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God and us.......

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posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Slayer, your post is just straight up evil. I will call it as I see it.

I get the impression that the word 'evil' is your version of the dislike button.

You do not care about God. If you did, you would pay attention to Him and talk with Him.

You are not God.

He is always there; watching and waiting. He talks to you but you ignore Him. All the time.

Unless you are "God", you cannot know this. In fact, the majority of what you 'know' about "God" has been planted there by human beings - not exactly the most reliable source of information, I think.

Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Communicate with Him every second of the day that you remember, and love everyone around you with not only love and support, but also correction - for we need to be purified in our hearts -- our flesh may be rotting, but our spirit needs the purification of the Lord now. There is no more time to delay.

Even so, Amen.

I say this not in condemnation, but in approval. If you master the principles that are inherent in prayer, you have mastered the ability to call upon the ether to fulfill your needs. This, in essence, is witchcraft. You just choose to give the ether a familiar face.

Must I prove it to you? You'll decline, because you know I'm right. I can prove it. Not on this computer, but in about 3 hours or so, I guarantee I can provide two pages worth of information proving that there is credence to my claim.

Every time you worship, every time you pray, every time you give homage to a diety, you are engaging in a form of witchcraft. Paganism unmasked, my friend.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 10:23 AM
From what "I" understand the Soul (Of plasmic energy) of mankind is in the image of the Creator just as the Soul of one ET or another regardless of their genome, the shell/container they find themselves in. Even the Sun consists of plasmic energy as most stars.....of which could be similar to the concept of neurons within the neural network of the brain. The brain in it's neurology could be seen as communicating in a similar fashion as the stars within the galaxy, universe, though on a quantum hAlographic/holographic scale. Long topics.

One can easily alter/change/manipulate one's physical body/mind or DNA makeup today if they choose though this could be putting the cart before the donkey as some people would use certain biological/genetic advances as a benefit for themself at the exense of their neighbors, which wouldn't work out well in the end for either party. I would 'imagine' a Soul could either return to where it came from, reincarnate as/at the first spArk of a fetuses heart, or be extinguished altogether but these choices are above my waygrade lOl. I 'believe' most Angels and ETs function in the 3rd and 4th dimensions whereas only a/the Creator can work in the 5th and higher.
The Netherworlds.
Fascinating topics though been up all night.

I understand Angelic entities, are of this same plasmic energy though operate/function at a much higher frequency (lighter though much larger electromagnetic field or halo) which the human Soul is capable of with the concept of Ascension post/flesh. A descended angel can't ascend above the Earth's atmosphere, less some transformation/permission? as stuck in purgatory though with a desire to take 'possession' of another whom could have a weak soul or weak halonic electromagnetic field/shield. This condition could be the result of negative consequences, poor choices, or giving permission for that entity to enter which is demonic possession! Bad choices, violating one's Conscience, not abiding by the Golden Rule or abusing freewill creates a weak electromagnetic field/shield, diminishing one's protective, healing/preserving Halo by Design.

A strong Ambient, Halonic electromagnetic field increases one's 'volume of prescense/perception' or insight/enlightenment while preserving one's immune system as well making them less likely of 'attracting' pathogens or malicious parasitic viruses/bacteriums. One can have visions/insight/enlightenment without a being taking possession, whether angelic/ET/other dimensional whathavu. Any being wishing to take possession would be demonic rather than angelic. Hallow thy Halo. Snoozy time.
edit on 30-10-2012 by Bluemoonsine because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Bluemoonsine

Just like 'good' and 'evil', 'demonic' and 'angelic' are terms used to describe how someone feels about the object being described. Simply put, these terms are more a reflection of the person than the object or situation beingt described.

Good post. You have a pretty good understanding of the general nature of divinity.

edit on 30-10-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Hypocrates, Horace, Jesus as other divine ancients of antiquity going all the way back to Atlantis relied on sYmbols, insight, visions, certainly not words, a human construct which is a very deceptive, manipulative form of communication which often the meaning of the philological syntax can be lost in translation/transcription. Jesus only wrote with sYmbols and spoke of visions/insights without writing it down in human words.

