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Unity. Serving others. Serving self.

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posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 12:39 AM
We are all share one consciousness/spirit/soul/life force. This life force is literally a kind of fire. It appears visually as a light or fire, and is felt as a sort of vibration. If you look around at life forms, you can see this fire expressed visually as a geometric shape. The universal consciousness expresses itself in form in a variety of ways, but the essence of each and every form is this fire. But how this life force expresses itself through form is somewhat irrelevant to this thread, although not irrelevant enough to leave it out.

You, as a physical individual, are only capable of withstanding a very tiny amount of the one life force. In this existence, you can become so filled with life that your physical body cannot contain it, so it will overload and quit working. But this won't be your death. This will be a return to the universal consciousness that is shared by all.

Your body is capable of withstanding much more life than we are accustomed to, but after a certain point, it just can't contain it.

We are all one universal life force. We come from a single source, and we are that source. But don't be confused. The individual is not supposed to know the absolute. The individual human can never come close to embodying the full presence of the source. But, with a little help, I might can help you embody as much of this life force as you can and even more than you can. (which will mean the cessation of your physical body)

The source that we are split itself into ROUGHLY one trillion times one sextillion individual, relative perspectives. I'm not 100% sure why it did this, but I believe it might be to experience itself perhaps for learning purposes. Everyone you have ever known and every animal you have ever known and every plant you have ever seen is connected to you by your innermost essence. And it is this essence that is the experiencer of all viewpoints.

Separation is an illusion of sorts. Ultimately, there is no one but you in the entire universe. But don't get confused. You are not here as an individual to have an ultimate perspective.

Service to self has been a necessary and indispensable survival mechanism for human individuals, and probably always will be. The majority of humans see little virtue in helping others because doing so seems to go against their nature. Just about everything we do is rooted as a survival mechanism and serving the self seems like the most effective way to ensure our survival. There is nothing wrong with serving the self, but it needs to be balanced in the right way with serving others.

Serving others is about relationships. In absolute terms, there isn't really a such thing as an other since we are all one consciousness. But in this life we live as humans, the concept is very important and couldn't be more relevant.

We're not here to survive for the sake of surviving. We don't eat for the sake of eating, (sometimes). Our being here is to serve the one source. The source split itself into possibly an infinite number of individual pieces, most likely to learn. Relationships are about interacting with other aspects of the source, and as an individual, it brings you closer to the source through knowledge. This knowledge of the self connects you to it and life comes pouring in for this connection. Relationships are about sharing the life force.

Those biased most strongly towards self service tend to be apathic. They cut themselves off from their true self in a harmful, but understandable way that has them believing their individualized self can reach the absolute status of universal consciousness. These individuals cause themselves great suffering. They do not care about the interests of others and wish to only act from their own will and desire. In doing so, they directly disable the connection and it's numerous benefits.

Of course, if we were totally of service to others, we would starve. However, service to others is not pointless. Service to others connects your body to the spirit. Service to others can bring you utterly transcendent experiences.

Service isn't just about labor. It's about serving and strengthening relationships. More so in fact. It is about listening out of honesty and caring about people's feelings and letting them condition a reply or an action from you. This is wisdom. Knowledge of the source. It's value is unmatched.

I really wish I could be more helpful in describing the implications, but I'm not that good of a writer. I wish I could show you the potential i see in putting service to others and service to self at their intended balance. But above all, know that serving others can bring you to experience divinity and cosmic awesomeness.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

You're a good writer Mr. Smith. Keep it up, it can only get better.

What do you mean when you say this lifeforce can be perceived visually as fire or felt as vibration? I'm not sure I've been witness to any of these. Could you elaborate?

I agree with what you say about serving others, although I would choose not to use the word 'serve,' rather perhaps a universal kindness and respect. I think respect and kindness breeds, or at least inspires, more respect and kindness then mere servitude. This definitely needs to be promoted on a fundamental level in day to day practice. But I would argue that a healthy dose of self-respect and kindness can also offer a special solace when universal kindess seems to yield no return.

edit on 26-12-2012 by NiNjABackflip because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 01:44 AM

We are all one universal life force. We come from a single source, and we are that source. But don't be confused. The individual is not supposed to know the absolute. The individual human can never come close to embodying the full presence of the source. But, with a little help, I might can help you embody as much of this life force as you can and even more than you can. (which will mean the cessation of your physical body)

The source that we are split itself into ROUGHLY one trillion times one sextillion individual, relative perspectives. I'm not 100% sure why it did this, but I believe it might be to experience itself perhaps for learning purposes. Everyone you have ever known and every animal you have ever known and every plant you have ever seen is connected to you by your innermost essence. And it is this essence that is the experiencer of all viewpoints.

