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UBUNTU Party lawyer tied up at gunpoint while files and computer data are removed

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posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:43 AM
for those unaware of the UBUNTU Party, it's basically represented by Michael Tellinger ( Slave Species of God, Adam's Calendar ), and has a very positive goal for mankind...

“Let each citizen contribute their natural talents or acquired skills to the greater benefit of all in the community. Let us utilise the wealth of our land to provide abundance in all areas of life for the people.”
-Michael Tellinger 2005

Tellinger (and myself) desires to spread the idea of Contributionism throughout the world to get humanity to behave how it should - with true peace and absolute freedom, and without "politicians, the government, or any corporation who has unlawfully claimed exclusive rights" over us or the planet.

- The UBUNTU CONTRIBUTION SYSTEM is a blueprint for a new social structure in which everyone is absolutely free and equal.

- A society that functions without the concept of money, any form of barter or trade, or the attachment of value to material things.

- A culture where each individual is encouraged to follow their passion and contributes their natural talents or acquired skills to the greater benefit of all the people in the community and society at large.

- A society with a new set of laws based on the needs of the people where everything is provided freely to everyone who contributes.

- A society which promotes the highest levels of scientific and technological progress.

- A society in which arts and culture flourishes allowing people to experience life to the fullest.

- A society in which spiritual growth of its citizens through the explosion of arts and culture will allow the rapid rise of consciousness to fully embrace the concepts on unity.

- The system provides unimaginable abundance of all things on all levels, impossible to imagine by those trapped in the capitalist consumer-driven environment of today.

well, there are those that don't believe that this system should gain a foothold on society...

UBUNTU Party lawyer tied up at gunpoint, files and computer data removed

On Saturday 20th October, the legal advisor for the UBUNTU Party, and the New Economic Rights Alliance (NewERA), Raymondt Dicks, was overpowered at his home office, in a military style operation by between 6 and 10 armed men.

Mr. Dicks, who was a legal advisor to the SA [South African] police and Army for many years, says that the event was executed with absolute precision and intent to gain access to his documents and legal files.

He and two other people who were there at the time were tied up on the floor for over 3 hours while the intruders ransacked his office. It was a clear attempt to make it look like a robbery but it is quite obvious what they were after – all the pertinent research and legal documentation relating to legal action against the banks.


Mr Dicks is the legal representative for New ERA and the UBUNTU Party and UBUNTU Liberation Movement. He has been representing Michael Tellinger in his personal capacity in various actions against the bank, mainly Standard Bank. Earlier this year he drafted the Constitutional Court papers that Tellinger served against the four major banks, the Reserve Bank and the Minister of Finance.

Mr. Dicks has been investigating and gathering extremely sensitive evidence to lay criminal charges against the banks for their unlawful activities against all the people of South Africa.


The entire horrific experience was captured on security cameras showing the whole operation from the beginning. The most disturbing part of the footage is that it shows what seems to be two police vehicles with flashing lights, escorting the other vehicles containing the intruders, while they closed off the road next to his house, allowing the operation to happen uninterrupted.

We trust that the South African Police will take this matter extremely seriously because it goes to the core of our socio economic structure and the wellbeing of everyone, exposing those who are behind what can only be called the largest legalised organised crime syndicate in the world - The banksters that rule our lives and manipulate our government with impunity and no recourse.

Michael Tellinger urges all South Africans to take this as a clear sign that we are very close to exposing their unlawful activity and to unite in the support for the UBUNTU Party in their mission to put an end to this abuse of our most basic human rights and to restore all the power to the people - where the power should always be.

appalling! ...but not at all surprising!

what's everyone else think? anyone got any more info to add to this??

(i'm at work right now, and the spam filter or whatever on these computers won't let me view the ubuntu site directly unless i choose the "cached" version. unfortunately, it won't let me view a chached version of that article at all, so i'm gonna have to get on another pc later and update this if i need to)
edit on 25-10-2012 by adrenochrome because: wanted to underline something very important so it really stood out

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:58 AM
is anyone able to find this security camera footage??

is there anyone from South Africa here on ATS that has seen anything about this on the news?

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by adrenochrome
is anyone able to find this security camera footage??

is there anyone from South Africa here on ATS that has seen anything about this on the news?

Sorry mate, but I am sure we will find the clips on YouTube and/or other platforms soon.

The whole thing proves that the banksters and the political puppets are running scared.

