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Backyard Chickens with pics

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posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by MountainEnigma
What is the recommendation about keeping chickens through the winter? Will they survive in their hen house or would it be necessary to somehow heat the hen house?

Heat is unnecessary. Keeping their area well ventilated and dry is important to prevent frostbite and respiratory disease.

Even with multiple subzero days and nights heat is unnecessary and may actually harm your birds by reducing their ability to handle the cold temps and thinning their feathers or contributing to moisture in the air which will damage their lungs.

Chickens have been kept long before their was electricity.

Everybody feels bad about them being cold. I do too. But heat does more harm than good.

You can feed them some warm oatmeal as a treat or fill their waterer with warm water (helps keep it from freezing all day) if you want but heating the coop is unnecessary and generally not recommended.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by rickymouse
Nice chickens and eggs. did a great job on their living area too.

If something happens how do people expect to get food for the chickens though, that has always been something I wondered about. If you grow corn to make food for the winter it is all right but chickens eat quite a bit. Maybe having a rotating pantry for the chicks is good too, having four sacs of food or more for a dozen chickens may not be bad for stock. I see most people buying a months worth of feed with no stock, that could leave supplies low.

i agree and also buying ahead is good financial advise. i bought 12, 50lb bags of feed before the prices started going up and i should have plenty of feed for them through winter and spring. i have 8 birds, all female and they are a blast to watch them go about there foraging all day.

the only thing i would recommend to people is the sheer convenience a heated bowl has for keeping the ice out of the water because chickens drink a lot of water, especially when it's cold.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by filosophia

Well, we live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We have a lot of snow here and food is not accessible unless you stock it during the winter. I know that in the old days they used to have graineries but most people up here rely on the local suppliers, letting their feeds get low. I do not know how much the feed stores stock but I am sure there would be a run on these stores if something happened. I would stock at least a month if not more of feed if I had chickens, enough to feed them till food could again become available. Maybe in the summer it wouldn't be important or if you lived down south. Up here there is usually quite a bit of snow on the ground. Experienced chicken raisers probably all ready know this.

We try to keep at least a months supply of food in stock for our cats in case something happens. Cat food has gone up four dollars in the last six months for the 18 lb bags we use. A bag lasts about a month for our five cats. I wish we would have bought more ahead of time, we plan on keeping our cats till they get very old. We are down to the last bag now, hopefully a sale comes along at tractor supply. I think this price increase is related to the drought.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by snowspirit
Make sure you bribe your neighbours with eggs so they don't complain.

We live rural, and plan on chickens and turkeys, but chicken wire isn't strong enough to keep out the coyotes. We have to get heavier gauge wire, buried into the ground, and completely covered on top.

The coyotes up here - I saw one the other day that looked as big as a small wolf. It was at least 80 lbs.

We pass out eggs to our neighbors and they help me with yard work

We used hard wire cloth for the entire coop to include the roof and inside of door!! The outdoor pen is a 12x12. At night we close them in, otherwise they are free roaming. I have a dog and cat that guard them from other interested cats LOL!! Not one death in over a year!

EDIT: I have a rooster and my neighbors all love him! Plus if needed, he can breed all the hens I have...

edit on 27-11-2012 by Starwise because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 09:16 AM
Good going filo

For ones that want to raise chickens check your local codes to see if you can it might be against the law.
Chicken man of Roswell GA

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle

Sounds like you got your security in order. We need to make sure we can take care of our animals if something happens. The chickens can provide us with food, both from the eggs which have much nutrition and are an antidote for some food poisonings and the meat they provide when they quit laying.

Old layers make the best chicken soup, with the right recipe they can knock a stubborn cold out in days. That information is now proven by science, it seems that old chickens form a chemical that helps us fight viruses. I developed a complex recipe that works great, I studied how it works and modified it a little with knowledge of the exact chemistry that is being utilized and the way it is used by the body. By over studying I screwed up a few batches, that took more research to find out why.
I am back almost to the original with a few changes. I'm going to try pine needle tea instead of lemons next time, if something happens we probably won't have lemons long. My wife has a cold right now but all we have is Walmart chickens, they work if you get a big one.

