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What Is You Reaction To This Poster? ["Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!]

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posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by KingDoey
The fact that the homosexual community has to be so up in your face all the time about gay rights etc really bores me these days.

To summarise the whole 'Gay' issue is absolutley boring the tits off of me these days

It is getting boring, isn't it?

I suspect that that is also part of the mental conditioning program that is being implemented by the powers that be that are behind the gay rights movement.

They are thinking many steps ahead while most of us are buffeted around in the wind.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Whatifitdidhappen
Its time to discover the truth about your Ego

. . . . and some people don't care, get over it.
Tantrums, acting out, usually does the opposite of
their intended goals. People just ignore them after awhile,
and not let it faze.


posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

I think a BLUE background behind the lettering would have had a "better" effect.

All that RED just makes people angry!

I agree with the letters and the statement..

The colors is what I have a problem with.

I bet all that RED didn't help your emotional reaction though.

edit on 27-10-2012 by MyParadoxicalSelf because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 12:49 AM

However, I wonder if the statement read 'most people are hetrosexual get over it' it would not be deemed to be offensive to the gay community?
reply to post by Cobaltic1978

If that particular gay person held onto latent anger/hatred towards us "heterosexuals" than I imagine it would induce anger inside them. All my "gay" friends seem to be quite the loving individuals though.

All that RED wouldn't help ease the tension inside the individual.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 12:51 AM
I cant really disagree here, the exclamation point just asks for conflict really,
i am all for equal gay rights, they are humans too and deserve to be able to
do anything i as a hetero can but as others have said this is pointless really.
going to cause more trouble than it helps resolve, i often wonder how many
things like this might be so called "false flags" by those who oppose gay

I wonder who rented this sign and where that money came from, would be
interesting to follow the cash here and see where it ends up. not a bad idea
if your trying to drag otherwise uninvolved people into a debate they don't even
want to be a part of. on the other hand some of those fighting for gay rights
would probably do this as they have the attitude that if its not in your thoughts
all day then you don't support them.

if we would just leave them alone and give them equal rights to everyone else
then this would all be a non issue eventually, meh so the world goes if it isn't
a religious over indulger then its over indulgence in some other area i suppose.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 12:56 AM
Would the Mods please close this thread because it will lead nowhere good. I don't see any helpful information, discussions, or conclusions coming from this thread. Like, what is the point.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

So when will I see buses cruising around with posters stating "some people AREN'T GAY, so gays, get over it!"...? Seems like a fair question to me...

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by Wonderer2012

I dont like being told what i should do.

If your gay your gay, but what grinds my gears is the forced gay voice on males.

You dont here lesbians talking with a mans rough tone they just seem the same as other ladies

So please before you all jump down my throat im not totally against gays just the in your face gays.

SORRY i dont mean to offend anyone its just my opinion

edit to add star and flag
edit on 27/10/2012 by maryhinge because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by Wonderer2012
I was at some traffic lights today when a bus went past with the following poster-

editby]edit on 26-10-2012 by Wonderer2012 because: (no reason given)

I'm bothered

I'm bothered big time

Where are the passengers? and the driver?

What the heck is a bus driving around by itself for
what has this world come to?
freaking buses driving around with out someone to guide them, or passengers.

are you sure it went buy you when you were at a light?
looking at other picts on the net of the same bus the driver was behind the doors.

yet yours ..empty

edit on 10/27/2012 by EvilBat because: why is my post all messed up?

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 02:16 AM
I do not crave your Love.
I do not care if you find me intolerable.
I do not need your acceptance.
I can live without your friendship.
You do not have to like me.
I do not insist you get over it.

I do however demand & am entitled to your respect.
I demand that you respect the fact that I not unlike every soul on this Planet have the right to occupy space & breathe the air free from judgement & molestation by any other soul.

I like this Poster -



posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Considering you have no issue surrounding homosexuals I don't think this poster was intended for you.

You should probably just take it as that. The people they're probably trying to offend are those who seek to restrict the rights of the gay community.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by DENBY
I do not crave your Love.
I do not care if you find me intolerable.
I do not need your acceptance.
I can live without your friendship.
You do not have to like me.
I do not insist you get over it.

I do however demand & am entitled to your respect.
I demand that you respect the fact that I not unlike every soul on this Planet have the right to occupy space & breathe the air free from judgement & molestation by any other soul.

