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Lucid dreaming skills

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posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 03:28 AM
I am apparently going into a lucid dreaming period right now. This just happens sometimes, and I always really enjoy it when it does.

When I start to have lucid dreams, I always get "lessons" in how to do things there. There is a narrator voice, but I have never seen a form or body associated with it, and for some reason, do not wonder about that at the time.
So last night was pretty active, a lot of dreams... some dreams within dreams (where you think you woke up, found out you weren't, then woke up again, many times).

This time I was having a dream that was not so lucid, and I laid down to go to sleep in it. I began dreaming, but then was lucid! I knew I was dreaming, and that I had control of things. I was even going around to people in my dream and telling them that I am lucid dreaming. I saw various family members and told them this, all the while knowing it is not REALLY them, only a version from my subconscious.

Saw some cool stuff, like a giant eagle atop a tower, that was somehow me, though I could see it from outside It was like I was analyzing my dream while I had it and knew everything I saw is supposed to be an aspect of myself.

Anyway, the lesson for today was to see if I could see myself in a mirror! I don't know why, but the voice suggested this is some important type of skill, that would mark an important development, if I can do it.

I found a corner with a mirror and when I first approached, I saw no reflection at all!
I had the impression, in fact, that there was another world on the other side, and I tapped on the glass, trying to call my reflection up. Then I saw a face on the other side, but I had trouble getting a good look. It wouldn't look up at me, had it's eyes looking down, was moving, had hair getting in it's face.

I began using my mental force to try to stabilize the image, and got to see it a bit more, but it wasn't me!
It was a womans face similar to mine, but looked like it had been beat up, or sick... dark puffy circles under the eyes and stuff. But it wouldn't look directly at me.

I decided I needed to concentrate on making more ressemblance, and began focusing and repeating "heal", "heal", "heal". The face start to transform and look more healthy... but then it went into a face that was way off from my own- it was a red haired girl, rather big boned, with freckles. She seemed let down that I was being unsuccessful. I did not recognize the girl as anyone I know.

But I could not get this reflection to look directly forward, nor to actually look like me. She eventually left the mirror altogether.

So now I am wondering why it is important to learn to do this in a lucid dream?
It could actually be interpretted many ways, I am aware.

Has anyone ever heard anything like this? About being able to see yourself in a mirror while dreaming?

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

This time I was having a dream that was not so lucid, and I laid down to go to sleep in it. I began dreaming, but then was lucid! I knew I was dreaming, and that I had control of things. I was even going around to people in my dream and telling them that I am lucid dreaming. I saw various family members and told them this, all the while knowing it is not REALLY them, only a version from my subconscious.

I have never seen myself in mirror why lucid dreaming. I think you are correct you were given a lesson. The lesson i would take a guess to teach you of the dreamer (self) and dreamed (other). The mirror lesson was to show you both. The other was the beat up version of you and this is the other which you have been neglecting.

The only way to ensure the other is kept healthy is to revist the lucid dream.

If you become proficient at that you are then ready for double dreaming. Another dreamer can enter same dream as you and both are fully aware of being in the same dream, can see eachother and interact fully awake.

edit on 27-10-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

i very rarely remember my dreams let alone be able to control them (i don;t even have control when i day dream)! i have heard of the concept of lucid dreaming but have never read anything about it, it seems very interesting indeed.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 03:24 AM
I went searchign on the net, and some lucid dreaming sites claim this is an exercise much like the light switch one, and that even in experiments, it is very rare that what you see in the mirror really looks like you are in real life.

I read some peoples accounts, and was fascinated to see many that saw themselves, but just looking really worn, tired, bruised, messy... dark circles under the eyes was common, (what I saw too).

A few have come to the conclusion the image represents the subconscious, and it's current state.

That would suggest that my subconscious is carrying a lot of bruises and marks from my painful past, and that sounds plausible.
But when I tried to focus on healing it, it became a different person altogether.
That would suggest- part of what makes you, you, is your scars and memories of past difficulties- if you heal them completely, you would no longer be you!

