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German-Israeli ties: Still best of friends?

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posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 07:55 PM

German-Israeli ties: Still best of friends?

Despite German Chancellor Angela Merkel's strong, traditional backing for Israel, some Germans are becoming more critical of the country and calling into question Germany's unequivocal support.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 07:55 PM

I have always found it surprising how most people I've ever spoken to about the subject of German-Israeli relations, think there must be little or no ties, working relations and joint scientific endeavors between to two nations.

How wrong they are...

Wiki -

Culture, science and social programs

The two countries enjoy extensive scientific relations, with cooperation in science between Israeli and German universities and the development of the Minerva Society.

During the visit by President Katsav, Bundestag President Wolfgang Thierse promoted the establishment of German–Israeli Youth Office modeled on Germany's joint youth offices with

France and Poland – as a tool to educate German and Israeli youth about their respective histories and the sensitivities of their

And that's but a hint on the level of cooperation between both countries.

(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 073030p://pm3024 by Spike Spiegle because: countries*

posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 08:33 PM

Many have called it a "special relationship," and indeed, the rituals framing the bond are many. Every German politician who travels to Israel first visits the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, looks appropriately upset as though he's never heard of the Holocaust before, lays a wreath and writes an entry in the guest book: "Never again!"

Every Israeli politician who comes to Germany first visits either Dachau or Buchenwald, looks appropriately upset as though he's never heard of the Nazis before, lays a wreath and writes an entry in the guest book: "Never again!"

It is an interesting dynamic among international relationships. It's worth noting that the relationship didn't begin until 1965, which was due in part to Israeli resentment and also Germany wasn't a strategic ally in many ways for anyone in the 50's.

But, such a relationship in the world offers hope. There are a few similar examples, African Americans and Native American patriots come to mind.

In the Isralie-Palestine conflict, it is important to remember that enemies need not be enemies forever. Any friendly hand being reached to the other side can be a step toward an eventual alliance between Israel/West and Palestine/Islamic countries.
edit on 11/24/2012 by PatrickGarrow17 because: forgot link

posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

Could not have said it better myself.

Even the most bitter of enemies can forgive and forget to a certain extent...From there working together if possible to heal old wounds.

Making each nation stronger and safer in the long run.


posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 02:59 AM
I wouldn't have said Germany and Israel were bitter enemies.

World War 1 and World War 2 were both controlled by the same force of people that Controlled, Armed and Funded Adolf Hitler. And that would be the Zionists. They controlled all sides of both wars. And now the Zionists control Israel.

Hitler thought of himself and his Aryan people in Germany as the master race. Surprise surprise so does Netanyahu and his Zionist cronies in Israel. That's because the Zionists and the Aryans are one in the same.

Not the Jews. The Zionists. All that Anti-Semetic rubbish is only there to stop people being critical of the Zionists and their never ending desire to kill anyone not of their bloodline.

So to summarize, Nazi's and Zionists are the same. History that shows that Germany and Israel were enemies is false!!

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:38 AM
The German/Israeli relationship is destined to become even closer in the very near future with Israel surrounded by enemies and abandoned by major ally the U.S. turns to Germany for military support.

This will result in the eventual attack and defeat by the German led E.U. and other Islamic nations opposed to Iran (Turkey, Saudia Arabia) against Iran and her allies, Egypt and Libyia.

Israel will then invite the victorious Germans into Israel as peacekeepers with a 7 year peace treaty. This will result in the effective defeat of Islamic terrorism ushering in a three year term of peace throughout the ME.

The Germans will renege on this treaty after approx three years, conspiring with her Islamic allies to defeat Israel, resulting in the Chineses and Russians becoming very nervous about the german intent in the ME.

Beleiving they are to be completely cut off from the ME oil, China and Russia combined will invade through Europe towards the ME.

This is the real start of the real shooting 3rd world war.

And where is the US in all of this. Well for the most part they stay out of it. Broke and with major unemployment
problems, serious unrest from a public finally awake in sufficient numbers to their real condition, the US is more than happy to see other western nations do the heavy lifting for once.

