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2012+ The End Is Very Near - The God(s) Are Returning

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posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Whatsitallabout
Who were the 2 witnesses? Can you give us more info on who you believe they were?

I will not say who they are. It is controversial and the few people I've talked to about it have become upset by it, but I will give you clues. Who would fit the following criteria?

"For three and a half days, the people of the earth celebrate the death of the two witnesses who have tormented them for three and a half years."

You decipher this for yourself. Keep it to yourself, and be absolutely objective about it.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by CantSay
The proof is very controversial, so some parts I will not mention.


Thats all I need to read. Good day, mr "scientist"...

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by dcmb1409
Yeah, the Revelations, Scientist , Mayan calendar, connect the dots seems a little weird. There's a lot of new age dogma in that post. I wish they would just give up, Its over and they can't stand it.

It's not over. It only just started.

I am not new age. I am first and foremost a scientist and researcher. I am not a "prepper" or enthusiastic about difficult times. To the contrary. At the very least this is my understanding of the Revelations that I'm sharing. I would have very much like to have published my writings and timeline, as that is my first inclination, but it would only bring me grief given the political climate of today, so I share it anonymously.

I would keep my eyes on Syria and Iran, the middle east, as the spark that starts a precursor war before the return of God(s), not that these nations are to blame (we're all are at fault for our ignorance). The reason for a precursor conflict is multifaceted including a symptom of the stresses in the world, both artificial and fabricated, and also partly to build up arms for the final event. As the time nears, the Dragon will get more desperate because it is his time that nears also along with his followers (the violent, the non-empathetic, the selfish, the bought, the ignorant). The Dragon doesn't like man. He hates us! How better to ensure man's destruction than to corrupt us into chaos and war. It would be like a father checking up on the his children in a play area to find them fighting each other and bloody. Very upsetting where consequences are needed to enforce a lesson.

I don't believe it will happen under Obama giving us 4 years, but tension will build up during these years. Insidiously, war will be instigated requiring action, fooling governments and the world into action. Obama's successor I have less hopes for. Again public figures are not the Dragon. They may work for him with their knowledge OR NOT, so this is not to say Obama is in league with the Dragon, and if he is, he may not even know he is. I'd be more worried of individuals promoting the need for war and conflict.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by BSFC123
The original post is kind of...vague?

The Mayan calendar, the Hopi prophecy, etc, none of these things have squat to do with Biblical prophecy. The Bible accurately predicts everything we see happening in the Middle East right now, including the reformation of Israel, Egypt and Syria in serious turmoil, and Russia and Iran teaming up against Israel. Also predicted the army of 200,000,000 (China) at a time when there were fewer than that many people in existence.

The two prophets will come during the seven year tribulation after the Rapture, and they will be killed and lie in the streets of Jerusalem, and the Bible says that the whole world will watch the bodies and rejoice (another impossibility of prophecy, as only TV could allow this to happen....predicted thousands of years ago) So no, they have not come yet. At the end of the seven years, Biblically, after seven horrific years, God returns and finally ends the whole shabang, aka The Apocalypse.

We are in the season of Christ's return, of that there is no doubt. Anything concerning aliens, or inter dimensional ascension, or an asteroid or black hole destroying the world...that stuff, IMHO, is from the devil. It keeps us curious and lost humans from seeing the truth. That's why so many people can't stand the takes away fairy tales and imagination and tells us how it will go. It's been spot on so far. But most people would rather believe in anything rather than actually realize they will be judged by their maker.

The amazing thing is, I used be against the idea myself, and I thought that I had to give up my imagination and creativity to really accept the truth. I've come to awesome is to think about exisitng on the same dimensional plane as God himself, understanding the infinite, and leaving this disease and filth ridden physical form behind? I hear so much talk about ascension, aliens, etc....the reality of God is so much greater than that. Heaven will be the ultimate sci-fi, if you stop and think about.

The original post sounds like some kind of wierd amalgam of stuff mixed. Totally silly and very wrong.
edit on 22-12-2012 by BSFC123 because: (no reason given)

The tribulation period was WWI, WWII (world wars) with other less cohesive world conflicts including the Korean and Vietnam wars extending from the Cold War (also a world war of a lesser degree). The witnesses came after that and they are dead now.

