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~YOU~ Are The REAL Illuminati!!!

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posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 02:50 AM

Hello again, ATS! I'm back again, asking once more for a few minutes of your time. Care to indulge?

~YOU~ Are The REAL Illuminati!!!

To begin with, let us dispense with all preconceived notions we may have. Let us, for a few minutes, disregard Adam Weishaupt and his Bavarian creation. Let us cleanse our minds of any ideas placed there by Dan Brown or other fictional authors. Freemasonry, the Bildeberg Group, Bohemian Grove, The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, and all other associations we implicate upon the word "illuminati", cast aside for just a few minutes, I beg of you. Just so we can approach these ideas with a clear head and without prejudice... and let's just look at the word for a minute:

illuminati (ih-loo-muh-nah-tee, -ney-tahy)

— pl n , sing -to
a group of persons claiming exceptional enlightenment on some subject, esp religion

[C16: from Latin, literally: the enlightened ones, from illūmināre to illuminate

Source for definition

From the route source - literally "The enlightened ones". Now let us look at the word "enlightened":

enlightened (en-lahyt-n-deh)

— adj
1. factually well-informed, tolerant of alternative opinions, and guided by rational thought: an enlightened administration ; enlightened self-interest
2. privy to or claiming a sense of spiritual or religious revelation of truth: the search for an enlightened spiritual master.

Source for definition

The etymology of "enlightened" is as follows:

enlighten (v.)
late 14c., "to remove the dimness or blindness (usually figurative) from one's eyes or heart;" see en - + lighten. Old English had inlihtan. Related: Enlightened; enlightening.

Source for etymology

So, cobbling this together a bit, I arrive at the following deductive definition of "Illuminati "Those who seek to be factually well informed, tolerant, guided by rational thought - to remove the dimness or blindness from one's eyes or heart"

That doesn't sound malignant or evil at all!?! What gives here? This sounds to me like a good thing! This enlightenment. In point of fact, aren't we all here trying to accomplish just that? To either become enlightened or to try and enlighten others with the bits and pieces of knowledge that we've managed to come across?

In fact every single person I can think of, from the totality of history, that I respect, admire, look up to, idolize, or hold in regard are people who did exactly this... enlighten. From Sun Tzu,and Socrates and his student Plato, through Euclid, Archimedes, Niccolò Machiavelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, and into modern personal heroes such as Thomas Edison, F.D.R., and J.F.K.... And many more... All minds that I see as trying to move humanity forward... to make things better.

How did this all end up so twisted? Wanting to be informed and caring turned into a synonym for pure, unadulterated evil? Well, truth be told, it was probably because knowledge is power. Villify it and you've created a taboo against the very thing that might empower the masses to make a stand. Old school psyops. Reverse psychology.

It's hard for some of the younger folks to conceive of but, even a hundred years, or so, ago, literacy was the exception - and not the rule. People relied upon experts to instruct them, as necessary, and relied heavily upon others ( scribes or scriveners ) when they needed something written. Therefore the average person, anywhere in the world, only really knew what they'd been told - and the ones doing the telling had some very vested interests... such as the the Church or the servants of ones Monarch or landlord. We were told what to think and information was not only controlled... it was monopolized by the few. Knowledge that had been discovered by the ancients in Greece and in Rome was now, by chance and by malice, locked away and only allowed to the few.

A quick study of just one branch of this "tree", if you will, of hidden knowledge - a study of the schism - also called The Reformation shows that, at one point, laypersons were not allowed to even touch the bible, the Mass was, in some places, and at some times, given facing away from the congregation - and in Latin, a tongue mostly foreign to the people of that time... As if just reading the lips of the Priest might accidentally allow for some sort of revelatory learning. All the participants were really allowed to do was recite passages, in a tongue not their own, on cue. Information was totally controlled.

Books were uncommon, and were largely written in Latin until a guy named Johannes Gutenberg perfected a method of mass producing information quickly and economically by use of printing - thus opening the flood gates for the average person not only to have access to information, but also to have a strong motive to learn the, heretofore rare art of literacy


edit on 10/8/12 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/8/12 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 02:50 AM
This led to the period of expansive learning, progress, invention, and enlightenment that we now refer to as the Renaissance. What had previously been exclusive and secret was, now, increasingly becoming public.

