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British Army Cadets thrown out of Liverpool Shopping Mall For Selling Poppies and Offending Muslims!

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posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

I could list endless quotes from the bible telling believers to go out and kill any non believers and to murder people and all sorts of nasty crap.

Which is why organised religion, ANY organised religion, is divisive and detrimental to a free and prosperous society.

The Bible is full of nasty things about killing thos who don't follow the "right path" etc..

As is the Koran

ALL religion, if followed to the letter of the law, law that dates back millennia, is going to be regressive, oppressive and bad for people's health.

Islam does NOT have a monopoly on this fact.

Yet in your eyes... it's the only issue.

Anyway dude... I'm bored.

Do you know how many times I've had this argument on here, in 4 and half years?? Too many to count.
I've seen every argument, dealt every blow, had every counter argument, seen countless bigots and islamaphobes come and go from this site.... there is NOTHING you can say that will EVER make me think like you..... but then, you know that.... your propaganda is not for me, but for those who are confused...

It's a tired argument.

There are sites that specialise in the kind of beliefs and opinions you hold... you do realise that, right?

You don't have to pollute and poison ATS with this crap?

Enjoy the latest ATS Hate thread.


edit on 11/11/12 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by JAK
reply to post by n00bUK

If this motivates you n00bUK make use of that and email them to ask for clarification on the subject.
edit on 11/11/12 by JAK because: (no reason given)

it doesn't motivate me buddy, just thought i'd add to the conversation. Maybe should of got a bit more info before I added it to the conversation, I should of new what direction the thread was going in, ATS can never have a constructive conversation about this type of thing.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by davesmart
Hi op

Everyone knows my opinion on muslims and migrants

This type of story is getting more regular
and seems to get brushed under the carpet quick time.

I still love my country but FFS i haaaaaate this efed up government
and whilst i still have breath in my lungs i will continue to try and work out what we can do
to get rid of all this crap once and for all...what makes it worse is these were just kids selling poppys

I dread to think what will happen in the next 20 years

Incredible! The British have been migrants in almost every country in the world. Most of British wealth came from pillaging these same people that you don't want in your country. I am not condoning anyone mistreating children. But maybe you guys should look in the mirror before you use the word migrant. Just saying.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by n00bUK

It's weird too, because its pretty much always the same people who start these threads or participate in the bashing of Islam, always the same people

Yet criticism of Christianity appears to be open season on ATS.

By the way, I think most British people have come to the conclusion that pretending a problem doesn't exist doesn't make it go away.

Almost half the country would back a party that cracked down on Islamic extremism, restricted the building of new mosques and encouraged English or British nationalism.

A total of 48 per cent said that they would support a group that vowed to crack down on immigration and Islamic extremists.

A Populus poll found that 48 per cent of the population would consider supporting a new anti-immigration party committed to challenging Islamist extremism, and would support policies to make it statutory for all public buildings to fly the flag of St George or the union flag.

The Telegraph

If 48 per cent would support such policies, could it not be that the views expressed by such “extremists” are not extreme after all but rather mainstream?

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by chemistry

Massive forced immigration has failed. I'm not against immigration (my ex wife and subsequent daughter are non-white immigrants) but against massive immigration. It's not a natural progression, it's forced progression and you'll end up going backwards because neither the immigrants or the people of the host country want to adapt.

I don't blame the people, not even the extremists. Because they're not the ones who opened our collective borders. They're not the one who told the people, "Guess what? Your country belongs to everyone now". It's the government and their idiotic belief that the only way to survive is to be multicultural. That doesn't work if you get in a culture that dominates the other cultures. It doesn't help when the government sees this but lets it slide in hopes that it'd "work itself out".

Multiculturalism (as it is today) is mass genocide. Not only of the host country but that of the immigrants as well. Just say no to it, demand your representatives put their foot down and slow down immigration to a trickle. This goes for every Euro country out there.

Call me racist if you will. But I think my Eurasian daughter will disagree with you on that.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by ollncasino

Originally posted by Merriman Weir

I own my grandfather's brothers last letters home; they make for really tragic reading.truly heartbreaking.

And for what?

To stop Hitler from taking over Europe?

Hitler was a Lance Corporal with a leg wound when my Grandfather's brother died in the Somme.

Originally posted by Merriman Weir

Meanwhile, on ATS, people are getting angry about Muslims being pissed off at Britain's military and foreign policies.

We should ALL be pissed off with Britain's military and foreign policies.

For sure the rich and powerful use the common soldier for their own selfish purposes and I think most British people are pis*ed off with Britain's military and foreign policies.

That doesn't detract from the fact that most British people are also very angry about having religious extremists, who very much hate the British army, living in their country.

edit on 11-11-2012 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

It's a case of priorities. How many Britons have been killed by Muslims (and you can include the various Crusades if you like) compared to how many Britons have been killed by the greed of the (British) rich and by the idiocy of Imperialistic nationalism?