Later, folks attempted to transcribe his speeches/lessons with some accuracy though from what "I" understand, Jesus yearned/inspired those to use their own Vision/Insight to sEE the Truth for what it is for not one natural law can be understood with accuracy in print alone, just as not one invention/creation came from a 'book', but was SEEN first, then often lost in one written or spoken translation/scription. I tend to view these divine beings as a 'tenticle of the Creator' or becoming at one or in touch with as much as a human Soul could in it's temporal shell. Perhaps each phase of existence in one physical container or another is as another progression/experience/ascendance or descendence of one's Beeing in their Soul~Space.

Lots of knowledge and wisdom found in many books of man though it should seem illogical for one to assume a written, second dimensional language could explain a 5th dimensional entity which is beyond the grasp or the intellect of mankind and most ETs from what I would gather though there are several other species of ET/EBE/NTO blabla throughout the Universe-s. We are all Beings in Creation as I would suppose the Creators favorite passtime is to watch each unique creation Create as it would if it Could. Brotherly, Neighborly, Love and Understanding and appreciation/nurturance/respect/discovery of a being's unique skills, abilities, talents and Gifts is a healthy approach rather than the exploitation and destruction of the 'neighbor' regardless of the shell 'they' find themselves in.

Even the deft, dumb and blind has taught mankind much as the real Kingdom is unseen with the naked eye though may be SEEn with the third pineal one/crown chakra etc. just as all knowledge/wisdom/natural laws seem embedded though 'accessible' in the cosmos. Personally I despise words though I do what I can with them when necessary. Wish everyone were telepathic with one another on a deeper level than they are. I believe the ancient Pharaohs, the Giants relied on telepathy as well as sYmbols to communicate though when mixed with man, the skillset became diluded/corrupted over successive generations.

Some folks today believe/understand they are descended of these giants of whom they believe/understood were fallen angels. The problem with 'identity' is that one forgets the SOUL has a choice, regardless of the shell/container/dna it has to work with. Freewill and the Conscience is still intact to be acknowledged and used.....or not with consequence either way as a yin to a yang. Ok, I'll stop now. haha
L8ter, Kind Regards and *G
d Bless*.
edit on 30-10-2012 by Bluemoonsine because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by GafferUK1981

Originally posted by GafferUK1981
Unfortunately it's that fear of death and oblivion that created religion and drives it forward to this day.

The truth about religion is FAR more complex than people realize.

What most believe about religion is so out of touch with reality that it boggles the mind.

Religion is one massive LIE that was created as a mind control weapon.

The hidden agenda behind false Religion is to cover up the truth about God, destroy spirituality and cause people to hate God.

"Every major religion in the world has been manufactured or infiltrated by the Illuminati to enslave and brainwash society. In essence, religion was the first form of mind control." Link

Religion is the very LAST place you will ever find God and truth.

The entire agenda and purpose behind false religion is to keep the truth HIDDEN.

False Religion is the greatest enemy of God, because it is Satan's greatest deception.

Religion will NEVER tell you the TRUTH...

What if I were to tell you, that there is a vast Satanic conspiracy to deceive the masses of every society on earth? What if I were to tell you that the top leaders of the world’s religions were in league with the Devil? Would you think I’m crazy? I would! Yet, the truth is stranger than fiction! You have been lied to my friend. Few people in the world today are aware of just how much Satan has infiltrated and is behind ALL false religion Source

The definition of the word religion is to (re)connect with God.

The agenda behind false religion is to keep you disconnected from God.

Religion is used to do the exact opposite of what it should do (see SIG...)

Religion is a HUGE mind control tool designed to steer you AWAY from the truth.

The reason Jesus was sent was to (re)connect us with God...