I like this Poster -



In which case: I don't crave your love (Because I'm NOT gay), I don't care if you find me intolerable (Because I'm not, I just think homosexuality is gross, and before you call that intolerance, plenty of Gay men thinking heterosexuality is gross), I don't need your acceptance (Because I'm not concerned about what the Gay community thinks about what I think about the Gay community, because I'm not part of the gay community), I can live without your friendship (because regardless of how I feel about your sexuality, it shouldn't matter if you are a decent human being who practices what you preach. I have plenty of gay friends, even some gay family members...they are gay and other than that coming out, it's never been a topic of discussion), you don't have to like me (judging from this post I don't think I would), and I don't insist that you get over it..(oh, but you do).

You demand my respect? You are entitled to my respect? Nay...I'll respect you when you start respecting people who think your lifestyle is strange or disgusting. Outside of my opinion on homosexuality, I know plenty of gays who as people are good friends, some family. My sister likes spinach and I think spinach is sickening. That doesn't mean I'm not tolerant of my sister. It means that I personally feel like vomiting when I think about eating, or see her eating, spinach. I'll respect you, as a person. I don't have to respect your homosexual lifestyle.

Annnnnd I also have the right to occupy space and breathe the air...because I am grossed out by the premise of having a sexual or romantic relationship with another man is disgusting, has nothing to do with that. Because I'm also entitled to be free of judgement and molestation at the hands of those who don't understand my values, beliefs, morals or ideologies. Your idea of what is normal, isn't the same as mine. And it shouldn't be. Deal with it.

This poster is the same thing Gays bitch and moan about when clamoring for equal treatment, only the tables are turned and it is people who think your lifestyle isn't OKAY or NORMAL, or HEALTHY are having their freedom to think for themselves attacked.

You're have been. For centuries.
You're queer....I don't give a rat's ass.
Get used to don't have to.

Quit throwing this nonsense in people's faces and you'd be surprised how tolerant the world as a whole really is.
edit on 10/27/2012 by mademyself1984 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Well, I'm over it... it was never an issue for me to begin with, so it doesn't bother me... in fact I like it. I see the arguments for it being telling people how to think and how it treads on people who 'aren't over it' my statement about that is there's only one side of that coin who has something that needs to be gotten over. Only one side of that coin is denied equal rights. No one has ever been beaten for being straight or being homophobic. No straight person ever had to hide or pretend. No straight person has ever been denied equal access and full protection under the law. No straight person had to ever ask permission to start a family or jump through hoops to protect their family with health and life insurance. No straight couple was ever denied a mortgage because they're straight... I could go on and on.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by DENBY
I do not crave your Love.
I do not care if you find me intolerable.
I do not need your acceptance.
I can live without your friendship.
You do not have to like me.
I do not insist you get over it.

I do however demand & am entitled to your respect.
I demand that you respect the fact that I not unlike every soul on this Planet have the right to occupy space & breathe the air free from judgement & molestation by any other soul.

I like this Poster -



I can go along with all that but the only thing I'd disagree with is this ~

Respect is earned and that goes whether your gay,str8,bi,celibate,religious,athiest,white,black,yellow,green,rich or poor.

Everyone is owed a minimum level of consideration regardless and should be allowed to life their life without prejudice but respect has to be earnt in this life,you dont get it just for being alive.Well IMO anyway.

Personally I have no problem accepting that some people are homosexual,it wouldnt stop me from liking someone gay or counting them a friend,for me there's nothing to get over at all.

It doesnt threaten me in anyway,can't see how it could possibly be detrimental to the notion of family or to the fabric of moral society,what bullsh@t !!!

How a man could possibly prefer another man over a woman baffles me but some do.Don't get me wrong thats not trying to find a nice way of saying I find it disgusting because I don't,not in the slightest.In fact,I reckon I'd kind of like it if that was how my bread was buttered but it isn't so you see I'm not just saying I tolerate it I say if that's who you are then it's your right to live your life free of anyone else's opinion.It plain isnt anyone else's business.

In the UK we've had gay and race issue's in the forefront of the news with the case of the b&b owners fined several thousand for refusing a gay couple a room and the on going controversy over John Terry and racism in football particularly now black players are calling for their own players union.

Sometimes we the white,str8,indigineous population get a little tired of what seems like needless banner waving and start to think we've got equal rights and laws against discrimination now,prejudice is socially unacceptable so why keep on about it.

