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what is WRONG with me???

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posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 03:23 PM
Sorry for the introverted post, been incredibly grumpy lately.

Let me start by saying I have a pretty stellar immune system, and body altogether. I survived being hit by a car, being homeless, and NEVER being sick. All my life I barly ever got sick. The most I get sick is once a year, and I usually get over it in a few days.

The winter of this year, however, this is at least the fifth time I've gotten sick since winter started. And each time, I feel considerably more miserable than I ever have before. Always hurting, short tempered, have no paitence for anyone around me, can barely breathe, hurts to talk, coughing my head off... and I feel physically weaker. This scares me.

I'm not used to feeling helpless. Usually, home remedies or simple painkillers do the trick. Now, that stuff doesn't help at all. It seems there's nothing I can do to make it stop, except wait it out every time and pray dearly it doesn't come back again. But so far, it's come back every time.

What happened to me??? I haven't had any kind of shot or vaccine for years. This sudden attack of sicknesses came out of nowhere. I don't want to experience what happened last time I went through this, and I am not insured right now, so getting better is totally in my own hands. I need educated opinions please... what's wrong with me???

Merry Christmas, by the way ATS. God bless, may your holidays be less unbearable than mine.

I don't mean to sound emo, just feel awful

edit on 25-12-2012 by XxNightAngelusxX because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 03:26 PM
You can thank all of the people adding crazy things to your food/water/medicine/clothing/house paint/carpets/insulation/etc... etc...
edit on 25-12-2012 by AguyAndAgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Merry Christmas to you!

I hope that you do feel better soon; very soon.

However; please be sensible and go to the Doctor; have a complete examination; and I think then...your answers will come.

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

I've been noticing this too.. I almost have allergies now .. It's coming..

I used to be invincible.. I still havn't gotten sick this year, but my body has been fighting what ever my girlfriend keeps catching.. She's been off and on sick for about a month and a half.. Makes me feel slightly weaker..

Seems like something is going on.. Something added into my environment that has changed me..

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

I can relate. I myself have heretofore had a rock solid immune system, and I have been sick with sinus and upper-respiratory related maladies for two months now.

There must be something in the air. Or water.

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Seeing a doctor is the best advice. Given the symptoms it could be anything from allergies to depression - and a few dozen things in between. A few simple tests and you'll have an answer. Some things will resolve on their own. But infections, like strep, can persist and end up being very problematic.

If you've not felt well for more than a week or two, I'd definitely either make a doctors appointment or show up at my local ER soon.


posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
Sorry for the introverted post, been incredibly grumpy lately.

Let me start by saying I have a pretty stellar immune system, and body altogether. I survived being hit by a car, being homeless, and NEVER being sick. All my life I barly ever got sick. The most I get sick is once a year, and I usually get over it in a few days.

The winter of this year, however, this is at least the fifth time I've gotten sick since winter started. And each time, I feel considerably more miserable than I ever have before. Always hurting, short tempered, have no paitence for anyone around me, can barely breathe, hurts to talk, coughing my head off... and I feel physically weaker. This scares me.

I'm not used to feeling helpless. Usually, home remedies or simple painkillers do the trick. Now, that stuff doesn't help at all. It seems there's nothing I can do to make it stop, except wait it out every time and pray dearly it doesn't come back again. But so far, it's come back every time.

What happened to me??? I haven't had any kind of shot or vaccine for years. This sudden attack of sicknesses came out of nowhere. I don't want to experience what happened last time I went through this, and I am not insured right now, so getting better is totally in my own hands. I need educated opinions please... what's wrong with me???

Merry Christmas, by the way ATS. God bless, may your holidays be less unbearable than mine.

I don't mean to sound emo, just feel awful

edit on 25-12-2012 by XxNightAngelusxX because: (no reason given)

The flu, it's very common this time of year.........
edit on 25-12-2012 by eNaR because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 03:49 PM
I can't go to the doctor, I don't have insurance. I did have strep throat one of the times I was sick, and I have a half-assed general understanding of what it can do if left untreated.

There's nothing I can really do about it, though

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
I can't go to the doctor, I don't have insurance. I did have strep throat one of the times I was sick, and I have a half-assed general understanding of what it can do if left untreated.

There's nothing I can really do about it, though

Yea I don't have insurance either..

My doctor is me, but I can only prescribe rest, or over the counter...

I hope you get better.

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 04:10 PM
One thing I didn't mention... it just occurred to me.

Over the past year or so, I stopped drinking soda. Over the last year or so, I've been drinking nothing but water exclusively, other than the rare occasional orange juice or cappachino.

I can't buy bottled water all the time, and I don't have a filtration system.

I have been drinking almost nothing but tap water for over a year. That's the only real change I've made.

I feel like someone from a Fallout game who's been drinking irradiated water for extended amounts of time. I didn't even think about the water until now

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 04:18 PM
I used to never be ill. Then I started getting ill a lot (thanks to having a partner who works with kids AND a four year old son - darn them and their germ harbouring!).