Be objective and remove your religious beliefs. If you think that the "angels" do not know more about science and technology than us, are more advanced, than you believe in the classic concept of magic. Extremes in evolution and technology look like magic. I believe a Universal God exists, I call him the physical laws of the Universe from which everything, including intelligent life, arises from. But he is not the one that "directly" created us. We are not the most advanced species in the Universe. That's an actual probability.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by SPACEYstranger

To repeat:

I will not say who they are. It is controversial and the few people I've talked to about it have become upset by it, but I will give you clues. Who would fit the following criteria? "For three and a half days, the people of the earth celebrate the death of the two witnesses who have tormented them for three and a half years." You decipher this for yourself. Keep it to yourself, and be absolutely objective about it.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

This seems like the biggest form of denial; to be honest, all of the naysayers want nothing to happen, and feel as if denying it makes it so. It doesn't. Let's put the facts where they need to go.

The world is in ruins. People are enslaved to the almighty dollar. Real scientists withhold information. Doctors poison patients. Teachers breed more ignorance. Violence in the news every day....2012 was never about the world blowing up and everybody being toast. That is what the same people who did all of this stuff above wanted us to think. These inequities in man can not last forever, and we will not allow them to. We are in such a crucial stage of transitioning from a Type 0 civilization as Michio put it, to a Type I civilization. You think we can just start heading to other planets, creating the same kind of war, destruction, disease, and oppression, that we have here? It would be like setting up a 'democracy' on every little rock around the Sun.

No, the destruction of the wicked must ensue, so that the security and future of the good may prosper.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

Best post I've seen in this whole thread. Thank you for your clarity in this matter.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

After reading the book of Enoch during my research, I found him a mysterious and fascinating character.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

I thought we needed a little clarification here

Just to put things into perspectives that anyone can understand ^^

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:03 PM
To repeat:

"Revelations is the history of man, from start to finish. Actually we don't end but significant change is coming."

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by Grimpachi

This seems like the biggest form of denial; to be honest, all of the naysayers want nothing to happen, and feel as if denying it makes it so. It doesn't. Let's put the facts where they need to go.

The world is in ruins. People are enslaved to the almighty dollar. Real scientists withhold information. Doctors poison patients. Teachers breed more ignorance. Violence in the news every day....2012 was never about the world blowing up and everybody being toast. That is what the same people who did all of this stuff above wanted us to think. These inequities in man can not last forever, and we will not allow them to. We are in such a crucial stage of transitioning from a Type 0 civilization as Michio put it, to a Type I civilization. You think we can just start heading to other planets, creating the same kind of war, destruction, disease, and oppression, that we have here? It would be like setting up a 'democracy' on every little rock around the Sun.

No, the destruction of the wicked must ensue, so that the security and future of the good may prosper.

Well said.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by CantSay

OK, let me step outside of my religious beliefs.

You are taking Biblical prophecy and mashing it up with whatever other doomsday ideas you can and forming a hypothesis about the apocalypse, and you are saying that you are a scientist. OK. What control group are you testing this hypothesis on? What basic scientific method are you using to achieve this special insight into this definitively non-scientific subject matter? None. What you are doing is reading different doomsday material and forming your own ideas about what is/will be happening.

Back to the Bible. It states that there will be a seven year tribulation and then Christ will destroy the rest of the evil on the earth, then there will be a thousand year feast in heaven, after which God will purge this earth with fire and create a new earth and a new Jerusalem, where the righteous will live with Him for eternity. Now, believe that or not, that is what the Bible says. Daniel foretold the line of kingdoms to the end times, the last one being the one we are seeing form in Europe now. As for the World Wars being the Tribulation, that idea make no sense at all. The Tribulation consists of first a Rapture of the Church, then the emergence of the antichrist, a rebuilt Jewish temple, 2/3 of the worlds population being killed, and America isn't even mentioned in the Bible, meaning we are probably relegated to meaningless by that point (economic collapse, nuclear destruction, you pick)

You either believe that the Bible is the truth of God and supernatural, or you believe that it's a book for crazy people. If it isn't true than it is DEFINITELY a book for nuts, I am the first to admit that. Yet you have all of these things happening just as the Bible said they would. THe idea of a self creating universe under the control of some "force" is straight science fiction, man. Tell me exactly how the first piece of matter created itself apart from itself? It can't, matter doesn't appear out of nowhere. That's a fact. OK, so there was a beginning force, something created this universe of matter, and it had to be a non-matter entity. The arguments for a cognitive, thinking, loving creator far outweighs the arguments for some kind of power source with no meaning or thought just spewing out meaningless chunks of matter.

