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I'm sick of Mexico

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posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by foodstamp
You can't be refering to illegals, you can't require illegals to be checked! their illegal. That's the whole damn point! Lol

We have around 6 million illegal immigrants currently in this country.
They aren't going back home any time soon as most plan to stay. We need to accept that fact.

In case you haven't been paying attention to the current discussions on illegal immigration, we may not be sending them away at all. If we are going to be granting these illegal immigrants some form of amnesty it won't matter if they were here illegally or not since no one is planning on sending them back to where they came from.

So yes, you can require them to have a background check if they are planning on staying here under the umbrella of amnesty.

If we aren't sending them home, then we need to know their criminal background at the very least.

That is what I am talking about.

In fact, I'm SO sick of hearing the "criminal background" check for everything! It is the most discriminatory load of BS out there!. Only in some rare situations are they effective. You know how many felon's commited another violent crime last year? 52%. you know who commited the other 48%? Non offenders. That's a difference of 4% And it's remained that statisticaly close to each other Since we began discriminating against felons. That is a negligable difference that means nothing and insinuates nothing! It only proves that a felon is no more likely to re offend than a first time offender is. Because they're not a different class of people! they're like you and me.

I seem to have touched a nerve. Try and calm down.
You're clearly very emotional and taking this far too personal.
You're even arguing over positions I never even made.

No one said they are a different class of people or should be discriminated against but you.

The point I made was that it is important to know the criminal history of all people living within the United States or planning to do so for the safety of others.

An employer for example should be able to review an applicants background and determine if that background shows that person in a specific position could likely put other people at risk. We're talking about positions of trust and security.

It doesn't matter if they are a first time offender or a repeat offender. The employer needs to be able to review their background and based on it, make the best decision possible. Some positions are ruled out for certain types of offenses other may be more flexible. All cases are NOT the same.

The alternative is zero background checks and that's just stupid.

- Lee
edit on 18-11-2012 by lee anoma because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2012 by lee anoma because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-11-2012 by lee anoma because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by wantsome

Everybody deservers due process.. No one should be above or below the law. In regards to the drug smuggling. Who is consuming the drugs. The drugs are only being smuggled because there is a market for them. The real problem lies on the USA border side. Who is creating the problems in Mexico. The US government was recently caught smuggling high power weapons in to Mexico destined for the drug cartels....... Its not simply a Mexican problem.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by wantsome
I watch TV shows on the National Geographic channel about the stuff going on on our border. Why do we as Americans put up with this stuff? Mexicans smuggling drugs and people in our country. If a Mexican can make it back to the river their home free. Mexican citizens are undermining the security of our nation. The border patrol agents should shoot them on site if caught committing crimes. The constitution does not apply to them. They deserve no due process.

I live 5 miles from the Canadian border. If Canadians were doing this stuff I myself would be shooting at them. I spend a lot of time on the boarder fishing the great lakes water ways. I've encountered boarder agents on a regular basis. We don't have nearly the amount of illegal activity up here.

Americans need to grow a spine and deal with Mexico. The amount of crime going on down south needs to be delt with.

I am so glad you live in Canada. Please stay there and protect your own...

Legalize this stuff so cartels are out of business. Simple...

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by wantsome

Well Mexico can't really say much about US border guards shooting people commuting illegal activities at the boarder.

Keep in mind that just crossing the boarder into the US illegally is...........illegal. So your talking about shooting women and children too.

Now the US can do that and it's your country so more power to ya but what happens when Mexicans start shooting back? With better weapons and ammo (compliments of the US of course)?

Seems like a big can of worms just waiting to be opened by many people.

And easy solution to Americas immigration problem is for white people to have a lot of babies. Start breading again like rabbits.

It's funny you good hearted folk are always more willing to take a life than to make one. You don't even see it as self extermination.

You government knows this and is trying to get human resources from any other country it can. Mexico just happens to be so close which is why what what you see as an immigration problem is secretly your governments solution.

Be a lover not a fighter or lose your country a baby at a time.

The Rat.
edit on 18-11-2012 by TucoTheRat because: edit

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 06:19 AM
The easiest, most economical, most humane way to deal with this issue is to legalize the product the cartels are importing.

What is the cartel's strength? Money. How do you remove the money from the cartels? Remove the system that enables the cartels to make money IE drug prohibition.

American citizens are to blame. So many Americans are COWARDS who are SCARED of their fellow country men and women being able to consume whatever they want to consume.

