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I'm a Rabbit without a Party.....

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posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 05:59 PM
Well, two rants in one day. I must be in a bad mood...or perhaps time is just very short to this election day and the frustrations of how screwed we've been left are needing a little vent to escape...

I'm a Rabbit without a party..and it's sad enough to sit and cry in my carrot juice for. In my state, I started this season with confidence and sure determination. Claire McCaskil was on her way out and Conservatism could return to a state that IS almost entirely conservative when a couple big cities are removed from the numbers.

Then...Well...My choice is Wanna-Be Senator Todd Akin. Need I say more? Can there be a worse example of a friggen Greek tragedy here?? I mean, long hard hoping and working. Looking forward to setting right how Claire ever got into office to begin with (a story worth it's own thread)..all great things to start the campaign season with, right? Then Akin happened.....and oh damnit did he "HAPPEN" on everyone. Like a constipated Seagull just letting loose over a stage packed with Politicians at the beach. He happened on us all.

Okay,... So Akin is a flaming loser that forces me to vote for the woman I once nearly dreamed of seeing thrown out at the next election. Never let it be said..I'm a party hack as I realized during a phone survey a few days ago.

My God...but I am really going to vote for Claire. I have no choice..and party just be damned. Akin isn't a bad Republican. He's an ignorant MAN with too MUCH ignorance in him to start On The Job training inside the United States Congress during THIS period of history.


So I get to accepting how I'm voting for what I've come to detest...because the alternative is a level of education I equate with the Middle Ages. So be it...and so it must be. Hell, I only have the one bitter pill right?

(big sad eyes while shaking head)

Oh..then I hear about Arkansas and the 3 Stooges(A thread currently up about GOP being so disgusted..even THEY cut funding to 'em) ....and recall the dumb ass in Idaho that makes Akin look downright intelligent. Oh but those aren't MY problem right?


So I glance upward and higher...not to the heavens, just Washington D.C. I'd consider it the opposite place, eh?

What do I find there? I find a Marxist Socialist who I can't support on the most core of my deep personal principles. That's an absolute, period and beyond any hint of chance for change in any way.

So.... SURELY...I must have a better choice...right? (hopeful smile) right?

I gaze at my choice...and find a lifelong Corporate Raider who lived the life immortalized by the Fictional character 'Gordon Gekko" in Wall Street. Nice...NOT.

I can learn to address the Commissar as Comrade or I can learn to like the extremes of greed like a personal mantra. Anyone see where other options exist? I don't. That's what we have to choose it's MOST basic terms.

So it is, I feel like a Rabbit without a party..and almost a Bunny without a country as things are turning into something I just don't recognize at the Federal Level as the America I've known, loved and been proud as hell to say I'm a citizen of.

Where is that America? Where is the place where the Eagle looks to the Olive Branches in it's Talon and NOT the quiver of Arrows in it's other.

We miss her.....and I'm sure I speak for many when I say, we want her back. Nothing more...and I don't even care about blame for what's happened if we can get BACK that place of peaceful living we once all knew and so recently too.

How do we get anything back though, when the choices aren't just incapable of restoring it, but have every intention of getting further and further from that place we all knew to love?

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:16 PM
Two rants in one day, I wish you well Wrabbit.

Times are tough but it's time to stay strong.


posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
Two rants in one day, I wish you well Wrabbit.

Times are tough but it's time to stay strong.


I'll feel better tomorrow, I'm sure... It's just been a long election cycle and when DID this thing properly start anyway? The day after Obama took the Oath in 2009? Seems like it sometimes....

Why oh why is what I wonder. We have 330 million creative people in this nation;. A vast majority are even intelligent and thinking adults when outside a group of 'dumb'. Of all those smart people, we get this? A Commie and Flim Flam Raider? Oh hell.... it's lost and lets just plan for stocking Wheelbarrows. We'll all need one to go grocery shopping. We won't need one to bring anything back... Nawww... What we BUY will fit in a single bag. The Wheelbarrow will be necessary to carry the paper money it takes to buy the one bag of food.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:42 PM

Tough times with even tougher times ahead.

I see it spiraling out of control til it all implodes and we get a game over,hit restart.