No one's disputing the anger and the danger presented by Muslim extremists. Let's pull out of the Middle East, rethink the historical obligations we owe to places like Pakistan and the way we open our borders to hotbeds of terrorism. That would stop a lot of rage overnight. However, the reason we can't have this is because American and British don't want this as without influence and control in these regions, the already rich can't milk these particular areas, sell arms, install puppet leaders and so on. So, really, who is really to blame here?

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by blupblup

The Bible is full of nasty things about killing thos who don't follow the "right path" etc..

As is the Koran

Yet Jesus didn't have sex with 9 year old, burn people to death for not coming to prayer, lead armies into battle and spread Islam's domination by force of arms.

Nor did he own slaves or tell his soldiers that it was OK to rape the wives of POWs in front of their husbands.

Neither did Jesus tell his people to engage in Jihad and state that the gates to paradise are below the sword.

Muhammad as revealed in the Koran and Hadith was a violent warlord who led major armies while spreading Islamic domination.

Major armies were exactly that.

• At Kheibar in 628 C.E., the Muslim army was 2,000 combatants.
• When Muhammad mounted his assault on Mecca (630 C.E.) he did so with 10,000 men.
• And at the Battle of Hunayn a few months later the army numbered 12,000.
• Some sources record that Muhammad’s expedition to Tabuk later the same
year comprised 30,000 men and 10,000 cavalry, but this is probably an

Source: Islamic Imperialism: A History by Karsh, E. (2007)

12,000 man army? No mean feat for 7th century Arabia.

blupblup, I know that your rose coloured politically correct glasses prevent you from seeing the difference between a man of peace and a violent warlord, but all religions are not the same.

edit on 11-11-2012 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by FreebirdGirl

Originally posted by davesmart
Hi op

Everyone knows my opinion on muslims and migrants

This type of story is getting more regular
and seems to get brushed under the carpet quick time.

I still love my country but FFS i haaaaaate this efed up government
and whilst i still have breath in my lungs i will continue to try and work out what we can do
to get rid of all this crap once and for all...what makes it worse is these were just kids selling poppys

I dread to think what will happen in the next 20 years

Incredible! The British have been migrants in almost every country in the world. Most of British wealth came from pillaging these same people that you don't want in your country. I am not condoning anyone mistreating children. But maybe you guys should look in the mirror before you use the word migrant. Just saying.

For fear of a post ban i will say this only

Fek the past for goodness sake
we are in the here and now

I laugh as i type this knowing that you have no clue what is going on
and when the walls come crashing in on you, dont ask for help.

some members on here have expressed genuine concern for the way this country is headed
of course some cant see it because they dont live in it

this thread is getting silly now
some of you have said one thing then attacked another for saying the same thing in a slightly different context

I will state what many a great leader have said
Muslims will dominate

(side note)
I seen/read and come to realise that some of the members here are warmongers and blind
you dont see what i see and dont live here, so what tripe are you spouting
I never get involved in your american disputes, so who the heck are you to tell me

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by blupblup

Do you know how many times I've had this argument on here, in 4 and half years??

Its almost enough to make people think you are a storm trooper for the political correctness movement

Originally posted by blupblup
I've seen every argument, dealt every blow, had every counter argument, seen countless bigots and islamaphobes come and go from this site....

You do realise that you have become what you purport to hate?

An extremist?

At least every assertion I make is backed up by the Koran, Hadith, established newspapers and the like.

Every assertion you make is backed up only by insults towards you opponents and politically correct assertions based on naive assumptions.

You feel you hold the moral high ground but in fact you are merely naive. A naive extremist.

edit on 11-11-2012 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by ollncasino

If 48 per cent would support such policies, could it not be that the views expressed by such “extremists” are not extreme after all but rather mainstream?

So they went and polled all 62 million of us, right?

I live in Beeston, Leeds. I went to a very #ed up school which consisted of around 85% of the school been Muslim. I personally knew 2 of the 7/7 bombers. My area was predominantly Muslim. My areas not rife with BNP, nothing like it even utters round here or they would just get told where to go, by any nationality/race and there's a whole heap of different nationalities & races around here.

What I'm tryign to say is that if you're poll guy came around my area they wouldn't get no where near them statistics, yet this is the heart of what they say the problem is.

There is no divide and never is, the only divide that occurs is what you allow to manifest in you're mind
edit on 11-11-2012 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:52 AM
ATS has reached that point again, were i have to step away from the site, my great grandfathers died in these wars, and we are restricted from remembering them in case some of you idiots are offended.

Let me tell you this, if any one tried to abuse me or try and take my poppy off me or my kids in public or anywere, you will end up with 2 broken arms and a bloody nose for good measure.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by n00bUK

So they went and polled all 62 million of us, right?

I live in Beeston, Leeds. I went to a very #ed up school which consisted of around 85% of the school been Muslim. I personally knew 2 of the 7/7 bombers. My area was predominantly Muslim. My areas not rife with BNP, nothing like it even utters round here or they would just get told where to go, by any nationality/race and there's a whole heap of different nationalities & races around here.

What I'm tryign to say is that if you're poll guy came around my area they wouldn't get no where near them statistics, yet this is the heart of what they say the problem is.

The poll was conducted by the ant-racist organization Searchlight.