However, once the Chinese/Russian alliance begins, their first target will be to take out the US. The US will be nuked out of WW3 before they even get into it.

The Chinese/Russians have three years to plan for this, while the US, not having to worry about keeping oil flowing to the world turns her attention inwards to her domestic issues, and goes to sleep at the wheel.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by triune

The US supplies the Zionists with Weapons, Aircraft and $ 3 Billion a year. So what makes you think America is not supporting Israel?

Zionists of Israel want World War 3. They have been planning for it for a long time. And they will make sure their puppets in Western Governments comply to the task of supporting Israel in their quest to start WW3.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by triune
The German/Israeli relationship is destined to become even closer in the very near future with Israel surrounded by enemies and abandoned by major ally the U.S. turns to Germany for military support.

This will result in the eventual attack and defeat by the German led E.U. and other Islamic nations opposed to Iran (Turkey, Saudia Arabia) against Iran and her allies, Egypt and Libyia.

Israel will then invite the victorious Germans into Israel as peacekeepers with a 7 year peace treaty. This will result in the effective defeat of Islamic terrorism ushering in a three year term of peace throughout the ME.

The Germans will renege on this treaty after approx three years, conspiring with her Islamic allies to defeat Israel, resulting in the Chineses and Russians becoming very nervous about the german intent in the ME.

Beleiving they are to be completely cut off from the ME oil, China and Russia combined will invade through Europe towards the ME.

This is the real start of the real shooting 3rd world war.

And where is the US in all of this. Well for the most part they stay out of it. Broke and with major unemployment
problems, serious unrest from a public finally awake in sufficient numbers to their real condition, the US is more than happy to see other western nations do the heavy lifting for once.

However, once the Chinese/Russian alliance begins, their first target will be to take out the US. The US will be nuked out of WW3 before they even get into it.

The Chinese/Russians have three years to plan for this, while the US, not having to worry about keeping oil flowing to the world turns her attention inwards to her domestic issues, and goes to sleep at the wheel.

Are you writing a fiction novel? Or did you recently read one? Because I see nothing in your post that mimics any real plausible scenario in the real world.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by stevcolx

World War 1 and World War 2 were both controlled by the same force of people that Controlled, Armed and Funded Adolf Hitler.

But that requires some independent reading, I got physically removed from history class for mentioning Theodor Herzl and the larger picture of culture, philosophy and the arts in 1880's Germany. Hitler was an artist who's role was head of the German propaganda machine. Herzl was a Zionist visionary who predicted in 1897 that the Jews would be back in the Holy land within 50 years. Richard Wagner the German composer choreographed a version of the biblical Exodus for the Jews in Germany in his opera Götterdämmerung and it was played out in WW2.
edit on 25-11-2012 by Cauliflower because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

lmao..i chuckled.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

Your almost correct. It was something I did read, but not fiction.

Maybe you havn't been paying close enough attention to whats really going down in the world.

1948 - Israel forms as a nation. Foretold in the bible.

1960s to present day - EU forms and will become a core of 10 countries. Foretold in the bible.

Present day - Egypt, Libiya,Ethiopia coming under the influence of Iran. Foretold in the bible.

Here's one to watch for. If this happens, maybe us bible thumpers are on to something!!

Syria and Hamas to break away from Iranian influence. hasn't happened yet, but also foretold in the bible.

The senario I have outlined in my first post is from the Book of Daniel Ch11, the war between the King of the North (German led EU) and King of the South (Iran and her proxies) and the subsequent entry onto the scene of the Kings of the East. (China/Russia)

The bible has a damn fine track record of foretelling world events so far. Gods plan is on track and on time.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by triune

Contrary to popular belief, the Bible isn't a book that fits into everything you want to believe.

The amount of times it has been used to justify outlandish fears should be a sign.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 02:56 PM
Their relationship is based on guilt and guilt alone. Israel will never allow Germany (or the world for that matter) forget what Hitler did to the Jews.
The Israelis are professional manipulators that really contribute nothing positive to the world.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by triune
reply to post by OccamsRazor04

Your almost correct. It was something I did read, but not fiction.

Maybe you havn't been paying close enough attention to whats really going down in the world.