Pretty simple, put that way.
Some think that the next step is to try to use the mirror as a portal into another world while dreaming.
In my dream, there were cracks on the other side, and it looked like something had been trying to break OUT of that side and get through to this one....

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

the one breaking through the mirror is your double. Your dreaming double. The mystery is were you the dreamer or the dreamed.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 03:43 AM
I find it really interesting you mention the light switch lesson in your lucid dreams. I want to learn how to lucid dream myself as it sounds like fun and I've read some material that have mentioned basic skills. In one online source light switches were mentioned and how in a dream they won't turn on. I have had a few dreams in the past year or so in which I would wake up after getting scared that the light wouldn't turn on after flicking the switch a few times. Now I know of course that I'm not alone in this experience and that it actually is typical of the dream state. I can't wait for it to happen again as I wonder if I'll be aware at that point that I'm dreaming?

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Bluesma

My dreams "lessons" have been increasing as well OP. I am curious what kind of things you are "learning"

I am a very logical minded person.. so typing this stuff makes me feel crazy! I need to let that go. Lately I definately have "teachers" in my dreams.

The majority of my dreams are lucid in the sense that I know I am dreaming.. but I do not get full control. It is more like a "structured" environment. Even the few times I have went fully lucid it was still a "sand box" style of control.

The most recent "lessons" have been about letting go of "fear" of something by coming to full realization I am dreaming and whatever they present me with doesn't really exist. This will go on in stages with various levels of "fear" being introduced into my dream environment.

I have gotten to the last stage numerous times.. but when they simply bring up the last "thing" the fear wakes me up instantly

In my sig I mention a natural supplement I have found useful for "dream time". It is hard to find a balance at times because we have to try and balance "this world" with "that world". I have found the process gets continuously easier thankfully,

Best wishes!

If you have any dreams that "feel" important share them, It helps me feel less crazy when I read others experiences,
edit on 13-11-2012 by SyntheticPerception because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by SyntheticPerception

That describes pretty well the kind of "lessons" I go through in dreams!
There has been times I have total control- I have played with that, making chosen things appear (a celebrity I find attractive, any kind of sex partner, food, once cigarettes
I actually came to the conclusion at some point that I was quickly bored with that, that I prefered an element out of my control, to help me discover! Then the narrative voice came back and the lessons took back up again.

Like I've been through various flying classes, where certain skills were set up for me to practice. The last one was interesting because it involved not only flying, but creating a form that I flew with- like a chair, that I would then sit in and make it fly with me.

But Ginko Biloba??? I never heard of that having any effect on sleep , but I take that daily already!!!
I have had some problems with circulation in my extremities and I found that helps, so I've been taking it for years! -Though now that I think about it, I ran out recently and haven't been taking it the last couple of weeks.....

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by Bluesma
Like I've been through various flying classes, where certain skills were set up for me to practice. The last one was interesting because it involved not only flying, but creating a form that I flew with- like a chair, that I would then sit in and make it fly with me.

My friends and I were interested in all sorts of mind altering experiences (purely in an intellectual capacity, of course) when we were young and in school.

Early on the topic of lucid dreaming came up and it really excited and intrigued us. We really got into dreaming, and for years we would describe our experiences and bounce ideas off each other. I count myself as lucky to have learned to lucid dream at such a young age. It has been a very valuable and rewarding tool for me. I encourage others to pursue it!

Anyways, I like this paragraph you wrote. Personally, I have never, ever been able to fly without flapping my arms like a bird. Yes, just like a bird. I'm always full aware that it's peculiar, but just have to flap my arms. I have come to the conclusion that it is just one of those dream glitches. Example: Ever tried squarely punching someone while in a dream? I cannot physically do it. I swing my arm, it feels like jello, and I never make the connection no matter how hard I try.

I know it's random, Just figured I'd share. Dreams, the final frontier.

edit on 14-11-2012 by METACOMET because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 02:09 AM
Im not a spiritual guy, but some time ago this year I started lucid dreaming, actually it was when I got on my cut and started take Ephedra for added fat loss. I was aware of the dream and controlled where it was going sort of, but everytime I wanted to take full full control and make myself go against the dream I would wake up. For I was with my friend going somewhere and as long as I went along it was ok, the second I decided to turn and go somewhere else I woke up.