Separation is an illusion of sorts. Ultimately, there is no one but you in the entire universe. But don't get confused. You are not here as an individual to have an ultimate perspective.

Service to self has been a necessary and indispensable survival mechanism for human individuals, and probably always will be. The majority of humans see little virtue in helping others because doing so seems to go against their nature. Just about everything we do is rooted as a survival mechanism and serving the self seems like the most effective way to ensure our survival. There is nothing wrong with serving the self, but it needs to be balanced in the right way with serving others.

Serving others is about relationships. In absolute terms, there isn't really a such thing as an other since we are all one consciousness. But in this life we live as humans, the concept is very important and couldn't be more relevant.

We're not here to survive for the sake of surviving. We don't eat for the sake of eating, (sometimes). Our being here is to serve the one source. The source split itself into possibly an infinite number of individual pieces, most likely to learn. Relationships are about interacting with other aspects of the source, and as an individual, it brings you closer to the source through knowledge. This knowledge of the self connects you to it and life comes pouring in for this connection. Relationships are about sharing the life force.

Those biased most strongly towards self service tend to be apathic. They cut themselves off from their true self in a harmful, but understandable way that has them believing their individualized self can reach the absolute status of universal consciousness. These individuals cause themselves great suffering. They do not care about the interests of others and wish to only act from their own will and desire. In doing so, they directly disable the connection and it's numerous benefits.

Of course, if we were totally of service to others, we would starve. However, service to others is not pointless. Service to others connects your body to the spirit. Service to others can bring you utterly transcendent experiences.

Service isn't just about labor. It's about serving and strengthening relationships. More so in fact. It is about listening out of honesty and caring about people's feelings and letting them condition a reply or an action from you. This is wisdom. Knowledge of the source. It's value is unmatched.

I really wish I could be more helpful in describing the implications, but I'm not that good of a writer. I wish I could show you the potential i see in putting service to others and service to self at their intended balance. But above all, know that serving others can bring you to experience divinity and cosmic awesomeness.

That is some awesome widsom contained in them words. And being a former apathetico on the planet everything you said was true. I am feeling that my lifeforce will be simply fadeout if i dont share the experience of life. If a person is lucky they will meet a magical being who is able to guide, and teach them. Nothing can describe the feeling of being around a magical being since they are the source of life itself.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by NiNjABackflip

If you look at the shapes of different forms, you can see things that look like rays of light and stars. Hair, fingers, paws, eyes, teeth, eye lashes, grass, palm leaves. Watch a time lapse video of flowers blooming and it is like watching a supernova explosion. There are different degrees of life and different expressions of it. But all are the literal light (not metaphoric) of the one universal consciousness.

This light can be felt as a spiritual fire. That's really the best word that I can think of to call it. It feels like an expansive vibration. When you feel it, you know it is pure life. You know it is what animates you.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

Service to others is a good way to meet magical beings.

Some have called them angels, demons, aliens, gods, hyperdimensionals, but all those names bring up a mental image that is inappropriate to describe the power of these beings' presence. There's nothing on earth that can compare, and it would seem like there's nothing in the universe that could compare. I won't even try to describe it, because I don't believe there is a description.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

Worship and honour the one you are with. The 'others' you wish to serve are imagination, illusionary. Have no 'other' God but the one that is present.

This, here, right now is the beloved. The sensation of sitting on the chair is the beloved, the sound of a car going by is the beloved. What is happening presently is the beloved. Call of the search, it has been here all along. Sensation felt is what we long for - it is happening now. Whatever is happening is it. The happening is amazing if we are not seeking for something else.

There is no one to serve. Just life to be felt.
This is aliveness.
edit on 26-12-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

How about this? Instead of calling it a "fire", how about calling it electric?

Remember, scientists who actually studied orbs, they found out that this may be made of plasma, and although the first thought is "fire", it is important to remember that we live in an electric universe and sometimes the "current" of flowing energy can be seen like "sparks" or "lightning".

Some spirits actually feel "electric" (their presence). Sometimes walking through them can feel like electricity flowing through the ear that makes it "ring" (if they are powerful enough).

It seems to be like this, regular or dark spirits seem to be "cool", more loving spirits seem to be "warm", and the more powerful ones seem to feel "electric", at least this is my experience.