There use to be a time way back when if we got tired of the government,we could just leave and colonize another part of the world and just start over.
But,we have run out of places to start over.
We must deal with what we have before us.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Welcome to the two headed one party monster we call politics!

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by seeker1963
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Welcome to the two headed one party monster we call politics!

would you rather a 3 party system where where the elected on had the support of only 35% of the population wins a majority .. yeah thats awsome .. i liked ron paul unfortunately what ever percentage of your population didnt like him.

wrabbit come to my party we have lots of carrots

edit on 9/10/12 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by freedomSlave

Maybe I'll catch you on that after the elections.

I was involved with the Paul campaign here as an interested citizen and first time participant. I saw first hand what worked, what didn't and just how the mysterious caucus system works for my area, anyway. mystery as it turns out....aside from how the 'Party Elite' have managed to successfully discourage almost everyone from being involved in it all this time.

That one act, right there and by itself, determines the rigged outcome of EVERYTHING to follow. It starts at the Caucus level and rots more and more from there, IMO. Own the caucus, and you own the system that follows. As the Paul people discovered....this system has decades of entrenched position to overcome and they've considered it being tried. As we all learned...they had ways of handling it.

Personally....starting after this silly season has passed...I'll be working for the next 4 years in whatever way an average guy like me see 2016 is different. 6-9 months got a damn good start for 2012 and Paul. Lets see what 3-4 YEARS of work to organize can do. I'm betting..IF we get the chance and 2016 has viable won't be the same outcome a second time.

It starts, in my view, with educating the public on how NON-Mysterious the deep party side of the system is..and how it's damn sure NOT closed and off limits as the Parties would BOTH love to leave as the impression people have.

The whole power the parties HAVE over the public is fostering the belief that they ARE special and do things the public can't do. It's B.S.....if only people knew HOW false that carefully cultivated impression is.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I think many people are afraid of this kinda change of magnitude . I think obama had two things going for when last election well maybe 3 . I he was the first viable black president 2 he figured to tap into the online media and won a lot of votes with the younger generation and 3 he was running against mccain and palin , granted palin was hot but he just came across as some one who was half way senile

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 09:52 PM
You can't have a party without a Rabbit!

(hope this helps with the mood)
edit on 9-10-2012 by tanda7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I'm a bunny with a party!

My party is Independent. Though I lean heavily conservative. (Rush and Cheney call me for advice

Vote however you wish, just take a long term look at the ramifications of the policies of the person you do vote for.

*Conga line! Party-party-par. . . . tay!*

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 11:15 PM
You don't have a party
I'll bring a keg and maybe we can get an ATS party going.

Hang around the keg and everyone will start calling you Mr. Resident. Once you start going to the bathroom they will call you Mr. Pee resident
I know it's bad
edit on 9-10-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 02:20 AM
Thanks guys, your support does help my mood. With all this talk of REAL parties, I wonder..... ATS is a site of over 250,000 accounts and what has to be a realistic active figure well into the thousands.

Has anyone ever considered a get together of any kind, formal or not? I mean the hackers have Defcon conventions and the MUFON UFO folks have their meetings from time to time to think of a couple in at least somewhat similar situations. In the case of Defcon, if that isn't similar for paranoia level people then nothing is and it works?

Really! I think an opportunity to see those who cared to make it to some kind of event or mini-convention would be a great experience. Anyone else for a party outside the boring political kind? Heck, it could even be called the No Politics Allowed convention!

After all, with this group, who knows what happens if Politics becomes a centerpiece. lol.... That could be brutal for an in-person thing.

(Nothing like having something else to focus on to lighten the mood.
) What does everyone say? I'll bring the carrots and do the graphics for free!
edit on 10-10-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 11:03 AM
Living without a party is one of the best decisions in my life. Like giving up the TV. It is going to be what you will like. You are free and you are not supposed to involve yourself into any kind of bigotry.

Hope is what we need today without giving up our awareness.

edit on 10-10-2012 by mideast because:

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 05:19 AM
I think this all started somewhere in early September 2001 on a beautiful clear and sunny day...

