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What does an Alien see when it views a Human?

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posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:27 AM

edit on 7-10-2012 by Rapha because: Double post.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
reply to post by apushforenlightment

what % of readyiness do you reckon we are at as a species? As an individual is it higher, how would they likely view someone like myself?

Some guesses: You are by being on ATS from my point of view showing you are at least willing to play around outside the box created for you by conditioning. If we are talking about a telaphatic race where all individuals are connected and feeling the oneness bliss then they will probably see ous as young/immature but with potentiall, clearly less connected to each other than they are are an suffering from bad conditioning that is taught in our schools that limits both inviduality/questioning and understanding.

A child will probably have more in common with an alien in the oneness than an adult. What readyness we are, you are or even I am, I am not sure of.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by apushforenlightment

i dont expect you or anyone else for that matter to believe me but i had a Ufo hover above me in the sky once at night, and there was a brief telepathic exchange. So im wondering if they are coming back again as the first exchange i told them to go ( in harsh way).

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:19 AM
Interesting thread , but you might want to check out a Book titled Alien Rock The Extraterrestrial Connection . There are quiet a few rock stars that have claimed experiences with either ETs or ufos that have either saved them in life threatening conditions , shown on at their birth , concerts or done something that influenced their careers .

It's been a long time since I've read the book & don't remember where I put my copy but I do go back & research the subject from time too time & find other musicians not in the book coming out with the same claims so a little digging will get some interesting results .

I couldn't get the Amazon .com link to post but added the title & Author if you wanted to do a search for yourself .

Alien Rock: The Rock 'n' Roll Extraterrestrial Connection [Paperback]
Michael Luckman (Author)

ETA : I guess the link made it after all .

edit on 7-10-2012 by kentuckycowboy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

If we are talking about appearance, physical etc, I would definitely say that aliens are looking for specific tests subjects. Just as a scientist refines the attributes that his subject must possess, aliens could simply be looking for someone to fit the bill... possessing certain genes, body type, brain structure, whatever.

But sociologically, I agree with the whole actor/famous people thing. They are out of the list.

I believe marijuana uses are top of the list, perhaps because of open-mindedness or perhaps a physiological or spiritual/mind change takes place due to the use of the herb (just surmising).

Apart from that, I'm really not sure. Perhaps they do exclude high profile people (it seems like it), but maybe the genetics etc. is really the reason for being a chosen one.

It all hangs on the question, Why do they want us?

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Rapha

Not all aliens are grey. Some are pink. But still, not all aliens have control because they don't all want it.

In reply to the energy of the earth... that's a very good theory. But wouldn't they possess more? Perhaps they just know how to harness it? And we do have many natural resources. Nature possesses a lot of clean energy. I recently started studying the power of positive energy from the human being, the body, and even though I haven't reached the bottom of it at all, I found something quite remarkable. It's said that the human being emits a positive energy kilometres out when (of course) the body and being is positive (full of love, hope etc.)

If this is the case, then yes. We possess a lot of energy here. Perhaps they target energy fields of specific individuals?

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:52 AM
It may be that aliens would view humans as humans view squirrels.

Some humans feed squirrels and watch them.
Other humans hunt and eat squirrels.

Most humans don't bother with trying to communicate with squirrels to see if they are artists or scientists. Aliens might be the same in that respect. I guess it all depends whether the aliens are like Vulcans or more like Klingons.

edit on 7-10-2012 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 07:26 AM
Some view you very fondly,
Others see you as a means to an end.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 07:26 AM
--Double Post--
edit on 7/10/2012 by AmmonSeth because: double post

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 10:33 AM

reply to post by Shypeir
Not all aliens are grey. Some are pink.

Well, pink would be interesting to see. What other colours are there?
I know that the skin of the fallen ones is like a flaky grey/blue colour where the light of Heaven has been removed. An angel that still works in YHWH's name has bronze skin.
Here is an example of the fallen angel Osirus. Notice the light from the wings has also been removed.