This process led directly to the schism of Martin Luther, as mentioned above, and to the advent ( rediscovery if you will ) of Democracy as mentioned below.

This was not a good thing for Royalty. Educated men want governance not rule. Representation, not subjucation. This shows in the behaviors of the citizens of both The American Colonies and the citizens of France.

So... regarding all of the above, let us look at a timeline of events:

Truth Apparent

Rome falls into decay sometime around the fifth century and western mans knowledge and society go astray.

This fall sets off The Dark Ages When commen men knew little and all power, literacy, and knowledge belonged to Church and State. This lasts from the fall of Rome until the Renaissance (from about 450 to 1500).

The Renaissance is made possible by the technology of printing, because of the creation of Johannes Gutenberg (around 1450) - and fueled by many minds of note. Geniuses innumerable. All sparked and enabled by the reintroduction of lost wisdom that had been previously denied to the average person.

The Renaissance suddenly leads to a schism in the Church (1516) and to the rebirth of organic Democracy (1776) - thus stealing power from those who previously held it.

Just as both Church andRoyalty both lose power... guess what happens....

The movement was founded on May 1, 1776, in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria) as the Order of the Illuminati, with an initial membership of five, by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt (d. 1830), who was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt. It was made up of freethinkers as an offshoot of the Enlightenment and seems to have been modeled on the Freemasons. The Illuminati's members took a vow of secrecy and pledged obedience to their superiors. Members were divided into three main classes, each with several degrees, and many Illuminati chapters drew membership from existing Masonic lodges.


Imagine that. Before this point free thinkers were controllable and kept in check. They could be called heretics, witches, alchemists, wizards, etc... and could be silenced by might and either death or the threat of death. But now that wasn't possible... so suddenly the tactic changes - and the use of psychology comes into play. If we can't kill those who learn, then we'll demonize learning itself!

And the very words that create, and endeavor to make society better suddenly sour... Illumination becomes evil. Hence the Illuminati. In a lust for lost power, evil men stole away from us a word designed to empower us - symbolically trying to trick us into hating our own freedom and empowerment in effigy.

The old powers - Church and tyrants - trying to create a new dark age by demonizing wisdom and learning. By muddying the information pool with lies so that truths are buried and become harder for us to find. Desperate men using desperate measures in a vain attempt to throw us all back into a state of voiceless, trusting, slavery. A world of enlightened, informed, and enabled persons is a world not easily dominated or enslaved. And they know this. New tricks from an old enemy. The same game with a new name and new rules.


Now we can turn back on all of those associations with the world "Illuminati" that I humbly asked you to dissassociate yourselves from a bit earlier.

Are there cabals, interests, bloodlines, sects, and secret societies trying to benefit themselves at our expense? HELL YES there are. More than one can count. In fact, it could be argued that every single one of us is guilty of this, in one way or another... we all try to profit. Some far more than others. But let us not be fooled by their games. If they want to make us associate enlightenment with their evils, we must deny them. It was enlightenment, illumination that set us free. And we WILL NOT give up that light.

We've lost one of the words in our arsenal of empowerment... We've lost the ability to refer to ourselves as "illuminati" proudly and without shame or risk of being misunderstood. It is high time we righted that wrong and reclaimed our birthrights... our divine entitlements... our natural endowments. Let us take our word back.


posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 02:51 AM
On knowledge

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.”
Lao Tsu

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”
George Bernand Shaw

“All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.”

On enlightenment

“Do not think you will necessarily be aware of your own enlightenment.”

“Ignorance has always been the weapon of tyrants; enlightenment the salvation of the free.”
Bill Richardson

Before anything else, we need a new age of Enlightenment. Our present political systems must relinquish their claims on truth, justice and freedom and have to replace them with the search for truth, justice, freedom and reason." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">Friedrich Durrenmatt

The enlightenment is under threat. So is reason. So is truth. So is science, especially in the schools of America." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">Richard Dawkins

And a few from the enemy and/or about them and their plan...

