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Looks as if Mr Obama has won ... How do you feel about that?

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posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
reply to post by gnosticagnostic

I am getting the feeling that it is standard amongst the voters who voted against Obama, that they havent actually paid much attention to the way Obamas plans are being put into action. Is that kind of willful ignorance as rife as it would seem, bearing in mind the amount of it that I have heard over the last few days?

People only see what they want to see... they see someone using foodstamps at the store and see that they drive a decent car and make assumptions... they don't know how the system works and many don't bother to find out.. it's easier to think people are taking advantage of them and to feel "victimized" by it... they enjoy being victims and there isn't any logic to it. They don't know the laws of their own state.. laws that the state legislature passes every year and it has nothing to do with the federal level.. it's just easier to blame everything on "the big guy" and be a victim than it is to educate oneself ...

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 03:20 PM
It feels like just another day actually, this was the most un-exiting election imho. We didnt get the freak show oddity effect like we had with Sarah Palin and that Mummified McCain. We got a very boring CEO type character Romney with a s$1tty grin vs Obama and all his swag . This election was like watching paint dry , as opposed to the last election I was all jacked up about Obama getting in and kicking some arse

I have grown up a bit since after Obama dropping the ball "thanks to our worthless congress" and I know this time around he is still the better candidate. I also knew he would beat Romney despite all the polling. Romney was all bad for this country in fact a horrible candidate so much it was sobering to think anyone would vote for him if they were not making over 200 k a year.

But yeah just another day living with my miserable failure of a government entirely
edit on 8-11-2012 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I did not mention abortion being legal or not. I am talking about absolute truth here.

There is no such thing as an "absolute truth". Kantian Morality has been demonstrably and mathematically proven to inadequate, paradoxical, and diametrically opposed to itself. Kantian Absolutes DO HAVE great validity when appreciated in the historical context as being a response to misunderstood Machiavellian moral relativism. However...remove the argument from the context and try to apply Kantian Morality in a vacuum and it quickly becomes a garbled mess.

This shouldn't be a surprise given that the world/universe which we live in is SIMULTANEOUSLY Newtonian, Relativistic, and Quantum whilst also be NONE of the above in an exclusive manner. In short...the CONTEXT determines the morality. (Note: this is MUCH DIFFERENT than Machiavellian Moral Relativism).

This is why humans have such a hard time developing a universally agreed upon standard of morality aside from (arguably) "The Golden Rule" which is perhaps the best yard-stick that the layman can comprehend...but which is unfortunately so broadly and subjectively defined that it hasn't proven to be ultimately successful in ending the debate on this between people/cultures/religions/ etc.

Did you not get that? I don't give a rat's patoot what people think should be legal or not. Judgement comes all the same karmically speaking. Is the GOP evil for wanting to protect life in the womb, as one poster suggested the GOP is openly evil? I ask you, which of the two parties is the more evil in what it supports?

And this is a prime example of where the Golden Rule breaks down in some circumstances. On the surface many would assert that if we "treated each other as though we wish to be treated" this would imply that nobody would like to have been aborted, thus abortion is clearly immoral.

Except...that some us WOULD CHOOSE abortion over being an unwanted child. Personally, I would much rather be euthanized as an infant than be subjected to a lifetime of the issues that plague unwanted children such as radically higher probabilities of poverty, incarceration, drug abuse, physical abuse, emotional dislocation, being handed off to endless foster families, being raised by the system, and radically reduced educational opportunities. Sure...there is always a POSSIBILITY that I wouldn't fall into one of these traps as an infant or small child...but there is ALSO a possibility of winning the lottery and I don't play that game either. For me, personally, I would rather be euthanized.

Now...that being is highly probable that I would CHANGE my stance on that if humanity ever started behaving like...well...HUMANS, I guess. However, any child born today is born into a world of endemic warfare and inequality with ever-dwindling natural resources and spending every second of it's life awash in an ocean of toxins, carcinogens, and ever-more virulent diseases where unwanted children are just as likely to be left to die for lack of basic medical care and nutrition as they are to be adopted into families...much less LOVING families. When we can start acting like humans and make this hell hole of a planet WORTH living in for the LEAST of us...then I would very much reconsider my stance. But until so much.

