a symbol used in Satanic worship. The victims all suffered 666 knife wounds — the number associated with the Beast, or Antichrist, and featured in horror films such as The Omen. The pals, three girls and a boy aged 16 or 17, were all Goths.

Now think about this. This is only random people from around the world committing these crimes. I suggest you also take a look at Jersey in England and what supposedly happened to children in Orphanages over there. These ritual killings happen everywhere and from the poor to the very powerful.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by DarknStormy

Seriously? If I were to list homicides committed by Christians and atheists ATS would just blow up. Statistically Satanists are one of the safest groups to be around.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Superhans
reply to post by DarknStormy

Seriously? If I were to list homicides committed by Christians and atheists ATS would just blow up. Statistically Satanists are one of the safest groups to be around.

Well prove it then and I'll believe you.. I'm not just going to take your word for it. And what I have added are not your everyday homocides.. Do you find it normal for people to becooking and eating other humans body parts etc? That is far from your everyday homocide. It is stated that most of those acts were because of satanic rituals.

Besides that, I wasn't saying Satanists were all bad people anyway. You said these rituals don't happen anymore, they do.. I was only showing you that they do.
edit on 10-1-2013 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 03:04 AM
so this hitman makes videos telling of a failed hit and isn't in jail for the other murders?


posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 03:11 AM
I wonder if someone is preparing for a firearms ban and has built a Class 4 laser weapon.

I know if they come for my guns i will be buying a cutting laser for self protection.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy

Well prove it then and I'll believe you.. I'm not just going to take your word for it.

okay then lets start by looking up your poorly- I mean NON sourced "source".

*July 197O - Steven Hurd
First thing wrong with this is that for something to be "ritualistic" it has to be a ritual. And the whole cannibilisim thing was never backed up. According to the evidence he killed one person with a hatchet and stabbed another to death. He latter claimed that he dug up a body and ate its heart, but he was also in and out of the mental hospital. So what "ritual" involves killing someone with a hatchet or a knife?

Stalin was an atheist and killed millions

July 1970 - Satanist Stanley

Again, nothing "ritualistic" about the murders besides he killed people in a grotesque manner.
Hitler was Christian and killed millions

December 1979 - The mutilated bloodless corpses of Carol Marron and Howard Green are found by police,

They are just labeling an unsolved crime as a murder by Satanists.

April 1981 - Self-styled Satanist Kimberly Goytia

Not a "Satanist" she just tried the "devil made me do it" defense
But David Berkowitz was jewish and latter converted to Christianity, but he tried the "dog made me do it" defense.

October 1981 - Robin Gecht

Never convicted of murder... and there was no cannibalism.
But BTK was a Christian

January 1986 - Satanic "priest" Harold Smith

yup he was a satanic worshiper that killed a person
but Andrea Yates was a Christian

yeah I got bored.. a lot of those were not even really "Satanist" but they were labeled as such to add text to the web page. Like Jesse misskelly Jr, I am VERY familiar with him and he was Christian (dumber then a sack of hammers I would like to add) and he was in no way a Satanist.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy
reply to post by DarknStormy

Besides that, I wasn't saying Satanists were all bad people anyway. You said these rituals don't happen anymore, they do.. I was only showing you that they do.
edit on 10-1-2013 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

you edited your post...
1. I never said that they don't happen anymore
2. please define "Satanism" and "ritual".
edit on 10-1-2013 by Superhans because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by Superhans
reply to post by EfficientP

I just don't believe it, if you look at the crime data Satanists actually are probably the safest group to hang around. Human sacrifice was really just a hot media item in the 90s and helped David Icke write a bunch of books, in reality it really does not happen.

But you did say it doesn't happen..

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 08:23 AM
Hello ATS , new member here.
I have been lurking here for some years now , but I've only just recently joined the forum as I felt that I didn't have too much in the way of things to add to the conversations , this is my first post.

Now think about this. This is only random people from around the world committing these crimes. I suggest you also take a look at Jersey in England and what supposedly happened to children in Orphanages over there. These ritual killings happen everywhere and from the poor to the very powerful.

