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Obelisks/divide from God as Porn/divide man from woman

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posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by mellisamouse

i get what your saying, and i share your view on finding someone that is the world to you, im not trying to convert anybody, i just pointed out that porn has and will always be around. i hope you find what your looking for

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by mellisamouse

There is no homosexual agenda.

Reposition yourself for new thoughts and ideas.

Less than 75 years ago in this nation, the social structure changed. Drastically.

Men were called off to war and women were asked (and they fulfilled) the challenge to stand in for the men. Rosie the Riveter was born. She isn't going away. She isn't just an idealized vision of American spirit. She broke ground, she broke rules. She redefined women in America.

She did create some casualties though. That is what we are struggling with today. We were forced to accept new role definitions at that point. And, those changes were and are good. We will continue to face changes in the near future. Also good. But, it is painful for those who so inwardly focused on themselves that they just aren't aware. Change takes time.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by mellisamouse

Originally posted by NiteNGale2
reply to post by mellisamouse

I think that Merriman has a grasp of the era and of the available knowledge. Phallic symbols are a modern concept.

I am not talking about back then though, I am talking about the divisions between men and women today and the parallel, and they ARE everywhere TODAY....

One clippet talking about when it BEGAN.... does not dismiss the fact of how it has spread and the churches of today cause a division between the creator and people..... an easy fix..... the same way porn does between men and women..... another easy fix.....

You're not talking "talking about back then though"? Really, why am I quoting something you've chosen to include in your first post then? A chunk talking about the historical development of church spires and a Reformation that dates back to the 1500s? Why include any of this if you're not "talking about" it?

Also, there's another chunk of nonsense in that section. The development of steeples and their relationship to "pagan cultures gone by" is also made meaningless by the fact, in Britain, the pagan cultures that the population would have, at some time, been born from, had no real relationship to the nature of a steeple. The steeple couldn't evolve "into more than ornamental expressions of pagan cultures gone by" as the vast, overwhelming bulk of the population of Britain who'd have had either a Anglo-Norse Germanic paganism or a Celt/Romano-British paganism, wouldn't have recognised any of the symbolism. As such, no spine-chilling recognition or whatever the quote claims.

edit on 1-12-2012 by Merriman Weir because: .

edit on 1-12-2012 by Merriman Weir because: .

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I am talking in metaphors here.

This is about the profaning of something pure, with a replacement.

Like porn saying "look at me!" instead of using true love for a MUCH deeper satisfaction, in the same way religion says "look at me!" instead of having your own relationship with the creator.

Now do you get my reference???

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by mellisamouse
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I think you are missing the point.......

let's look at the rest of your post then:

40-50 years ago you could still have romance and chivelry, woman still blushed swooned and "stood by their man", despite what the womans libbers seemed to think, they had it made, win/win, except for the odd chauvinistic creep who treated his wife as a slave or chattel, which was not the majority, but in fact rare from what I can see....

Well, you're blind. In Britain, it wasn't until 1982 until rape within marriage was outlawed. The history of domestic violence and economic abuse shows that this wasn't reserved to the 'odd chauvinistic creep'. You don't have to be a "womans libber" to understand this.

This divide spread and influenced wives who were treated nothing less than a complete princess,start to think they were lacking, before this garbage she was a queen, which in turn made her treat her husband as the king he was..... beautiful, romantic, satisfying, the thing we are alllll missing today.

You're looking in the wrong place. The majority of domestic arguments and breakdowns &c, in Britain, are related to money problems. If you're looking for a trend in either Britain or the USA, have a look at when social mobility started to collapse, job security disappeared, and property prices, utility prices &c started to spiral.

People can't think they're Kings or Queens when they're living more like paupers.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by mellisamouse
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I am talking in metaphors here.

This is about the profaning of something pure, with a replacement.

Like porn saying "look at me!" instead of using true love for a MUCH deeper satisfaction, in the same way religion says "look at me!" instead of having your own relationship with the creator.

Now do you get my reference???

Really? If this 'true love' was so great, so captivating, such a draw, and so easy to get, then porn wouldn't get a look in. It would be redundant. Before internet porn, the vast majority of men (or women) would never have been able to get pornography through the front door and yet even an idiot would recognise that marriages and relationships were falling apart long before internet porn.

