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Discussing the recently appeared science underground papers of "Daniel"

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posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
I find the second option more interesting myself. I think it could be potentially possible to create a mechanism which alters the vibrational state of matter to the frequency of a photon and in doing so creates a state where the matter acts like a photon and has no rest mass, only a relativistic mass.

Honestly bud.... that sounds like Star Trek techno babble to me....

But let's say that such a thing would be possible. That you could actually change the vibrational state of an object to match the frequency of a photon. Wouldn't that just be transforming matter into light?

edit on 9-11-2012 by Blarneystoner because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

With all due respect... I can look around at the universe and it's magnificent perfection and come to the conclusion that a creator exists to make such beauty...

What I can't due is look around and see things that would lean towards time travel being real.


posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:27 AM
Cool! I downloaded the two files so I can read them later.


posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:47 AM
You'd think the Temporal Police would stop any real truth getting out, but maybe it isn't "the good ol' days" anymore...
I see more and more of the the real truth leaking out of the movie and television screens of the world...

Maybe I could say something about what I have seen too, without getting strangled or shot....hmmm.

The ones Iv'e seen are watches. sturdy type...
When you start the process...a whirlwind builds around the wearer...slow at first...
builds to a flash point, at which time there is a bright a thousand flash bulbs, and they, (wearer and anyone they are hugging), are gone into time...

But none of that is provable, because of the nature of the beast...

For all I know, my little post here might never reach anyone...

* contemplates delete and reply buttons *


posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 10:54 AM
Check out thomas campbell
This van be relevant to get background information. Also great vids on YouTube.

Also you can read about the Einstein conspiracy. About the forgotten scientist roger boscovich.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom
I don't "get it" though...

Let's say someone wants to go from A to B

I am in the middle between A and B...

Would I notice that someone has folded space?

Take a look at Rob Bryanton's view on this, using a piece of newspaper and an ant. The ant traverses the paper, for all intents in his world, a 2D object. But if someone takes that paper and rolls it up or folds it, then it is possible for the ant to traverse the entire newspaper almost instantly. To an observer ant it would appear as if the ant has left one space and disappeared almost instantly, and a moment later arrived at another, across the entire page.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 11:21 AM
I think that you can travel to the past but you cant interact physically, you can do it like a ghost would do it, that would be bending or stretching time or light?
...thinking better it would be better to teleport myself to a very distant place in the universe and then travel back at the speed of light to go the the future and to travel back in time would be...i have to do the tinking

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 11:41 AM
I have a really hard time listening to some of you rant against "Wilcox" [sic ]and all his shortcomings while you continue to:

Spell his name wrong. Continuously.

Have such atrocious grammar that you sound like an 8 year old who hasn't paid attention in school.

Forget that 99% of his information is free on his own site, and on Youtube authorized.

Forget that he's human just like all of us, therefore not infallible, perhaps just trying to help.

Make assumptions that he's incorrect, despite not reading the information.

There are a lot of things DW has done in the past, that I didn't like. Channeling Ra, for instance. I think they ones ones that have done that correctly has been the Law of One folks, they took it seriously and the information shows. But Wilcock's shortcomings do not make him immediately non-credible. He's just trying to help. He did a great job with the Financial Tyranny info, and I enjoy a lot of the older research he did into alternative science like N.A. Kozyrev. For those absolute fools thinking this is a way to get rich, that's hilarious. You can make a lot more money just throwing up a self-running pron site with links and ads. No, I'd say he's not in it just for the money.

How about you listen and read with your heart instead of your thought-form-filled mind, for a change? See what develops, inside.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 12:01 PM
I read, and re-read these papers from Daniel again and again, went back through and found that they really fit in with the puzzle pieces I've collected over the years.

Because there are a LOT of people on this thread claiming its bunk using all sorts of fallacy, let me just cover one very simple, very basic topic at a time.

First one:

IF Daniel is right and we are traveling through a dust cloud which is causing all these changes... this would directly answer one of science's greatest recent mysteries about the planets changing rather recently. Saturn, for instance, the rings are different than before. Perspective from Earth is one thing, but from spacecraft like Cassini there have been many discoveries.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by consolution

stopped reading at "ascension" haha, just stop whack-job connecting a bunch of conspiracies telling us what we want to hear while sounding somewhat legitimate.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 12:07 PM
space/time travel simplified:

-matter in any location in space has its own vibration/resonance, if you have an object at point A and move it to point B it will still be the same object but its vibration/resonance will be different due to its location in space.

- if object at location A is stationary and you physically change its vibration/resonance to what it was at point B, the object at point A will almost instantly reappear at point B. its vibration/resonance determines its location in space, LITERALLY.

