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Can You hear the Audio Tones coming from your Television? Programming in Progress?

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posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 05:23 PM
I sort of have an idea: To those who are noticing these strange noises on your own TV, do you have internet through the same provider as your TV channels? It may be your modem. It may also be a way to identify new/unauthorized devices at your house hooked up to the system.

Just my thoughts.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 05:34 PM
When I was around 10 yrs old, I was the tv repair man in the house, my mum could never figure out how to set up the vcr, record, which plug went where or how to tune tv channels. She always lost tv channels so I'd sit there & fine tune them, thats when I started hearing this weird sound, it sounded like a parrot whistling a song & then an older man's voice would come on, he would talk a language I never heard of & then both began to whistle. You could only hear it when you were right up to the tv. The sound was on every channel, everyday & night for about 2 years till we got rid of the tv & got a dvd player & new tv. We never figured out what it was, my mum says it must've been a neighbour who talked to his parrot. But this sound was like on replay and it was weird. Anybody heard anything like that?

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 05:47 PM
not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet but I have a thought. Due to the massive bandwidth required to send all those programs around, they must be encoded. Maybe what you hear is a type on interference coming from within your converter box ) decompressing the video and audio Think of it as a poor quality MP3, you know the song, you still hear it, but there's smalls sounds that don't belong. I could be completely wrong, I don't have cable and have never heard these sounds before.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by DejaVuAgain

This was covered earlier in the thread. It has been deduced that its a low probablility that its a compression/decompression error.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by dogstar23

There is a great 7/7 doc by a guy in England that went to jail for creating it and asking questions. He was acquitted of all charges, very interesting. You'll note the bus explosion and the blood splatter marking the sacrifice on their door - the bus detoured off its usual route and wound up at their doorstep. Fun stuff from a super, super bad organization.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by YAHUWAH SAVES

Okay so I have an interesting "thing" for lack of a better description that my wife, son and I are all hearing. We have Dish Network and I am reading that many folks are also receiving the same tones as we are but from other providers and on all different channels and on all different TV sets.

It is probably some sort of network signaling to establish advertising time slots, prepare for format changes, syncrhonize the video timing signals, and so on. Those signals have been going on for years, and represent nothing sinister.

In the not so distant past when TVs were analog, you could roll the vertical sync bar into view and observe binary codes on the first few lines of video.

I don't know why they would still use tones given the bandwidth available in the video feed and the seamless ways of adding other data packets into the stream. Sometimes old stuff takes a long time to go away.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:04 PM
I'm just turning 54 and I've heard a high pitched "whining" type of tone from the old CRT televisions all my life. It used to get so bad I could only watch tv for an hour or so without having an anxiety attack.

I suffer from tinnitus now and it's the exact same sound. It's maddening, if anyone else here has it, you'd know what I mean. AND I've talked with others over the years and probably 3 or 4 out of ten people I asked could hear the same thing from their tv's.

Now when I think about it, that's probably one of the things that started me on the "conspiracy" trail of thought. Like "they're doing it on purpose to drive us mad" type of thoughts.

I'm taking care of my elderly mother for a little while (so the tv's on all day from sun up until 11pm every day) and now I think they're doing it with endless commercials, horrible writing, blatantly lame and predictable story lines, BAD sitcom humor, corporate shills like Dr. Oz, endless and tired old potty humor, phony "reality" shows, advertising for more and more dangerous prescription meds, attorneys, alcohol, made for tv shows glorifying war, little lizards trying to sell me car insurance... The mind bending list goes on and on and on. In suspiciously direct correlation to the number of anti-depressant and anti anxiety medications being hawked on the "tube".

I lived in an awesome cabin with a loft and fireplace in a tropical jungle on the coast outside Santa Barbara, CA for a long time and I had the tv on late one night, I usually only watched rented movies, and some dumb show was on and I shot my tv with my Taurus 9mm. Two rounds dead center. Back to nothing but music, and I felt great. And the tv with a hole in it looked great as a modern sculpture in my garden.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by wondermost

it's probably like some confluence of sound waves from all the motors and electronic devices within a given area. the refrigerator in the upstairs apartment the furnace in the basement the light fixtures and ballasts, fans, computers, magnetic fields etc. I can hear the halogen light over my sink that's on a dimmer switch and when I turn it all the way up I can't hear it but when the light is dimmed I can hear a very high pitched frequency coming from it. Compact fluorescent bulbs make high pitched sounds too, so imagine living in an area packed full of all these things and how you could get standing waves of sorts where the vibrations intersect and get in synch with each other and could affect people sensitive to it.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:24 PM
I was streaming one night, catching up on 30 Rock, with headphones on, while working on some other stuff.
I became increasingly aware of a low-frequency that would rise, then cut abruptly as the scene elevated in humor then cut to the next scene. This happened repeatedly. I work with binaurals, infrasonics, Schumann Earth Resonances, and vibration-therapy, (as well as Solfeggios and other tones) and I have a 17 page list of frequencies and what they do. All I can say is I just turned it off. There appears to be some confusion as to if subliminal AUDIO is still legal or not, I know the original law left that out and applied to images only. There were rumors of aspirin companies using headache-inducing tones back in the 80's.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by KAOStheory

