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Halloween - The Highest Satanic Holy Day of The Year

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posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 07:36 AM
I'm no satanist, but I doubt they treat halloween as a holy day

it would likely have something to do with satan tho

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 08:05 AM

Halloween - The Highest Satanic Holy Day of The Year

I think the only thing American kids are worshipping on Halloween is the all American chocolate bar. (for all you non-Americans ... that'd be HERSHEYS )

edit on 10/13/2012 by FlyersFan because: fixed quote

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 08:22 AM
I really don't care who started it or what it's about, I enjoy it and I'm gonna celebrate it.

My God (you know, the one from the Bible, Jesus Christ, that fundamentalist evangelicals have no concept of) is fine with it and that's really all that matters. If the fundamentalist evangelical distortion of what Christ is supposed to be gets all upset and uptight over it.... all the better, I enjoy peeving them off anyway.

Separation of church and state has failed, the church has been taken over by politics.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by reficul

ARE YOU INSANE????????????????????????
what is this history lie you are going on about?
i feel like i'm in a pentacostle sunday school nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are much scarier than anything about samhain (halloween)

satan is part of your belief , not mine.

Yes, I agree. I have been hearing this from better than thee people for many years, and have even seen petitions to ban the holiday completely. And I thought Freedom of Religion meant all religions, not just the one trying to mind control everyone into their cult like thinking. In Wicca there is no Satan, that was invented to scare Christians, and it still works today!

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 08:46 AM
People like you make me so angry. You think you know what you are talking about but you do not. Your church is brainwashing you..........

YOU STATED, " On October 31st, the high priest of all witch covens are required to make a human sacrifice."

I have NEVER EVER witnessed such an event, trust me the only thing close to a sacrifice is when we drink the wine and eat the cakes, and pour a little wine for our Ancestors!! Do you not eat a wafer in church on Easter symbolizing the body of Christ??? Symbolism here folks, use common sense!

You didn't site any references!!! ..........Actually people like you are a waste of my time. But this statement you made about the High Priest required to make a human sacrifice is utter nonsense. ....

I will hush now so I will not be banned.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by chrisb9

Samhain (Sa man): The demonic god of death worshipped by the Druids.

Q. When and where did the customs that eventually evolved into Halloween begin?

A. Three hundred years before JESUS was born; among a group of people called the Celtics who lived throughout the British Isles, Scandinavia and western Europe.

Q. Who started it?

A. A secret society of priests and pagans called the Druids, who served the demonic god of death -- Samhain.

Q. How did the custom begin?

A. Each year on Oct. 31, the Druids celebrated the eve of the Celtic new year with the Festival of Samhain.

Q. What did the Druid priests do during the festival?

A. They would go from house to house demanding all sorts of foods to offer to Samhain. If the village people would not give them the foods, they would speak a curse over the home. History claims then that someone in the family would die within a year. This was the origin of "trick or treat."

Q. Where did the Jack-O-Lantern come from?

A. When the Druids were going house to house seeking food for Samhain, they would carry a large turnip that had been hollowed out. A face was usually carved on one side and a candle was placed inside to provide light as they walked from house to house. The Druids believed a SPIRIT inhabited the turnips and helped the Druids carry out their spells. The name of the SPIRIT eventually became JOCK.

Q. How did pumpkins come to be used and where did the name Jack-O-Lantern come from?

A. When the practice came to America in the 18th and 19th centuries, turnips weren't that prominent, so the pumpkin was substituted. JOCK became Jack, who lives in the lantern or Jack-O-Lantern.

Q. Where did the name Halloween come from?

A. During the ninth century, the pope declared Nov. 1 be called All Saints' Day and would be set aside to honor all the martyred saints of the Catholic church. Oct. 31 became the eve of All Saints' Day. The Mass said on All Saints' Day was the Allhallowmas. Over the years, the evening before All Saints' Day became known as All Hallow's Eve, All Hallowed Eve, All Hallow E'en and finally Halloween.

Q. Where did the tradition of dressing in costumes come from?

A. In Ireland, during the festival of Samhain, children would dress like IMPS and fairies to lead the ghosts and goblins out of town after the Feast of Samhain. In England, after All Saints' Day was created, children would dress in each other's clothes and go door-to-door begging for soul cakes.


Just had to chime in here fella,,where and from whom are you getting your facts and answers on the Druids.Only asking as the truth of exactly what the Druids did,worshipped or believed died on the Island of Anglesey at the point of the Roman sword.