Jesus and religion are total complete opposites.

Who hated Jesus more than anyone else? The religious people...

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 01:27 PM
I tend to agree with many of Murgatroid's points.

Let's face it... religion is WAY too easy. It takes what is supposed to be (IMO) a long spiritual journey of learning about yourself and the world around you and says "Here, just do X and Y and you're good!"

If it was that easy, it wouldn't be worth it.

The Creator (he/she/whatever) is far more complex than anything we could ever imagine, so I think trying to apply human terms like compassion, love, mercy, or sin does us absolutely no good.

Religion is a tool to keep mankind fighting himself and making the heads of the religions richer and fatter. It is up to each of us to find our own way to the divine.

Just my thoughts, your mileage will vary.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Good start to your post but as I've previously said unless we have any evidence of a god then as far as I'm concerned there is no god.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 01:30 PM
According to the silly book I read once,Adam and Eve were naked,nudity just happens to be the attire of slaves of that time.

So,maybe an oversimplification,but,they were cast out of pardise for tiring of being slaves.

The majority of us are slaves to one degree or another,because we have never known anything else.

Wouldn't eating from the tree of knowledge free one from being ignorant?.

I am a slave of the ignorant masses,who are slaves,and because I am a minority here I am forced to live as one too.


posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

The definition of the word religion is to (re)connect with God.


1. The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.
2. Details of belief as taught or discussed.

Well, it appears to me that you are sorely mistaken. Want to try again?
I wouldn't necessarily advise it, of course, because if you're that far off the mark in your beliefs this time (and you have shown an astounding propensity for resisting correction, no matter how logical or reasonable) then there's very little chance you'll land any closer the second time around.

Religion is used to do the exact opposite of what it should do (see SIG...)

Modern religion. You haven't shown me anything to convince me that your religion is better than any other. In fact, if I were to go off of what you have posted in your time as a member of ATS, I wouldn't touch your religion with someone else's 10 foot pole.

The reason Jesus was sent was to (re)connect us with God...

Jesus and religion are total complete opposites.

According to the definition quoted above, you're full of excretory waste. But what else is new?

Who hated Jesus more than anyone else? The religious people...

WRONG. The people who hated him were the people who despised change. Kind of like you...

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
Well, it appears to me that you are sorely mistaken. Want to try again?

NEGATIVE, one of us is wrong and its not me...

BUT for the benefit of those who actually ARE interested in the truth:

“Religion, from religare, signifies to tie or bind, because by true religion the soul is tied or bound, as it were, to God and His service.”

Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life

“The word religion comes from the word "religare" -- to bind fast, to connect.”
religare - definition and meaning

"...the etymological root of religion is the Latin religare - which means 'to tie, to fasten, to bind' "

GreenCine Daily: SFIFF, 4/27

The derivation of the word religion has been a matter of dispute from ancient times.

Religion, from Latin 'religare' meaning 'to bind', describes our connection to God as the One thing which exists.

Lactantius derives religion from religare (to bind): We are tied to God and bound to Him [religati] by the bond of piety, and it is from this, and not, as Cicero holds, from careful consideration [relegendo], that religion has received its name. (Lactantius)

St. Augustine himself was not satisfied with it, for in his 'Retractions', I, xiii, he abandoned it in favour of the derivation given by Lactantius. He employs the latter meaning in his treatise 'On the True Religion', where he says: 'Religion binds us [religat] to the one Almighty God.' (St Augustine)

Overview: Philosophy of Religion

Religion (from O.Fr. religion "religious community," from L. religionem (nom. religio) "respect for what is sacred, reverence for the gods,"[5] "obligation, the bond between man and the gods"[6]) is derived from the Latin religiō, the ultimate origins of which are obscure. One possibility is derivation from a reduplicated *le-ligare, an interpretation traced to Cicero connecting lego "read", i.e. re (again) + lego in the sense of "choose", "go over again" or "consider carefully". Modern scholars such as Tom Harpur and Joseph Campbell favor the derivation from ligare "bind, connect", probably from a prefixed re-ligare, i.e. re (again) + ligare or "to reconnect," which was made prominent by St. Augustine, following the interpretation of Lactantius.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

That doesn't prove you know any thing about "God". Although I find it strange that religion comes from a word meaning to bind or tie when my belief is that "God" is gravity.