I've found my immune system has been amazing since working out like three times a week. I've not had a cold since earlier this year, but I did give myself pharyngitis from screeching along to my favourite band's last ever show in London back on the 3rd December. I'm only just better now.

I don't get chest related maladies since stopping smoking. I don't get colds. I haven't had the flu since last year. Heck, I don't even get PMT.

If you've always been healthy and very rarely suffered illness, and now you're getting ill frequently, I would suggest seeing a doctor for a possible viral infection that you're not quite getting over before it overcomes you again; or getting some blood work done as a last resort/desperate attempt. I'm not saying theres something wrong with you, but sometimes its better to be safe than sorry

Merry Christmas, and I hope you feel well soon

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

If you show up in an ER ( I assume by the posts I've read from you that you are American ) they have to treat you, even if you cannot pay.

It's a hassle, and they'll pester you for awhile after - and you might have to raise a bit of a stink to actually get something more than a cursory glance from a doctor who will then want to charge you about a thousand bucks for his ten seconds of half-attention. But if you're really that sick? It's worth standing up, making a bit of a stink, and telling the hospital, a few times over, that you cannot pay... or you can simply send them a few dollars per month in "good faith" payments if you are able - until the balance is either paid or written off at the fiscal years end.

Step leads to Scarlet fever. I've had it twice. No fun at all.


posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

Yes, I am American. Thanks for the info

What is Scarlet Fever?

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 04:33 PM
I don't think there's anything wrong with you at all. In fact, the opposite may be true if you consider a few things.

You say you have had a great immune system and been pretty sickness free for years. Well, maybe it's time your body needed a boost to get that immune system up to peak performance.

Getting sick makes the body work and strengthens it for future biological fights against foreign invasion when colds, flue and other bugs come around. I think what you are going through is completely natural, let your body do it's job and hopefully you will enjoy a strong start to the new year.

If you seriously feel worse, see a doctor.

I bet and hope you will have a better time next winter and get well soon through this one.


posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Scarlet Fever - it's what you get when you don't treat strep. I have a high threshold to pain, apparently... and have twice had strep for prolonged periods without knowing or noticing it. Both times I went from feeling OK to feeling deathly ill - only to find out I had Scarlet Fever.

Don't panic though, strep is only one of dozens of things that fit. There are way too many things to list. I'm just pointing out a potential near worst-case scenario. If you really feel that bad and it's been a few weeks or longer? Better safe than sorry!


posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

I had heard of only one person catching a mild cold, and then I got it three weeks ago. This thing slammed me into my bed for five days and I've struggled just to make it to work for the last two weeks. All cold symptoms are gone, but I still haven't quite gotten my voice back. Funny thing is, I've had more consistent coughs with other colds and didn't lose my voice, so I have no idea why it happened this time.

The flu viruses are getting stronger and stronger.

Hope you feel better soon.
edit on 12/25/2012 by jiggerj because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 06:51 PM
You mentioned not drinking sodas anymore, kudos to you. I only have them once or twice a month now for a year or so. But you also said drinking water alot. Get a filter pitcher, it will filter some of the stuff out. Even if it doesn't get everything out they are adding at least it will catch some of it. Better than nothing. Another suggestion, however cumbersome, is boil your water for 10 minutes then cool, filter, and store. Suggestion on the filter pitcher either filter the tap then boil or boil then filter, don't enter change to reduce cross contamination. And you won't be able to tell which process helped the most. One more thing add B vitamins. Hydration is imperative, but could also be your source of malaise.

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 08:23 PM
go to your local ER and make nice with the triage nurse, they can get you the help you need, and sometimes work around the system a little, the main thing to find out WHAT you have if it's a virus, there's nothing much to do except drink lots of fluids and treat your symptoms with OTC drugs, if it's not a virus and is treatable with antibiotics, find out which one they want to prescribe and in what amount (how many mg/g per dose) and then do some research, some products used in fish tanks use the exact same antibiotics, but you have to find out WHAT you have before you know how to treat it. Go to the ER or a minute clinic type place so they can swab you and find out! good luck!

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

Try getting those 1000mg of vitamin C powders and try boosting
your immune system.
I agree with another try and see a doctor.

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

As many have already suggested, take Vitamin C and D plus a good multi-vitamin. The human body does not store Vitamin C - Although the importance of Vitamin C is well known, it is still one of the most over looked simple remedies.

Also a very safe, simple and important remedy for any Flu-like symptoms that ails you and has not been mentioned already is " Colloidal Silver ".

Colloidal Silver - How it Works

It is impossible for single-celled germs to mutate into silver-resistant
forms, as happens with conventional Antibiotics. Therefore, no tolerance to
Colloidal Silver ever develops. Also, Colloidal Silver cannot interact or
interfere with other medicine being taken. Inside the body, silver forms no
toxic compounds or reacts with anything other than a germ's oxygen
metabolizing enzyme. Colloidal Silver is truly a safe, natural remedy for
many of mankind's ills.

Here is a link to a " Colloidal Silver Fact Sheet " web page where you can read all about the miraculous healing benefits of Colloidal Silver.

Take some good Vitamins and some good Colloidal Silver and get well soon !

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