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Romney Exposed !

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posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 01:07 AM
Sounds like some 'actionable intelligence'.
edit on 16-10-2012 by Bluemoonsine because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 01:17 AM
A couple thoughts on the video.

1. Sometime it is better to change your point-of-view and maybe some of the things shown as flip-flops were changes made to due to changing circumstances and other reasons than merely political gain.

2. This aggressive MSM presentation is the product of an agenda driven propaganda machine that is doing its best to assure it's candidate will win re-election. When does the MSM ever talk this way about the POTUS? If they did you can be sure the Romney camp would have a similar montage of dirt against Obama. When something gets shoved down my throat I spit it back out.

3. How many of you people heard this story yesterday?
Obama: ‘We Got Back Every Dime’ of Bailout; CBO: Bailout Will Lose $24 Billion

If Romney told a bold-face lie of this enormity, MSM would be talking about it for days like they did on his 47 percent comment for which he apologized and they continue to hammer.

I google anti-obama stories often just to track the websites that report them. Major MSM sources, TV and print (excluding Drudge), consistently look the other way. I have seen it happen enough, if I don't hear another network news reporter's voice for the rest of my life that would be wonderful. You have no idea of the extreme the irritation I felt at the tone of the reporters in the video. It was evil IMHO. And I could not stomach much of it for the sake of my sanity.

MSM's lies-to-truth and truth-to-lies spins determined who I would vote for and I bet they dumped a load into your brain to process or eat like candy. Keep your transparent President if you wish. It is really sad when lies become the norm and the truth is shunned and distorted into lies.

Neither candidate walks on water. May the better candidate win big. A close race will be hotly contested and increase the likelihood of riots.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by Ben81

AH well at least he did not forge his birth certificate like someone else! At least he does not have links to Communist groups. At least he has not uttered comments about his "Muslim Faith". At least he does not have a hidden past in Pakistan. At least his mother did not pose for Cheap butt porno photos.

But then again judging by your post history you openly support the "Terrorist" side I.E Iran and would be only natural to side with Obama the closet communist and Muslim apologist.

By the way. I don't support either candidate or party

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by Ben81
Romney is by far the worst liar of all liars

Oh he's a flip flopper and a liar alright. Typical politican.
But as far as being the 'worst liar of all liars' ... :lol ... I dunno' about that.
They are all really really bad. He's just one more bad apple in a barrel full.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 05:36 AM
In the case of Romney I would rather see Big Bird for president

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 06:21 AM
This is really f'd up.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah65

I completely disagree with the wasted vote nonsense...I refuse to vote for either of these losers...which leaves me with "don't vote" or vote for who I actually believe in...I think not voting is chickensh!t. If you don't vote, you have chosen to not use your voice...your vote...and you don't get to complain. I WILL vote and I will get to complain and complain at whichever of these losers wins.

No I actually agree with George Carlin on this. Those who dont vote have every right to complain cause we didint put the puppets in office. Those who do vote did... I didnt vote last election so I have a right to complain. You guys are the ones who put Obama in office not me....

edit on 16-10-2012 by hellbjorn012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah65

Originally posted by Surfrat
Why Mitt Romney is Unlikable


7. Represents an America of "yesterday", where people believed in God, went to Church, didn't screw around, worked hard, and became a SUCCESS!

No he didn't screw around...he just "worked hard" screwing over everyone around him! (well except his "banking buddies")

I don't like the guy because he hides his true agenda...he stands for nothing. Today one side...tomorrow...the other. I don't trust anything that comes out of his's hard to trust a confirmed (multiple time) liar.

Don't like Obama there.

edit on 10/15/2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)
I share your sentiments whole heartedly, Jeremiah. And I wonder what this guy means by''represents an America of yesterday''.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 07:33 AM
Romney doesn't care about anyone other them himself and his banker friends. His main contributors were ALL of the banking cartel. Not to mention is profession.....where he raped companies for his own gain.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by poloblack

By "America of yesterday" he means the USA of the 1800's. Where there is no regulation, no workers rights, women can't vote and where the civil rights bill didn't exist yet.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 08:04 AM
The truth is Oh bum ah was a racial experiment. For all we know he could have been a clone produced in the same lab as oh sam ah been laid en. As they're basically twins.

I bet there was some pun there too, like they figured, okay in the future one day when we want to implement a soft martial law with things like body scanners, check stops everywhere, brown shirts everywhere, etc etc, we'll do the whole 911 false flag, and soon after we'll even have....

clone A) Oh bum ah.... claim to have found and taken out.... clone B) Oh sam ah

people are stupid, they'll never figure it out!!!....

Here's how the clone names break down by the way....

O - Operative Clone
H - High status

NICK NAME: (next fill in the nickname of the clone) ie: sama, or bama

A - Artificial Intelligent
H - Humanoid

They're just predecessors to things to come.. (below)

but I think that they're gonna give there experiment an end and continue on with the next blue blood spokes model OWM.

And once they get the bugs ironed out then you get this guy for pres...

edit on 16-10-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by seeker1963
reply to post by Ben81

He is just a continutation of the downfall of our country! Same as our current POTUS. They all lie and instead of us fighting against each other as to which player is the better quarter back, I think it is time for us to get all new teams!