We have the ability to kill the Mexican cartels, it's easy, it's fast, it will help Americans and Mexicans, yet the American government doesn't want to do it. Ever ask yourself why? Ever ask yourself why HALF the people in US prisons are there for crimes with NO VICTIMS? Ever ask yourself how it's possible to have a crime without a clear victim? HINT: It's not.

edit on 18-11-2012 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 07:04 AM
North American Free Trade Agreement
edit on 18-11-2012 by jvm222 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by James1982
The easiest, most economical, most humane way to deal with this issue is to legalize the product the cartels are importing.

What is the cartel's strength? Money. How do you remove the money from the cartels? Remove the system that enables the cartels to make money IE drug prohibition.

American citizens are to blame. So many Americans are COWARDS who are SCARED of their fellow country men and women being able to consume whatever they want to consume.

We have the ability to kill the Mexican cartels, it's easy, it's fast, it will help Americans and Mexicans, yet the American government doesn't want to do it. Ever ask yourself why? Ever ask yourself why HALF the people in US prisons are there for crimes with NO VICTIMS? Ever ask yourself how it's possible to have a crime without a clear victim? HINT: It's not.

edit on 18-11-2012 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

The federal government doesn't want removal of the cartels. They want to launder the money and regulate the amount of drugs that come in through the border and profit. They send back mexican smugglers and keep whatever they find.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 07:59 AM
This is my first reply to a thread since I joined ATS. I currently live in southern AZ about 30 mins north of the border. I am a former Federal agent but left due to the corruption I witnessed on a daily basis while working.

The problems on the border can be fixed, but are not because both political parties see advantages to not fixing the problem. Many of you here are familiar with Area 51. If anyone steps foot across it's invisible border within minutes they are stopped by security. That same technology could, and should be employed on our international border. After the building cost of outposts every 1 mile (and sensors in between), the yearly budget could be less than currently spent by the Border Patrol. With that in place anything, person or vehicle, would be intercepted. There would be no need for interior checks points and agents stationed in all 50 states. There would be no shoot-outs in the remote desert at night, no illegals dying of exposure.

I've heard all the arguments: They are just looking for a better life, feed their families, ect. The same can be said for the person who walks into a bank and hands a note to a teller and robs a bank, doesn't use a weapon and physically harms no one. Should they be be arrested? A nation without laws......

In the 10 years I have lived in AZ I have seen first hand the deterioration of the quality of life in this state. Hours of waiting in ER's because of non-insured Illegals using them as routine medical treatment. Increase of violent crime and not just in poor neighborhoods. Murders, home invasions, robberies. Vehicle and home insurance increasing, if you are not at fault of a traffic accident but you were hit by an illegal without insurance, your insurance pays and your rates increase.

Going for job interviews here in AZ, at a fast food place or for a company manager position, you will be asked if you speak Spanish. Doesn't matter if the job pays minimal wage or 100k a year. Do you think a Mexican citizen in a small town in Mexico applying for a job is asked if they speak English and the outcome of their answer will determine if they get the job or not?

The grocery stores in Nogales AZ have isle signs in Spanish. While I worked at the border crossing in Nogales AZ, every school day I would watch dozens of children from Mexico process through the station and walk to the high school in the US. The US citizen property owners paying the property taxes that fund the public schools footing the bill.

When you leave your house and are not there to watch it, do you lock your doors? When you go to the store, do you lock your car doors? Why? To try and keep someone out from taking something? What if they were just looking to find something to sell to feed their family and they were in greater need than you? Or it could just be a violent criminal, thing is you don't know who might break in, so you lock your doors just in case. Should our border be any different?

A nation without borders is no longer a nation at all and will cease to be.

edit on 18-11-2012 by Carreau because: spelling

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 08:59 AM
I live in Rhode Island, nowhere near the border and there are places where we are required to speak spanish in order to get a job. If I moved to another country, I would never in a million years expect that they speak 'my' language. This is happening all across the USA. Legal immigrants learn english, so we are catering to illegals who have no respect or desire to learn the language of our Country. Sorry, but having spent 8 years having to listen to spanish day in and day out from my former job, this is a pet peave of mine. I felt like I left my own country.

Many are accepting of illegals being here to better their lives, yet many of these people have years to become legal and choose not to. With millions of unemployed citizens we should not have illegals taking those jobs. Most illegals do not work on farms but are in many areas of the workforce.

Many of these 'poor' illegals are not poor. It costs them money for their stolen identities and fake papers. Our poor citizens often have to choose between food and life saving medicines. They cannot afford to leave their own neighborhood, never mind the country.