I will never sing Hail the The Chief to such an evil person. Yes I have righteous indignation but I feel sorry for people who were duped by him a second time, as I was never duped by him the first time.
If this is what the Democrat Party has fallen to, lying with such diabolical vengeance, I will pray every day for judgement to come.

...and that's why Obama is President. This sort of rhetoric and hyperbolic choice of vernacular carrying religious connotations such as "diabolical", "vengeance", "evil" and "judgement" quite simply made THIS moderate right-leaning individual vote against the Republican party across the entire ticket for the first time in my life. Way to alienate the Atheist republicans and make them run for the hills screaming "lunatics!!" the whole way....right along with the preponderance of homosexuals, latinos, blacks, muslims, moderates, pro-choicers, women, scientists, union members, people who understand mathematics, and everyone else the Right Wing Extremists have decided are their mortal enemies and are inherently "evil".

This should concern you because there will be even LESS angry white baby boomer males and their obedient wives in 2014 and 2016. And such a stubborn refusal to JUST LIGHTEN UP A BIT will all but ensure that your socio-political demographic has nothing to offer for the majority of other Americans.

Enjoy the fade into irrelevance.

edit on 8-11-2012 by milominderbinder because: formatting

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by DarthFazer
It feels like just another day actually, this was the most un-exiting election imho. We didnt get the freak show oddity effect like we had with Sarah Palin and that Mummified McCain. We got a very boring CEO type character Romney with a s$1tty grin vs Obama and all his swag . This election was like watching paint dry , as opposed to the last election I was all jacked up about Obama getting in and kicking some arse

I have grown up a bit since after Obama dropping the ball "thanks to our worthless congress" and I know this time around he is still the better candidate. I also knew he would beat Romney despite all the polling. Romney was all bad for this country in fact a horrible candidate so much it was sobering to think anyone would vote for him if they were not making over 200 k a year.

But yeah just another day living with my miserable failure of a government entirely
edit on 8-11-2012 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

Yep. "The Signal and The Noise". Everyone is splitting hairs on polling data and not stopping to ask if there is TRULY any wisdom in pissing off HUGE SEGMENTS OF THE POPULATION when the for the last dozen years elections have been determined by and large by 1-4%.

Great thinking, guys. Who would have ever thought that repeatedly making excuses for rapists and lying through your teeth at every turn would change anything when you have a full 1% of the population to gamble with.

Brilliant. Just BRILLIANT. Nobody could have seen this coming, huh?

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 04:42 PM
Before answering, i would like to give props to you OP for the title, which unlike 95% of the thread titles here (or so it seems to me at least) was not loaded with insinuations or clear bias. It's refreshing to see, so thank you.

It is interesting how different i felt about Obama winning this year compared to his first term. The first time around I sat there on my girlfriend-at-the-time's coach, full of hope and doughy eyed innocent wonder and enthusiasm, inspired in listening to his speech that brought tears welling to my eyes.

Four years later, and i sat there with an admittedly more bitter and cynical edge to my listening, and his speech sounded like so much typical political ra ra ra rhetoric. I mean, it was good in a way, i guess; but it was more a case of 'thank God it wasn't Romney' than anything, but at the same time, also wondering is it bound to be just more of the same? I definitely look at Obama more with a wary eye, there is far less trust in his either ability and/or actual sincere intentions for me.

I would like to add that, I loved Romney's speech, i thought he handled himself with a lot of class and integrity there, and was very graceful. I realize the news people were saying that, but that's not why i am saying it, I'm basing that off my impressions.

Sooverall pretty indifferent compared to the last American Presidential election. Who knows, we'll see what happens, by the fruits shall we know them, etc.

Peace. ~

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by milominderbinder

To add to this, i would hazard a guess that a large portion of Americans have watched in horror at the result of religious exrremism as illustrated on the nightly news. I would also guess that many of those Americans would feel better not having to deal with it at home. And, recalling our government mandated education, we remember the stories of the witchtrials, the inquisition, or just regular medieval Europe on a bad day.

It makes me uneasy to see religious leaders who are so extreme being embraced by our political leaders.

Since religion is a sticking point for so many people, it isn't surprising to see it being used in politics in America. Even if it is used in a sublime way, its effects are fairly robust.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by gncnew

I don't understand why Paul was considered extreme.....

The same Republicans who spout off about our Constitution....are the same ones tearing it to shreds...