It could be argued that this country has been in somewhat of a downward spiral for much longer. Some would argue 1913. Some probably 1963. Others may point to 1971. However, it is my personal belief that everything we were taught to love and grew up appreciating about this country, and of course this is all just my personal opinion and a rant of my own, died on that day in September eleven years ago. No matter who you hold responsible or your personal views regarding the tragic events of 9/11, the world undoubtedly changed for the worse when America experienced it's worst nightmares come true and began to allow fear to take the drivers seat from there on out. And fear has not just driven us in the wrong direction, it's driven us off a cliff and I am afraid we are somewhere in the middle of the drop, with little hope to change our situation unless we find out by surprise that someone in the car randomly packed a industrial sized parachute. I try and stay positive and optimistic, and I do still give us a chance. I always give us humans the benefit of the doubt, despite what I see around me. But it is my own fear that the time to have stood up and tried to turn this all around has long since passed. This doesn't mean it cannot happen, but when I step back and take a general glance at my beloved nation, I see a bunch of people still unable to cope with some hard truths. Truths that cannot be dealt with until acknowledged.

As a Republican, I absolutely despised George Bush and Dick Cheney. I couldn't wait until they were out of office. I have been most critical of my own party, and especially the pundits that represent them. Then Barack Obama came along, and I was the most unpopular kid at the party telling my friends not to believe the hype. It was all lies and nothing was about to change. Of course I was right.... Everything that happened under Bush has been accelerated under Obama. You can certainly make the argument that Obama is a socialist. You could make the argument that Bush was a neocon. I tend to think of them both as fascists in disguise. There is a great deal of differences between the two at first glance, but like one of those optical illusions you have to stare at for long periods of time before a picture takes shape, the harder you concentrate and the deeper you look - you see you're really getting the same thing. Labels and names do not even have any meaning anymore. What conservative meant 50 years ago is now a liberal thing, and vice versa. Call it socialism and it carries a negative stigma but repackage it in some other fancy term, like nationalize, and people will swallow the pill. George Orwell's nightmares don't come close to the real thing. The illusion of choice, the doublespeak, the fear perpetuated to the masses, the mind numbing drivel in the form of entertainment we all lap up... What real change do we ever receive? Except for change towards the worse.

Like you Rabbit, and many others I converse with here on this forum, I am a conservative leaning fellow. Been a Republican for a long time. Of course, I've always been a wee bit mature for my age and got involved in politics when I was still a child - or at least started paying attention. Back then, I thought I was a Democrat. That didn't last long, but I've experienced the evolution of personal thought that has allowed me to develop a stable and coherent grasp on what it is I believe - and what that 'makes me' in terms of societal labels. Once I realized I was a Republican, I played the party game for a while, supported my party for a good many years, until I became more and more knowledgeable about the inner workings of Washington and the history of politics. This coincided with a man named Ron Paul stepping into the national spotlight and running for president. The candidness and common sense I heard from him helped usher in a new age of personal understanding and it was the point of no return for me. Now whenever I turn on the mainstream news or listen to a politician talk - all I hear are lies. Perfectly crafted, professionally spun lies. A mountain of them built atop one truth. At times, I have felt utter despair based on what I've witnessed take place this first decade of the new millennium. And yet, despite - or possibly in spite - of this I simultaneously am filled with more hope than ever.

I truly hope that humanity is reaching it's breaking point. It's time for the people to take back the reigns. But what scares me the most concerning that prospect is that truly all people want to be led, not to lead. So when the time comes once again to look towards new leaders, how can we insure that they will be just? How can we make sure that we have the righteous men and women making the decisions for us? How can we stop the devils from running amok and throw them back into their cage?
edit on 11-10-2012 by PatriotGames2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I think this time around, the party is more important than the individual. I think 4-years of GOP in control of House, Senate, and Executive Branch are sorely needed for the economy's sake. Gotta stop feeding the entitlement monster for a while and return to small-medium-big business.

What is so wrong with Akin other than his foot-in-mouth gaffe? He is anti social welfare and that is the basis for her campaign against him. I'd think a Ron Paul supporter would fall on Akin's side of the fence and take the embarrassing lumps that come with it from time to time?

What reasons can you have for voting McCaskill other than not liking Akin?

