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How I know God exists.

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posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Sin is just physical reality. It's body. It's heavy. It's not evil, or negative.. It is just an attraction.. An anchor..

It IS Life.

I think of Carbon as 6 6 6.. 6 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrons.

When Life started symbolized by leaving "the garden," Time started, for us, though I think the universe started WAY earlier. This is why "you shall surely die" Christians think spiritual death, I say it's about physical death..

Basically God says if you live you die..

Jesus was a man who showed us the way, but when he said "I AM the WAY." he was speaking as God, which I do from time to time, because not all of me is the mortal man.. I view the cross as mortal life. We all are bearing our crosses..

Jesus showed The Way where? back out of time...

So we are all sinners, if you weren't you wouldn't be breathing.. It's a GOOD thing. And yet we miss the stronger connection to God. It's a trade off. When I say I want to leave here, it doesn't mean Im not ever coming back, but I need a break from time, from time to time... hahah

edit on 12/14/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

So the whole spiel about the serpent being a symbol of evil is a bunch of crap? I knew it!

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by Dustytoad

So the whole spiel about the serpent being a symbol of evil is a bunch of crap? I knew it!

The Life giver? :

Not evil to me anyway.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Men ... You don't even know me.... I was trying to say to him... that I had a smiliar experience about two years ago .. after that, mylife change...and I do understand what was written here, because of Him (Jesus)...Jesus opened my Heart and because of that I understand what was said here (again)...

Thanks for the One day you will understand... Thanks

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

Where you the thread starter, about "God is not a person?" (avatar seems same)

Yes, that was my thread.

I've been watching these Religion forums since I got here (two years come March!). My father died on August 2, 2010. It was the first time I'd endured the loss and grief of someone that close to me.

I've been "searching" for much, much longer, however.
I agree with your posts regarding Buddhism and Jesus's actual teachings. ... He was not a tyrannical hypocrite (according to the hearsay published in the Bible), he accepted all comers. I do believe in a Divine Source; but I'm not convinced Jesus even lived. It doesn't really matter, though, if he did or not. What matters is the message; to love people, and accept and validate them as they are. We are all here. We got here somehow. That "somehow" is too big for us to explain yet - but I don't think we are just chemical accidents.

I feel more confident with the idea of the Source (which is certainly not a person) that has evolved in my mind than I ever felt about the packaged "religiosity" taught to me as a child. My father believed in God, but not religion. Sadly, I never got to talk to him about God; or Death. He just didn't discuss it.

He was a brilliant engineer, fascinated with physics and philosophy; and I have had inexplicable experiences that do tell me there is something more than us, more than we can ever be....until we have learned how. Life is about learning how...

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by iSHRED
The bible speaks about giving up your life for Christ, and when you do this you will be transformed. I heard this my whole life and called myself a Christian but I didn't commit my life to the principles and way of living taught by Jesus. One day about 7 months ago it all clicked for me. I desired the truth more than anything and when my heart was fully committed to the truth is when i found it. God entered me via the Holy Spirit as referenced in the bible. My life and the way i lived it changed from that day on.

Lol @ confirmation bias.
edit on 12-14-12 by paradox because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

I never said anything about evil. That is a connotation you make up in your mind based on YOUR beliefs. I only said I don't plan on coming back, but there is nothing wrong with anyone's choice as to what they want. Sin is not a bad word in my vocabulary, it is merely a noun meaning physical. God created all. We came here by OUR choice. Out of eternity into time... You can blame yourself for that.

There you go again, making up your own story. How do you know that we came here by our own choice? I should blame myself for my life?

This Part is in the Bible, but no I do not know that.. These are my thoughts buddy. I said I KNOW GOD.. Do you Grok? But Yes YOUR life is YOUR fault. deal with it. How's that for ferries and unicorns?

No that IS NOT in the Bible. Nowhere does it say that we pre-chose our existence. Being born is not the "fault" of anyone. Nowhere in the Bible say that we are here because of some pre-life fault. But, then again, I guess that's why you needed to be saved from yourself.

As for fairies and unicorns, it's all in your imagination and your personal God mythology.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

Jesus was a man who showed us the way, but when he said "I AM the WAY." he was speaking as God, which I do from time to time, because not all of me is the mortal man.. I view the cross as mortal life. We all are bearing our crosses..

The cross is a representation of how humans are the middle ground between mortal and divine. They are midways through the ascension process. The fact that we are asking these questions and actively seeking the answers is proof of this. The vertical bar represents heaven/god/life and the horizontal bar represents earth/mortal/death. We are the overlap. We are the gray fuzz between higher and lower.

That's why I'm hoping that this whole 2012 deal ends up being the point in time where we decide if we're going to ascend or descend. Either we embrace our destiny as a piece of the divine puzzle, or we regress to a lower state until we're ready to try again. Sooner or later, we'll have to make that choice. There's no way to avoid it.