Ron Paul was the closest thing we had to restoring our republic....its too late now..

This nation will suffer a slow death, and I'm happy I had no part in it....

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by tomten

I won't be up for nomination....I'm not a wealthy descendant of the British

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by milominderbinder

To add to this, i would hazard a guess that a large portion of Americans have watched in horror at the result of religious exrremism as illustrated on the nightly news. I would also guess that many of those Americans would feel better not having to deal with it at home. And, recalling our government mandated education, we remember the stories of the witchtrials, the inquisition, or just regular medieval Europe on a bad day.

It makes me uneasy to see religious leaders who are so extreme being embraced by our political leaders.

Since religion is a sticking point for so many people, it isn't surprising to see it being used in politics in America. Even if it is used in a sublime way, its effects are fairly robust.

Yep. There is a very good reason that the country was founded with the idea of separating church and state. Because there is simply no reasoning, debate, compromise, or negotiations with someone who is convinced that they got the baby jesus on their team. Or Allah. Or Shiva. Or WHOMEVER.

Believe whatever you want to believe...but religion and theology just do not have any place in civic life.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by milominderbinder

Never known anyone to be Hindu Extremists. I am sure there is a headline out there somewhere. No shortage of insane people to make headlines (or intelligence agents to make them up).

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 08:07 PM
The people of America not the government "were" the last stand against complete control by the British banking system eg. the Rothschild family. Unfortunately, you have let down yourselves, your ancestors and your founders not to mention the rest of the world. By continuing to make the choices you all have and being so easily swayed by propaganda, you are now about as much of a republic as Australia. You all seem to like talking the constitutional talk but you aren't willing to walk the constitutional walk.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 09:52 PM
I was not a supporter of any of the field of candidates, let alone the two major candidates, so for me this is merely a perpetuation of the status quo, about which I have deep misgivings. What I really long to see now is some modicum of decorum and dialogue about issues and policies returning to the political landscape, and between the people.


posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Uberdavo


But truth tends to hurt, now doesn't it?

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by milominderbinder

Never known anyone to be Hindu Extremists. I am sure there is a headline out there somewhere. No shortage of insane people to make headlines (or intelligence agents to make them up).

LOL. No doubt. The "hindu extremists" was primarily for literary flair.

edit on 8-11-2012 by milominderbinder because: formatting

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:36 PM
The headline is an inaccurate statement.

It has now been proven that the 100,000+ military ballots that were delivered too late

would have changed the totals in plenty of key states more than sufficiently to OUST Obama.

He did not win.

He stole the SElection.

Panetta before the 6 Nov SElection was queried about how to insure the military votes were counted and he countered that he had more important things to be concerned about.

Indeed--like insuring that the military votes were NOT counted so he and his boss could continue their Destruction of the USA unfettered.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
Looks as if Mr Obama has won ... How do you feel about that?

Relieved that things won't get worse and impartial that things will stay the same.

So, all in all, I'm kinda... apathetic.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 12:34 AM

Another 4 years having to suffer old 'Peanut Head'.

God help ya's.

Here in Australia we have Julia Gillard. (Juliar as we affectionately call her).

A lying, corrupt, incompetant, foul mouthed, commie bitch as our PM.

I can sympathise with our American friends.
edit on 9-11-2012 by Littlejohnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by shoenice

Too bad you will be in the same boat if it does happens... Unless you take your shotgun and blow your brains out ...

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

I feel Cheated and lied to , Im tired of having to be a LIBERAL or a CONSERVATIVE ..I AM NEITHER , this last election i watched my country be split right down the middle and the saddest part was it was over two of the worst people possible ..I AM AMAZED how the big political machine has managed to fool all of America into playing there game .They have are Nation divided and tearing itself apart , i truthfully fear what they plan for us because they have spent alot of money to tear this nation in half . WE had people on one side saying they would riot if there president did not get elected , many saying they only voted based on skin color . On the flip of the coin we have people laying off employees because there candidate did not win .SO i guess i would say im not happy at all because neither of our choices , I FEEL were qualified to run a Orange Julius ..LET ALONE the United States Of America ...I wish so so much my country men would wake up and see the lie that has been forced upon them ..

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 02:32 AM
Again there's a blatant disregard for our Troops....

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