1948 - Israel forms as a nation. Foretold in the bible.

1960s to present day - EU forms and will become a core of 10 countries. Foretold in the bible.

Present day - Egypt, Libiya,Ethiopia coming under the influence of Iran. Foretold in the bible.

Here's one to watch for. If this happens, maybe us bible thumpers are on to something!!

Syria and Hamas to break away from Iranian influence. hasn't happened yet, but also foretold in the bible.

The senario I have outlined in my first post is from the Book of Daniel Ch11, the war between the King of the North (German led EU) and King of the South (Iran and her proxies) and the subsequent entry onto the scene of the Kings of the East. (China/Russia)

The bible has a damn fine track record of foretelling world events so far. Gods plan is on track and on time.

You have Egypt (no love for Iran), Lybia(Under western influence) and Ethiopia (US and Israeli ally) under the influence of Iran? Also I am guessing you have no idea about how many military ties Israel has with Russia and China? Also why is Russia a nation to the North called an eastern kingdom? They have always been considered a European power. And why is the King of the South Iran when they are to the north east? I was just reading the view of this through history and how every generation has interpreted the verses to fit their current events. Interesting how people re-interpret prophecy or vision so that they fit thier own times and how different they are,

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Juggernog
Their relationship is based on guilt and guilt alone. Israel will never allow Germany (or the world for that matter) forget what Hitler did to the Jews.
The Israelis are professional manipulators that really contribute nothing positive to the world.

You're mostly right. The relationship is partly built on economics too; Germany sells Israel submarines and other technology. Israel has developed a few useful items and technologies too. But otherwise, spot on.

Furthermore, I imagine some of Germany's butt-kissing of Israel has been to satisfy pro-Israeli interests in the US, the US being a long-time ally and defender of Germany.

It's a good sign if Germany is finally dispensing with this charade and is, along with most rest of the world, taking a firm stand against Israel's continuing present-day crimes against humanity. Germany's are now all in the past, and the perpetrators are all dead. Israel's guilt trip schtick is going to expire.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 08:03 PM
Hello all, thanks for the great reply's so far

Did you all know that there's a German-Israeli foundation?

German-Israeli foundation


edit on 083030p://pm3027 by Spike Spiegle because: (no reason given)

edit on 083030p://pm3009 by Spike Spiegle because: a

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 08:06 PM
Israel only buddies up with a country if they can somehow USE that country to their advantage somehow or another. Their HATE and VIOLENT DNA is so strong that If there were NOBODY else on the planet to WAR with, Israel would be at war with themselves until they all became extinct.

A savage violent hateful superstitious ignorant ever-scheming people indeed.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by stevcolx
I wouldn't have said Germany and Israel were bitter enemies.

World War 1 and World War 2 were both controlled by the same force of people that Controlled, Armed and Funded Adolf Hitler. And that would be the Zionists. They controlled all sides of both wars. And now the Zionists control Israel.

Hitler thought of himself and his Aryan people in Germany as the master race. Surprise surprise so does Netanyahu and his Zionist cronies in Israel. That's because the Zionists and the Aryans are one in the same.

Not the Jews. The Zionists. All that Anti-Semetic rubbish is only there to stop people being critical of the Zionists and their never ending desire to kill anyone not of their bloodline.

So to summarize, Nazi's and Zionists are the same. History that shows that Germany and Israel were enemies is false!!

^^ Agreed!

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Juggernog
Their relationship is based on guilt and guilt alone. Israel will never allow Germany (or the world for that matter) forget what Hitler did to the Jews.
The Israelis are professional manipulators that really contribute nothing positive to the world.

No Jew hating anti-Semitism here! Move along
edit on 25-11-2012 by Snoil because: typo

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Snoil

Originally posted by Juggernog
Their relationship is based on guilt and guilt alone. Israel will never allow Germany (or the world for that matter) forget what Hitler did to the Jews.
The Israelis are professional manipulators that really contribute nothing positive to the world.

No Jew hating anti-Semitism here! Move along
edit on 25-11-2012 by Snoil because: typo

Where in that post did I hate on any jew? You move along, punk.

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