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How do you explain Deja Vu?

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posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 11:29 AM
I fear that deja-vu is a loop, and we all just keep living the same life over and over and over and over again. Same mistakes, continuously. Ack! This is a thought that terrifies me. Still it sneaks in when I've had a deja-vu of some mundane thing (I have them more and more frequently... each time looking at OH with more and more horror saying "I've already done this").

On a good day I'd like to think it's just my brain recalling something similar. On a really good day I'd like to think it's linked to an alternate universe!

I once had a strange experience with a place though, actually a cemetary. I'd never been there before (I was on my way to Russia at that point, and had never before been in that area)... and I knew I'd been there before. No sense of deja-vu, as in I could recall being there before, but I knew the cemetary nevertheless. I only drove by it, but I knew I'd walked the ground there. I knew the long strange trees, and the small paths between the graves. It wasn't that I'd ever been to a similar looking one... I had been at that specific one. It was stranger than any deja-vu, and still wonderful. Felt like coming home.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by eyesontheskies

Greetings eyeontheskies,

We will attempt to offer our knowledge on the subject, filtered through the frequency of this MBSC.

We would propose taking a second to think about the time-space, as well as space-time of the event(s). During the next occurrence of said "Deja Vu", take a second to notice your surroundings. Look at where you are, what time you read from your clocks, maybe take a few notes or a voice recording.

Write down or speak whatever is on your mind in that exact moment. Once completed, read/ listen to your annotations. ..

Next, is the hard part. Really try to focus on what this occurrence has reflected. By this, we mean try to remember where/when/how you were when this 'event' first took place. This will be very difficult, for it would be like trying to remember a dream hours after you have waken up, taken a shower, and made some coffee.

This is where most would be confused, because..well..'you' simply do not know where/when/how you were when that happened..this is why we are here in the first place.

Once one has their annotations in whatever form they choose, we would propose one would further analyze to try to come up with some reasoning. Everything we intercept from these 3rd dimensional paradigic beings through their 5 senses are symbols; symbology, if you will. Everything, every word, every though form, has an underlying purpose.

The origin of the event that induced this feeling could be one of many. Deja Vu, involves fragments of memories. But, we ask, what is a memory anyway? Would you agree that one possess 'memories' that they never 'knew' happened? Have you ever found yourself at a certain destination, without even remembering how you got there? If so, who is to say that memory was yours in the first place?

Keep asking questions, my friend. Knock, and the door will open.


edit on 24-12-2012 by GreeneLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 01:24 PM
I have had only one strong and clear Deja Vu experience in my entire 73 years. It was when I was released from my tour of duty in the army. I was traveling by train from Camp Gordon Ga to Chicago Illinois. I had never before traveled this route by train and in fact had never even been in the part of Indiana where the Deja Vu event occurred.

But as I traveled through one of the small towns along the way I knew I had seen it before. In fact, I could even remember some of the features of the town before I came to them. It was so weird that I never forgot it. I even asked my family if I had been to that part of Indiana when I was too young to remember it. They assured me that none of us had ever traveled that route at any time in the past.

The only thing I could think of was that maybe I had had a bleed through from a past life of a location that carried a lot of baggage for me in that past incarnation.

However, I have had plenty of Deja Moo experiences. That is where you have the feeling that you have heard that bull *&^% before.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by PrplHrt
Time loop. Recall of previous iteration.

That is all.

I tend to agree about a time loop.

A recent "loop" that hapened to was last week at work.

I was talking to our Quality Assurance guy about a problem we had with some finished materials and I sensed an overwhelming feeling that I had been here at this exact moment many years ago. I stopped the conversation and just stood there for a few seconds while many memories of the moment passed through my head. My associate even said to me " are you having a deja vu moment?" (He knew)

While explaining it to him I realised that me explaining the deja vu moment was also part of the memory. That triggered even longer term memory of this being a multiple repeating "Loop"

This repeating sensation freaked me out..

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by eyesontheskies

Did you get any better at it the second time around?