The whole cult of the Druids ended there,so did their religion,practices and capabilities.Check it out as it's historical fact.I'm not going to go looking it up for you but it was while the legions were dispatching the
Druids,who the Romans considered the greatest force of resistance in Britain,also they had a power over the Celts that was a direct threat to Roman rule,that the Bodecian Revolt took place and the destruction of Colchester.

The point very much is that Druidism in it's true form along with it's knowledge,in fact the whole belief system ended there and then.Any modern sect claiming to be Druids or have Druidic knowledge are talking s&%$e !!!

The only knowledge we have on the Druids come from Roman sources who had a real habit of branding their enemies as barbarian,worshippers of deaht cults etc,etc.

The name of the spirit was Jock !!!

What you're are bungleing your Scot's folklore with pure nonsense.The lantern was meant to ward off evil spirits,as it was all hallow's eve when ghosts and spirits roamed.That's why people stayed in and put carved out lanterns in windows or doorways to keep spirits out of the house.

Again Druids,they didn't exist after 60AD

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by chrisb9

ummm...sorry to inform you of this, but I've been to a pagan celebration of holloween, there was no human sacrifice...sorry!!!

maybe you were told one of those fairy tales as a child designed to scare you into being good, or the big bad witch will come and get ya??

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 08:54 AM
Satanic? Really?

There is more than a little evidence that this holiday predates Christianity by several centuries. Much less the concept of Satan as brought forth by later Christianity.

The Roman feast of Pomona, goddess of Fruits and Seeds, and/or a festival honoring the dead which was called Parentalia could be a source for the concept of Hallowe'en. But for most of us, it's linked closely to Samhain, or Samuin, meaning "summers end"...

Samhain is the first, and most important, of the quarter days (link) in the medieval Irish and Scottish calenders.

Harvest are in, and the winter crops have been planted, and other preparations for the winter are underway.

It was also thought that during this time of year the physical and supernatural worlds were at their closest, and magical things could occur. The dead were said to visit their former homes at this time of the year.

The Gauls/Celts lit large bonfires to ward them away.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 09:02 AM
Mm the Catholic church,as it was back when the Britain was 'converted' to rome had a very bad habit of branding anything that didnt suit their needs as evil,satanic and even equating the term pagan with satanism

Much like the Roman Empire before it,funny that !!!

Have never been to a pagan halloween festival.Not a proper one at least bur would love to.

Paganism is twhat reamins of the true ,native,spirituality of the British Isles essentially and as a product of these Islands if I was to begin to follow a spiritual path then paganism would be my choice.I've always had a regard for it's tenets and wisdom,it seems to mirror much of what I believe in my own life !!!

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 09:12 AM
Has the OP time traveled from 1682 and been shown the internet?

Wow OP you need to understand people get the same warm glow inside if they follow other Gods be it wicca stuff or me loving a sun god as long as we just be nice to each other.
Let people figure it out themselves.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by chrisb9

I dated a wiccan in college. (she was hawt!)

Never sacrificed a person or harmed a fly. She didn't even believe in satan or anything like that. I think you're confusing wiccans with satanists.

*Blessed be*

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by fastbob72

One of the main tenets of the pre-Christian pagan belief systems was their reverence for the natural world, views seemingly overlooked or dismissed by the heralds and bringers of Christendom to the British Isles.

Indeed, in Ireland, Christianity was absorbed into and melded with the local pagan belief systems and there was for a time an almost nature conscious version of Christianity on that little island at the edge of Europe. This is where festivals like Halloween find their pagan roots.

This was all fine until the reformation of the Roman Catholic church under Charlemagne, and when they found out what had being going on in Ireland they didn't like what they saw, people were burned as heretics, and churches destroyed, the quaint Irish nature loving version of Christianity was decried as blasphemy, the Irish Christian clergy were brought to heel, and made part of the new Holy Roman Catholic Empire, a power craving empire of lust, perversity, hypocrisy and greed. The message of Christ was twisted and distorted, and gilded in gold the new central hub of world power rose in all it's terrible might, proclaiming ultimate and exclusive access to the divine. Dominating and crippling mankind's thought for centuries to come.

But the festivals remained, and today we have Halloween to remind us of those early Celtic Christians and their pagan fathers.

edit on 13-10-2012 by seabhac-rua because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by chrisb9
As Halloween draws near at the end of this month of October, 2012 - I thought it would be appropriate to re-visit the sordid history of this " The Highest Satanic Holy Day " of the year !

Sharpens his machete'

They can call what they do a "fall festival", "alleluia party", etc., but they are still observing Halloween the Highest Satanic holy day of the year, even if they dress up as bible characters.

