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New Quantum Theory Discovered "GODDESS WAVE" could prove existance of GOD/GODDESS/ONE

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posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by sealing
Is it Goddess because it's curved?
In Sacred geometry and magic symbols,
straight lines represent male energy and curved female.

Computer code 0's and 1's is male it's monotonous until
it gets hit with female number, this is hypothetical , of course
Binary code isn't randomly attacked by the numbers
But one like the so called virgin number 7, create interesting results.
(try to make a perfect 7 sided star)

So is that like a wobble or catalyst or harmonic
in what would normally be stagnant world?
Is this the creation energy?

I need to be told why it's a "goddess wave" also.

I'm still waiting for an answer to this post:

Originally posted by Mary Rose

Tell us a little bit about your background in physics. You've used some terminology that is not related to harmonics or sacred geometry, haven't you?

And is that harmonics as in music theory? Harmonics is part of physics and electrical engineering also?

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by primalfractal

I starred and flagged your thread even though mine were lost in the many already there. Great post. I too am into the True Trinity, God/Goddess, male/female principle, which are One in essence. Thinking of the One as being three males throws everything out of balance, and is the cause of war, strife, and conflict.

My theory is based on a dream. I am not a scientist. I don’t have a "degree". Pictures can speak a thousand words though.

I am like you. We are all one.

It started with the idea a wave goes all the way from "alpha to omega" or start to finish. If you change the angle of the wave when partly out of the emitter it will make the light wave "curve".
No one has ever thought of this before in modern history (left brain dominant scientists have trouble thinking about waves, they loved only particles).

So I have a legitimate new, logical quantum theory with an experiment designed to prove that Curving 3D-n light wave paths exist. Here's where it gets trippy. David Bohm (famous physicist and Einstein contemporary) predicted the existence of these curving light wave paths, but had no theory for proof.

I get a great many ideas and theories from the Dreamworld. As a Service Mechanic, I would sometimes encounter a seemingly impossible and insurmountable obstacle in my work. A nice sleep and a dream or two, my first thought the next morning was always a solution to the problem, or at least a few ideas on how to solve it.

This is the Aether, chi, energy, life force. People have been seeing these waves forever. Why can science not?

Simple. Left Brain thought. Most scientists live in a logical world, where everything can be measured. If they cannot measure it, then it doesn't exist in their world. I am not a scientist, but love the discipline, and have studied on quantum theory of physics myself, and although I lack a formal education on it, I have gained a certain knowledge from the study.

I do study such things, but from an esoteric viewpoint.

I have no "contacts". I'm not on Facebook lol.

I do to, that is; study from an esoteric viewpoint. I also do not want, or need a FB account, I know people who have one, most "normals" do, that is where they electronically store their lives and memories, and now we have "the Cloud" to store all of your life on. I do have contacts, both on Earth and off planet, and some in the spirit world have contacted me with information. I'm told I am talking to Christian Demons, but I know better.

Sorry for having to be so forceful with this message. I did it because it is important.

Sometimes you have to yell to be heard, friend. Many have a good message for humankind these days, but they are mostly labelled and "debunked" by enemies of humankind.

I became aware of quantum "bending" of space/time/light quite some time ago, but do not think of it in scientific or mathematical terminology. This is how Interstellar space-flight is achieved. I have heard that current science has broken through on this, and now have spacecraft that can travel ultra long distances in space in just a few days time.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose

I accept you surrender.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by ubeenhad

Haha I dont read your posts because I dont believe a thing you say lol

Your a liar and probably an agnostic/athiest. A dying breed consisting of a small % of humanity.

No one believes you people, hello. How can you think you are right and the other 90% of people are wrong?

How arrogant and misguided.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by sealing

Yes, feminine "goddess" from the curve.

Intereting about 7 thanks.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by primalfractal
reply to post by ubeenhad

Haha I dont read your posts because I dont believe a thing you say lol

Your a liar and probably an agnostic/athiest. A dying breed consisting of a small % of humanity.