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by eyesontheskies

Deja vu as man sees it, is where an event has to be re-done because you either didn't do something, or did something you needed to re-do, or did it in a wrong way. Some are privy to seeing glimpses of the rewinds, others do not know of it.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by eyesontheskies
Ok so its strange. Lately i have been experiencing a TON of deja vu. Its just when i am doing random stuff. Like just yesterday I was kneeling on the floor of my bedroom putting my wallet in my purse and i looked over at my car key sitting on a chair and i was overwhelmed with a crazy feeling that i had done that same exact thing before. I felt like i had wore that same outfit and did that same thing before. I felt like that one moment was just put on loop in the universe and i happened to walk in to it. Has anyone else felt a lot of Deja Vu lately? And is there any explanation for what it could be?

Deja Vu is a memory error ... a false memory.

Something that is happening is perceived and fed back out as a memory simultaneously.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 04:49 PM
i feel theres merit to two types of Deja Vu.

The one where you 'feel' a place or situation is the same.

The other where you visually recall being there before.

Ive started a new job and had a 'flash' on the first day, where you see a day a few years forward for a second, and the other where its different to the feeling of doing or feeling like you have done that day before.

though both i believe to be recalled from dreams.

posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 05:40 PM
Deja vu is a psychological phenomenon just like paranoia, pareidolia, hallucination, delusion, etc...


posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:59 PM
Fragmented memories.

My theory is that your brain stores data in a similar way to how a computer hard drive does, only on a much much more complicated level. When you sleep and while you dream the brain sorts and organizes them. Over time some memories get forgotten, but slivers remain.

When going about your daily life you encounter something that triggers a link to a fragment of an old unimportant memory, but since you can't remember exactly what you are remembering, it feels like Deja Vu.

It happens more to me if i have not been sleeping well. Giving your brain ample time to do what it does while you sleep will generally help.


posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 09:31 PM
Any answers to your questions are merely theory. Personally, I believe in the spiritual part of it; ie: time is only relevant to matter.
I have had several experiences with deja vu myself. But stranger than that is premonitions.
Years ago, my wife and I bought our first home. Shortly after moving in, my wife and I were walking around the outside of our home, when I had a 'vision' of my wife and my two sons raking leaves in our front yard, while I was sitting on the front step watching. After having this 'vision', my wife asked me what was wrong. Apparently I was acting strange. So I told her what I had seen. At this time we had no children. About eight years later it happened. I knew it immediately. The weird thing was soon as I looked at my wife, she approached me and asked "was that it?" without me saying a word. I asked her how she knew and she said that she could tell by the look on my face.
That experience has led me to feel that my life is like going to see a movie. It's already finished, beginning to end. I'm just sitting through it for the first time. I hope that makes sense to you.
I've had one more 'vision' that is yet to be fulfilled. I saw my wife sitting on the couch brushing a girls' hair. The girl looked to be about eight years old. The little girl said: "Grandma, what was Grandpa like?". I knew she was referring to me and that I was dead. Pretty freaky. I've got questions about that one.
edit on 24-12-2012 by older1 because: I left out that we had no children when I had this premonition.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by the_philth

This is actually sort of how I feel. It's like I don't feel like I have lived that moment before, it's like I am in a movie and someone rewinded that moment and even though I am reliving something I did as if it never happened, I feel like it did happen. Although I never feel like it happened to me but maybe a different me. What if deja vu happens when all of your selves meet at a point in time. Like in every dimension that time is the same but after that moment is when all of your selves chose to go in different paths. Like there are certain checkpoints or starting points for all of the dimensions so they stay parallel because without checkpoints all of my selves might be living totally different lives like to where they were more like a twin and not my self . So confusing and interesting
edit on 26-12-2012 by eyesontheskies because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by older1
Any answers to your questions are merely theory. Personally, I believe in the spiritual part of it; ie: time is only relevant to matter.
I have had several experiences with deja vu myself. But stranger than that is premonitions.
Years ago, my wife and I bought our first home. Shortly after moving in, my wife and I were walking around the outside of our home, when I had a 'vision' of my wife and my two sons raking leaves in our front yard, while I was sitting on the front step watching. After having this 'vision', my wife asked me what was wrong. Apparently I was acting strange. So I told her what I had seen. At this time we had no children. About eight years later it happened. I knew it immediately. The weird thing was soon as I looked at my wife, she approached me and asked "was that it?" without me saying a word. I asked her how she knew and she said that she could tell by the look on my face.
That experience has led me to feel that my life is like going to see a movie. It's already finished, beginning to end. I'm just sitting through it for the first time. I hope that makes sense to you.
I've had one more 'vision' that is yet to be fulfilled. I saw my wife sitting on the couch brushing a girls' hair. The girl looked to be about eight years old. The little girl said: "Grandma, what was Grandpa like?". I knew she was referring to me and that I was dead. Pretty freaky. I've got questions about that one.
edit on 24-12-2012 by older1 because: I left out that we had no children when I had this premonition.

