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PM ANNOUNCES ROYAL COMMISSION into child sex abuse (Australia)

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posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 01:09 AM
About time to.

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard has announced a royal commission into child sex abuse in institutional bodies. The inquiry will include children who were in the care of religious organisations, state care and not-for-profit bodies. The terms of reference will be worked out over the next few weeks. 21

A Royal Commission is a major ad-hoc formal public inquiry into a defined issue.
A Royal Commissioner has considerable powers, generally greater even than those of a judge but restricted to the "Terms of Reference" of the Commission.

This will be very interesting, will probably take several years but will really find out what happened, and all the cover ups.
edit on 12-11-2012 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 01:19 AM
O great. Another stupid waste of time to make politicians look good. At the end the Feds will blame the States. The States will blame the Churches and the Churches will rename it "Church Abuse" rather than things like Child Rape. Then they will pay out the absolute minimum in compensation to a handful of proven victims.

The amount of compensation will be roughly commiserate with breaking ones leg in a shopping center.

Trees will die to provide the mass of paper required to publish the tome and in time they will make great door stops. I know, I have some. Not one recommendation will be implemented.

Nothing will change, nothing will get better and the Churches will continue to run much of the social sector because hey, they're top guys, peace and love and honey and sugar and God is good and lets dance in a circle.

Must be an election coming soon! Cretins!


edit on 12/11/2012 by pheonix358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

Awesome. I know the success of the Commission will be in the details but I am optimistic that this will be a success. I am involved in a situation that lends itself to a Commission and I am hopeful many many many people will come forward.

Any action on this level is a good thing - we all know that administration will be complex and timely - but - to seek this type of justice has been a long time coming.

More and then some more please - there has been so much historical evidence fizzing up to the surface lately. And people should be aware that the Vatican is currently engaging the services of the most powerful legal representation - on a global level. It is time to account for all the injustices towards Children.

Much Peace...

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:50 AM
just look at the r/c into worked.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by hellobruce
About time to.

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard has announced a royal commission into child sex abuse in institutional bodies. The inquiry will include children who were in the care of religious organisations, state care and not-for-profit bodies. The terms of reference will be worked out over the next few weeks.

I once heard the former liberal politician Fred Chaney say on ABC radio that the first rule of royal commissons is that you always appoint a commissioner who will give you the finding you want

edit on 12-11-2012 by learnatic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by learnatic

Having been involved in one of the inquiries as it was being set up, it really is a case of going through the motions. Every person picked to work on the issue is hand picked towards a goal. The goal in this case is to limit the financial exposure of the churches.

It seems to come at the time when the Church is highly concerned after both the Irish and continuing US State investigations and litigation.

Remember that the one person in Rome that was in charge of the cover ups for decades was Cardinal Ratzinger. He was so good at it (Read - got the dirt on every one else) that they made him the Pope.

A half hearted apology, a handful of silver and don't forget to sign the paper that says I can't come back for more.


posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 05:18 AM
link my opinion there are a lot of people out there having a very restless sleep tonight. dont forget the focus is NOT just on the catholic church. although i expect that they will be crapping their pants tonight.

i actually know someone who was brought down by a royal commission. he was a detective. shared a meal with his family on the saturday then on the monday he went before the royal commission. he had a number of questions put too him all of which he denied. a film clip was shown...he was given 5 minutes to make up his mind...walk through the rollover door and give people up or spend years in jail. he walked through the roll over door, within 2 hours his wife was picked up from home, his kids taken from school before lunch and into witness protection they went. i have never heard or seen of them again. they never ever returned to their house those kids. left in the morning for school and never ever returned home.

i expect that with this enquiry, they will pick them off one by one again. some bloke will take the stand, deny the allegation...then the door will open up with those he abused walking in ready to give evidence and he will sing like a freaking budgie all the names of those he knows involved.

i have faith...not in the catholic church, but in the good of humanity that these bastards will be dragged out from under that rock they have lived under..

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by bellagirl

Very well said friend! I love the fact that many will not sleep well for quite a while. Many religions are scurrying right now to figure out if they will be dragged in to this and the publicity will be very damning...

Scriptures state that there is nothing hidden that will not be eventually revealed! I have always maintained that pedophilia is the spiderweb that ties it all together and it will be the web that pulls them all down together!

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 05:02 PM
I've said it many times before but,

If the world ever knew how many of these sick Fcks there are and the high positions of power which some of them hold, there would be revolution in every country on the planet by the few of us who were left.

This is a huge problem that needs to be uncovered.
I hope Austrailia is ready to lose most of its Government cause if this type of thing ever makes its way over here to the US that is exactly what would happen. In My humble Opinion of course.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 06:01 PM
How about before spending all this money on an inquiry they implement mandatory jail terms & real friggen punishments for those involved in crimes against children. Otherwise whats the point?
Some people just got them self a nice cushy job on a fat pay check I bet.
Maybe the Church could just call the investigators biased racists like the Aboriginals did then the problem would go away & it would be business I mean abuse as usual.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 06:11 PM
Oh great!
A ROYAL COMMISSION cover up job.
as some of the royal are kiddy fiddles.

jimmy had a Knight hood for his WORK! with children!

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by buddha

It's better than nothing. At least a Commission means the issue is in the face of everyone. Hopefully the Victims who have hoped - for who knows how long - for a chance to speak up will find their courage and come forward and know that many many many people are with them.