Next time I have a lucid dream Im going to go to bed in my dream and teach my mind a lesson.
edit on 14-11-2012 by chishuppu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by chishuppu

That's perfectly normal. In the future, the more times you recognize that you are in a dream, the less shocking it will be. Then the adventure begins. Keep dreaming

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by METACOMET

I have a question for you, where exactly in my mind are dreams and what are they? I can close my eyes and see my womans face, but I don't really see it, but in a dream I see it clearly. Then I have converstions with people, and they tell me things I don't even know, why am I learning information I don't have from brain when I have never recieved it? what is really going on?

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

Awesome to hear you are having "teachers" in dream time too.

I started taking Ginkgo for my migraines and noticed it seemed to help improve my ability to remember dreams as well. Perhaps the increased blood flow to the brain helps somehow?

I am curious if you have any "lessons" that revolve around "death". Like I will have lucid dreams where I know it is a dream but can't control it fully and will experience "death" in different ways.

For example like getting shot and experiencing what it feels like to get "shot" and then just shaking it off (because I know it isn't real). I have had dreams where I should have died numerous times but I can keep going if I realize it isn't real in the dream etc.

Sorry for the questions but I have another.. I can't speak to many people about this because they think I am a nutter.

When was your first experience with lucid dreaming? Did you have any when you were a child at a very young age? I remember my first experience with lucid dreaming that lasted for a period of 4 days when I was a child.

I don't remember all of it but I encountered these really "scary" looking creatures who were actually very loving to me, They felt like family almost to me in the dreams, at least long time friends. They were huge, almost like giants! But they were not dangerous at all, quite the opposite. They just looked really mean and scary

I know it is a long shot but I am curious if you remember anything similar to that when you were a younger child.? It was my first experience with lucid dreaming, and I remember going to bed hoping I would continue interacting with these "giants".

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:56 AM

I actually came to the conclusion at some point that I was quickly bored with that, that I prefered an element out of my control
reply to post by Bluesma

I had an experience very similar to this as well. It was the most comforting realization I have ever had in my life

After an episode of sleep paralysis (normally I would struggle against it and wake myself up) but this time I did my best to stay in a loving vibration instead of fear. I allowed my self to "let go" so to speak. Next thing I know I am sitting on my couch (same position) I was in when I fell asleep, but everything around me was so detailed and vivid.

It was at first scary because I "thought" how can I tell the difference between this "dream" and the "real world". I began experimenting with things around me and realized I could control things just by thinking about them. It happened on accident when I went to play a song on my laptop and all of a sudden the song just started playing without me having to find it. I continued to play around with controlling things but then I realized having full control of my environment was actually boring

After waking up, I was washed with a feeling of comfort you could say. It was like part of me realized how the real world appears out of my control, but on a deeper level part of me was "controlling" things, much like in the dream.

Ultimately I had no need to get stressed or concerned over anything in "life" but to realize this fully and get in touch with the part of me in control would render everything pointless in a way. The whole experience just brought a comforting feeling of peace into my being had never felt before.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 01:54 PM

Try to find a mirror. What does your reflection look like in the mirror? In a dream state, you probably won't look like the real you. The reflection will often be blurry or distorted.[5] See warning section....


When checking reality with a mirror, your dream body may be so distorted that it frightens you so much you wake up.

What do you see? Do you relate to the person in the mirror? Do they move the same time that you move? Do you notice anything unusual about them?

The results, you'll find, can sometimes be scary and alarming. Here's a dream excerpt from the very first time I tried this experiment some years ago:

"I turn to face a mirror by the front door to see what I look like. It looks like me, but older, with messy hair and scary eyes. As if she reads my mind, the reflection starts to age rapidly and I get older and older. It's like the scene from the original Time Machine movie, a sort of stop-motion effect. My skin wrinkles and my hair goes gray and I am haggard. I am an old lady, with my mouth wide open. Then my teeth crumble and fall out and I become a corpse! I have just sped through my life. Man that was ugly!"...

