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A question to the vets of Iraq and Afghanistan what are you saving us from?

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posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:27 PM
I have to say I don't agree with these wars and the service men are not to blame when I said last night that it gave me a new perspective on the matter I would say it would be a mind $# to be dropped off somewhere with people shooting everywhere fighting for a cause your not really sure as to what it is or flat out disagree with or what watching their friends dying or civilians I would assume plays a major mind f$%^ to these people involved ,

Like with any situation you have to adapt and that is probably one of humans most primitive aspects or we wouldn't be here today . Like my brother in Bosnia who said he was so shocked and horrified when he thought kids were playing soccer with a ball that turned out to be a human head by the end of the week he was playing with the kids and kicking around this head .

As a father I can understand what it means to provide for your family , how does one provide when they have been locked up for failing to comply with an order.

I have to also say I hate how some think because I don't serve I am a coward many non military people will defend their families their homes their country . Not my life style Not what I want to do with my life.

The blame for this stupid occupation is the governments fault and this being a conspiracy site there are many reasons why we are occupying these countries pick one that suits you . It's not the choice of these men on the front line as to what countries are to be invaded.

Something I have been guilty of was never really factoring the psychological trauma these people faced and really explains the disgusting behavior of the far and few .

I watched a show few months ago about how evil man is with a social experiment where they had the subjects think they were administering an electroshock that would intensify with ever wrong answer where at one point the guy being shocked claimed his had a pace maker and he was worried about the excitement and pain from the shocks begging to stop the psychologist would come and and tell the person who was administering the shocks to carry on. I was over 90 % of the people in the test carried on despite the other persons concern of his pacemaker and yelling in pain . Showing that 90 of the population will follow orders from an authority figure . Just like much of hitlers scientists were regular people that could be turned into monsters. Point of this story 90% of the population are capable of unspeakable acts if there is encouragement from an authority figure . perhaps we shouldn't be to quick to judge those that follow orders for a living when around 90% of the population would do the same thing
edit on 9/10/12 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by freedomSlave

You sir are a wordsmith!

I wish I had the gift of explaining my positions so well, I instead somehow manage to stumble along through life, placing both feet squarely in my mouth, on a pretty much daily basis.

Very well said, maybe you should be a politician, and bring some of that understanding and verbal articulation to your peoples benefit.

Lord knows a voice speaking reason would be welcomed by the masses on any world stage.

Star for you!

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

lol you made my wife cry with that one post about how you hope one day we can tell our children about how we used to kill each other in wars . she commented on your post earlier today , almost make me jerk a tear what you said in the post should of been a poem or something

edit . Well as I displayed yesterday and days before I didn't know I thought they wanted to go there makes me wonder how many people in america even understand this . With understanding comes reasoning and reason is something I find a lot of people don't care much for , Also many don't care to admit they are wrong or resuse to believe they are and carry on as usual
edit on 9/10/12 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/10/12 by freedomSlave because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by freedomSlave

Wow, thank you very much, though I think you give me to much credit for my momentary brilliance, it was honestly a dream I harbor that one day I might have a very similar conversation with my grandkids. I try my hardest to see the good in people, and the world as a whole, some times it is easier than others.

It isn't your fault brother, they intentionally "omit" details about the ways they handle things. It makes it hard to blame the little guys and a lot easier to blame the big guys if people know the truth. There is no way of knowing if you don't even know that there is information to seek in the first place, which is of course their point to begin with.

You and your wife are both on ATS? Now that is a match made in heaven, congrats man, I barely even have any friends that will talk about any of this stuff with me, most of my circle of people are all indoctrinated to the point of angry words with questioning the status quo. Finding someone that shares your your thirst for the truth is a magical thing indeed, I am a bit jealous of your good fortune.

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