No one believes you people, hello. How can you think you are right and the other 90% of people are wrong?

How arrogant and misguided.

Your making a lot of untrue assumptions, well besides the scientific ones.
Im not agnosticc or athiest.
Actually the percentages are no were near 90% doubt. I don't think even the big bang is that low. You should honestly just take 2 seconds to google stuff. It would save you the embarrassment of being wrong so frequently.
Besides the point.
What I would call 'misguided' is crying like a little child "I don't believe you!". Im going to picture you putting your hand over your ears and closing your eyes every time I post now.

And you want a statistic buddy? Find out the percentage of people who are not willing to accept main stream quantum theory, BUT will take stock in your fairytale theory of goddess waves. I bet its pretty low considering you gotta accept alot of mainstream physics just to go along with your nonsense, and if your willing to do that then your probably smart enough not to believe this junk.

"No one believes you people"
Ya thats a good point. 46% believe in the creationist story of genesis.A bunch of people also elected Bush. These people are way smarter than science. *facepalm

edit on 21-10-2012 by ubeenhad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Thanks so much for that. Was starting to feel a little alone in my ideas about the trinity etc. Breath of fresh air.

You really nailed it with the triple male problem I think

I became aware of quantum "bending" of space/time/light quite some time ago, but do not think of it in scientific or mathematical terminology. This is how Interstellar space-flight is achieved.

I starred and flagged your thread even though mine were lost in the many already there.

Thought this one was excellent and related to this topic.

Originally posted by autowrench
I submit that there was a conspiracy long ago to take reverence away from the Mother Earth and send it instead to a male God that is "out there" someplace, in his "Heaven," I suppose. People have forgotten that the Earth is a sentient, living being, our Mother is any sense of the word.

It all begins with the Atom. Everything is made up from them, that coffe table in your living room, the Moon, everything in the universe is made from Atoms. Perhaps a typo turned Atom into "Adam?"

Here is a site that explains about the Atom:
How Atoms Work

Want to build something from Atoms?
Atom Builder

In the last lesson we learned that atoms were particles of elements, substances that could not be broken down further. In examining atomic structure though, we have to clarify this statement. An atom cannot be broken down further without changing the chemical nature of the substance. For example, if you have 1 ton, 1 gram or 1 atom of oxygen, all of these units have the same properties. We can break down the atom of oxygen into smaller particles, however, when we do the atom looses its chemical properties. For example, if you have 100 watches, or one watch, they all behave like watches and tell time. You can dismantle one of the watches: take the back off, take the batteries out, peer inside and pull things out. However, now the watch no longer behaves like a watch. So what does an atom look like inside?

Atoms are made up of 3 types of particles electrons , protons and neutrons. These particles have different properties. Electrons are tiny, very light particles that have a negative electrical charge (-). Protons are much larger and heavier than electrons and have the opposite charge, protons have a positive charge. Neutrons are large and heavy like protons, however neutrons have no electrical charge. Each atom is made up of a combination of these particles.

Atomic Structure

Those of you who know me have often heard me say that all book religions are based on Sun worship, and it is true I do believe that. What object that humanity can actually see is more worthy of worship that the Sun?

In ancient times, people knew that they could not live without this magnificent creation, the Sun, yet they didn't know why. Since then, the sun has been worshiped as a God. The sun god was called Ra in Egypt, Helios is Greece, Marduk by the Babylonians, and Utu by the Sumerians. The Aztecs fed human sacrifices to this bloodthirsty god, Huitzilopochtli. The Incas believed that their king was a descendant of the sun. All of these cultures worshiped the sun.
Not much was known back then about the sun. The ancient Chinese believed that the sun was being chased across the sky by a giant dragon. When the sun disappeared because it was being covered by the moon (an eclipse), they thought the dragon had swallowed the sun. They would then shoot arrows in to the sky, light firecrackers, etc to drive away this evil spirit.
The Chinese were not the only ones who worried when they could not see the sun. The Egyptians thought that when the sin sank below the horizon, it had to travel underground and fight off demons before returning the next morning. The Egyptians had many gods for the sun, including different ones for the rising and setting sun, the heat and light, the disk and rays. The pyramids were built so the sides would be in a line with the rising sun at the beginning of spring.