That's not closet racism/homophobia but the thought the battle's been won so why are you still shouting but clearly the battle hasn't been won has it and we can truly understand what it's like to be abused,mistreated,hated etc for centuries whether it's been discriminated against cos of your colour or your sexuality being considered an abomination (what by who,the church now there's an and even illegal,a prisonable offence not so many decades ago.

Yes I can see how signs like this would tend to put your back up when you first see them,I'd probably feel the same at first but when you think about it if society was truly accepting of race and sexuality then these type of banners wouldnt be necessary.

Those who have strong feelings or too stupid to think for themselves wont change their minds whatever is said but it can maybe confront those of us who have the ability to be critical and objective and force us to think.

Also after centuries of discrimination maybe the minorities are feeling empowered and able to confront us the 'silent majority' head on at last.

It's probably about time too !!!!

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

My reaction is that it is clearly aimed at those who have a problem with people being gay. Hence the " Get over it!"

Perhaps it is meant to be confrontational, but not to everyone. Just to those who find it wrong to be gay.....And yes, there are people out there like that.

That is my reaction and I do agree that those people who have a problem with gay people, should really work on getting over it. They are people and that is what matters.

Popular or not, that is where I stand.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 05:19 AM
We are who we are!

I have had a difficult life, but am surviving.

My first problem was to have had a child out of wedlock, and never married, in 1964. How many of you are old enough to know the “proper social norm” in 1964?

It was a matter of being ‘caught’ but I was penalized/criticized/different and treated badly by parents and siblings. Four siblings had 2 children apiece within marriage…. and after 9 months of marriage. (I have to laugh about the used condoms found in the septic tank, on the farm, when my father was cleaning it out. There are only 2 of my sisters who ever had their boy-friend, turned, fiancé, turned husband in the house entertained in the kitchen, with Toasted Western Sandwiches, ?, and the bathroom being just off the kitchen.

Lo and Behold, each of the 4 siblings had 2 children apiece who grew up and did what they wanted and the only one of that generation to be married before she had children was my child, while the rest had live-ins, abortions, babies before marriage, one had 4 before marriage, another never wed, with one child--- and I just sat and watched all the happiness they had for themselves and their family, while I felt I was due and apology of some sort, or a Plaque as a “Trailblazer”. No way!

Well Lo and Behold (again) after marriage and 3 children, my child knew it was all a mistake, left her husband, went back to school, earned a couple of degrees and then came out as a lesbian. Her partner also has 3 children.

You just have to laugh and go with the flow.

There are worse things than what I have just mentioned ----and I don’t even need to list them. ATS is full of them.

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by mademyself1984
reply to post by Wonderer2012

So when will I see buses cruising around with posters stating "some people AREN'T GAY, so gays, get over it!"...? Seems like a fair question to me...

Something similar was banned-

Just days before the posters were due to appear on buses in the capital, Johnson ordered his transport chiefs to pull the adverts booked by two conservative Anglican groups following outrage among gay campaigners and politicians saying that they were homophobic. The adverts were booked on behalf of the Core Issues Trust whose leader, Mike Davidson, believes "homoerotic behaviour is sinful".

His charity funds "reparative therapy" for gay Christians, which it claims can "develop their heterosexual potential". The campaign was also backed by Anglican Mainstream, a worldwide orthodox Anglican group whose supporters have equated homosexuality with alcoholism. The advert was due to say: "Not gay! Post-gay, ex-gay and proud. Get over it!"

edit on 27-10-2012 by Wonderer2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 08:45 AM
Get Over It!

Most people are over it, and have been over it a long time. Two dudes going at it is disgusting to me, I don't want to even think about it. I don't think about it, until someone throws it in my face. It's like that annoying guy at school that would talk about gross things at the lunch table, just to get a reaction.

I couldn't care less who you bring into your bedroom, stop bringing attention to it. I just find it annoying, I don't care what you do in your bedroom. I don't want to know, seriously.

Get over yourselves!

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 08:48 AM
I was once told by an old gay fella that the phrase "get over it" was coined by the Chicago gay community as an oral sex reference. I kinda doubt it, but that's what he told me.

For what it's worth...

posted on Oct, 27 2012 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
Get over yourselves!

You know I love TKDRL, you have the bestest avatar ever ... and it's not even that you don't want to hear about people's sex lives ... Even if you honestly can't accept that there are people who dislike gay people strongly, at the very least be aware that the advert was created by stone wall.

Stone wall =/= all gay people.
Westboro =/= all Christians and straight people

Personally I don't think this type of advertising is effective. All it does is make people like you think that people like me are represented by folks like that.

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