Whatever they do there is no way they can stop it.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 09:14 AM
Don't these people know, you fck with banks and you get fckd. You would think that since they were going after some very powerful people they would have put their evidence( if they had any) in some place other then their office. Also sounds like a great place to live with cops escorting the thugs out.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 09:25 AM
This utopian system brings to mind flashes of Rapture(a utopian city built in Bioshock a pc game) and the entry speech of Andrew Ryan. It's founder.

- The UBUNTU CONTRIBUTION SYSTEM is a blueprint for a new social structure in which everyone is absolutely free and equal.

- A society that functions without the concept of money, any form of barter or trade, or the attachment of value to material things.

- A culture where each individual is encouraged to follow their passion and contributes their natural talents or acquired skills to the greater benefit of all the people in the community and society at large.

- A society with a new set of laws based on the needs of the people where everything is provided freely to everyone who contributes.

- A society which promotes the highest levels of scientific and technological progress.

- A society in which arts and culture flourishes allowing people to experience life to the fullest.

- A society in which spiritual growth of its citizens through the explosion of arts and culture will allow the rapid rise of consciousness to fully embrace the concepts on unity.

- The system provides unimaginable abundance of all things on all levels, impossible to imagine by those trapped in the capitalist consumer-driven environment of today.

"I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

'No,' says the man in Washington, 'it belongs to the poor.'
'No,' says the man in the Vatican, 'it belongs to God.'
'No,' says the man in Moscow, 'it belongs to everyone.'

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...


A city where the artist would not fear the censor,
where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality,
where the great would not be constrained by the small.

And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city, as well."
―Andrew Ryan

Sounds great in theory, but would inevitably fall apart, as it's impossible to shield any utopian society/system from corruption.
Unless if we could surgically remove greed from mankind or evolve into a spiritual human race somehow.

edit on 25-10-2012 by spiralarchitect because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 10:09 AM
These events prove that Tellinger and Dicks are completely right with what they are saying and doing.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 10:19 AM
Riiight... S&F go SA for ATS!!

I'm aware of the Ubuntu party and the NewERA's exploits... It is worthwhile to research for anyone interested in the development of the fight against the international banking industry (NewERA).

News from an independant source yesterday:
'Cop vans' linked to robbery

...And here is some mainstream news coverage from today:
No proof of cops helping robbers - police

Not going to post the whole articles here but check it out! The news24 article doesn't mention the files missing relating to the NewERA and Tellinger cases. I'd say there is definitively something not right here..

Dicks and his son were made to hand over their bank cards and their PINs, and their bank accounts were cleared out. A television set, speakers, amplifier, computer and cell phones were also taken.

Dicks believed the police vehicles were loaded with items stolen during the robbery.

"Dicks believed" - journalistic bias? Either way, I hope we can get this footage soon. It should be a whopper.

The Ubuntu party is a brilliant example of a movement that is actually out there and trying to challenge the terrible status quo. Yes yes yes, I hear you say: " those damn unrealistic utopians" - But without experimentation with real world experiences of utopian ideas, - How are we ever going to evolve from our corporatocratic-greed-fueled-social systems prevalent all over the "free world"??!?!?

I just wish michael tellinger wasn't the face to the whole movement. His stories of the "footprints of giants" sort of spoilt the good stuff ... like david icke taking it too far when he starts babbling about royal reptilians.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by PadawanGandalf
I just wish michael tellinger wasn't the face to the whole movement. His stories of the "footprints of giants" sort of spoilt the good stuff ... like david icke taking it too far when he starts babbling about royal reptilians.

So what, just take what seems plausible for you, leave the rest, nobody forces you to believe in it and neither Tellinger nor Icke would force it on you. Both are constantly saying that you have to research for yourself.

edit on 25-10-2012 by ALF88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by ALF88

I hear you bro! That's what I believe I do but you know yin has to be provided with the yang

Let's not get caught up in discussing personalities as what's happening in that cluster# of an"election" media farce across the atlantic...

Do you believe the time is growing ripe for a REAL sociopolitical alternative to enter mainstream consciousness?... To stay on subject.. Is it possible that these humble efforts has really rattled the establishment?

For me there is only two possibilities. I would like to believe the first is actually probability and that there was some kind of corporate conspiracy and that Dicks was raided, disguised to look like a robbery, in order to jeopardize the aforementioned dangerous legal cases.

The second possibility is that Tellinger and his lawyer are both either delusional or willingly tell lies for unknown reasons. You can bet that when it boils down to it, the media* will jump on this second band wagon and discredit any merit in the Ubuntu/newERA position. That's why I see it as negative aspect that Tellinger is such a central character in the movement. It would be good to see the party evolve beyond a personality. That could make it unstoppable.