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
David Rockefeller

"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
Woodrow Wilson

"The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups."
Carroll Quigley

There are rumblings all over our world right now. Frightening signs and portents. Wars and rumors of war. Speculations. Criminal abuses of power ( even Gutenbergs invention - mass media - is being used against us now ). The old guard got smart and figured out how powerful information is. That is why they now control it. That is why so few men, in number, own the vast majority of all media outlets and access routes to the Internet. They are trying to undo the damage caused by the Renaissance. They are trying to steal back their Crowns and the knowledge they lost control of. They are lost souls with no hearts. Desperate and vile men with no ethics, trying to goad us back into the darkness of illiteracy.

So ATS let us turn their scheme in on itself and let them know that they are just shallow, disempowered and greedy souls, and that WE ARE THE REAL ILLUMINATI! WE are the NEW WORLD ORDER! And THEIR days are numbered. We are the many, they are the few. Now that the light is on, start the search and backtrack just how Gutenberg opened the door - and of the vile men who have, since, tried closing it shut.

Thank you for reading!

Sources for above quotes:



posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

A brilliant thread! (would give you applause if I could!)

I've felt the same frustration when people haved mocked enlightenement and truth.

I say we take back the rights to the Illuminatti! Make it something to be proud of!

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Nice post.

I think that the few who still have control of the media outlets though are realizing that their days are numbered. There is just to much information out there that the average person can now aquire. And like a drug, we are now OD'ing.

We want more.

Much of the info is truth...a whole lot not so much and then there is the entertainment factor. And it is coming at us from all sides and here we are trying to sink it all into our noggins.

Information overload occurs. So much so that many forget what they were reading or watching an hour ago. Many seem to be absorbing this info...but only a few retain it.

Oh, and you forgot one quote.

"There is no try...only do." - Yoda

edit on 8-10-2012 by TDawgRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:02 AM
The way I see it....

'Illuminati' are a 'thread'.... something in which we compartmentalize as being the fabric of society, even though the ultimate reality is.... " ~YOU! Are The Real Illuminati"

I guess all I wanted to say is.... I agree.

I disagree and will deny with much of what was said in "Krymatica", yet this is something that stuck with me that kinda ties this all together:

(I apologize for the format)

The self is the Universe, the self is the Alpha and Omega,
00:13 → 00:16

God, and Infinity,
00:16 → 00:22

and that's the only thing that evolves, because we're all part of the self.
00:22 → 00:26

Nothing goes through an evolutionary process alone
00:26 → 00:29

or without direct benefit to the whole.
00:29 → 00:32

So when you begin to think that there's this controlling elite,
00:32 → 00:36

this controlling hand behind the curtain leading the planet to destruction,
00:36 → 00:39

when you think the end is near, the Apocalypse, Armageddon,
00:39 → 00:42

and when you think we as a species are doomed...
00:43 → 00:47

It is not THEY, it is YOU that brought this about.
00:47 → 00:49

And for a very good reason...
00:49 → 00:51

You are evolving.
00:51 → 00:54

Stop blaming everybody and everything else.
00:54 → 00:59

Quit panicing about global tyranny and natural disaster and Pay Attention.
00:59 → 01:01

Because the world is telling you something,
01:01 → 01:06

it's telling you exactly what is wrong with you and how to fix it.
01:45 → 01:49

Seek not abroad, turn back into thyself,
01:49 → 01:54

for in the inner man dwells the truth.

deal with it!

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:16 AM
Amazing thread...honestly never thought of it from that perspective before and I pride myself in looking at everything from as many perspectives as possible....

Its amazing how easy it is to manipulate ones perspective by simply attaching evil...the mind conditioned so passionately to revolt against the mere word and whatever it is in association with...the minds ability to associate and dismiss can lead to blissful ignorance in the truest sense of the word...

Great thread Heff SnF

I am Illuminati...

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:20 AM
Very true. Thanks for posting this, it makes perfect sense.

Is there still information kept from the general public though? Secret societies, science, governments and millitary are all compiling knowledge behind closed doors and trickle feeding it to the public, so somehow I still feel we are being guided via what knowledge is fed to us. Nothing has changed really has it?

The pyramid still comes to mind, with the eye at the top

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by Sly1one
Amazing thread...honestly never thought of it from that perspective before and I pride myself in looking at everything from as many perspectives as possible....