In their quest to prove that extremists exist under every stone, the merely proved that such opinions (cracking down on Islamic extremism, restricting the building of mosques, restricting immigration and promoting British nationalism) are not fringe opinions but rather mainstream ones.

48% of British people would either definately or probably vote for a political party with such policies.

In fact it is hard to get over how naive the ant-racist organization Searchlight is conducting such a survey and then trying to get mileage out of it.

By the way, I want to make it clear that I have nothing against peaceful people who do not try to tell others how to live.

Sadly, religious people, even the peaceful ones, do tend to dictate to others when there numbers grow large enough.

edit on 11-11-2012 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:00 AM
Not checked the thread for sources, but almost probably BS.

This happens every year, usually these rumours are spread by the EDL or the BNP.

But ... If it is true, then it's vile, but somehow I don't believe it.

A similar rumour was started in my home town (close to Liverpool) and it was proven to be fabricated crap. We'll see.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by davesmart
For fear of a post ban i will say this only

Fek the past for goodness sake
we are in the here and now

Without the past, you have no context. If it wasn't for Britain's involvement in India and then the Pakistan partition, then these Muslim extremists wouldn't be here. If it wasn't for Britain and America's stoking of the flames through foreign policies then the fire wouldn't be half as fierce as it is in the "here and now". Britain's foreign policies, ostensibly lead by the rich stuffing their fiscal faces whilst the British poor fight for the crumbs, are what's caused this. We didn't get to the "here and now" overnight.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:02 AM
A similar story from a neighbouring town

ALARMED town centre store staff believe they are victims of a malicious campaign that falsely claims they are refusing to serve people wearing poppies.

For the second successive year, bogus accusations are being spread in the run up to Remembrance Sunday that staff at Church Street’s 99p store are barring poppy wearers.

So yeah, almost certainly bollocks.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

A similar rumour was started in my home town (close to Liverpool) and it was proven to be fabricated crap. We'll see.

If it is fabricated, then that is a disgrace.

However, due to the press having a record of suppressing such stories, people believe them relatively readily.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by TheMaverick

Hi Maverick

I said that a few posts ago, that im leaving this thread...
then i thought, TO hell with that, i have something to say and im going to bloomin well say it
regardless of the outcome we are all being screwed left right and center
Devide and Conquer is here and now, in my country and on ats and the msm

Is still the best for...a good debate (without ww3 happening ha)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:05 AM
In fact I'm calling hoax on this.

Liverpool is a massively mutli-cultural city, it just wouldn't be tolerated there. There are so many types of people, cultures, religions, races and such that it's VERY unlikely that this took place.

I've scoured Google for sources and I think this is fabricated. Nothing else alludes to this story besides similar rumours from neighbour towns and cities.

Which were also declared BS.
So yes, this is a HOAX.
edit on 11-11-2012 by mr-lizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by davesmart

Originally posted by FreebirdGirl

Originally posted by davesmart
Hi op

Everyone knows my opinion on muslims and migrants

This type of story is getting more regular
and seems to get brushed under the carpet quick time.

I still love my country but FFS i haaaaaate this efed up government
and whilst i still have breath in my lungs i will continue to try and work out what we can do
to get rid of all this crap once and for all...what makes it worse is these were just kids selling poppys

I dread to think what will happen in the next 20 years

Incredible! The British have been migrants in almost every country in the world. Most of British wealth came from pillaging these same people that you don't want in your country. I am not condoning anyone mistreating children. But maybe you guys should look in the mirror before you use the word migrant. Just saying.

For fear of a post ban i will say this only

Fek the past for goodness sake
we are in the here and now

I laugh as i type this knowing that you have no clue what is going on
and when the walls come crashing in on you, dont ask for help.

some members on here have expressed genuine concern for the way this country is headed
of course some cant see it because they dont live in it

this thread is getting silly now
some of you have said one thing then attacked another for saying the same thing in a slightly different context

I will state what many a great leader have said
Muslims will dominate

(side note)
I seen/read and come to realise that some of the members here are warmongers and blind
you dont see what i see and dont live here, so what tripe are you spouting
I never get involved in your american disputes, so who the heck are you to tell me

First of all don't this is an American site. Why post your issues here if you don't want us to comment? Secondly I don't have to live there we have plenty of racists in American just like you.In short I know your kind and they are not limited to any geographical region. Last but definitely not least if you were a rational and open minded person you would realize that all religions have murdered in the name of their God.

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
In fact I'm calling hoax on this.

Liverpool is a massively mutli-cultural city, it just wouldn't be tolerated there. There are so many types of people, cultures, religions, races and such that it's VERY unlikely that this took place.

I've scoured Google for sources and I think this is fabricated. Nothing else alludes to this story besides similar rumours from neighbour towns and cities.

Which were also declared BS.
So yes, this is a HOAX.
edit on 11-11-2012 by mr-lizard because: (no reason given)

Is this a hoax then sir/madam

Seven more terror arrests as police find 'weapons hidden in car' just a day after Olympic round-up that saw white Muslim convert captured d.html

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