Relationships have rarely been about love in the way you're suggesting. True love will always be a massive bonus, but the reality is that most relationships and marriages have never been about this. Throughout history it's overwhelmingly always been about financial need or power-broking.

I'm sorry this bursts your love bubble but its the reality of it, whether it's tribal leaders or pagan Kings marrying Christian princesses or widowed Queens to gain access to trade and power structures or 19th Century widows having to remarry anyone who'd have her in order to support her children.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:30 AM
That really sucks hearing about your breakup I can sympathise to be sure but porn is not responsible for any divide in man or woman today. Porn is a reflection of a society that seeks immediate pleasures in its surroundings and is an indication more of a loss or a societal de evolution into sexual apathy where the mystery of sex is gone and the answer is in your face and on a screen. i had more fun as a teen when there was less porn and more apprehension about sex. And to see a loss of cohesion between men and women one has to just look at the skyrocketing divorce rates today, and that basically comes down to us having so much choice and no willingness to really work on a relationship that we have become lazy about it and take the quickest and not necessarily the best way forword. I speak generally of course , there are many cases of violence in relationships etc which leave almost no choice to take.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by mellisamouse

Originally posted by DocHolidaze
reply to post by mellisamouse

??????????? ever heard of a old school whore house(the worlds oldest profession)? anybody with enough coppers could be treated to a show rich or poor. you say every house has access to porn. but in reality every household leader/leadersallow or do not allow porn in the house. it is sad that most households do not take the steps to make sure porn is not seen within there household. whomever is against porn should take it upon themselves to eradicate it from there everyday lies, and not blame it on an industry that is based on debauchery. if you do blame the industry do you really think these company's are gonna stop because some thinks its inappropriate. no one has been able to stop porn since day one!

It has nothing to do with the industry, it is the attitude...

Access or not..... it could be on every street corner, and you could still find a loyal true love, someone who would feel defiled to look at anyone but his beloved wife.

I am talking about the loyalties being broken down here as is clear by the responses in this thread.

It is ACCEPTABLE to such a point now, that someone like ME, who wants something pure back, is some freak who the rest want to convert....

Nope, I want a pure love or nothing....

If the loyalty was true to begin with it would not have been tempted to break the bind so easily ... in fact if the love had been pure from the beginning it would have been unbreakable no matter what was thrown in it's path to distract.

The fact is pure love does still exist everywhere just as it always has ... this is also true of porn and prostitution (pure / debauched ... two sides of the same coin and both have a place in society to create the necessary balance) ... I understand your pain but porn nor prostitution ... or church steeples and obelisks are responsible for the loss of your relationship ... as hard as it is to face the pure love could not have been there from the beginning or it would never have been broken by anything or anyone.

Trying to aportion blame is a natural part of any break-up but it won't make the pain go away ... only time can do that !


posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 01:13 PM

edit on 1-12-2012 by kimish because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by mellisamouse


Abrahamic religions are responsible for the schism between men and women. It all started with the fable of the Garden of Eden and the myth that blames the female for the fall of mankind and curses her to be under man's rule.

The 10 Commandments certified women as property and further instructions from the Hebrew male and misogynous deity commanded the rape and murder of women from all walks of life.

The Helenistic model of the Goddess deities and the female arts associated with her were systematically demonized by the new rule of the patriarchy. Women with the talents of healing and midwifing, the use of herbs and invocation style prayer and worship led to the murder and demise of an entire matriarchal culture.

It's no wonder that our Christian, Jewish and Islamic influenced cultures still represses and condemn female sexuality and inhibits their participation in society, church and family decisions.

Like Paul, who allowed women to becomes deacons in his newly formed church, because the men were to busy preaching and saving souls to minster to and feed the widows and the sick, which Jesus commanded them to do, he allowed women to assume that job; Just this week, Congress named the very first female committee chairman in US history. Among the things she will oversee is the congressional cafeteria!