Other beings, aliens, all of that's imagination. Asimov, Clarke, all of these other guys had amazing imaginations and people looking for answers cling to that stuff because the ideas are interesting, fun, the books take you to another place. But it's like reading Dracula and then believing that vampires are real. ANd yes, some people believe in those, lol. They were made up by a guy with a good imagination. Science fiction doesn't contain prophecies written thousands of years ago, or universal truths about the nature of man. They are good stories. I love them, but I know what's real and what's made up.

You can't just stick a bunch of theories together, say you are a "scientist", and that makes it true. You need to put aside your imagination and don't know it all, you are making stuff up and none of what you are saying fits reality.
edit on 23-12-2012 by BSFC123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by CantSay

your lacking serious proof and details dude, . . nice effort, i hope you will do better next time, but seriously kindly, define the two witnesses ?

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by CantSay
reply to post by SPACEYstranger

To repeat:

I will not say who they are. It is controversial and the few people I've talked to about it have become upset by it, but I will give you clues. Who would fit the following criteria? "For three and a half days, the people of the earth celebrate the death of the two witnesses who have tormented them for three and a half years." You decipher this for yourself. Keep it to yourself, and be absolutely objective about it.

Yup, I read that. I still lol.

U sure spend a lot of time talking about yourself... rather than this so called "proof" of "the gods returning".

Pretty substantial claim, I can imagine you have some extremely substantiative evidence to support it.....

Or not.
edit on 23-12-2012 by SPACEYstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:53 PM
You are not a scientist. Well OK you might be but a poor one at that. Now I'm going to pick on one massive mistake (NB I'm an ATHEIST) : the 144000 does not refer to a "time". It refers to the number of souls who will be saved at the end of the world. The wording is quite clear they have to be 144000 males untouched by women. ie virgin men.

Sheesh says the atheist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by CantSay
The horse color is key for matching these rulers historically. Then there is the account of a prehistory of man on how Satan was cast down to Earth (the story of The Woman). His time on Earth was short, thousands of years for us. Short because God will eventually deal with them. This is a prison planet (ironic since I initially thought this old notion was crazy). Satan angry waged war against the Woman's offspring (man). To simplify, a ruler of man was born by a human woman in the heavens (space) and protected by God and his angels. The Dragon was angry prior to this event, but focused on it. There was a massive war in the heavens (space). A space war; a rebellion. The final part of the book is return of God(s) and his angels ~ an ancient, super advanced and evolved "alien" race; presumably one of many. Upon his return, the Dragon and his followers will mount a resistance again them. They will convince the people of the world that these returning "aliens" are evil and bent on our destruction. They are not evil, but they are bent on destroying the evilness in their creation (man) and its source (the Dragon and other factors). I suspect the "Dragon" has constraints on him and on his power, but he can use the power of suggestion and his knowledge to garner human support. He is truly insidious and a great liar, and focuses on followers that are easily suggestible ~ the ignorant.

I play computer games which have similar fantastic stories.

With one difference: I don't think and state this is REAL.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by yorkshirelad

According to my calculations:
99.999979429% of us will not be saved.
Sorry folks, you are not worthy.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by CantSay

Originally posted by Whatsitallabout
Who were the 2 witnesses? Can you give us more info on who you believe they were?

I will not say who they are. It is controversial and the few people I've talked to about it have become upset by it, but I will give you clues. Who would fit the following criteria?

"For three and a half days, the people of the earth celebrate the death of the two witnesses who have tormented them for three and a half years."

You decipher this for yourself. Keep it to yourself, and be absolutely objective about it.

Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein!

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Toadmund

Aw, really? Darn. Oh well, I hear Lucifer will buy me a drink for every time I take the lord's name in know, I think I got a good deal after all. Better than kissing toes.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by CantSay

When you have a number as odd as 144,000, I have found it interesting that is shows up in the Mayan Calender and the ancient texts that are called biblical now. I don't see how that could be a total coincidence.

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