*don't want to generalize..this will be the banker's defense.. it remains to be seen whether they would influence mainstream media better that the ANC puppets. The news24 article don't particularly give me hope.. at least they report the story I suppose..
edit on 25/10/12 by PadawanGandalf because: typo

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by adrenochrome

What will put the kibosh on this movement is there are too many entitled people who feel that they can take and not give in return

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by adrenochrome

What will put the kibosh on this movement is there are too many entitled people who feel that they can take and not give in return

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 04:25 PM
Hi all.

I love to hate the bad ones in TPTB !! B-)
. . .and my avatar says a little bit more. . . B-)

Blue skies.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by PadawanGandalf

hey man thanks for putting the actual news link up!! i finally got back to a pc and noticed you did that for me - appreciate it!!

still no videos of this yet, though??

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 06:47 PM
ok, this is the newest i can find, minus the video...

it's a translated link from Afrikaans to English, so i hope it posts properly, broken language and all...

"Court documents at the lawyer's house robbed"

The police interviewed "several people" to determine whether their employees helped a group of robbers [steal] documents at a lawyer's house in Midrand to spoil believe "damning evidence" against the South-African banking.


Dicks said the stolen documents related to unsecured loans by commercial banks worth "trillions of rands" who believe the banking industry in the country could bring a fall and the taxpayer with baked pears could sit down.

He said the robbers his son's computer "just so" disconnected and carried away, but they were busy more than 20 minutes to screw open his computer and all three internal hard drives carefully removed.

They also his external hard drive hidden at the bottom of the table was taken.

Dicks said the robbers [were] after just two court documents.

Dicks initially suspected robber leader, who spoke very good English and is constantly asked in fine detail, want to "execute him".

Someone from outside the house shouting instructions to the man in Zulu, after the robbers fled.


Dicks's iPhone, which also were looted, Sunday turned on, it seemed to be [located in] a Nigerian shop in Jeppestown, Johannesburg searched.

When the police enter the premises, however, they discovered that the robbers [had] Dicks phone "completely destroyed", which made him suspect that someone they warned.

Dicks said the banking case appears in court again on November 27. He may fear that the robbers will return to "finish their work".

The case according to Lieutenant Colonel. Lungelo Dlamini, Gauteng police spokesperson, the police's attention.

The police could not determine with certainty whether any of its members were involved in the robbery or not, Dlamini said.
(translated version)

is this CCTV footage ever going to surface?? who's in control of it now?!

...and what's up with the baked pears?!!

edit on 25-10-2012 by adrenochrome because: fixed translated link

edit on 25-10-2012 by adrenochrome because: fixed translated link

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 10:18 AM

Urgent Press Release:
Michael Tellinger -- founder of the UBUNTU Liberation Movement and the UBUNTU political party in South Africa. Organised professional hit squad attacked their legal adviser Raymondt Dicks, his son and a friend, in Johannesburg on 20 October 2012, and kept them hostage and tied up, face down on the floor for 3 hours at gunpoint, while going through all his legal files and evidence gathered in favour of exposing criminal activity by the banks. The only legal document missing were the files related to Tellinger's case, the UBUNTU Party and NewERA -- Scott Cundill's non-profit organisation to help people against the abuse of banks. Michael reveals a sinister attempt by corporations that include the banksters who can only be defined as organised crime syndicates, that seem to use rogue groups within the SA Police Services as hit squads to take people hostage at gun point, intimidate people and steal sensitive documents, computers and other items that may implicate such corporations in financial fraudulent activity and be exposed in the courts. Until recently the courts have ignored our attempts to bring the banksters' corrupt action to light, but in the past month -- during October 2012, we have had a string of small but critical victories in the form of judgements against banks. These have now set a precedent for future judgments and with our own actions against the banksters together with many other people around SA and the world, we expect this to become an rapid exponential expose of their criminal activity against the good, honest, but mostly ignorant and gullible people of the world.

in the video, Tellinger says that they've sent photos of the criminals/police to the media and newspapers, and says all this is gonna go viral within about 48 hours on YouTube. we should be hearing much more about this soon...

what i find the most interesting, is that the communism is just so blatant down there. like, they're a little more advanced in the process than us, but we're really not too far from it at all... or maybe, we're already there, or even, possibly beyond them! it's like, "yeah, we know our role, and we've taught you yours, and what are you gonna do about it, sheep?!"

how much more of this are we gonna take???

are we just gonna lay back and take it, even though we outnumber them millions to one?!

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