If gravity was gone, everything else would be too. Gravity is the one element giving cohesion to the entire universe.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

It's all about faith. Believing without proof. When you believe without proof, the "proof" comes to you. Faith, contrary to some people's opinions, is not a weakness or a crutch. It is, by far, more difficult than not believing. It's about letting go and letting God. God has shown me his presence through his grace. It is powerful and undeniable. I did not grow up in a religious home. I was always allowed to make my own choices. I have multiple degrees, the first one being in the sciences. So, you can take that out of the equation. The things that have happened to me have no logical explanation other than God's presence in my life. I feel the need to post this because I want you to know there IS something more. You have to have faith, and the proof just takes care of itself.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by texaschick

It doesn't make your belief any more true simply because you chose to believe rather than had it drilled into you from a young age. You're still just as wrong as every other christian, muslim, jew etc.

When you believe without proof you are making a mistake and the proof does not come to you, you simply convince yourself you are right.

The one thing god definitely is is deniable.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by Murgatroid

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Reli-gion: To Rely-to Give (latin root) or perhaps to Rely on the Regent of another. < I don't know just 'came' to me, lol, as any Reason, Rationale, Logic, Sapience, Sentience, Common Sense, bla-de-bla-bla-bla comes to another, I suppose, though then again, they're just 'words' concepts of which everyone will interpret uniquely whether with accuracy or not though whom is one to judge the 'accuracy' or 'understanding' of one 'word' or another for the understanding/concept/meaning of the 'word' (human construct/creation) itself is certainly not set in stone.

Interesting how the most ancient sYmbole (burnt in stone) I can think of on Earth is the Spiral symbol of infinity, the cosmos, 'a' galaxy, a holographic plane of existence, Phi, Creation (word Up).

Though (church), as just a word/concept for a meeting place in holy communion, there should be an important distinction made/realized between the 'church', a physical entity, and the Creator, a non-physical entity. One surely shouldn't 'need' or 'rely' on a human 'be-ing' to explain the Creator to another as that would place that 'human' as a 'Father figure'.....where/when one's Creator is the Father, not some human being. All Pope's make mistakes as the latest 'known' or publized-un was the 'knighting' of Jimmy Saville!, for a recent example and all of the 'secrets' which should never have been as nothing is 'secret' in the end.

The Emperor wears No clothes logic and so on. The concept of White Pope and Black Pope, black/white tiling, suggesting the concept of opposing forces, Illumination (illuminati concept suggesting Enlightenment) proton>

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by texaschick
reply to post by jiggerj

It's all about faith. Believing without proof. When you believe without proof, the "proof" comes to you. Faith, contrary to some people's opinions, is not a weakness or a crutch. It is, by far, more difficult than not believing. It's about letting go and letting God. God has shown me his presence through his grace. It is powerful and undeniable. I did not grow up in a religious home. I was always allowed to make my own choices. I have multiple degrees, the first one being in the sciences. So, you can take that out of the equation. The things that have happened to me have no logical explanation other than God's presence in my life. I feel the need to post this because I want you to know there IS something more. You have to have faith, and the proof just takes care of itself.

Unfortunately, this doesn't show anything other than that you have a personal feeling. The 'proof' you cite is merely anecdotal and not produced. The presence may be undeniable to you, but it does not extend any farther. You're asking me to trust you to be telling the truth. Perhaps you are, but it does me no good at all.
The feelings you may be experiencing might not translate to others. Certainly not to me. I'm very happy for you that you have faith. That's a cool thing. However, all I can take away from this is that you have a profound feeling of something or other. It doesn't prove the existence, or non-existence of a deity.