Here is more, the site owners do not believe this, as they say, but this is a pretty fair assessment of the Sun's origin:

**Disclaimer: This is just from a source. It is not the personal belief of any of us.**
At first, there was nothing. Well not exactly. Billions of years ago, there was no sun, no Earth, no solar system. There was just a huge cloud of dust and gas in the galaxy. About 5 billion years ago, there were enough hydrogen atoms in the cloud for gravity to pull them together. As the cloud shrank, it became denser. The atoms were soon moving so fast that this cloud began to glow. When the cloud was hot enough, electrons and protons of the hydrogen atoms flew apart. When two protons collided, they would fuse, or stick to one another, until atoms of helium formed. This process is called fusion. Energy is produced in the form of light and heat through fusion as well. This energy made the cloud to enlarge, while the gravity was pulling to hold the atoms together. Finally, the forces balanced and the cloud settled in to what is now known as our sun.

With the sun at the center, our solar system formed. Over millions of years, the leftover gas and dust formed the nine planets, and a variety of moons, asteroids, comets, and meteors. Due to fusion, the sun is the only object in the solar system that gives off light and heat of its own. The planets and the moon only reflect the light of the sun.

One question that may arise is, where does fusion take place? The answer is in the core, or the center, of the sun. Scientists believe that the core is about the size of Jupiter. It is very hot and very dense. The temperature can reach highs of 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. The core's gas is about one hundred times denser than most metals. Since the core is this dense, it is hard for rays to leave. When gamma rays are released by fusion, they continue to collide with other atoms. Due to this, it takes the gamma rays almost thirty thousand years to reach the sun's surface! This means that the light that we receive on Earth was created thousands of years ago.

History of the Sun

The Sun is actually an ideal size to support life on Terra/Earth. Earth could not survive if a red super-giant Star like Betelgeuse.... because it is so huge that it would engulf and burn all the planets! Nor would we want a star like the blue-white supergiant Rigel, 25,000 times as bright as the sun, and emitting too much high-frequency radiation.
Also, a Star much smaller than our sun would be too faint to support life, unless the planet were so close to the star that there would be dangerous gravitational tides, the Earth could never have become stable.

So, in my view, the Sun is our God, but not our Creator.
That all began with THE BIG BANG.

Now here is my theory on who the Creator God/Goddess is. I think of it as a force of supreme energy that exploded, much like the Big Bang, and shattered into billions of tine sparks of energy. Each living thing has one of these sparks of energy, friends, you included. Put us all together in Spirit form, we are the One Creator, we can create.

Now to further my theory. The Creator is not male, she is female. How do I know this? "As above, so below."
Look around you, do you have children? Who created them? The male provided the spark of life energy, but the woman made the being into a human baby. Mankind is deathly afraid of womankind, did you know that? Search in your heart, those deep feelings, why do men go to such lengths to control women? Just a few days ago I was walking in the grocery with my wife, who is half my age and very pretty. a man came up, looked her over, and said to me, "are you keeping her in line?" I almost smacked him. How could he say that? I thought. Men have been controlling women for too long now, and man has raped and destroyed this world again and again. I blame the Teachers, the Kings and Rulers of ancient times...they saw the power of women, and they acted to oppress them. Soon close to a million women were murdered in the name of a male God. the Holy Priesthood was exclusively male for a great many years. Marriage was invented. Women could not own land, could not vote, could not go out in public without a male relative in tow, and in the Muslim world, this is still true today.