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 12:21 PM
I'm having a Halloween party.... you can join if you want.

hang in there, it'll be over soon.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 12:32 PM
I can't vote for you in the presidential election Wrabbit 2000. This is the 2012 election, not the 2000 election.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by primus2012
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I think this time around, the party is more important than the individual. I think 4-years of GOP in control of House, Senate, and Executive Branch are sorely needed for the economy's sake. Gotta stop feeding the entitlement monster for a while and return to small-medium-big business.

What is so wrong with Akin other than his foot-in-mouth gaffe? He is anti social welfare and that is the basis for her campaign against him. I'd think a Ron Paul supporter would fall on Akin's side of the fence and take the embarrassing lumps that come with it from time to time?

What reasons can you have for voting McCaskill other than not liking Akin?

I'm simply not about Party above substance of the individuals and for substance, Akin is a menace to society if he's in a position of true power. That is the conclusion I've come to.

Akin didn't really offend me personally with the rape comment or the student loans compared to a cancer in society or a few other notable zingers of stupidity the man has uttered. not personally.... He didn't have to. It's not showing his opinions or his attitudes, in my eyes, as much as it's showing his education level and literal intelligence.

Now, listen closely and in full context to his statement about the rape physiology. He's not making a snarky comment or some nugget of self-delusional brilliance. His tone, demeanor and general bearing ALL tell me he honestly believed every word and thought he was helpfully educating others on a fact they didn't get.

THAT is scary as hell to me. He's not a blogger an he's damn sure not the village idiot at the coffee shop counter carrying on about opinions people wish he'd just shut up about. THIS man is in the final running for only 1 of 100 Senate Seats and the most powerful positions within the United States Government outside of the Presidency itself.

No...., in my own decision process on that man, party HAS to take a second chair to plain common sense and sense of self preservation for the state I love here. Electing what we KNOW to be flaming stupidity just because it's RIGHT leaning flaming stupidity is still getting the DUMB we've openly asked for and welcomed. Claire is a Political moron and a problem...but she's not a menace to the people of Missouri by simply sitting in a chair of power.. Akin is.

So.. Claire wins...and it KILLS ME to do it...and Akin can go straight to HELL for not only being what makes Claire most likely win the state for another 6 year term but for not dropping out when EVERYONE with a brain told the ass hat it was the ONLY sane path left him. No... HIS PERSONAL greed meant far more than the good of Missouri. Hell with 'em.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 03:37 PM
Remove your feelings and think about him as your conservative vote on the Senate floor. A Dem controlled Senate will be nothing but an immovable obstacle for positive things Romney tries to get done.

Just vote undecided or don't vote at all instead of going to the darkside
Ask Ron Paul what he would do in your shoes?

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by primus2012
Remove your feelings and think about him as your conservative vote on the Senate floor. A Dem controlled Senate will be nothing but an immovable obstacle for positive things Romney tries to get done.

Just vote undecided or don't vote at all instead of going to the darkside
Ask Ron Paul what he would do in your shoes?

I mean no harsh feelings....and it's impossible to convey tone or nuance in text so I gotta say that.

..but listen and consider what you're saying? If the Democrats that helped form this great nation of ours, right along side the conservatives my family is filled with back up the tree, hadn't thought that way in recent decades.....we wouldn't be as bad off as we are now. They've picked some real friggen losers in the last 40 years.

Conversely.....while I deeply believed in my vote for 2000 for Bush, I'll be totally honest in saying my vote in 2004 was one of political hate, NOT like. I didn't vote for Bush, I voted against Kerry.....and 10's of millions likely did that very same thing. ......and God was watching...and he sent Mr. Murphy in 2007 to quite literally blow our houses down for doing it.

I have NO idea if Mr. Swift Boat would have done any different...or if the crisis might have started even worse. Who knows..but I DO know my personal choice made in votes was for all the wrong reasons back then and so I sure can't bitch TOO much about what I helped bring for the second 4 years.

I won't do it again. No. Akin is a man I wouldn't trust babysitting my son. The level of intelligence, literally, isn't demonstrated as being there by his own words. How often can that statement be made about a politician and not be almost entirely derogatory? Akin makes it a plain accurate statement of fact as I find it.

I don't care that 'we' may have one less vote in the Senate. THIS idiot could be the one to slip in a super-brain fart somewhere in a 2000 page type bill that no one even notices and he honestly didn't see the rotten nature being too stupid to start with. See the threat?

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