I know someone that grows organic chickens. Are they great tasting but at four bucks a pound they are only a treat to us. If we got chickens they would be eating outside all summer and be organic anyway. process them before winter and all you have is the cost of the chicks invested. We have a lot of coyotes here though, I suppose if you know how to neutralize the chemistry that is in them they will be safe to eat. They often have an amoeba that has chemistry to it that can compromise our thinking. I guess pressure cooking the meat can destroy the toxins. All meat eating animals can have this problem, including some bear meat I guess. It is hard to find information all in one place on this parasite.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 10:30 AM
I grew up on a farm in Kansas. We had chickens, cows, hogs, sheep & horses. The hen house was a free standing structure with 2 or 3 levels of planks. On each plank were rows of boxes, each box just large enough for a hen to sit comfortably on her eggs. Let me add that the "boxes" were nothing more than 2'x2' square & maybe 3" high. The chicken yard was enclosed by chicken wire but large enough that there was no covering. Each morning the chickens were let out to roam the grounds eating bugs, in the evening they willingly returned to the coop, I closed the door and they were in for the night. Rarely were coyotes a problem but we had dogs who helped keep them out of the yard. As for keeping them warm in the winter - there was a bare bulb hanging from the ceiling of the chicken house that provided an amazing amount of heat along with the straw on the floor & in their nests. I would advise against grinding up their egg shells and adding to their feed as it "encourages" them to peck at & eat their eggs in the nest. You can buy a calcium to add to their feed or a feed that already has calcium added.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 10:57 AM
I was chased by a chicken when I was 3 years old. Been eating them ever since. To a 3 year old, that chicken was a huge flying monster. It had hopped the neighbors fence and made a bee-line for me.

I live in a large metropolitan city a suburb of New Orleans and we can have chicken here. A friend tried the chicken thing but gave up on them because she said they were smelly and gave lots of problems.

You said you didn't kill them for food, just got the eggs. If you had to, could you wring it's neck or chop it's head off with a hatchet?

If you've done this.. whats it like the first time? I am about to buy some land and perhaps will raise chickens. I want a heads up in this. Of course, I have never killed a chicken yet. I guess it's hard because they somewhat become your pets?
edit on 27-11-2012 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 11:26 AM
I find it absolutely outrageous that you can't have backyard chickens in most cities. Who gives anyone authority over your sovereign, constiutionally protected rights. And the real estate ponzy scheme of upping property values, its unethical, prevents affordable homes, is complete greed and BS, but also, realtors and town council is only empowered, like everyone else BY THE CONSTITUTION, and so anything like that is unlawful and illegal.

Think its time for people to take their power back one chicken at a time.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 11:36 AM
Up here, people are starting to get chickens in many places. They are getting tired of buying commercially bought flavorless eggs from the store. If people say that there is no difference in the taste of store bought and free range eggs, I think they are a little nuts or have had their tastebuds compromised by something. As far as nutrition, maybe with the current flawed way they are testing, they are much better. The chemicals of an egg from a free range chicken have much more protective and calming chemicals. They only test for certain things in those nutrition sites, the number of things they test for is slowly increasing but it is in no way complete yet. Everyone knows that food is just made up of vitamins and minerals now, they have identified lots of other chemistry now that is valuable to good health. And this is just a start to our increasing knowledge of the truth.

People were also tired of worrying about all the risk of buying eggs that have bad bacteria in them, being older the risk of contamination is higher. There are so many doing it, they are applying to have zoning changed and they are accomplishing this. It is not farmers anymore, even the richer people are doing it. It has become a fad of the elite to raise their food. I would like to see them get chickens at the white house, they put in their gardens. People have to learn that relying on the fragile economy is not only unwise but actually unhealthy. Instead of complaining about your neighbor raising chickens, talk to them about it. One rooster is enough and you should not have too many in town. six within the city limits is enough to supply a family with eggs. Make sure to clean their coops and process the waste into fertilizer quickly so others don't complain. If done right, chickens can stabalize a neighborhood, and remember everyone has rights in this country, not just people who don't want things in their neighborhood. I think little stores should be within walking distance also, not stuck in a mall ten minutes away.We have sure messed up this reality. We need to straighten it out.