OK, if God (the male) is a reality, then there must be a Goddess, again, "as above, so below." This is in the Bible, and is a favored saying in Wicca also. So who is this Goddess?

Mother Earth was once a sacred garden. this is the form our Mother Earth wanted to take. She wanted to be filled with lush gardens, waterfalls, soft warm sunlight, misty fog and cool fragrant breezes. She wanted to be soft, and gentle and romantic. She wanted to be loved and adored and revered in her right place, as our Mother, the giver of all life. In the Early Times, She was revered as the Great Mother, Goddess worship goes way back in history, thousands of years before Christianity came along, and even they have a Goddess...

There are several female Deities that can lay claim to the title Christian Goddess. Mary, the Mother of Jesus/Yeshua, first comes to mind. There is Mary Magdalene the "Goddess in the Gospels" the Church refused to acknowledge as the wife of Yeshua and probably co-Messiah. "Mary" is a Greek pronunciation of the Hebrew name Miriam or Miriamne. There are many theories about this name, such as Mary might not even be a name, but a title meaning Priestess of Goddess.

The Earth Mother needed and wanted balance, and acceptance for her wonderful gifts. Gifts of life, and love and reproduction. But almost before She had time to know the beauty that She was, something happened and our beautiful Earth Mother began to fall.

edit on 22-10-2012 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by ubeenhad

Every time you post I'm going to imagine me breaking your jaw, then you screaming "help" while crying.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by primalfractal
reply to post by ubeenhad

Every time you post I'm going to imagine me breaking your jaw, then you screaming "help" while crying.

And this is getting better and better. An internet tough guy too.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by ubeenhad

Your so lucky you have a computer to hide behind, coward. Bet your not so rude in person because you have no guts. There is nothing to you. Puppet/straw man.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by primalfractal

What are you 12?
Don't they have an age restriction on ATS? Your mom sign a waiver?

This is the internet. Your gunna get bent outta shape this easy? You wouldnt last long were Im from. Why not keep it on topic, instead of making this personal. Unless thats all you got left?
edit on 21-10-2012 by ubeenhad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 12:00 AM
"What is the sound of one hand clapping" - Zen Koan

Disbelief in the reality of wave function portion of wave packets seems to be known of in physics as "Newtonian" view. It is no longer correct and is an outdated view clung to by those educated in it's properties.

I guess this stance is not surprising seeing the speed and extent of the change in beliefs or "realities".

A cursory search of current quantum physics views on waves will show that they are commonly thought of as real now.

The black lines enclose the real part of the wave, and will be called the “envelope.” Since their vertical separation is twice the magnitude of the wave function, the vertical separation between the black lines at a point is a measure for the proba­bility of finding the particle near that point.

Figure 7.13: The real part (red) and magnitude or envelope (black) of a wave packet. (Schematic).

Figure 7.14: The velocities of wave and envelope are not equal.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 12:03 AM
Not saying this will happen in my experiment. Thought this was interesting. A split of one into two wave packets. Positive/negative. Guess this might make two photons from one.

In a typical true quantum mechanics case, will extend over a range of wave numbers that is not small, and may include both positive and negative values of the momentum . So, there is no longer a meaningful velocity for the wave function: the wave function spreads out in all directions at velocities ranging from negative to positive. For example, if the momentum space wave function consists of two narrow non­zero regions, one at a positive value of and one at a negative value, then the wave function in normal space splits into two separate wave packets. One packet moves with constant speed towards the left, the other with constant speed towards the right. The same particle is now going in two completely different directions at the same time. That would be unheard of in classical Newtonian mechanics.
edit on 22-10-2012 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by primalfractal
"What is the sound of one hand clapping" - Zen Koan

Disbelief in the reality of wave function portion of wave packets seems to be known of in physics as "Newtonian" view. It is no longer correct and is an outdated view clung to by those educated in it's properties.

I guess this stance is not surprising seeing the speed and extent of the change in beliefs or "realities".