In reply to the energy of the earth... that's a very good theory. But wouldn't they possess more?

In days long ago, the immortals would get their 'Power' from followers and sacrifices.
Maybe real energy is completely different to spiritual energy.

It's said that the human being emits a positive energy kilometres out when (of course) the body and being is positive (full of love, hope etc.)

This is what astral spiders feed off.

Perhaps they target energy fields of specific individuals?

They cannot target followers of Jesus Christ.
They may only target angel [alien] / human hybrids (nephilim).

People who have RH negative (alien/human hybrids) bloodtype are quite often abducted by aliens.

There are many differences with rh- people when compared to pure humans.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 11:02 AM
Most aliens have learned humility and abandoned self destructive behavior, otherwise they would not have become very advanced. They don't look down on us, just as we do not look down on children but rather nurture and protect them. We too will advance, after we have done every other possibility. We can expect help from aliens, in the near future, right after the tenure of TPTB ends. It is a joyous time for our planet and for all of those that embrace the beauty of love. Be at peace.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
What does an Alien see when it views a Human. What is the features or characteristics of a human or the activity they are engaged in that interests them. I have thought about this a few times and have not really gotten anywhere. So i started viewing the question in reverse, and asking what type of people are they clearly are not interested in and i compiled a list. Aliens are not interested in>>>

This is a very good post. The data shows that our favorite wrap around black eyes are actually a covering. Underneath are two large yellow eyes with vertical slit pupils, yet they seem to always wear the black covering...

I will be creative in my answer, I think they could be related to the tall aliens, the insectiods and tall greys. These aliens are in control of the greys. From what I know they are the ones involved with the abductees. The shorter childlike ones come into the room and do much of the work. The 'doctor' greys who are around 5 ft. tall are involved, they are the ones who stare into the abductees eyes. During this time they understand key meanings about the person and search the world to find others like them (they were successful). So if these 5ft. tall greys are that much involved, I can't imagine how much the 7ft. tall beings are. I am guessing they can see through the eyes of the greys when wearing the black lenses, perhaps they can manifest themselves inside of a grey and inside of the craft itself, because everyone who has studied this subject knows that these craft are alive. It is reported that some aliens have physical craft like a human would expect, but the greys have technology that is even more than science fiction to us - the craft grows and changes shape.

- Ufologists: Now yes they seem to know alot of stories about Ufos and all the folklores but has a Ufologist ever netted an interview with a Alien occupant from a visiting spaceship. No never.

- Entertainers, Actors/Muscians. It has become more and more popular over the years for actors to get on the Alien disclosure band wagon. I can think of a string of well known actors/musicans as im sure you can that are into Alien/ufo stuff. Has anyone of these people ever had credible proof of meeting with aliens. No.

- Scientists: Now heres a group you think would be highest on the list of interest for the Aliens to want to talk with as they are the most cerebal,and therefore would have the best ability to converse with the Alien/s on an intellectual level, that doesnt lead the Aliens to start yawning.

So there it is. The list in not comprehensive and can be expanded. So please tell me what category of people you think Aliens are most interested in, and/or not interested in. ??

This aspect to the aliens views or 'liking' towards humanity would be native american and celtic inviduals. I am not sure why the aliens choose these type of people, maybe the aliens like native americans because the native americans had contact in the desert many years ago and they have always had a lot of respect for the aliens.

UFOlogists the aliens would probably not like because it appears the aliens wanted secrecy even more than the US government wants secrecy.

Musicians would be the closest to the likings of greys if there was any such of a liking. The transition of music from the late 60s and into the 80s/90s was actually because the world was having contact. The aliens were expanding the conscious and freedom of expression in individuals and now we can hear the evidence through the music of our past. If you are paying attention, the lyrics of today's music are saying 'I hate you' and the lyrics of the music when aliens were visiting was 'I love you.' This is not because humans ever loved the world it is because aliens had visited the world.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
reply to post by apushforenlightment

i dont expect you or anyone else for that matter to believe me but i had a Ufo hover above me in the sky once at night, and there was a brief telepathic exchange. So im wondering if they are coming back again as the first exchange i told them to go ( in harsh way).