Its quite in depth, and suggest doing dream analysis on what is seen. And also attempting to use the mirror as a portal.

This was brought up on the manual/guide for a good ATS thread on astral projection as well.

But I consider this world to be shadow mirror reflection of home, so in some ways, wonder what a shadow of a shadow might be?

Alot of people on different forums talk about scarey mirror reflections when they are lucid dreaming.

I don't consider those in the dream, such as family, to be perecptions, because from all I can gather, where people report meeting up in dream time, and a friend and I in mediation traveled together, it seems to me, the astral realm, lucid realm, NDE realm is a real realm and peopled.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by SyntheticPerception

I had several dreams, somewhere within a small period around 1998-1999, in which I experienced death? In one I watched my own funeral take place and saw my family crying, and all that. In one my husband and I saw a mushroom cloud rise in the distance from our backyard, realized a nuke had gone off and said goodbye, then there was a flash and I was gone.

In none of the death dreams did i just shake it off. I experienced leaving my body in a few, and some it just went black.

My experiences with Lucid dreaming didn't start as early as yours. I guess mine started around 1996, when I started having a lot of paranormal experiences of different sorts. I was also experiencing "abduction type" episodes.

The traumatizing type of experience stopped, but the lucid dreaming comes back from time to time, for a few weeks at a time.
edit on 14-11-2012 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Its quite in depth, and suggest doing dream analysis on what is seen.


I am curious how you may interpret an experience with a mirror in a lucid dream. It happened a few years ago so any real detail has been lost.

Looking at the mirror in my bathroom, I could see a room on the other side that was similar to my bathroom but I could see small differences the reflection, Almost like one of those "spot the difference" photos if you have seen them before.

The next thing I noticed was "I" did not see myself at all in the reflection. It didn't feel "empty" or like I was "missing" from the reflection. I wouldn't describe the feeling as fear.. more like confusion. When I couldn't understand I immediately woke up.

How would you view something of this nature?

I like being exposed to more than my own subjective view at times.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 05:45 AM
I'll log to this thread my last nights experience with a mirror in my dream.

I went into a very familiar house with a big mirror there as it should be. At this point I was not at all lucid. I had a naked unknown woman walking next to me. My arm was around her shoulder. As we walked in front of the mirror, I looked upon it, and then at that moment couple things happened. Firstly I saw my face 5-10 years younger from now. I didn't look or had time to look at my body at all. It was as if the image of my face filled the vision I had. I didn't notice that woman on the mirror either. The experience didn't look realistic enough and I think I became semi-lucid or aware of the dream state also at that instant. Right at the same time, the woman next to me, her head kind of exploded, but in place of the head became a black distorted area. That black mass jerked out back and forth, like in an epileptic seizure. For that I had taken my eyes from the mirror quickly to look at the strangeness next to me. I was slightly scared or agitated, but much less than would be expected. We turned around and walked back the hallway couple of steps, but the jerking wouldn't end, I became too confused and woke up.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 06:01 AM
I remember when, a friend of mine, told me about his lucid dreams and in particular, one of his dream where he had attempted to see himself in a mirror because he had read somewhere that it was a challenge to see yourself in a mirror in your dreams. and while trying to achieve this, he could see himself but suddenly out of nowhere his reflection started screaming, but without any sound, like out of a horror movie. he "woke" up in his dream and went back to try again and the same thing happened and then he woke up for real.

this topic reminded me of his story

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 04:41 AM

it went into a face that was way off from my own- it was a red haired girl, rather big boned, with freckles. She seemed let down that I was being unsuccessful. I did not recognize the girl as anyone I know.

My grandmother had once told me that having a dream of seeing some other person in the mirror means that he or she may act unfairly with you in some ways to satisfy their own goals or needs. Although I have no experience of seeing some other person in mirror in my dream, and I really don’t know whether it is true or not but I thought it would be beneficial for you.

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