May I be so bold as to suggest that you also do your own homework before spewing such nonsense on the internet?
Although part of the British Isles , Jersey isn't 'in England'. It's actually much closer to France , around 20 miles or so away situated in the Bay of St. Malo north of the Brittany Peninsula.
The 'orphanages' that you are referring to are actually Children's Homes. I believe you are talking about 'Haute de la Garenne'?
There were no 'ritual killings' there , and no bodies or body parts were ever found to suggest that there ever was.
It is fair to say that Haute de la Garenne was a dark place , where sexual and violent assaults toward children were unfortunately far from unheard of.
But to suggest that ritual satanic killings took place there is utter plod.
My mother , her brothers and sisters , and several older friends of mine lived in Haute de la Garenne , in the sixties , seventies & eighties , and I also spent my entire childhood in a children's home over here (in Jersey) , and I can assure you , it wasn't pleasant , but it was far from 'satanic'.
None of us ever heard of any of the other children being snatched from their beds in the middle of the night to be dragged off and stabbed six hundred and sixty six times to please a fairytale character.
This isn't the first time that I have read mention of Haute de la Garenne on ATS , and I doubt it will be the last.
It doesn't bother me one bit , that is until people twist and add their own elements to the story to make it sound more 'interesting' than it really is.
Dark place? Yeah. Ritual satanic killings? No.
Peace out brothers and sisters ,
A 'Jersey Bean'

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by MerkabaTribeEntity

Yeah maybe I'm wrong about that Island and I do need to do a bit more research, thanks for pulling me up.. But as for the topic of the thread, these acts of Satanism do occur, unlike what the other poster stated in his first response. They simply haven't vanished into thin air.
edit on 10-1-2013 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by DarknStormy

Chuckles , no worries Chief.
For sure these things happen , it's an unfortunate thing. But as I say , I can assure you that these things didn't happen in Jersey , namely Haute de la Garenne.
It could be fair to say that I'm living proof ,

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by MerkabaTribeEntity
reply to post by DarknStormy

Chuckles , no worries Chief.
For sure these things happen , it's an unfortunate thing. But as I say , I can assure you that these things didn't happen in Jersey , namely Haute de la Garenne.
It could be fair to say that I'm living proof ,

I respect that and it must of been tough. I was watching some documentary a couple of weeks back which was trying to bust a cover up about the place. I'm pretty sure someone posted the video here also. But I'll take your word for it.. The other thing I will say though is this. I see pedophilia as satanic. It is evil, I have daughters and would hate them to be exposed to that. I am not saying all devil worshippers are bad people but thats just my point of view.. That applies to the churches and their kiddy fiddlers also.. I gave you a couple of stars and welcome aboard

edit on 10-1-2013 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by EfficientP

I'm a Christian, maybe not the best follower at times, but I've prayed countless times to feel or sense Gods presence in my life and give me direction. While I still hope to one day receive this gift, there are countless stories of God making his presence known to those who do not know or defy him.

The apostle Paul (Saul) for example, was known to persecute Christians until he was blinded by a vision of Christ and was instantly converted. Emperor Constantine was a Pagan before he received his vision. Even Moses was raised as an Egyptian Prince and used Hebrews as slaves. Later God showed him his destiny was to lead the Hebrews out of captivity. It doesn't stop at the bible either. So many stories seem to depict God reaching out to those who do not seek him, yet I seek and await with baited breath to no avail.

I believe God blesses me each and every day, yet I would give away all of them just to know he is not just a figment our collective imagination.

Disclaimer: My use of examples above are merely to convey a point and not to argue over the historical validity in them. As someone who has delve deep within the historical accounts in the bible as well as many others, I've found reasons to believe as well as disbelieve.

Until I pick a side, I'm cursed to walk the road that lies between and remain .....The Rabbit Hole Traverser!

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Superhans
reply to post by DarknStormy

Seriously? If I were to list homicides committed by Christians and atheists ATS would just blow up. Statistically Satanists are one of the safest groups to be around.

... says the guy with Ted Bundy as his profile picture, lol.

What possible statistics can you cite that say Satanists, as a group, are one of the safest groups to be around (whatever that means)? I would guess that "elderly nuns", "Japanese-American librarians" and "pacifist-leaning Quakers" would be a lot safer, were statistics actually kept on such small populations.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 04:19 PM
True Satanism has nothing to do with human sacrifice.

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