Its amazing how easy it is to manipulate ones perspective by simply attaching evil...the mind conditioned so passionately to revolt against the mere word and whatever it is in association with...the minds ability to associate and dismiss can lead to blissful ignorance in the truest sense of the word...

Great thread Heff SnF

I am Illuminati...

Dude!(lol I call everyone that, no offense), would you mind posting on:

This is the EXACT THING I was trying to communicate when I posted that thread!!!

We are so caught up in pretending that we 'know'.... that we divide individuals" into a form of a 'caste system' or even a 'pyramid' type construct of society. Just to think... the whole "1%" tagline comes to mind. Where the **** do you think they derived the resources, accumulated or procured their assets from?

You, and your fallibility.

You = compartmentalization + dissonance +cognitive bias+innate behavioral patterns(particularly defense mechanisms) = false interpretation + emotion + action + tactical deception= Us = fear = hate

As soon as a person attaches any form of 'Good' or 'Evil', yes or no, right or wrong.... we immediately begin perceiving reality upon their very implications.

I'm not so sure though that one's mind can dismiss something and retain ignorance, although that's a rather in depth topic. Trying to deny the subconscious and all....

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Wifibrains

I think that much of the knowledge that is behind closed doors eventually sees the light of day. Usually later, rather than sooner though.

We have seen plenty of death bed confessions from credible sources.

And to be truthful, sometimes secrets need to remain just that...Secrets.

I'm sure you've heard the sayin',

"Be careful of what you are looking for, you just may find it."

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by Wifibrains

Funny thing about pyramids... they must, by their nature, rely upon a base to exist and have structure. Oh, and if you turn one over? Well what used to be the top becomes just another corner of the base. And that's actually a generous and simple way to view it.

The harsh reality is 99% versus 1% equals no contest at all. The ancients understood this. There are parts of the old testament that talk about gold becoming a curse and the rich begging, in vain, to give theirs away. Even then, at the dawn of enlightenment, they knew that, one day, the unduly powerful and controlling would have their day of reckoning. Some believe God will do it, others see it as an uprising. Either way... when that day comes? I wouldn't want to be an "elite".


posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by FractalChaos13242017

Funny you mention it, I actually had a long reply written up for your thread as I found it pretty on target and enlightening in regards to human browser crashed before I could post and I lost my steam to retype it all...I will try again though =)

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

Yeah I here that lol.

So if we have all this knowledge now, and we are the illuminati (enlightened) what do we call those hiding the knowledge now? They are obviously more enlightened than us..... Is there a word for this?

maybe we are not enlightened as we think we are, so we are not as illuminated..

Looking at knowledge in an energetic form and the way it moves I see a pyramid. In 3d. Out of the box I see the big bang if that makes sense.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by Wifibrains

They are not more enlightened than us. They get their technology from our work. Currently they can hide behind things like copyright, and "national security" to keep tech withheld. But that tech came from the minds of teams of people - people like us. And if it ever does go all woogey- and the system starts to squeeze too hard? Well, when faced with tyranny I suspect a lot of those creative minds will morally choose to ignore their non-disclosure agreements and even things up a bit.

edit on 10/8/12 by Hefficide because: typo

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by Wifibrains

Funny thing about pyramids... they must, by their nature, rely upon a base to exist and have structure. Oh, and if you turn one over? Well what used to be the top becomes just another corner of the base. And that's actually a generous and simple way to view it.

The harsh reality is 99% versus 1% equals no contest at all. The ancients understood this. There are parts of the old testament that talk about gold becoming a curse and the rich begging, in vain, to give theirs away. Even then, at the dawn of enlightenment, they knew that, one day, the unduly powerful and controlling would have their day of reckoning. Some believe God will do it, others see it as an uprising. Either way... when that day comes? I wouldn't want to be an "elite".