As for "serving" anything, there is no "relationship" to strengthen since there really is no such thing as "space" or "difference". In the larger (and smalled) picture, it is all white light (electricity?), no space, and always "continuing" now (if that makes sense - present/eternal) and having no "starting" or "ending" place (infinite). Therefore there is only "one" and noting is really being done/moved, it is illusion.

Since you "ARE" it all, the only thing you can do is relax, and allow your "relaxed/peaceful" energy to spread all throughout yourself (your so-called "surroundings" and so-called "OTHER" people.)

EDIT: Ah, adding on to the "electric" theory, remember this, light and heat is actually a part of the ELECTROmagnetic scale. So it IS all electricity.

edit on 26-12-2012 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by arpgme

Yes total relaxation into boundllessness will do the trick. It is contraction that makes a human solidify, concretize and holding beliefs in mind will stop the relaxation.
The mind holds ideas and beliefs and the body is shaped by the ideas - it makes one solid, petrified. When the mind and body become hard it is difficult to just flow (like water).
When you shape yourself, you also shape the enviroment with your shape, in a way you force the space to fit you. If you become like water you fit in everywhere or flow around.

edit on 26-12-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by arpgme

Since you "ARE" it all, the only thing you can do is relax, and allow your "relaxed/peaceful" energy to spread all throughout yourself (your so-called "surroundings" and so-called "OTHER" people.)

Like Earth, Wind, Water and Fire there is also four attributes of a human being that must be balance for the human being to achieve a relaxed state of energetic being.

1. Belonging (not just wandering apathetically)
2. Purpose ( something that gives a person a reason to strive for knowledge)
3. Empathy ( can recognise we are all in same life boat)
4. Kindship ( can recognise where else their soul has been divided as a seemly separate entity in the world)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

I understand what you are saying, and it is true. But, wisdom is needed. Compassion is needed. You have to actually put aside your selfishness when others are in need of an ear to talk to or a hand to help.

It is important to be concerned and considerate of others. They are you. Not just subjectively, but objectively too. To be truly connected with someone, it is something that you are both aware of. Trust has to be established. Teaching and learning must take place. True presence is one that is shared.

Yeah. You've got the secret of the universe figured out, but that doesn't mean there isn't still work to do. You have to consider others' intentions and see their pains and happinesses. And then act accordingly.

I've been the type to look for something clever to say in social situations, I guess to establish some form of social status. I would say the first thing that popped into my head regardless of how it made people feel, and that response of mine would be based around a selfish desire to put my own self image above consideration of people's actual situations. So people would talk to me, and I wouldn't care what they had to say. I only cared about me and making myself look cool or whatever. But this defeats my wisdom.

I used to be very wise. Then, I learned that we are all one, and I assumed that I knew everything there was to know. I saw no further use in listening to others to learn about the self because I assumed I knew everything there was to know. So I lost my gift of wisdom. I stopped caring about others. I lost any sense of spirituality i had and struggled everyday to hold on to the knowledge I had, and everyday, I would reassimilate that knowledge into my life. But this is tiring and feels unnatural.

I know now that real love is a matter of caring about what others are trying to express and then seeing what you can do to help them in their situation or just make the situation happier.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

Your writing style and the way you are you are explaining the unity/self serving concept is brilliant work.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

And all this should be done presently. Not as a plan to do.
Be present with what is present. Your presence is the greatest gift. When we plan to care for others we do so hoping it will make our life better (and others). But presence is always present.
When we require nothing more, only then, will we be completely open for communication (coming together as one). When we stop trying to do it right and just be present with what is present - the present takes care of itself.

The human condition is to 'try' to fit in. The trying is what prevents ease.
edit on 26-12-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
reply to post by Itisnowagain

I understand what you are saying, and it is true. But, wisdom is needed. Compassion is needed. You have to actually put aside your selfishness when others are in need of an ear to talk to or a hand to help.

It is important to be concerned and considerate of others. They are you. Not just subjectively, but objectively too. To be truly connected with someone, it is something that you are both aware of. Trust has to be established. Teaching and learning must take place. True presence is one that is shared.

You believe so much is 'needed' - wisdom, compassion. Nothing is needed when you are present. Being present and not wanting anything, not needing anything at all, allows you space to just watch the display and enjoy life happening. You can then see the glory and feel the glory. It's amazing.
When there is so much space you can love what is here.

All the things that people believe are the way to being cured from the human condition - like love, compassion and wisdom - are the result of being present without wanting anything more from life.
edit on 26-12-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

I don't think that what you are saying is wrong. I also think what you are saying is very similar to what I'm saying. But the human existence requires action. And to do an action, there has to be a desire. When the human is hungry, it needs food and goes to get it out of desire.