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 01:36 PM
I've never been in a relationship myself, but the impression I am personally getting from porn culture is that it creates a pre-programmed distortion of the idea of what a female body should look like. For instance, hair on certain (ahem) body parts. I don't believe for a second that the desire for the removal of it is anything but a deeply ingrained trend based on unrealistic expectations of how women should look. I wish society didn't diverge away from thinking that the female body is beautiful just the way it is.
Yes, I know, I know... leg hair... But do we have to continue until it becomes a cultural chore to get rid of every follicle all over the body? (I guess my root point is... at least leave the crotch alone, Society!)
edit on 1-12-2012 by EllaMarina because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by mellisamouse

During the Middle Ages steeples evolved into more than ornamental expressions of pagan cultures gone by, they doubled as a place for church bells. By the 15th century most churches had steeples with bells, which were rung every hour and to proclaim religious ceremonies and holidays. The mother of the modern church, the Roman Catholic Church, adopted an Egyptian pagan obelisk and placed a cross on its peak. This imagery should send chills down the spines of churchgoers everywhere, as this is where most of today’s churches stem from through the Protestant Reformation.

I was reading the above article, and I was thinking about how pornography divides man and woman from a pure relationship these days, and causes disrespect towards each other instead of a pure loving relationship.

It is one of the best divide and concur methods of TPTB.

40-50 years ago you could still have romance and chivelry, woman still blushed swooned and "stood by their man", despite what the womans libbers seemed to think, they had it made, win/win, except for the odd chauvinistic creep who treated his wife as a slave or chattel, which was not the majority, but in fact rare from what I can see....

This divide spread and influenced wives who were treated nothing less than a complete princess,start to think they were lacking, before this garbage she was a queen, which in turn made her treat her husband as the king he was..... beautiful, romantic, satisfying, the thing we are alllll missing today.

When you look at religion, the lies and baloney in there did the same thing to opur relationship with our creator.

Took this loving innocence and tarnished it with me/me lies, and leave us all empty etc.

I will add more once my fuming dies down a bit.... I am steaming mad! lol...
edit on 1-12-2012 by mellisamouse because: (no reason given)

You make the fundamental mistake in that your belief in a "creator" or "god" is factual.
There is no proof such a creature exists.
Lots of people believe this creature exists, but that is all, it is a belief.
And any religion here on earth is just a vehicle to make sure that people continue to believe in this creature and for those people to stay captive to those some religions.
Religion is the biggest con ever perpetrated on mankind.
Just read and fully understand the first part of the bible (genesis) to realise that.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 01:56 PM
- i m sorry for what happened to you OP

and yes i think you point into the right direction
When some responded, that 'porn has been around forever ' , i disagree,
because that is not the problem here -

but that, opposed to these days,
in the old times, infidelity or treason still was a matter of the heart [ of male - since this s obviously about males, right ]
... but these days, male is filled with all kind of pictures, which are projected into his brow [ ! ] ,
and many - if not most - are searching on internet the pictures that correlate with the picture, evil is projecting in his brow.

so; everything their eyes see in front of them , even their spouse, has to correspond with the picture that has been implanted in his brow.
...and therefore , most males are divided within themselves

it is a perfect way for evil, to keep the great divide between male and female - just as It is using feminism to keep female away from male.

and yes, your connection with the obelisk is correct in that sense, that It is ruling Creation via male [ read: hiding behind male ] , and using males phallus to implement that rule. When the egyptian Spells mention ' the phallus of Re is the head of Re ', you can understand whý evil is projecting the pictures of female into males brow


posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 02:20 PM
This is a much needed thread topic OP, I agree with much of what you said.

I went to the link you gave in the OP and something didn't seem right.

Actually it was this sentence in the OP:

"The mother of the modern church, the Roman Catholic Church"

As I normally do before reading things I began to check out the source and it appears this is some type of cult with some extremely cult like beliefs.

When I see things like this I generally stay away from these types of sites because the errors will usually infect everything they say and do.

They are one of many fractitious sects of the Sacred Name Movement (SBM), which believes we have to call the Father Yahweh and the Son Yahshua. They're an offshoot of the adventist movement that believes in keeping the OT Torah and Feasts, that the NT was written in Hebrew rather than Greek, and avoiding "pagan" words to the point of saying Yahweh is an Elohim not a God (b/c "God" sounds like "Gad" in Hebrew, and that means luck!), and Jesus is at best a second-rate mistransliteration, at worst a word meaning "Heaing Zeus" (seriously!)