- how to 'map' space to navigate you ask? one way is through a self aware organic 'computer' that is 'laced' with types of nano particles giving it an 'artificial intelligence' or more correctly to 'hardwire' itself and be able to instantly calculate/reason/understand/perform logic. more a less an extremely fast self aware computer with organic intelligence like our own, LIKE... our own. this is the type a species of alien use to calculate there travel, which is why it sounds pretty crazy. another way would be like how it is explained in the papers, the psionic ability is very important and very accurate in its descriptions, although very dangerous if the 'user' wasn't trained properly. my guess is that the 'user' was heavily mind controlled to the point they would literally be a 'robot' waiting for instructions.

generally speaking the papers were rather accurate, although it is has been understood and explained really difficultly. i can simplify most of what is being interpreted, especially the "time lines" and "space clock".

basically, TIME is static, it does not move. its an illusion. the past, present and future exists "now". they all exists simultaneously. thats why they can be accessed and traveled too and changed. our perception is the only thing that changes. So what is this 'motion' and 'time' we experience ? it is your consciousness shifting from paralel reality to para reality to fit your physical minds belief and core vibration. (everything has to do with vibration/resonance/frequency). time is nothing but a side effect of this. paralel realities exists due to the infinite nature of existence. everything you can imagine, or ever thought of exists. heard of the slit experiment ? "its like the particle knows its being watched".... no no thats incorrect, the observer is merely observing one of the possibilites in that individual reality, all of the possibilites occur but in different realities. thats why science cant understand the quantum world. when you bring the "paralel world theory" into it, that changes.

i could go on all day about this but as it is barely just the start of the day, and i havent been to sleep yet i will get back to anyone if they have any intelligent questions. Good day.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 12:25 PM
Here's more from Rob Bryanton, which nicely fits with the topic we're talking about.

"We are All Quanta"

"No Space, No Time, No Mass"

"Light Has No Speed"

All of these are directly on-topic and serve as a great POV on the subject.

Rob may not be a scientist but he's a hell of a thinker. And I think he's got it right in many aspects. Daniel's info really hits this home.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 12:41 PM
Awesome post, keep up the good work! Interesting, thorough, and eye-opening read. Something else that is very interesting is that in daniel's discussion about the Montauk project he mentions "the chair". I vividly remember a story about a Wright-Patterson AFB account that involved a senator that was very close to the base commander at the time. From what I can remember (I'm still trying to locate the story online, will edit if found) the senator asked his old buddy the general to see the "room with the chair," the general instantly became distraught and discounted on there ever being such a room, and told the senator not to ever talk about such things ever, ever again, also how he had the nerve to ask him such a thing. Am I remembering this correctly or was he wanting to see something else? Somebody's read or watched something on this tale I know you ATS folk fairly well

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by consolution

Seems like this guy he keeps referring to and promoting ... "Dewey Larson" .. IS "Daniel" and instead of him promoting all his ideas in first person, he gets the added illusion edge of someone else already approving and promoting his work....

WHICH... is daily fare in the conspiracy / new-age realm seems to just be copy and pasted here with some level of importance and attempt to gin credit for these revelations....
there's nothing I've read in these 3 papers.. that i haven't seen anywhere else over the past 3 decades...

one thing he's missing is that part of what they're spraying in chemtrails is something that actually CAUSES ascension in people.... when combined with the triggering effects of the sun on dec 21st.

evolution.. new humans with special abilities...
this 'something' is a mass-produced form of what Nicolas Roerich.. THE most highly revered Illuminatus/Freemason... EVER.... what he procured in Tibet in the early part of last century.... the Chintamani Stone.. the treasure of the world.
causing mass kundalini awakenings in the populace.. kundalini the evolutionary force in man..
ironically mistaken in many as 'morgellons' ... (identical symptoms)

now if he wrote a paper on THAT...
whistleblew THAT...
then i'd respect these papers.

other than that i see them as unprofessionally written.. with much too much personal commentary and informal grammar.
kind of embarrassing to the reader actually.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

My apologies ChaoticOrder. I have been battling a particularly nasty strain of flu this week, and it appears to have done nothing for my reasoning, or indeed my comprehension.

Once again, scincerest apologies.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by fourthmeal
Youtube authorized.


How about you listen and read with your heart instead of your thought-form-filled mind, for a change? See what develops, inside.

first of all, what does 'you-tube authorised' mean? Is there really such a thing? You surely cannot be saying that if one gets a video on youtube, it makes the content legit?

And, no, surely it's not about whether your heart is filled with a warm glow at the thought of all the cool things talked about, doesn't it actually matter to you if it's true or not? For which you will need a mind capable of thought to work out whether the science checks out or not. If it doesn't, then what's the point of listening at all to this man?
How can you live just choosing to believe or follow someone by whether your heart responds to what they say, rather than finding out if and how it can actually be true? It really worries me that some people are happy to live that way.

Originally posted by fourthmeal

IF Daniel is right and we are traveling through a dust cloud which is causing all these changes... this would directly answer one of science's greatest recent mysteries about the planets changing rather recently. Saturn, for instance, the rings are different than before. Perspective from Earth is one thing, but from spacecraft like Cassini there have been many discoveries.

This sounds interesting, what exactly are you talking about, are there any threads or evidence you can point to about these planet changes and the differences in saturn's rings? Thanks.

