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First scientific study of women denied abortions

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posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by Amanda5
reply to post by Happy1

If that is what I meant I would have stated that.

There is a huge gaping wound in my life that will never be rectified - because the people who made the decision to take away all my rights did not stop to think about how that might impact on my life. Unless of course you agree with them - that I don't deserve to have any rights??!!

I refuse to bring a Child into the world without knowing my medical history. I respect the rights of the unborn Child not the rights of interfering people who will never be a part of the welfare or care of a Child they fought to ensure was dragged through a life just because they say so.

I am not a bitter person - I am a realist if I have to be called anything. I look at the facts and the facts are if a woman does not want a Child - she should not have it. Imagine a world where people could look after their own business and let others look after theirs. A world where abortion did not have to be an option but it is there for those who choose that option - without prejudice.

Much every Child who has been dragged through life instead of supported and nurtured...they know who they are...

I believe our beliefs are somewhat similar. The rights of the unborn child is the real issue which is not discussed enough, and is completely ignored by the pro-choice side. This is not to say the pro-life side does a good job here, they don't in my opinion. They talk far too much about what should not be done, and not enough about what should be done.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 06:43 AM
The Godless will use any excuse and justification to support the murder of the unborn. They determine to find any and all reason to convince themselves that it's not the wonton slaughter of life. Why? They can't live with the shame they feel - so they make themselves clothes out of leaves and hide in the bushes from their Creator.

Thankfully, many women will choose to live in poverty than to choose to kill the fruits of their decision to have sex, because it was exactly that - THEIR decision NOT the baby's.

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

The God I believe in - does not judge me for difficult decisions I have to make and I know that same God does not judge women who choose to have terminations. The God I believe in - feels the same agony and the same pain as the women who make their decision to terminate.

A God of love and Trust does not judge his Children in difficult decisions. I wonder how your God judges and how your God feels when watching - day after day - unwanted Children in want of food and necessities - let alone love and nurturing and a sense of belonging.

Much every unwanted Child ...

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Amanda5
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

I am always bewildered that the Child is never considered. How might the Child like to enjoy some rights. I was an unwanted orphan and because of the government at the time and the church - who handled my adoption - I still to this day have no medical history, no cultural history and no rights with regard to my identity.

The rights of the Unborn Child need to be front and centre. I have chosen to not bring Children into this world - some would say because of my background and that is most probably a sub conscious rationalisation. At the top of my list is the fact I have no medical history and I do not want to bring a Child into this world if they are going to be disadvantaged medically. I refuse to let ignorance and apathy control my decision making. Any Child by me needs to have the certainty of good health and I cannot guarantee that - end of story. The Unborn Child needs an identity and needs a medical background and needs to feel wanted.

The psychological needs of the Child should come FIRST - not the needs of the bloody do gooders and religious anti abortionists. Life is sacred I agree but how sacred is a Child addicted to drugs and whatever else because they need to block out the pain. Plenty of Children are addicted to drugs and whatever and they have parents. Some parents don't want the Children but they want the government handouts - it's a bl**dy vicious circle and the ultimate victim is the unwanted Child.

If all the anti abortionists want to take an Unwanted Child each (possibly more) and raise them as their own - fine - but when people who shout the loudest don't want to be a part of the solution - mind your own business while the sane and awakened do their best to help the disadvantaged.

Much all the Unwanted Children on this planet...
edit on 13-11-2012 by Amanda5 because: Spelling & grammar

There's lots of reasons children are put out for adoption, and often out of chaos the mother wishes for their child to have a better life. Where were you raised? how did you grow up? What were you interested in as a child? Where did you hang out as a teenager? What tv shows did you like? what books did you read? who were your friends? what did they like etc That is your cultural identity.

