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The National Debt - What You Don't Seem To Get

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posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 05:05 AM
You've covered 50% of the problem, pretty much laying bare the groundwork that led us to this point. The FED is the thief who kicked the door to the house down, fractional reserve banking and electronic funds are the thieves who quickly ran into the kicked down door and ransacked the home.

I actually think the brief boom period in the 90s was a quick wealth grab by those in the know immediately prior to the US (and even the world at large) shifting to a primarily electronic funded economic system. It is really asinine to consider that billions of "dollars" which physically exist nowhere on this planet change "hands" every day via electronic transactions. In that regard, I agree with Heff's comment on the government debt being a complete joke. These asshats have the ability to instantly resolve virtually any economic crisis within the system with little more than a keystroke on a computer... but if they did so the illusion would be broken, the public would suddenly realize there is no scarcity value in money (at least on the governmental level), and the government could never use the budget or the economy as an excuse to slap the citizenry around again.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

We already know this.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 08:34 AM
A common misconception a lot of people make is that we are trying to bring our debt to 0. This is untrue and obviously impossible because of what the Op said. What we really want to do is bring our debt down to around 60% of our GDP. That is considered a healthy economy with a fiat currency.

Personally I want to see the Fed removed, because even 60% is too much in my book. However we need to take baby steps and reducing that means first getting the debt below 100% of our GDP. Once that is achieved we can start other goals.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 10:05 AM
new currency to replace the us dollar is already printed up and waiting to go.
it is asset based, not debt based.
it is not the 'amero'.

i think this fiscal cliff senario is a last ditch effort to keep citizens enslaved to an 'old world order'.

hopefully we can 'wise up' and bring about a better monetary system.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

That irks me quite a bit as well. The fact that they could send it all back to zero, and choose not to in order to strip us of more rights is quite ridiculous.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas


it could mean that it is the currency used for the USA and you USE it to pay for things you don't have thereby paying your "debts". If you have lots, you can pay for lots of things.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Hawking

Yeah, but you're taking the word "debt" too literally.

When I grab a Snicker's bar, a debt is created which I pay off with that dollar in the picture. Any time you're charged for a product or service, that is a debt. Currency is what squares the deal

Are you sure about that? Of course you are correct in that when you "purchase" a snickers bar that you are in fact in debt to pay for it. However, do you not realize that when the Federal Reserve Bank pumps their fake dollars into our economy, that you as a tax payer now are responsible for a debt that you never gave consent to in the first place????

Think about it and then take a look at our Debt clock and tell me something is not amiss in our country and those who support the Federal Reserve Bank and the enslavement of the people who live in the countries that have been taken over by it....

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Ameilia
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

I'm pretty sure we understand that. In fact, I don't know anyone over the age of 12 that doesn't know the Federal Reserve prints money.

Actually, all dollar bills are made either in DC or Ft. Worth, TX by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which is a part of the Treasury Department. The Mint only makes coins...

I've done a tour in DC and seen the sheets of dollar bills flying by and being cut.

Now, the Federal Reserve may allow the Dept. of Treasury to print money, and it's ultimatley owned by them -- but it's misleading to think that the Federal Reserve itself actually prints the physical money.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by Ameilia

Cool beans. But this isn't about the Federal Reserve printing money. It's about the fact that we would still be in debt at the mere existence of a single note in circulation. Ergo, we can never get out of debt unless we turn all of the Federal Reserve notes back to the Federal Reserve.

You can never get out of debt to the Federal Reserve, because they will only accept "Federal Reserve" debt note for payment of the interest, or the "Prime Lending Rate". It is a endless "Catch 22", paradox. It is designed to keep us enslaved to the Federal Reserve note indefinitely! Even if we gathered up all the Federal Reserve notes in Circulation and gave them back, legally we would have to pay the interest on it, so we would have to ask the "Fed" to print the money for the interest, once again having to pay the interest. Over and over and over.

Going deeper into history one will find that the "Federal Reserve" is in fact, a illegal, immoral, and quite unconstitutional governmental contractor. Congress was never given the power to contract out its obligation of controlling money. And it was through bribery, blackmail, murder, and a few other shady affairs, it was pushed threw congress just before Christmas when most members of Congress were on break.

The very simple fact is, all things gained through criminal activity, become null and void. And in my humble opinion, the Federal Reserve, is the most criminal organization on our planet!! Bar non!!!

So, you want your country back? Arrest the criminals, and forgive all debt derived from the use of FRNs. Confiscate the gold that was illegally and covertly stolen from the American people.

Happy New Year to all. END THE FED!

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 05:50 PM
The Federal Reserve creates debt when it creates money but a FR Note (paper, er cotton-linen money) being legal tender is established as the "coin of the realm" for paying debts (public and private and most commonly via electronic settlements). It fits 2/3s of the definition of money; medium of exchange and measure of value but you are correct in that it is not a store of value. My fear is what happens to FRNs if the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) takes on more debt and then declares bankruptcy next year (last year of its charter?) and then we go into receivership with the IMF and UN or something and it is decided that we, the people, owe that debt. Do the math; $16 Trillion (debt) divided by 320 Million (population). Pay up or select one: give up your home and assets or go to the work camp.
edit on 27-12-2012 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

I can't believe how many people realize all of this though, and merely "Go along, to get along." It's wrong and almost as if we are voluntarily accepting the fates they have given us. We are the 99%, and they are the 1%. We could rise up and crush them if we desired it. But the revolution is soon to come my friends, and I will fight tooth and nail for the liberties and freedoms of you all.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Ameilia
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

I'm pretty sure we understand that. In fact, I don't know anyone over the age of 12 that doesn't know the Federal Reserve prints money.

Actually, the Federal Reserve doesn't print money. That is the responsibility of the Treasury Department. The Fed manipulates the money supply, authorizing the Treasury to or not to print more notes, causing inflation or deflation as they see fit. Of course, that is worse, because the Treasury, being an official governmental office, is playing second-fiddle to a private bank, proving that our government is a fascist corporatocracy.

Not being argumentative, just bringing clarity.


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