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Americans please step in...state your opinions

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posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 02:41 PM
Since another thread seems to be "exclusively" for those who agree with a certain individual to the exclusion of all others, more pointedly, those who's views differ, I thought I'd get your opinions on this question?

Do you give a Rats-Behind what the rest of the world thinks about our national elections?

What do you think about those trying to influence said elections with letter writing campaigns and the like?

Does it tick you off? Should it be allowed?

Basically, do you care what they think?????

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 07:14 PM
I'll concede that letter-writing campaigns are indeed butting in. But I will never apologize for having an opinion on American public affairs. We foreign posters are allowed to have opinions, aren't we? Because if some American posters are going to accuse my country of being a socialist haven for terrorists, I am sure going to give myself the permission to comment on the American electoral process - especially since I read avidly on it and try to document my opinion best I can, which is not the case for everybody on this board.

Besides, from what I've seen, some American posters - and I say SOME, as in a MINORITY - seem to believe that we foreign posters should only be allowed to bark if we're going to throw our heartfelt support to Bush.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 07:28 PM
Yes and no, on a couple different fronts.

Yes, the international community is supposed to hold power (as we are supposed to here), so in that respect yes.

But no, because what they government and people want/do are almost mutually exclusive.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 07:29 PM
Affirmative Reaction's signature...

It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people THINK you're a moron, than to open it and remove all doubt...


This "tit-for-tat" stuff is getting tiresome.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 09:32 PM
The worlds opinion on this election 2004 is worthless to me. You words are wasted on my ears. I get dumber when I hear you outlanders talk about this election. Seriously.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 09:35 PM

I get dumber when I hear you outlanders talk about this election. Seriously

Really? That must make life extremely difficult for you then?

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 10:03 PM
Not really. There are nearly 300 million Americans that I can converse with without my ears bleeding. By the way there is a German exchange student on my cross country team that is about the coolest person I have ever met. Germans are officially ok in my book. The "worlds" opinion on this election just so happens to be the UN's opinion and the UN can die a horrible death for all I care, metaphorically speaking of course.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 10:10 PM
the opinion of the other members of this world does matter. we must all learn to get along or the war on terror will never end. the feelings of the people that this country walks all over to get what we want are what is fueling this war on us. we cannot discount the anger and hatered that we are causing with our policy decisions and our preemptive wars, they are creating more and more terrorists for us to worry about. its not just all about us. there is a whole big world out there that hates us because of bush & co. and i fear we haven't seen anything like we are going to see.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 10:21 PM
America's support for Israel is fueling the radical Arab's hatred towards America. America's christian values are fueling the radical Arab's hatred towars us. Not the way America marches around the world conquering country after country with the intent to annex the land for our own use.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 10:51 PM
You should give a "Rats-behind" to what other's outside of America are saying. I'm from America and I do care.

There are people living outside of the US with a voice too. But you know, since Americans no longer have freedom of speech, someone has to speak up and it may as well be those living outside of the USA. Why not? The majority of the world is affected by what the USA does because the USA thinks they can better the world by producing war in other countries..what a joke, but not a funny haha joke.

When it get's to the point where one leader of one peon represented country can adversley affect and destruct other countries, then I personally think that every living organism on this planet should have rights to say whether THAT particular leader should remain in office or be booted out, period.

What does tick me off is when I go to other countries and am targeted for their hatred and disgust of America. I do not represent America just as I do not represent women just because I happen to be one. People everywhere need to realise that it isn't about the people anymore, it's about the rulers and the powerful, no matter what country you are living in.

I don't recall having any say so as to whether McDonalds could/should franchise out into other countries, so don't target me because you can't stand that nasty place in your country, same goes for all else.

What ALL people should understand is that no matter where you happen to be living on this piece of rock, everything you do makes changes to the world around, not just the country you are residing in. It's like a domino effect.

Imagine if everyone on earth had a right to vote for leaders. Things around the world would be very different indeed!

OK, vent over..carry on

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Gools
Affirmative Reaction's signature...

It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people THINK you're a moron, than to open it and remove all doubt...


This "tit-for-tat" stuff is getting tiresome.

Perhaps you should read and heed it then....

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Affirmative Reaction
Do you give a Rats-Behind what the rest of the world thinks about our national elections?

It is nothing new; we just live in an age of select media saturation whereby these 'world pulses' are regularly taken.

If not for international media, however, so of the most important transgressions occuring on American soil would not be covered, because of a complicit corporate media.

American business is global business - we had stopped being sustainable by the American consumer alone before your grand daddy was out of diapers. These are our workers in American factories & offices in other countries, as well as being our consumers.

We see the cost of unilateral military decision, in both human loss & our pocketbooks. We are AMERICA, not Russia. Unilateralism is maintainable, but do we want cold war era Russia's quality of life? Think of the costs to the AMerican lifestyle.

So, while America's affairs are America's affairs, take the anology of investment to heart: Company USA decides to make their widgets with plastic now & disbanded their Quality Control oversight group, when they used to use stainless steel & be the champions of production standard; that news cause a 50% drop in their Co. USA sustainable?

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by verfed
America's support for Israel is fueling the radical Arab's hatred towards America. America's christian values are fueling the radical Arab's hatred towars us. Not the way America marches around the world conquering country after country with the intent to annex the land for our own use.

Just so you know, The only true support you have from America is from our pathetic government, and the jewish people here. Most of the Americans I know think you are bullies, terrorist, and child killers. Your way of finding peace with your neighbors is almost as bad as Bush's ideas for peace in the middle east. Personally, I think we should pull our support from Isreal and see just how long you can stand on your own 2 feetl. Not long I bet.

As for the original question to this thread, Yeah, it does matter what the rest of the FREE world thinks of us. But it doesnt mean I care.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 09:27 AM
i live in germany, and i speak with some of my german friends often about social-politics. Not that their opinions really make a difference concerning the American elections, but yes they matter to me. Seeing as the USA is the big monster it is, the decisions made by her effect the whole world. Anytime America declares war on any front, the rest of the world scrambles to get their alliances solidified. It effects their lives too, and they are certainly entitled to an opinion about it.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 09:30 AM
No I don't. If they have a problem with our foreign polcy they should take it up with thier leaders in thier elections. I am one of the many Americans living otside of America and have the privilege of speaking to people from France, Germany, England, Turkey, Egypt, Isreal, Greece, Sweden, Finland and many other countries on a daily basis. Most of them support Kerry, or to be more accurate dislike Bush. I don't really care though who they think will be better for America.Then again I don't really care who Dan Rather, Jon stuart, Micheal Moore, or Kid Rock (a republican bad ass dontchaknow?) think will be best for America either. I voted for who I think will be better for America.
In reference to the guardian campaign I think it was one of the most brilliant Pro-Bush campaigns ever.

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