The human really does need its desires. It doesn't need to get rid of things of itself, it only needs to prioritize these things. There is a time for everything, as that famous bible verse always says. There's more to do than to just watch. You have to make decisions and you have to work. Doing so requires you to use certain parts of your brain that you say it doesn't need.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain

Originally posted by smithjustinb
reply to post by Itisnowagain

I understand what you are saying, and it is true. But, wisdom is needed. Compassion is needed. You have to actually put aside your selfishness when others are in need of an ear to talk to or a hand to help.

It is important to be concerned and considerate of others. They are you. Not just subjectively, but objectively too. To be truly connected with someone, it is something that you are both aware of. Trust has to be established. Teaching and learning must take place. True presence is one that is shared.

You believe so much is 'needed' - wisdom, compassion. Nothing is needed when you are present. Being present and not wanting anything, not needing anything at all, allows you space to just watch the display and enjoy life happening. You can then see the glory and feel the glory. It's amazing.
When there is so much space you can love what is here.

All the things that people believe are the way to being cured from the human condition - like love, compassion and wisdom - are the result of being present without wanting anything from life.
edit on 26-12-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

After reading this again, I have to say that you are 100 percent correct, except that what you speak of seems to only apply mainly to situations that are absent from the need of desire. Sometimes, desires just come up and you should act on them. Sometimes this is your desire, and sometimes it is another's. You should consider both and act if necessary.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by smithjustinb

i kinda would use a simple anology of eating a favourate desert, say icecream. If a person detaches themselves completely well yes they can still interact and experience a situation but the taste of the icecream no longer tastes good it has become bland. It looks like a rose but that which does not smell like a rose isnt a rose (shakespear)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by smithjustinb

And all this should be done presently. Not as a plan to do.
Be present with what is present. Your presence is the greatest gift. When we plan to care for others we do so hoping it will make our life better (and others). But presence is always present.
When we require nothing more, only then, will we be completely open for communication (coming together as one). When we stop trying to do it right and just be present with what is present - the present takes care of itself.

The human condition is to 'try' to fit in. The trying is what prevents ease.
edit on 26-12-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

One problem I have with this is, you consider this to be the right way to act, or at least right for you and ideal for you. But doesn't getting into this mindset require the effort you are speaking against? Being with what is here is great, and feels and looks great, but I still have to put forth effort to do so. It takes effort for me to quiet my mind and be in the now.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
reply to post by Itisnowagain

But the human existence requires action. And to do an action, there has to be a desire. When the human is hungry, it needs food and goes to get it out of desire.

The human really does need its desires. It doesn't need to get rid of things of itself, it only needs to prioritize these things. There is a time for everything, as that famous bible verse always says. There's more to do than to just watch. You have to make decisions and you have to work. Doing so requires you to use certain parts of your brain that you say it doesn't need.

Decisions are made by who? You might believe that all that noise of thinking makes a decision but life happens. Hunger happens, food gets eaten, hearts pump. Who does all this? The mind minds but it does not control the happening. The mind is an aspect of the happening.
What is it that sees and knows the happening as it is happening? If you stay with that one you will see poetry in motion.

The greatest desire is for the end of suffering. Humans feel suffering and they want it to stop. All humans are trying in their own way to make it stop. Stopping stops it.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by smithjustinb

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by smithjustinb

And all this should be done presently. Not as a plan to do.
Be present with what is present. Your presence is the greatest gift. When we plan to care for others we do so hoping it will make our life better (and others). But presence is always present.
When we require nothing more, only then, will we be completely open for communication (coming together as one). When we stop trying to do it right and just be present with what is present - the present takes care of itself.

The human condition is to 'try' to fit in. The trying is what prevents ease.
edit on 26-12-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

One problem I have with this is, you consider this to be the right way to act, or at least right for you and ideal for you. But doesn't getting into this mindset require the effort you are speaking against? Being with what is here is great, and feels and looks great, but I still have to put forth effort to do so. It takes effort for me to quiet my mind and be in the now.

There is no 'acting' involved. No 'acting' - no 'reacting'. When you are present with no need for anything at all, why does one need to act - one is.
The one that wants is the 'seeker' and it whispers in your ear that there is more to be gained, it is lying. This is it - this is all there is. Do not be decieved by promises of more.

The mind does not have to be made quiet - who would be doing it anyway, the mind? Shut up mind!! No you shut up mind!! Lol.
The one that can hear the mind is silent already. The mind is the noise and the awareness of the noise is silent and peaceful.
edit on 26-12-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

William Shakespear quote!

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