Let me tell you about Halloween!

Every Halloween I whip out old Bessy here.
Trick or Treat my left foot! They're after my booze!

I catch the little buggers out in the open coming across the lawn. They can't maneuver much being all weighted down with candies. They drop like flies. Next day I have all the candy, plastic pumpkin buckets and wigs I can handle and then some...


Absolute genius!
I would give you 13 666 999 little witchy demonic stars if I only could.

What a load of guff the OP was...I mean really....check your facts, please, before you rant like this, and don't just repeat uninformed sordid fundamentalist fantasies. Samhain is, in fact, the Pagan New Year....not a festival of sacrifice of anything except cakes and ale. And Satan? He's all witches, we don't even recognise him, let alone worship him.

One final's Celts, not Celtics. I have the red hair and the temper to prove I'm one of them.

edit on 13-10-2012 by caitlinfae because: adding stuff

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 09:28 AM
Halloween has been and will remain my favorite holiday ever .
If you believe in demons and such just play this very loud and watch them run lols , even they are scared of Mr Cooper.
Happy Halloween all)

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by chrisb9

OP, you really should stop drinking the 'kool aid'.

The Halloween holiday is commonly thought to have pagan roots, even though the etymology of the word is Christian.[11] Historian Nicholas Rogers, exploring the origins of Halloween, notes that while "some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, it is more typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, derived from the Old Irish Samuin meaning "summer's end".[11] Samhain was the first and the most important of the four quarter days in the medieval Irish and Scottish[12] calendar[13][14] and, falling on the last day of autumn, it was a time for stock-taking and preparation for the cold winter months ahead.[11] There was also a sense that this was the time of year when the physical and supernatural worlds were closest and magical things could happen.[13][14] The souls of the dead were supposed to revisit their homes on Samhain eve. [15] To ward off these spirits, the Gaels built huge, symbolically regenerative bonfires and invoked the help of the gods through animal and perhaps even human sacrifice.[11] In the Western Isles of Scotland the Sluagh, or fairy host was regarded as composed of the souls of the dead flying through the air, and the feast of the dead at Hallowe'en was likewise the festival of the fairies.[16]

Wikipedia under "Halloween," if you want to look it up. I find it funny that pagan holidays are labeled "Satanic", and yet the rest of paganism looked good enough to chop up and gobble down so it could be reincorporated into Christianity.
edit on 13-10-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by christafinias
Ok, I fell asleep about half way through; it was the Jesus, Christian and 'you shouldn't' that set me off.
Christian’s shoving their beliefs down others throats whilst embellishing them with inaccuracies.
It's a day, people that celebrate hallows eve do so purely to dress up, trick or treat and generally have fun, not wishing the devil happy birthday or carrying out satanic rituals!!

don't be such a drama queen "shoving their beliefs down other throats"- ffs don't read the thread then it is his opinion or are only non Christians entitled to espouse their opinions

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by blueorder

I think you missed the point of "try not to post inaccurate or misleading threads"...there's a difference between making a mistake and being inaccurate for the hell of it. If you don't like reading the responses, then don't view this thread.

Take your own advice.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by blueorder

I think you missed the point of "try not to post inaccurate or misleading threads"...there's a difference between making a mistake and being inaccurate for the hell of it. If you don't like reading the responses, then don't view this thread.

Take your own advice.

makes no sense, HE is talking about someone shoving beliefs down anothers throat, in relation to a discussion forum, in relation to a post on a discussion forum, a forum where you post your opinions and beliefs- so presumably his issue is with anyone of a Christian background doing so.

Like I say, your post is silly

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by blueorder

Originally posted by christafinias
Ok, I fell asleep about half way through; it was the Jesus, Christian and 'you shouldn't' that set me off.
Christian’s shoving their beliefs down others throats whilst embellishing them with inaccuracies.
It's a day, people that celebrate hallows eve do so purely to dress up, trick or treat and generally have fun, not wishing the devil happy birthday or carrying out satanic rituals!!

don't be such a drama queen "shoving their beliefs down other throats"- ffs don't read the thread then it is his opinion or are only non Christians entitled to espouse their opinions

It seems to me that most modern Christians do not know the history of their own faith.

All Hallows Eve is a Christian holy day is it not?

Respecting a person who has their head stuffed up their own arse is all fine but one is entitled to point out to the fellow that he will soon asphyxiate.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by seabhac-rua

It seems to me that most modern Christians do not know the history of their own faith.

All Hallows Eve is a Christian holy day is it not?

Nope. It is a pagan trinitarian holiday.

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