Some other unorthodox beliefs

* The Messiah is a created being, not truly divine
* Salvation is found only in calling God Yahweh, in addition to following the Torah and believing in His Son
* The Holy Spirit is Yahweh's powerful force, not a person
* The Messiah was impaled (not crucified, since a Cross looks like a Tau and Yahweh could never execute his son on a pagan instrument!) because He pronounced the Father's name

YRM is a breakaway from Yahweh's New Covenant Assembly/Yahweh's Assembly in Yahshua; the leader of YRM is the son of the leader of YAIY. Both came out of the aforementioned AoY. Other groups include Yahweh's Assembly in Messiah, PaleoTimes, and various Congregation of YHWH assemblies. The "House of Yahweh" is an extreme (even for these guys) offshoot of the SNM.

Most SNM groups have published their own "translations" of the BIble (usually taking the KJV, ASV, or Rotherham and changing it to fit their theology).

Anybody familiar with Yahweh's Restoration Cult?

Where do we go upon death?

After a person dies the Bible says that their spirit returns to Yahweh for keeping and their thoughts perish in the grave. The standard teaching of going to heaven after death is false.

Do you teach the false concept of the trinity or do you believe in the Unity?

We teach that Yahweh the Father is supreme. There are not three, coequal persons in a Triune Majesty.

Yahweh's Restoration Ministry


Origin And History Of The Sacred Name Movement

Assemblies of Yahweh

Google search > Cult Jacob O. Meyer .

edit on 1-12-2012 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 02:21 PM
consequently, there is astounding little qualities in natural male - qualities which matter, that is

Once you see how It is ruling , by hiding behind male, using him to maintain Its rule, then most [natural] men are....almost pathetic to watch.
But you need to understand that [natural] male has a very limited consciousness - i m not talking about the Mind, but consciousness - and that most are kept in slavery by Its Spells over them.
..because, would they wáke, once, and find out that their own very heart IS [their own] female.... then It would be most ?

and the reverse is also true: be sure, that the 144000 , who are depicted as males, are thérefore depicted as males - because its about rule over creation - the same rule, adam lost. And since its all about Restoration, the male, you will have, when that will happen, will be everything you ever wanted in male.

...there s a reason as why this happened to you, though it hurts.
- He never lets anything happen ' randomly ' .
Do find out

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Bilky
i had more fun as a teen when there was less porn and more apprehension about sex. And to see a loss of cohesion between men and women one has to just look at the skyrocketing divorce rates today, and that basically comes down to us having so much choice and no willingness to really work on a relationship that we have become lazy about it and take the quickest and not necessarily the best way forword. I speak generally of course , there are many cases of violence in relationships etc which leave almost no choice to take.

Yeah, remember when your pinky finger touching some one elses pinky finger would have you on a high all week and you couldn't wait for the weekend so your pinky fingers could touch again????

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by woodwytch

YES Woody, exactly!!!!!!

You get it, Thanks for helping me out here,,,,,

You have given me some hope here.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by mellisamouse

Abrahamic religions are responsible for the schism between men and women.

yes, religion divides people from God too..... exactly what I am saying.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by mellisamouse

I was reading the above article, and I was thinking about how pornography divides man and woman from a pure relationship these days, and causes disrespect towards each other instead of a pure loving relationship.

It does? I know plenty of avid porn watchers both male and female who are in loving happy relationships with their partners.

Originally posted by mellisamouse40-50 years ago you could still have romance and chivelry, woman still blushed swooned and "stood by their man", despite what the womans libbers seemed to think, they had it made, win/win, except for the odd chauvinistic creep who treated his wife as a slave or chattel, which was not the majority, but in fact rare from what I can see....

Were you even an adult 40 to 50 years ago or are you one of these people who have a romanticized outlook of a time period you werent a part of?

I think saying chauvinism was rare in that time period is a big stretch.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by lasvegasteddy

Obelisks are a symbol of fertility, and a phallic symbol, the sundial was a side effect of the giant phallus stabbing up at heaven in a proclaimation of man's verility.

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