Wow! That is so interesting. I don't think I've ever had a premonition but I wouldn't be surprised if I did one day because nothing ever surprises me. I feel like I have some kind of knowing. Like I have feelings of what will happen but I don't know exactly what will happen. It's sort of hard to explain what I mean on that one

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

I love Michu he is wicked smart and can explain things so clearly. I agree that we all vibrate at certain frequencies. I have De Javu from time to time and have actually been able to predict was is about to happen. This is where I disagree with Michu. If these are random memories that give us the feeling of being here before why am I able, sometimes, to tell others around me what is about to happpen with great accuracy? I am not sure if its because or lives are preplannned or if its because we have all lived our lives before in another dimension and from time to time are able to tune into that parallel universe. Its like when you are in traffic waiting for a light to turn green and you have your turn signal on. All the cars ahead of you have theirs on as well and for a few brief seconds they all blink at the same time and rate. Then they go back to being different. Check it out sometime when your in traffic. Kinda wild.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 07:26 AM
Why is Deja vu in french.? What would call it in English.?

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by eyesontheskies

I used to have deja vu's quiet often. I had done some research and the most plausible explanation for me, is that one eye "sees" the scenery faster then the other.. so when the information from the "slower" eye reaches the brain, your brain realizes that you already have saved that pic, thus making you think you already know this

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 09:35 AM
Here's an odd thought...could "déjà vu" possibly have something to do with genetics too? hear stories from people ( some in this thread) about seeing a place for the first time, yet knowing you've been there. Knowing the landscape and knowing what is around the corner. You know you feel like you've been there before, but in reality you haven't actually been that have something to do with memory imprinted into your genes ? A memory from a past relative's life that THEY lived and it has been handed down genetically, through generations, through genes. Illness are past down genetically( heart disease, lupis, etc..) , why not memory? ... And for whatever reason that moment of "deja vu " sparked a genetic spark in some part of the brain we dont fully use yet, and you were given a glimpse into our relatives past. ? ..just an odd thought...

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Meldionne1
A memory from a past relative's life that THEY lived and it has been handed down genetically, through generations, through genes.

I can roll with that! Now reading your post I remember my father telling me his paternal great-grandfather travelled to Russia quite often (on my father's maternal side I can trace my family back many, many generations, and the same with my both sides of my mother... however, I got nothing on the great-great-grandfather in question... no idea who his parents were, or his exact date or birth or birthplace as he changed his name before marrying my great-great-grandmother and settled down... all I know is he travelled a lot, and Russia being one of the places he used to go to)... so he might very well have walked the grounds of the cemetary that made me feel so odd and at home at the same time!

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by aspiechick

Well..if your relatives came from Prussia or frequented Russia, than that would make sense..if you can pass down hereditary health issues through genes..than why not memory.? It would absolutely give you the déjà vu feeling, but confuse you because you've never actually been there. I'm not knocking the spiritual side of deja vu or premonitions. And I think premonitions are completely different from deja vu. ......have you ever thought about making a trip back there just to see what you remember or seems familiar? You may get to know your great great grandfather without even knowing him! How awesome would that be! ...

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 09:02 PM
The posts here are interesting. And might even be connected in ways we don't understand. I have read where science can explain what part of the brain does what, but they don't know why. We are more than physical. A person is a combination of body and soul/spirit. There may be a DNA connection, but I don't think it is necessary. I once walked into a building in Chicago that I had never been to before, and right after entering I knew I had been there before. I knew what I would see when I looked to the left before I looked.

The spiritual world is actually the 'real' world. My Dad claims he saw my Mom in heaven about two weeks after she died. Did he? I don't know either way. I know he believes it. I've had a few unexplainable things happen in my life which leads me to feel this way. And I have talked to many people who have had something 'unexplainable' happen to them.

Personally, I think the answer is in our subconscious minds. It's tied into the Aether/ spiritual plane. The problem is that it controls us, and not the other way around. Some how our subconscious hits a sort of 'trigger' causing us to experience these anomalies.

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