You say that the only logical explanation for what you have experienced is god's presence. Could you explain what factors might alter that assumption? How certain are you that it is god? What led you to that conclusion? What were the undeniable signs? Could you be convinced otherwise should you experience other logical explanations?

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by Badgered1

Not to make any assumptions about one person(Soul) or another though from what "I" understand, there is much resistance to the idea of a Creator for it breeds fear of reprisal/redemption in another for past mistakes/errors in judgement though does not one suffer in 'real time' for one's mistakes and thereafter till one is corrected by one source or another whether from guidance within, from without or from a neighbor? Though these are abstract concepts.....Is not all Truth Abstract by it's/their very nature?

All is OF Energy in one form or another as energy itself does not come or go but merely trans-forms from one form or another in a constant primordial flux of/in Creation like soup to a bowl, stirred or sedentary, in motion/or fixed. Any physical substance including the Atom (atomic bond) is held together with Energetic bonds whether hydrogen bond, metamorphic bond, ionic bond, covalent bond, metallic bond, inorganic/organic/energetic in Nature. etc. To understand or See any truth or natural law (whether simple or complex in nature), is not the process of thought a painter to one's pallet to> a Form?;.....perhaps embedded in the cosmos as Platonic fOrms would suggest? Even DNA itself has been proven via scientific method to be transferred by LIGHT from one organism to another as the frog to salamander and salamander to frog experiment had proven/validated/verified/bla.

Personally, I understand the Creator (a timeless, immortal, eternal Entity) to be quite understanding/forgiving.....and patient during one's Soul~Space for if one truly Knew better, would they not Do bet'tah for their better interest as to that of their neighbor? Seems reasonable. One's neighbor could be as a comple/iment to another.....or Not as freewill and choice implies as that of the associated consequence. All one can hope to Do in this physical incarnation is to attempt to use their Reason/Rationale/Sentience/Sapience/Logic/Common Sense/3rd eye or "I" (the central triple helix component to the double helix variety or concept of Trinity) in this domain of 'existence'.

Good to catch up on some sleeeeep in such a 'troubled' world. WhoooooEEEEE, much trouble abrewing, for No Good Reason. You are Not alone; this I cAn promise you. It's a special time to be Alive or present/prescient! L8ter and G*B.

edit on 31-10-2012 by Bluemoonsine because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by Bluemoonsine

Thanks for the reply.
To answer your question(?)/s?

That's all fluff and doesn't address a single one of my concerns.

You 'promise' me that I'm not alone, but that's the extent to which you take it.

edit on 31-10-2012 by Badgered1 because: Addition.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by Badgered1

Ok then, fair enough though what Is your concern?
Maybe I can help; maybe not.
Willing to try either way.

I'm always seeking *assistance* m^Y^self.
When was the last time you had an ambient, halonic, healing or 'glOwing' feeling as one who had a successful trip in the sack, with respect and love, duo course, the Right ouie?

'That' is the confirmation one is In the Right; or not.
Words don't apply though 'could' help; or not.

edit on 31-10-2012 by Bluemoonsine because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by Bluemoonsine

In my opinion your posts are spot on to what I have taught myself over the years. If I could quote them all I would!

There is a lot of baggage the soul has to carry in this world that neither is a lie or the truth. Somewhere in the middle is where the truth lies. Possibly.

I happen to love all the myths and can find truth in them, especially when added together.

It is also my opinion we are here in this world to learn to give without anything in return.

What IF all humans gave to others on a regular basis and never expected a thing in return? What would our world look like then?

God to me is not some entity waiting to judge us on our wrong doings.... lol.... that is for the religious people who need someone to control their misgivings and forgive them at the same time. It works for some... just not me.

Humans have this need to see in order to believe... not me. My clarity comes from feelings. We have five senses.... might as well use them all.

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