With regard to 'medical history', even if you did know of certain illness's which ran in your family, that would only increase the risk that you or your children would get that illness. It is not a definite as risks can be reduced by making other changes within your life such as the classics of healthy eating, enough sleep and exercise.
Its not an exact science, its based on statistics and if you at some part of your inner being wanted to have children and was justifying not having them on that basis, it would be very sad.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Loopdaloop

Your response - while respected by me - tells me you know nothing about being unwanted or being an orphan or having no rights. Do you think the unborn Child should have rights? I do.

Much Peace...

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Amanda5
reply to post by Loopdaloop

Your response - while respected by me - tells me you know nothing about being unwanted or being an orphan or having no rights. Do you think the unborn Child should have rights? I do.

Much Peace...

I'm glad you did not find what I said disrespectful as that was not my aim.

The rights of an unborn child is an interesting subject.

The debate would start with when someone attains 'personhood' and thus obtain the rights inherent to an individual. The following question would then lead to what are the maternal rights and then in relation to that, what are the paternal rights.

Im also quite interested in your perspective on the other thread within this forum (, In that one the author appears to be arguing from a rights perspective that instead of 'abortion', a future option for 'unwanted children' would be for babies to be developed within mechanical wombs. I suspect that the author there would argue that by a child being given for adoption, the mother was in some way thinking about the unborn childs rights. I would welcome reading your perspective there also.
edit on 18-11-2012 by Loopdaloop because: spelling (terrible)

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 07:46 PM
The only comment I will make on artificial wombs is that any non organic womb will produce a non organic baby. We are organic and need to get back to the Earth not further from her.'

As for this thread - the Unborn Child should have rights. Let's start with the right to know both parents - their identity and origins medical history and cultural history. The Unborn Child has the right to be wanted, nurtured and loved unconditionally. The Unborn Child has the right to receive quality care and needs from their parents for at least the first twenty years of their life.

If a parent cannot assure these rights then who are they kidding? If a parent has not given deep thought to an Unborn Child and considered the basics - then what are they doing - having a baby for something to do because nothing else is happening in their life? Because it's the trendy thing to do - everyone else is having babies I don't want to be the odd one out???!!!!

People know what causes babies - I have taught sex education in high school - high school Students know what causes babies - there is no excuse for an unwanted Child in 2012. We have contraception freely available and Medical Clinics - how long will people pretend that life is sacred and special and then treat the Unborn Child like they are an object to be collected for an exclusive membership to a 'I have had a baby ' club - or government money or ...whatever else.

As long as Children live on the street, are drug addicted because it's better than reality, are addicted to sex because it is the only human touch they can get, are seeking thrills from dangerous pursuits and are angry because they live in a 'televised & computer driven' world - then people need to think. That's the problem people don't think - they satisfy themselves and then drag Children into the world.

Much Peace...

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Amanda5
The only comment I will make on artificial wombs is that any non organic womb will produce a non organic baby. We are organic and need to get back to the Earth not further from her.'

Like incubators in Neonatal care?

Which made it possible for: Rumaisa Rahman weight 8.6 ounces (244g) or less than a can of soft drink, just 9.5 inches (24 cm) long. Delivered at 25 weeks.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by Annee

Incubators are provided to care for new born babies who need care. I do not approve of babies being made in laboratories and incubated just like animals are farmed. Big difference in your statement and mine - hope I have clarified the difference.

Why are so many new born babies in need of incubators? Why do so many women have problems with their pregnancies? It is 2012 we should - by rights - if we are evolving - be healthier than at any time in all our history. The truth is we are not well and that is reflected in the health of our Children. If all the vaccines, medical advancements, medicines etcetera are designed to help us - why are we still so sick??? We should not need incubators and humidicribs for new born babies - Children should be stronger and healthier than ever before - but they are not - why??

Much Peace...

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by Amanda5

While I am sorry for the way your past has turned out and I honestly respect your opinion I would like to add,

Who are you or anyone else to judge how someone should conduct their family matters.

Quite frankly it is none of your business what or who does what according to their family decisions.

The state is already in control of way to much of family matters and it is only getting worse....