Jesus showed The Way where? back out of time...

Time is only measured in the lower densities, where its effect on matter is actually relevant to our vessels.

So we are all sinners, if you weren't you wouldn't be breathing.. It's a GOOD thing. And yet we miss the stronger connection to God. It's a trade off. When I say I want to leave here, it doesn't mean Im not ever coming back, but I need a break from time, from time to time... hahah

Sin is necessary. You cannot truly appreciate a good apple if you have not tasted a rotten one.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by windword

No that IS NOT in the Bible. Nowhere does it say that we pre-chose our existence. Being born is not the "fault" of anyone. Nowhere in the Bible say that we are here because of some pre-life fault. But, then again, I guess that's why you needed to be saved from yourself.

The Apple.. Leaving the Garden.. That was a choice.. It's symbolic.. Don't tell me you believe in talking snakes in this 4D world?

I didn't need to be saved. I am not "saved" but I am saved, because I am on a path. I don't mean it as christians usually do, as some magical spell that means I now have a soul in heaven... My connection grows stronger, and my love grows with it.

I just found out why you can't post any of your own thoughts about you... It's because you watch spirit science.
That's why you don't like what I am saying, haha.. Did the Martians come and make us a too manly society and religions enslaved us, but we need more feminine brains.. So we don't go to war, and all that stuf that the guy makes up seemingly off the top of his head?? Remember he always says: "You don't have to believe me, and I won't prove it, if you don't like it don't listen." bahahaha..

Talk about unicorns..
edit on 12/14/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes

I agree with your posts regarding Buddhism and Jesus's actual teachings. ... He was not a tyrannical hypocrite (according to the hearsay published in the Bible), he accepted all comers. I do believe in a Divine Source; but I'm not convinced Jesus even lived. It doesn't really matter, though, if he did or not. What matters is the message; to love people, and accept and validate them as they are. We are all here. We got here somehow. That "somehow" is too big for us to explain yet - but I don't think we are just chemical accidents.

Lovely post. I made a post earlier hinting that I am not sure Jesus lived either.. I made a reference to 33 vertebrae and Jesus being 33.. The spine being "the way." The third eye being "the single eye full of light that makes the body full of light."


Aww some positive energy in the thread.. Without you or afterinfinity, heh well...

George Harrison get's it:
My Sweet Lord
Gopala Krishna
edit on 12/14/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Dustytoad

Originally posted by windword

No that IS NOT in the Bible. Nowhere does it say that we pre-chose our existence. Being born is not the "fault" of anyone. Nowhere in the Bible say that we are here because of some pre-life fault. But, then again, I guess that's why you needed to be saved from yourself.

The Apple.. Leaving the Garden.. That was a choice.. It's symbolic.. Don't tell me you believe in talking snakes in this 4D world?

No. But, if that's your justification for saying that we chose to be born in our situations, and born sinners at that, then I'd say you're the one that believe in 4D talking snakes.

How are all the billions of people that have been born on this planet responsible for God's mistake in the Garden of Eden? Also, the story doesn't indicate that it was Adam and Eve's choice to leave the garden. They were blindsided by that and other punishments, beyond death, which they didn't have a concept of. How could they have chosen what they did not know?

In reality, I too believe in reincarnation. I'm just having a problem with the round about way you proclaim to be in possession of the truth.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by windword

In reality, I too believe in reincarnation. I'm just having a problem with the round about way you proclaim to be in possession of the truth.

Wait did you think I meant you chose everything when I said you chose to be here it's your fault? I also believe in Luck, random events, chance... You chose to be alive is all I meant, and after that, no one can do it for you, it's all on you.. You have to play the hands you are dealt.

Right but you are reading that as if God is a person. god did not Punish us.. It's natural that if you are born, you cannot be in spirit.. It's not personified except in your mind.. These are symbols meant for little farmer people to understand.. You don't remember it, and neither do I.. It's just the best info to go on. I tend to trust it sense it explains the Big bang and the formation of suns and planets after... Take away the God doing all of this personally, and you've got it.. I am in God, and God is in me..

Sin IS Life. It's being here in the first place. There is no judgement on you. It's just a path you are on. Another word for Sin could be Karma. You will keep living in maya until you give it up. Your body IS Karma. Your Body IS sin. You KILL to eat, does this not give it away?? Plants are alive too ya know..

You were given life, now use it. God isn't going to come and grab you.. Your life is your fault. Take responsibility.

I never said I had the Truth about anything here, EXCEPT... I KNOW God.. Everything else is my opinion. Now after all this wasted time you admit ONE belief, that you believe in reincarnation.. Good what else?

Now when I said 4D talking snakes I meant Earth.. Earth is in 4D... There are not talking snakes. The snake is at the base of your spine..