Why would I doubt it. Strange things happens. I myself have had a strange paranormal change that I have experianced for about 1,5 years now
. Science have not answered the big questions yeet and are from my point of view activly keeping clear from seeking to deeply in the rabbithole.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 11:27 AM
I believe there are many possibilities what they are after. Actually we don´t know, do they even see colors maybe their sight is greyscale.

Maybe earth is just a laboratory of Alien university, they come here to study and finishing their degrees. Have they ever made anything proven good for us or earth? Most likely they do have knowledge to do so, it seems like they do not have any intrest of purifying our seas or lakes or other good intentions. Maybe they did need gold at the start and noticed the life in here might be a good subject for study. So they send their students here to explore.

Keep in mind Cattle mutilations, and what student do in their biology lessons here they mutilate frogs etc. Environment lesson, see what happens to people when they overuse their life supporting resources, water, oxygen...

To us earth looks like a wonderful jewel, but we don´t know maybe their planet is even more prettier.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

Humans are collectively seen as violent and cruel amoral savages to aliens with interstellar travel capability. Humanity, until it evolves, is nothing more than a curiousity and if left unchecked, a potential future hazard that needs to remain contained to prevent spread to other areas.

Who are the tiny group that aliens might be interested in talking to? Those with compassion and love in their hearts, something the vast majority of humanity lacks, being mostly composed of primitive animals who fool themselves into thinking they are something advanced because they can push a button on a cell phone and take a picture.
edit on 10/7/2012 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

All it sees is one ugly mother#er with a strong affinity for killing #.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by apushforenlightment

Originally posted by AthlonSavage
reply to post by apushforenlightment

i dont expect you or anyone else for that matter to believe me but i had a Ufo hover above me in the sky once at night, and there was a brief telepathic exchange. So im wondering if they are coming back again as the first exchange i told them to go ( in harsh way).

Why would I doubt it. Strange things happens. I myself have had a strange paranormal change that I have experianced for about 1,5 years now
. Science have not answered the big questions yeet and are from my point of view activly keeping clear from seeking to deeply in the rabbithole.

My thought on the reason for significant forces of change is that it is coming from wihin us as much as the outside of us. We subconsciously call out for it, connecting forces that are meeting through space, time and eternity for which the chances of this are seemingly impossible, but despite everything happens anyway. And this is the same reason i think that Aliens are are arriving and here, how can they escape themselves. We are thme as much as they are us.

edit on 7-10-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 03:32 PM
link alien.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

In this existence you draw to yourself things that are like you, a bird of a feather type of thing. In all if they were to look at this tiny corner of the universe they would see the same thing that you or any human would see when they look at any other corner of the universe. And that is, they would only see the things that are like them, or the things that they can understand and grasp, in short they would only see reflections of themselves.

So basically you and humanity can be viewed in any light whatsoever, anything you are capable of imagining can exist. But again you attract to you the things that are like you, you resonate at the same frequency to each other, sometimes even in mirror of each other. In some respects and to there effects what a alien sees humanity as depends on what humanity sees when it looks at the universe and the world around them. And so a better question would be what does a human see when it looks at the universe and other planets? What would humanity want from them or those places? In what light would they appear to humanity? And even what does a human see when it looks at other creatures and animals in there world?

Would you be surprised that when an alien looks at humanity it literally sees this as its depicted in the bellow matrix scene. After all is that not what humanity sees when it looks to the stars, other planets and if it found other creatures what would it see them as? Is that not the major reason even today that we want to go into space, so that we can acquire new forms of energy and expand ourselfs.

Therefore do not be surprised when and if aliens would see you in similar lights. And do not be surprised if something else has already beat humanity to the punch.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:20 PM

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