I feel for you and your childhood, honestly I do, but why does everyone want to be in everyone else's business?

I can tell you are emotional about this subject........ and I am not trying to be callous or hateful. I just think that people should not be making decisions like thus for everyone else.

Regardless of what you or anyone e lse thinks, daddy government does not know what is best for you and your
family. You, ne, him, and her are just a case number. No faces, barely a name( after the case number)......

edit on 19-11-2012 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by liejunkie01

Now you are on line with me. Re-read my posts - please - I state quite clearly - the rights of the Unborn Child are what should be front and centre. People claiming no abortion - should be made to take care of and raise as their own - all the unwanted Children they want to force into the world.

You are right - the government have far too much control over people and therein lies the greater part of the overall problem.

As for my life - I would not put anyone through what I have experienced and as such plus other reasons - have chosen to not bring a Child into this world. I respect the rights of the Unborn Child.

Much Peace...

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Amanda5
reply to post by Annee

Incubators are provided to care for new born babies who need care. I do not approve of babies being made in laboratories and incubated just like animals are farmed. Big difference in your statement and mine - hope I have clarified the difference.

I do not see the difference between an incubator and an artificial womb.

In one's mind I can see people having different thoughts on it - - - but from a science point of view - - I see no difference.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by Annee

An incubator - is assistance for a baby who has come from an organic womb.

A foetus that has been artificially inseminated and incubated is not given a beautiful, natural and organic beginning in life. Conception in a petri dish is not organic. An artificial womb is not organic.

A beautiful naturally conceived baby with the energy of love in a healthy faithful relationship is organic.

Please select the healthiest beginning for a Child. When a Child grows up and their intellect matures and they learn their origins - which one do you think they would rather??? Children have the right to a healthy and organic start to life - every Child has the right to a sense of belonging and to the necessities of life. Until every Child on the planet has the necessities - we are getting it wrong.

I don't judge people - I know society is in one huge mess. I have an intellect and I view society as getting well, awakening and learning to think about everything they do. Children are our future - if we don't think about how we care for them - we are not thinking about our future. When we don't think about our Children we really don't deserve them.

Much Peace...

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Amanda5
reply to post by Annee

An incubator - is assistance for a baby who has come from an organic womb.

You can present me with every opinion you have - - - but it does not change mine.

I see no difference between an incubator and an artificial womb.

We already do egg and sperm harvesting - - - fertilizing the egg in a science lab. Then transplanting it into the womb. Whether it hangs out for a few months in an organic womb or an artificial one - - - I doubt it matters to the growing fetus.

A genetic pattern is already in the cells and DNA - - inherited from both parents. A sterile environment with all the positive nutrients and no chances of infestation would probably produce healthier babies.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Annee

At no time did I say I was trying to change your mind - that is not my intention when I join a thread. Just expressing myself and sometimes I can do that from direct personal experience. Other times I know from conversations and interactions with Students and Young Adults - just how they feel about their life and beginnings.

I have taught sex education to teenagers and there are Students who, at the age of fifteen have already decided not to have Children - I was the same age when I made that decision. Those same Students are wise beyond their years - you can see it in their eyes and their actions and their schoolwork.

Much Peace...

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 04:05 PM
The study is very flawed.
And to the first poster who said did we really need a study?
Yes, you always need studies!

Anyhow I find such statements very sad, but I guess it's people feeling good about themselves for a research to give out results that conform to their core beliefs.

But I do find the study flawed, the bigger picture needs to be looked at.
And someone in this thread even said, "women don't just go willy nilly get abortions"
That's couldn't be further from the truth, maybe in the city but in many suburban or ghetto areas it definately does happen, especially in ghettos.

The ghettos even have a trend where a girl gets pregnant by someone she doesn't know and then later on when she finds out she sleeps with another man just to say "Hey this is YOUR baby".

The problem here is perception, you are thinking based on your circle of friends and family.

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