I know the complications with those who control these affairs but being negative doesn't help - particularly when a Victim might be reading threads like these - wondering whether they will be supported by the public.

Much Peace...

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 06:59 PM
Most of this institutional care was stopped in the eighties. The vast majority of the perpetrators are either dead or the churches have spirited them out of the country.

Of course a small few will be offered up to appease the masses.

All deliberately too little deliberately too late. Still, to this day they do not investigate murder allegations. The real problem is the Mums and Dads at home. They don't care enough to get off their backsides and do something. One car crash and it could be their children being stuffed up by the system.


posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

Yes, about time and I hope they get to the bottom of it (or the top as it would seem), but a "Royal Commission," really? I thought Australia was a country, at kleast that's what touted? Will your "queen" be there, that inbred and absentee landlord halfway around the globe or will it just be her proxy, the governor general?

I guess the point is conflict of interest. In any real investigation impartial and at least seemingly objective parties are used to conduct an investigation. In a non-real investigation used for coverup or spin, investigations are controlled by the perps themselves. How can a government investigate iteself for corruption? How can a police force investigate itself for corruption or abuse? How can a university dean investigate himself for fraud? It's like a criminal acting as the prosecuting attorney, defense attorney and judge in a court case, it doesn't work. A royal commision (read investigation) in this case would be executed in a conflict of interest and therefore your colony will have no real answers.

Like the situation with Russell Williams (Trenton AFB Commanding Officer, Harper's and the queen's pilot) a notorius serial rapist/murderer that allegedly had rape contests with Paul Bernardo another serial rapist/murderer (who CSIS and the RCMP knew nothing about until it was too late), only the people that the royal commission feel need to be exposed, will be exposed, in order to divert attention away from even worse criminals in government as well as their handlers.

Like Canada, as long as Australia, New Zealand and other british holdings remain british colonies, there will be no justice or ability to prosecute the criminals.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

That implies that justice does exist. The US perhaps, is justice having the largest population of imprisoned people in the world. Perhaps you wish to point to Russia, no, China then?

Give me just three countries that you can hold up as shiny examples, just three.


posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by pheonix358
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

That implies that justice does exist. The US perhaps, is justice having the largest population of imprisoned people in the world. Perhaps you wish to point to Russia, no, China then?

Give me just three countries that you can hold up as shiny examples, just three.


You are right, justice does not exist, it's really not a debatable point. My point is that a royal commission is in conflict of interest just like a university dean investigating himself for fraud is in conflict of interest. I could point out many additional situations with which I have had direct experience in government, education and the military as well as private enterprise. As long as governments and monarchs are in control of the investigations, justice will not follow. A good example would be what has happened in both britain and europe following organized child sexual traffic and abuse, when it appears government ministers, police and their "friends" are involved, cases disappear, people dissapear and the story grows silent as they produce level 2 or 3 people to take their places in the "prosecution" of "justice."

The same will happen in Australia (a wholly owned subsidiary of the corporation of the city of london) unless a "divorce" takes place from britain, so that the people of Australia can lead a proper investigation and further their own goals as a country rather than a colony. I would say the same for any british colony and I live in one as well, so I know the drill.

A corrupt system selectively favors the corrupt.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 11/13.2012 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

While I agree with you on the aspect of a Commission not necessarily being the best way to investigate and seek justice for victims. It is the option that has been offered and we must accept it. Also accept that many many many people around the planet are awake and aware. Many many many people will not tolerate a less than transparent Commission.

While your comment is correct on one dimension - society is finding its voice and demanding that 'systems' start working properly and issuing the justice that is fit and proper and not the justice that is contrived to settle the public. Times are changing and as people find their courage - to stand up to the establishment - they are seeing the patterns of failure and are less tolerant to the glossed over outcomes that are pulped out through the mass media.

Children who were victims are growing up and realising that many many many people are on their side and want justice for them. Staying in the past and hanging on to resentment will only produce another unsatisfactory outcome. With all eyes on the Commission and not a single person willing to accept less than honest forthright professional proceedings - we will win - for the Children.

Much Peace...

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by Amanda5
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

While I agree with you on the aspect of a Commission not necessarily being the best way to investigate and seek justice for victims. It is the option that has been offered and we must accept it. Also accept that many many many people around the planet are awake and aware. Many many many people will not tolerate a less than transparent Commission.

While your comment is correct on one dimension - society is finding its voice and demanding that 'systems' start working properly and issuing the justice that is fit and proper and not the justice that is contrived to settle the public. Times are changing and as people find their courage - to stand up to the establishment - they are seeing the patterns of failure and are less tolerant to the glossed over outcomes that are pulped out through the mass media.

Children who were victims are growing up and realising that many many many people are on their side and want justice for them. Staying in the past and hanging on to resentment will only produce another unsatisfactory outcome. With all eyes on the Commission and not a single person willing to accept less than honest forthright professional proceedings - we will win - for the Children.

Much Peace...

Well, I really hope there is transparency and I hope there is resolution but I have my doubts. It all stands of the integrity of the people doing the investigation, the people summarizing the investigation, the courts and the media. Unfortunately, they will probably all be government people in which case I have little doubt that there will be no equitable outcome.

Cheers - Dave

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