Newtonian is classical mechanics. no relativity no qm. Its is not outdated, the still use it for almost everything. It is incomplete.

Waves are just as real as particles. Your confusing definitions of wave packet and wave function.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by tgidkp

I stand corrected. Virtual particles.

it is especially important for the op to understand that some type of fractional or virtual state are likely what will be measured during his experiment.....if you measure anything at all. THEY ARE NOT (and will never be) PHOTONS!!! i did not say (and would not say) that it would be possible to have a photon with fractional spin. it MAY, however, give rise to virtual particles if it is perturbed as the OP describes.

I have begun to study this topic and will learn how to do the maths now I seem to need to.

I had hoped to walk away from this once I got the idea out. I realized I am resposible for seeing it through.

I am glad this idea is out. I was getting a bit paranoid thinking it was only a few here on ATS and the creepy physicsforum guys who knew. I am a conpiracy theorist of course so it was a bit much at the time.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by primalfractal
reply to post by tgidkp

I stand corrected. Virtual particles.

it is especially important for the op to understand that some type of fractional or virtual state are likely what will be measured during his experiment.....if you measure anything at all. THEY ARE NOT (and will never be) PHOTONS!!! i did not say (and would not say) that it would be possible to have a photon with fractional spin. it MAY, however, give rise to virtual particles if it is perturbed as the OP describes.

I have begun to study this topic and will learn how to do the maths now I seem to need to.

I had hoped to walk away from this once I got the idea out. I realized I am resposible for seeing it through.

I am glad this idea is out. I was getting a bit paranoid thinking it was only a few here on ATS and the creepy physicsforum guys who knew. I am a conpiracy theorist of course so it was a bit much at the time.

I would also consider myself a conspiracy theorist. I didn't trust the big bang theory, it didn't make sense to me as a child that the universe would have a beginning. I read into plasma cosmology and got duped. Its easy for science to deceive, thats why so many people buy into pseudoscience. Just plain lack of understanding. So ever since then I have done what I can to learn concepts myself. I didn't end up in cosmology, but it influenced my decision to enter the field Im in now.

You will need a very solid understanding of linear algebra, trigonometry, and calculus. Tho its boring and not as exciting as the other stuff, spend some time on classical mechanics. Get a feel for how math is used in physics. You will need to memorize the meanings of the terms magnitude, velocity, work, force. Not necessarily the equations, thats not important in physics and engineering. We always have cheat sheets.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by primalfractal
I realized I am resposible for seeing it through.

What math must you have in order to elicit interest in performing the experiment?

What resources do you have for the experiment?

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by primalfractal

Let us harken back to the OP...


Now that our memories are refreshed, let us fast forward to another post by the same person...

I have begun to study this topic and will learn how to do the maths now I seem to need to.

...are you serious? You're just now deciding to do the actual work for a theory you claim to already have up and running - and now you're going to do the actual math for it, because "now [you] seem to need to"?

Holy mother of god...
I can't believe this.

I had hoped to walk away from this once I got the idea out. I realized I am resposible for seeing it through.

If there was a picture of "God" available, complete with facepalm, I would post it. No, of course you're not responsible for providing the research materials and complete study records for your theory. We're just going to fabricate a meaningless jumble of technical jargon intended to confuse everyone into believing your conclusions. Meanwhile, you can meander off to create a whole new set of conclusions based on thin air and cotton balls.

I had hoped to walk away from this once I got the idea out. I realized I am resposible for seeing it through.

Again...what idea? I haven't seen anything concrete except for a bunch of psychedelic pictures.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
I've got my own theories on divinity as related to quantum physics, but I want to see how Fractal can contribute to my ideas...

Aren't you really just interested in your own theories?

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

What would Einstein say to that question?

Of course I'm interested in my own understanding, but my understanding won't be complete using solely the materials I have with me. Contributions are always welcome, and I don't appreciate the tone of your question.

It's insulting, really.
edit on 22-10-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

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