It is time for Americans to realize that our government works for us! Not the bankers, not the lobbyists, and not the corporations!

It is also time for America to have a government that fears the people and not the people fear the government!

I agree... good stuff... now how do you suggest we go about doing that?

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Ben81

To call Romney worstr or biggest liar of all time is a stretch, and ridiculous. A video and list of the lies Obama has committed is BY FAR the worst and most offensive. In just the 4 years he has been in the white house he has by far surpassed any prez in American history for lies and corruption. You have a lot of nerve to try and pass that tiny brained video as legit. Where is Obamas list of exists...just google "List Of Obama Lies" In 2009 it was numbered at 88 lies that could be VERIFIED!!, The list now is way larger and longer and offensive. I am an Independent Conservative, and support no party, therefore I am not Sticking up for Romney...but I find it offensive that you would just post a one sided expose. -Paradox7-

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by 3chainz
reply to post by poloblack

By "America of yesterday" he means the USA of the 1800's. Where there is no regulation, no workers rights, women can't vote and where the civil rights bill didn't exist yet.
That's what I thought he meant.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by TehSlenderMan
There will always be crap like this against politicians, this isn't new news AT ALL. It all just depends if you hate one politician or the other, and choose to believe whatever lie these documentaries come up with. Just because it is convincing doesn't make it true.

Hate is too strong a word. I don't "hate" anyone. I sometimes prefer not to be in the company of some select people, but that does not mean I hate them or wish bad things to happen to them.

For the two party paradigm, I do not "hate" them. I dislike them, I disagree with their extreme left and right positions but hate is not the proper way to describe it.

The truth is, sometimes people have to "go to the extreme" to point out "extremism". This video is probably "fulla bulla" but what it does do is accomplish a couple of things. It makes people have to think about the overall character of the person. Are they really that slippery and slimy that this is a viable theory? What about the other guy? Is he really that much better?

For me...see....I can agree with the conservative position of fiscal responsibility. You live within your means. You don't borrow more money to pay bills with...kinda stupid. I disagree with the "moral majority" and social constraints of the Republican party. For a party that says they are for small Gov and freedom, they spend a lot of time creating laws to restrict freedom and then hiring Gestapo thugs to enforce them.

The democrats...well I can agree with a few of their social positions...but when they try to regulate politically correct speech, tell you that disagreeing with something is hate and then tax the hell out of you to pay for policies you might not believe in...then I disagree with them. The thought police of the "nanny/police state" are just as scary to me as the Republicans moral police.

That is why I believe in the Libertarian platform. It's really that simple.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah65

Originally posted by TehSlenderMan
There will always be crap like this against politicians, this isn't new news AT ALL. It all just depends if you hate one politician or the other, and choose to believe whatever lie these documentaries come up with. Just because it is convincing doesn't make it true.

Hate is too strong a word. I don't "hate" anyone. I sometimes prefer not to be in the company of some select people, but that does not mean I hate them or wish bad things to happen to them.

For the two party paradigm, I do not "hate" them. I dislike them, I disagree with their extreme left and right positions but hate is not the proper way to describe it.

The truth is, sometimes people have to "go to the extreme" to point out "extremism". This video is probably "fulla bulla" but what it does do is accomplish a couple of things. It makes people have to think about the overall character of the person. Are they really that slippery and slimy that this is a viable theory? What about the other guy? Is he really that much better?

For me...see....I can agree with the conservative position of fiscal responsibility. You live within your means. You don't borrow more money to pay bills with...kinda stupid. I disagree with the "moral majority" and social constraints of the Republican party. For a party that says they are for small Gov and freedom, they spend a lot of time creating laws to restrict freedom and then hiring Gestapo thugs to enforce them.

The democrats...well I can agree with a few of their social positions...but when they try to regulate politically correct speech, tell you that disagreeing with something is hate and then tax the hell out of you to pay for policies you might not believe in...then I disagree with them. The thought police of the "nanny/police state" are just as scary to me as the Republicans moral police.

That is why I believe in the Libertarian platform. It's really that simple.

I thin you misunderstand what the Libertarians want. They simply want to replace governement with business.

Business will raise your taxes if it suits them. They will restrict your freedom and spy on you and any other thing they want, if they have the power. which they would under a Libertarian government.

Libertarians would allow corporate monopolies. They would defund public education. Libertarians would deregulate lobbying and remove all governement protections.

Freedom from elected representation isn't a freedom I want, especially when the alternative is a unaccountable corporate board.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 09:29 AM
All candidates should take polygraph and some truth serum. it bizzarre US seems almost always to have worst possible candidates running for POTUS.

What happened to Al Gore ? He got sick with this battle and corruption and continue in enviromental issues ?

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Ben81


posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 09:36 AM
I just LOVE sore thumbs, especially the latest series about "how reps and dems see the world".

Comicsite: Sore Thumbs

Everyone has an agenda, and it is a pain that no one cares even to discuss the POSSIBILITY that the other side might be right. Good job, America!

Even within our so-called "socialist" system here in Europe we have political parties who TALK, which eventually leads to something better than blockheaded running through walls by only seeing their own ideas.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by Philosorapter

Oh, there are Romney fanbois.

They're just more visible now than they were a few months ago.

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