Illegals have no background or health checks. This is dangerous.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Carreau

Well, the rich people that benefit from it all, live in a totally different world than us. Literally. I have done lots of construction work in the places they live, like Greenwich CT, Martha's Vinyard etc. These problems don't touch them any, they got top notch police forces, gated communities with armed guards. Chaufers and butlers that are also armed guards. Some of these places have their own schools and stores within the gated communities. They don't have to worry about being robbed, carjacked or mugged. They don't care about the rest of us.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 09:10 AM
Anybody know what the Mexican laws say if you cross into Mexico illegaly? Might want to research that little fact. The answer is quite interesting.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by wantsome

Legalize drugs, and we won't have anymore problems. And the murder/cartel violence will cease in a short period of time.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 09:16 AM
Amnesty in the past didn't work and it won't work now. It only encourages more illegals to come waiting for the next amnesty. People can't just pick and choose which laws they want to follow.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by Carreau

Well, the rich people that benefit from it all, live in a totally different world than us. Literally. I have done lots of construction work in the places they live, like Greenwich CT, Martha's Vinyard etc. These problems don't touch them any, they got top notch police forces, gated communities with armed guards. Chaufers and butlers that are also armed guards. Some of these places have their own schools and stores within the gated communities. They don't have to worry about being robbed, carjacked or mugged. They don't care about the rest of us.

Yes, if it doesn't affect someone personally then it's all good. I wonder how they would feel though if they lost the life of a loved one because of a drunken illegal driver. There are some people who have and the illegal also had previous arrests and deportations. If their child was raped or maimed they would have a different opinion.

One young lady lost both her legs because of a drunken illegal driver. One man lost both his wife and little girl at the same time. There are countless of heart breaking stories yet we keep hearing about the poor illegals. There is a very dark side to illegal immigration. We have laws for a very good reason.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 09:26 AM
Alcohol is legal and there is a black-market for it, same with tobacco because of the high taxes placed on both. If drugs are legalized there will be a high tax placed on them and therefore a black-market for said drugs. Granted there wouldn't be as high of a criminal element but it would not remove it completely. Legalizing drugs does nothing to fix the illegal immigration problem.

If illegals continue to pour into the US, there is no incentive for the citizens to fix the problems of their native countries when they can just flee. Stopping illegals would put pressure on the corrupt governments of the countries since the populous would be forced to face their own issues.

A common language unites a country of immigration, and binds the citizens together. When we make it easier to live daily without having to learn English we are setting non-English speakers up for a second class existence and it is not compassionate but cruel. It also creates division within the citizens and a rift grows.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:46 AM
This is the sort of blind hatred that will end us all..

Sometimes it is wise to research before posting a thread on ATS.

edit: You got your answer in the second post.
edit on 18-11-2012 by DeadSnow because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to post by wantsome

So we should shoot people trying to cross the border when all they want is to work to make money to care for their families?

As an American, I would gladly hop a fence to do the same for my wife and kids and would not shoot another Man for being like-minded.

People like this sir is why we can't fix the problem. These people don't see it as a problem, just poor people trying to make a living.

This is the only country I know of where you can cross a border illegally and enter the country and NOT get shoot or imprisoned.

Even Mexico...try crossing into their country and living illegally and see how it goes.

Of course MOST of the bleeding heart, feel good illegal sympathizers do not live in a border state and have to deal with the problems like we do.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by mwood

Originally posted by sheepslayer247

Of course MOST of the bleeding heart, feel good illegal sympathizers do not live in a border state and have to deal with the problems like we do.

I live in Wisconsin and illegal immigrants have committed crimes here, so shut your mouth. We don't advocate killing people that fail to recognize borders - we don't own the Earth, the Earth owns us. Maybe you should write a letter to the president, who has made it clear securing the border is not a priority. Oh and maybe the US could stop selling the false image to the rest of the world that we are the most financially stable, greatest awesomest place on Earth?
edit on 18-11-2012 by jeantherapy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by wantsome

What you fail to realize is there are others coming to US and Canada by simply flying. They go to school, share a place with a friend, get jobs and stay past their visa expiry. They also do jobs that no one else wants. The only difference is, they got their visas first. So are you going to get yourself a spot in a clock tower with your rifle and start shooting every Mexican that comes out in the morning?

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 12:44 PM
Could you please list these mystery "jobs that no one else wants"? With double digit unemployment in some parts of the country and unemployment benefits expiring I find it very hard to imagine jobs "NO ONE ELSE WANTS" . Mindless repeating of cliche catch-phrases does not enhance the conversation.

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