You are so over literal, it's tireing.. You KNOW I am not going to speak literally about the bible, so quit taking it that way..
edit on 12/14/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

Haha. I do agree with you, Dusty. My biggest problem has always been the judgment. Why would something that created us judge us for the way it created us? If anything, it should judge itself. Or so you would think.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

I just found out why you can't post any of your own thoughts about you... It's because you watch spirit science. That's why you don't like what I am saying, haha.. Did the Martians come and make us a too manly society and religions enslaved us, but we need more feminine brains.. So we don't go to war, and all that stuf that the guy makes up seemingly off the top of his head?? Remember he always says: "You don't have to believe me, and I won't prove it, if you don't like it don't listen." bahahaha..

What? I've watched all kinds of videos on various philosophies, and commented on them. The Spirit Science video series is based on one man's theory on the Emerald Tablets, from Hermes Trimegitsus. Excuse me if I find Atlantian mythologies interesting and compellng. I also posted in this thread about pyramid energy.

Mocking other philosophies, or mocking the people who read, discuss and research these "alternative" philosophies, like Buddhism or Vedic mythology. or even alternate theories to the the life and teaching of Jesus, are tactics used by zealots to belittle critical thinking and open mindedness.

Not everyone sees eye to eye with you about taking Jesus as a personal savior, because it is said that he was the son of God, born of a virgin, died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead.

It's probably true that I spend more time, in these forums, explaining what I don't believe and what other possibilities may exist that could also be true, than expressly preaching what I believe to be true.

Excuse my confusion, but you came into the thread of a person who declared the Bible to be true, to have a direct knowledge of God's existence and has taken Jesus Christ as his personal savior. In your first post you expressed your agreement with him.

Then you slowly changed the script and claim not to be a Christian, that you don't understand the link between God and Jesus, and, that you don't believe in the God of the Old Testament, even though you cite Genesis as proof that the God of the Bible is the creator.

So, while you mock me for my ATS input in threads that express an alternate view of pre-flood and biblical history, you yourself have incorporated alternative views, nonchalantly, into your personal religious viewpoint that you claim as truth.

edit on 14-12-2012 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by glassspider
reply to post by winofiend

wow giving food to people who need it and not forcing them to listen to a sermon as they eat and being good to people around you, not judging and accepting people for who they are, why wasn't it your religion everyone got caught up in :0)

Why do people like you jump to the conclusion that because people believe in God, have faith in God, or involve God in their life that they are part of a religion??

Your views are skewed very badly! There is absolutely NOTHING in the bible that says you must go to church and believe in religion to understand or believe in God! NOTHING!!

Church is for people who want someone to help them understand things BETTER, or in the pastor or priests view on things......It has absolutely nothing to do with having God in your life!!

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 03:34 PM
Actually I think Christianity is a big conspiracy, even if he doesn't state facts or evidences of his argument doesn't mean that their isn't a posiiblite. God and Jesus are real, Jesus is like God. Knowing the truth is what matters, it not about me or you it about us all. Reason why this world going to # because of the lust and greed.

Think what you guys want, but he correct. I believe in Jesus and God, but in the same way more from God.
But they are the same being or entity if you look at the Bible correctly after his death.

People have different perspectives of Christianity seen how their so many sub religions that came from Christianity. Clear as day people have different opinions, which most involve questions that can't be answered.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 03:39 PM
And indeed their isn't any text saying you have to go church, wear symbols or neckless, to have a religion. Believe wat you want to
Because all that matters is believing in a higher power.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

I made a reference to 33 vertebrae and Jesus being 33.. The spine being "the way."

Yes, I saw that post. I think 'chakras' make a good deal of "metaphysical" as some think the idea is. Auras, vibrations, etc.

But, you know what? I have an extra verterbra. 34, and I am in regular treatment with a chiropractor, who has, in the last 16 or so months, made my spine look NOT like a corkscrew is straight, and strong, and my health is great.

So....the 33 thing ...... I don't know.....

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by iSHRED
I desired the truth more than anything and when my heart was fully committed to the truth is when i found it. God entered me via the Holy Spirit as referenced in the bible. My life and the way i lived it changed from that day on.

I have heard this sort of thing many times. But when I ask the following question I have yet to understand the answer:

What PRECISELY happened when "God entered you via the Holy Spirit"? Did you feel something? What did you feel? Did you see or hear something? What did you see or hear? How do you know that whatever you felt was really God and not your own self accepting the issue?

EVERY single time this has come up I get answers like this?

"God spoke to me and everythng is peachy."
"What did he say?"
"He just spoke to me and I was filled with the Holy Spirit."
"If he SAID something, what was it?"
"I'm filled with the Holy Spirit!"

Maybe you'll be different.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Just sounds a bit naughty to me...where is someones "holy spirit"?

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