The neighbors chickens bothering you? tell them you need a dozen eggs every couple of weeks to ease your stress. Say it with a smile, and remember that eggs do cost money to produce. Maybe you can get your eggs at a couple bucks a dozen or even less. It costs overall about a buck and a half a dozen to get eggs, that includes costs of the hen, food, and some meds if they get sick. Occasionally you have to superglue a beak on too. The cost of the enclosure is not included but won't bring the price up much if it is used for many years.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 06:07 PM
forgot to mention if you're really spoiled like me, you will buy yourself an automatic door for the hen house, can't tell you how many times i had to corral my chickens so my wife and i could go out for the evening.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by filosophia

Not sure where you are from. Also not sure what this would do to the chickens. However, I have found out from others here that Moth Balls keep snakes away. So if you find that you have a snake problem, you might put boxes of Moth Balls around and that might mask the smell of the chicken eggs. Just a thought.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by claireaudient

My grandma raised chickens. She used to get about a 20 - 30 lb bag of crushed oyster shell that was spread with the food and the chickens would eat that to harden the shells of the eggs. Worked well.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by MountainEnigma

Exactly, much better than their own egg shells.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 11:10 PM
When I was a kid, I remember my grandfather raising chickens. I'm going to give a description of his layout, as best I can recall. It's been over 50 years, but I'll do my best. He had a large building(I don't know how big; like I said, it's been a long time.) On the south end of the building he had his smoke house, possibly 8x10, sealed tight, so he could smoke his hams in the fall. Next to that was the roosting area. It was dark, with roosts made out of saplings and a ladder made out of the same material. This means they were high enough to keep them away from dogs, coyotes and foxes in the middle of the night. Next to that he had his broody house. 2'x2' boxes, just as you described. His hens used the boxes, becaused he placed a golf ball in each nest. His thinking was simple. You give the hen a reason to sit. If you collect the eggs, they will come back every time.
Since I lived about 100 yds away, I don't ever remember being short of eggs.
If you do have to kill one of your hens, when you get ready to pluck, pour boiling water over the chicken, then start pulling feathers. They will come out easier, and in clumps. Takes a lot of time out of prepping. Hope this helps.
I'm thinking about building a chicken coop, and getting a few hens(if I can get my wife out of time long enough.) She can't butcher, but she sure can cook!

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 11:44 PM
Reply to post by MountainEnigma

Ill mention that to my friends father, as long as its not too expensive, it would be much much better than feeding them their own shells. This is their first year with chickens and any info is useful.

Ive heard that scorpions are an aphrodisiac for roosters, no idea if thats true or not.

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posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by strafgod

Please do pass the info along. Contrary to popular belief, chickens are smart & it doesn't take long for them to figure out that eggs taste good!
But eating their own eggs is a form of cannibalism so he needs to be aware of any potential problems that could arise. They need a diet high in protein, dried meal worm & sunflower seeds are great sources. The nesting areas should be checked 2-3 times a day, if he can get out there that often, in case there's a cracked egg - a bad behavior that's hard to break can start with a curious chicken pecking at a cracked egg.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 08:51 AM
Reply to post by JohnPhoenix

killing them the first time is unusual if noone warned ya the body and head around for a bit and you're 3yrs old! Just read up on what to expect and you'll be fine! A firm hold on the body helps a bit. Some folks hang them and slit the throat and remove the head. It prevents that running around the yard thing.
putting down an injured pet is Much harder IMO. This is a great thread! Thanks to OP and all responding. If I ever get back on a puter (house broken into) I'll post pics of my chicken tractor, etc. The folks talking about icky neighbors...learn your towns laws. Stick by em! Often the complaint is noise so many towns you can have hens but not a rooster. It varies. Also the total # you can keep in a town varies. A extension center can give you lots of help, info and support. TY again OP! ~ann

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