Would this be audible with standard television speakers? (40 or 50Hz to 15 or 20KHz) or do you need speakers more built for a fuller range of sound?

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by shiman

well i should have mentioned that being an audio technician and musician, I have $300 headphones.
However, with 5.1 surround, I'm pretty sure you'r FEEL it if not hear it. That's what I do with viration therapy, it's a transducer, not a speaker...but it does the same thing. I just heard it extra clear due to the headphones...I mean, how often do people watch 30 Rock with $300 studio headphones lol. It was definately intentionally put in there. It was last season I'm sure, see for yourself.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:34 PM
Forgive me if this has been covered already, but speaking of "see for yourself", has anyone jumped on Netfix or 1ch or something to stream said shows of the OP and see if the tones are still there or not?

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:42 PM
Yes. I have heard this. My girls and I have complained about it before but my husband cannot hear it. We don't hear it all the time, it seems to come and go. I never thought too much into it until now. Thanks for bringing this up.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Zivablizz

Ok I keep listening to this 1st youtube clip by the appears to be a weird old horror movie and honestly it just sounds like horror movie noises... i don't know specifically what tones we're talking about here, if I did I could analyze them. Can anyone be more specific? The whole thing? Which part?

ok nevermind i hear it, it actually seems to play 3 times, the third behind the bells in the soundtrack.
i'll download it and see what i can figure out.
edit on 3-11-2012 by KAOStheory because: moot point

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 10:04 PM
I have read most of this thread but admittedly not every post, so forgive me if I missed this:

how come no one mention cellphone buzz? Many sound amplifiers pick up glitches coming from your cell phone transmissions, this is common to speakerphones, car radios and I wouldn't be surprised if the sound amplification circuit in your TV would be doing something similar. You don't have to actually USE the phone for this to happen, the phone is in constant (or rather periodic, really) communication with neighboring towers to remain on the network. Sometimes it does sound like an 8-bit music synthesizer of yore (think Commodore).

I have to say though that I've never heard anything of this sort on my cable television. I do recall that there was a dial tone sequence I heard a few times in distant past in a few TV programs.

I think what's being discussed here is an overlay of a few different things. I don't believe you can be programmed with a few blips in audio stream. No way.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by KAOStheory
I was streaming one night, catching up on 30 Rock, with headphones on, while working on some other stuff.
I became increasingly aware of a low-frequency that would rise, then cut abruptly as the scene elevated in humor then cut to the next scene.

Yep, I can imagine the sound guy did some sloppy work in a few cases. Compression can do that if you aren't careful. I'm sure you have mixed multi tracks with different compression levels.

This happened repeatedly. I work with binaurals, infrasonics, Schumann Earth Resonances

Umm, the Schumann signal is of very low amplitude, it's not easy to detect at all. What sort of "work" do you do with it? Besides, it's not even a fixed frequency.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

I make videos for my groups and others, and it's not compression, like I said, it was intentional, it was obvious, and you can find it online and see for yourself if you have 5.1 or nice headphones or even Sonys probably because they're always bassy.
In regards to the 7 Schumann Resonances, I use them along with Solfeggios and other frequencies for chakra alignment. It was originally experimental but seems to work from the grounding aspect of the meditation, and is a very pleasant and relaxing combination if nothing else.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by KAOStheory

and they, the resonances, are of a low frequency, not amplitude, when you use a 150 watt transducer.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 10:29 PM
Anyhoo, in actual response to the OP and to not get off topic, I checked every one of the tones and they're coming up around 729, 694, the third glides down to 349 then back up (these are Hz) then 623ish, etc, bouncing around and lots of interference from the original soundtrack, nothing relevant on my list and all just not actual A440 tuning notes. So I don't know but I didn't like listening to it looped, it's not pleasant really. Did anyone post already or can anyone get it any more isolated? As in no background soundtrack noise?

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by YAHUWAH SAVES

It's weird you posted this because I've been hearing it repeatedly for the last year... mainly when I watch Sportscenter on ESPN. I've always wondered why... it's not every channel though. The only time I hear it is during Sportcenter.

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