Originally posted by prevenge
one thing he's missing is that part of what they're spraying in chemtrails is something that actually CAUSES ascension in people.... when combined with the triggering effects of the sun on dec 21st.

Any belief you have that is predicated on the reality of 'chemtrails' rules out anything that follows. Sorry.
And if these papers accept chemtrails and HAARP's ability to control the earth in any way as a reality, then they are automatically false.

edit on 9-11-2012 by delusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

What I would give to understand what good ol' von Neumann was REALLY up to at IAS..."I have sometimes wondered whether a brain like von Neumann's does not indicate a species superior to that of man" - Hans Bethe

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 03:23 PM
Maybe I am misunderstanding your post, but are you suggesting Daniel is Dewey Larson? If that's the case, he's quite dead. Daniel was a scholar of Dr. Larson.

I've got this suspicion that this guy will be vindicated later, but we'll see I suppose.

Originally posted by prevenge
reply to post by consolution

Seems like this guy he keeps referring to and promoting ... "Dewey Larson" .. IS "Daniel" and instead of him promoting all his ideas in first person, he gets the added illusion edge of someone else already approving and promoting his work....

WHICH... is daily fare in the conspiracy / new-age realm seems to just be copy and pasted here with some level of importance and attempt to gin credit for these revelations....
there's nothing I've read in these 3 papers.. that i haven't seen anywhere else over the past 3 decades...

one thing he's missing is that part of what they're spraying in chemtrails is something that actually CAUSES ascension in people.... when combined with the triggering effects of the sun on dec 21st.

evolution.. new humans with special abilities...
this 'something' is a mass-produced form of what Nicolas Roerich.. THE most highly revered Illuminatus/Freemason... EVER.... what he procured in Tibet in the early part of last century.... the Chintamani Stone.. the treasure of the world.
causing mass kundalini awakenings in the populace.. kundalini the evolutionary force in man..
ironically mistaken in many as 'morgellons' ... (identical symptoms)

now if he wrote a paper on THAT...
whistleblew THAT...
then i'd respect these papers.

other than that i see them as unprofessionally written.. with much too much personal commentary and informal grammar.
kind of embarrassing to the reader actually.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 03:36 PM
I used the term "youtube authorized" to point out that David wanted it there, it wasn't just bootlegged on there like a camera recording a TV show. The previous point I was making was that 99% of David's info is freely provided.

I wasn't saying that because its on Youtube it makes it legit. I'm saying it was put there so people can have it for free. Also on his site, as most of it is in written form, not suitable for youtube. It was just in defense of people accusing him of being all about money. If he were, 99% of his info would not be free, just sayin'.

On to your other paragraph,

When talking about truth and not, I tend to follow my heart. I used to spend hours debunking stuff. It made me feel great but also hollow. Because I learned that anything can be debunked, even truth. That's because anything can be rationalized into nothingness, with the right approach/spin. Truth-seeking on the other hand can benefit more from a from-the-heart perspective, IMO. It isn't all just hard facts. We're talking esoteric stuff here, stuff we'll probably never know what is real and not, until we meet our maker (or just never, if you're not into god stuff). But the seeking of truth, what rings true and what resonates with me, is what drives me every day. And these papers ring and resonate VERY true to me. Does all of it? No! But that doesn't mean that Daniel is a fraud or this is all cointelpro. What it tells me is that it is a perspective, an opinion, and that's why its not a scientific paper but a viewpoint.

Originally posted by delusion

Originally posted by fourthmeal
Youtube authorized.


How about you listen and read with your heart instead of your thought-form-filled mind, for a change? See what develops, inside.

first of all, what does 'you-tube authorised' mean? Is there really such a thing? You surely cannot be saying that if one gets a video on youtube, it makes the content legit?

And, no, surely it's not about whether your heart is filled with a warm glow at the thought of all the cool things talked about, doesn't it actually matter to you if it's true or not? For which you will need a mind capable of thought to work out whether the science checks out or not. If it doesn't, then what's the point of listening at all to this man?
How can you live just choosing to believe or follow someone by whether your heart responds to what they say, rather than finding out if and how it can actually be true? It really worries me that some people are happy to live that way.

Originally posted by fourthmeal

IF Daniel is right and we are traveling through a dust cloud which is causing all these changes... this would directly answer one of science's greatest recent mysteries about the planets changing rather recently. Saturn, for instance, the rings are different than before. Perspective from Earth is one thing, but from spacecraft like Cassini there have been many discoveries.

This sounds interesting, what exactly are you talking about, are there any threads or evidence you can point to about these planet changes and the differences in saturn's rings? Thanks.

Originally posted by prevenge
one thing he's missing is that part of what they're spraying in chemtrails is something that actually CAUSES ascension in people.... when combined with the triggering effects of the sun on dec 21st.

Any belief you have that is predicated on the reality of 'chemtrails' rules out anything that follows. Sorry.
And if these papers accept chemtrails and HAARP's ability to control the earth in any way as a reality, then they are automatically false.

edit on 9-11-2012 by delusion because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by fourthmeal

cool, thanks.

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