I've known for a while that we as a whole need to turn our backs on their pyramid systems, media and education. We are the support, this is the story of jack and the beanstalk in metaphor. The giant being the system. The new age and awakening is in there and all, the harp, golden eggs we have been primed for it over and over, I agree with you heff. But 2 men is not enough.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:56 AM
Nice thread Heff lol

but i prefer saying "Enlightment" or "Awaken"
the word Illuminati has been to much beaten
need to change it to something else
so people dont get scared with it

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by Wifibrains

Funny thing about pyramids...The ancients understood this. There are parts of the old testament that talk about gold becoming a curse and the rich begging, in vain, to give theirs away. Even then, at the dawn of enlightenment, they knew that, one day, the unduly powerful and controlling would have their day of reckoning. Some believe God will do it, others see it as an uprising. Either way... when that day comes? I wouldn't want to be an "elite".


It's funny that you say that....

Consider this:

When the Mayan's mentioned 2012, the reference was supposedly made during political upheaval as to recognize the role of time and that the particular moment at hand was 'small potatoes' in relation to the 'scheme of things', duration and what it manifests in regards to transforming the relationship between citizens and governance. This is my understanding from all that I've read on the topic. If there's anything that suggests differently, I'd like to hear it.

So.... where are we now?

It's 2012 and political upheaval is rampant! It's every where, it is the main feature presentation that the world is focused on, and will ultimately result in something(?). To recognize the ability of 'humanity' to overcome obstacles and innovate out of various 'predicaments'.... I find is the most reassuring reflection of our existence one can take. To acknowledge that Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Babylon, Hinduism into Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam were all important and sophisticated enough to unite tribes, communities and so forth is inspiration that our very faculties of mind allow us to try and equate everything, find a 'principal of everything' and morality that combats all of our aliments. It's worked thus far and to all those fear monger's, we will ultimately dissolve the wrongs... present the rites(rights) and proceed with caution. All of which will results in a perpetual cycle of fallibility.

It's not that we will ever provide the correct answers... it's that time will allow for the right answers to manifest, forcing us to adhere or become extinct.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 04:03 AM
Nice opening post Heff

here`s some more quotes of the illuminati for you, from various people,click the high lighted name for additional info about the specific quote.

Even Albert Einstein has chimed in,wow Albert was a CTer...

The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.

Mmmm emotions?....

David Rockefeller
This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.

Its hard to imagine the human race standing up against a ruling elite,when the vast majority wouldn`t have even heard the term.Heck we can`t even get enough people to stand up to our own Governments,when it dosn`t seem to make a difference who we vote for.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by Wifibrains
reply to post by TDawgRex

Yeah I here that lol.

So if we have all this knowledge now, and we are the illuminati (enlightened) what do we call those hiding the knowledge now? They are obviously more enlightened than us..... Is there a word for this?

maybe we are not enlightened as we think we are, so we are not as illuminated..

Looking at knowledge in an energetic form and the way it moves I see a pyramid. In 3d. Out of the box I see the big bang if that makes sense.

I see knowledge and education as two seperate things. Both can be good and can be used together if you know how.

For example, I know about quantum string theory, but still have no idea what it really relates to.
I'll read stories on scientific findings, but if I cannot find a practical level in them that pertains to my daily life, I have a hard time retaining the info. To me, that's education.

Knowledge however is something in which you can actively participate, such as rotating crops, building a house or some such daily experiance/occurance.

While they may go hand in hand, I know plenty of "Book-smart" people, but they are a box of rocks when it comes to common sense. They have a education, but no knowledge.

And the reverse is true as well, like the nieghborhood high school drop out who can fix any car given to him.

The trick is to balance it all. Knowing your limits, recognizing them and pushing them leads to enlightenment.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 04:13 AM
There is a very divisive and important different between "education" and "knowledge" - though they are not necessarily mutually exclusive. What we are taught can be manipulated - even fabricated. But what we know, what we have truly learned? That's an entirely different subject.

A common theme in many of my threads is to question everything, including your own biases and ways of thinking. We've all been indoctrinated in so many ways - and, because of this, we actually to learn to learn incorrectly... IE we learn through a lens of already imparted and implanted prejudicial thought. To know we have to rewire ourselves to use more than just the "mental filters" we are accustomed to using.

We have the capacity for seeing things from multiple points of view - if we only allow ourselves to do so. It's a hard process because letting go of our dogmatic beliefs is both hard and frightening. But, in the end, it's worth it. It's liberating and opens up so many previously unconsidered aspects of oneself.


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