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There's a Nasty Trend Developing on ATS

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posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 01:36 PM
But even OP shows a bias here. It's the same thing if you disagree with Obama's policies you're called a "racist." Or of you disagree with the LGBT agenda you are instantly a "homophobe." If you agree with America's troop deployments, you're a "warmonger." If you express conservatives views on anything at all, you're called "stupid, a low IQ as has been shown by Study X." If you express even mild religious beliefs, particularly for Christianity, you're labeled a "flat-earther" who is devoid of logic.

Basically this place is a leftist, socialist, atheistic, anti-American, anti-Capitalist enclave where anything other than that is attacked relentlessly. There is no respect for alternative views here. This is not a place where you can have reasoned dialog. It's very much like the first Protestants who came to America so they could have religious freedom, only to ban every other religion once they got here.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 04:09 PM
I read that stuff...lose interest, skip right to the next post.

Hardly even see it anymore.

The people that have reasoned positions, get to be known, and they are the ones that are read, starred and replied to. Experienced posters will ignore the troublemakers.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 05:14 PM
I've even heard the quote "the law is the law" on here, I mean c'mon; give me a break! It's like there's a bunch of tv guide or OK magazine readers on here and it is most strange. Obviously on purpose, can you feel the panic coming from the squares....I mean plants on here. These people are in cahoots with those who would poison our water, contaminate our land etc etc. Guess what smart arses? It's you who are losing the information war, humanity will be freed from this nightmare of governments, bombs, taxes, bills, psychos etc. Of course we will need to be kind to those who perpetuate and spread fear, you can even carry on playing your sinister societal controlling games, but you will not be allowed to affect the rest of humanity any longer. Humanity is more important than you realize and although you think what you do is smart, it hasn't been smart enough.

Time's up.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by gortex
Its just words posted on an internet forum by people you don't know and who don't know you . what does it matter in the real world and to your real life .


This is just an internet site. Nothing said here will really matter anyways ...

Wise words indeed but I disagree nothing said here or said on any other site has had no purpose. Thanks to the internet the world can now look for alternate news and everything else under the sun to try to see the bigger picture. Last I heard a majority of Americans are giving up on TV opting for the internet instead. All MSM ratings are going down, but the pecking order still remains (pretty much). A recent poll was conducted (out of 1000ish people) asking if people trusted the MSM, over 60% said no. All of this you can thanks to the internet so don't sell yourself short and think it's all for not.
edit on 6-10-2012 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Wonderer2012
Something I've noticed more and more on ATS, is the increasing number of posters who jump on the bandwagon and instantly label other posters as racist, or haters etc.

For example, if you post criticism of the Afghan war, then they say you hate the troops and America etc. Personally, I respect our troops. I have friends in the military who I know joined the forces to make a difference and defend their country. The criticism of the war is aimed at the policy makers, the politicians and media that lie to us to sell us wars. The public has no idea why we really went to war with Afghanistan and the same goes for the majority of the soldiers who sign up thinking they are doing the right thing.

But, at an increasing rate, posters jump in calling you a traitor for not supporting the troops or being against America etc, it makes me wonder if there are government agents posting on the site.

It's very much like those who call 'anti semitism' to any criticism of Israeli policy, this mentality is spreading across the forum and being applied in all areas. If you discuss Iran policy, you get labelled a supporter of 'Islamic Extremism' and against your country- what the hell is going on ATS? The irony is, those who question the Iran policy are the true patriots, they don't want war yet if they criticise cruel sanctions that harm the fellow human beings living in Iran is to be labelled a 'sympathiser of the enemy'.

Let me tell you a little story. I am a Veteran of the US Armed Forces.

I work with a 30 something that is an ex-military. There have been times when this 30 something and I have gotten into very heated arguments about people in the Middle East and the US and being Christian.

Just so you know, I'm a Christian Spiritualist. Meaning, I believe in the Bible and I'm a Native American Shaman.
The 30 something is Anti-Christian, Anti-American, loves to speak with his Muslim friends, and is Anti-US Military. Oh, he believes in his right to bear arms (2nd Amendment) and if you ask who gave them that right, that 30 something always comes back with some kind of technobable nonsense. Its too much for them to say, why my Creator (GOD) gave me that right. I consider that 30 something an enemy because of their Anti- stances.

I've never met anyone I really didn't like. This 30 something has certainly put themselves in a rather ugly position.
As you mentioned a nasty trend, there has been hatred and prejudice in every society on the face of the planet for a very long time. This is nothing new. Muslims hate Christians because of the differences between Mohammed (Alah) and Yahshua (Christ) and yet it is the Muslims that are out MURDERING Christians and their own people. The ugly truth there is that 93% of Muslims are peaceful people, but the 7% that are Extremists are running the Religion. That 93% are either (1) afraid of the Extremists or (2) supporting them.

In regard to Marriage, it is the long (historical) standing belief and tradition that Men marry Women. It is biblical that Yahweh (GOD) punished those who flaunted their decadence before him (Gays, Lesbians) and he called them an ABOMINATION. I'm not going to be judgmental about that subject. My personal feeling is that you can do whatever you want as long as you do it in the privacy of your own home. No one should "purposely" flaunt their sexuality in public. To do so only brings on condemnation and prejudice upon them.

No matter what we believe, there are always going to be haters and people of prejudice in the world. When we finally shed those ideals, the world will indeed change and we will be changed.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 06:54 PM
The one I have noticed is the Israeli/Jewish/Zionist/Islam/Muslim one. Good gracious, try and parse that one down to brass tacks. You will get the ATS Zionist Defense Force zooming in with 5000+ word 'wall-o-text' attacks or maybe the Death to Israel Ninjas pointing out every single war crime committed since 1947. All that when you asked about the weather in Jerusalem.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Labrynth2012

Hehe, your post is full of hints towards your own biases, most amusing

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

It is straight from their daily dose of "Reality" from the MSM.

All these new catch phrases people banty about are designed to make them feel empowered while boosting their own standing to others they deem different or lesser than themselves.

It is psychological warfare. There are payed agents sitting in a bunker spending 12 hours a day posting garbage. They pick up a topic quickly because of their search program. They don't necessarily stay on one site all the time, but their web crawlers bring them back to the same site repeatedly so they might keep a few open all the time.

Normal people think they are doing the right thing when they label you and criticize you. They think they are doing you a favor and teaching you a lesson. They don't have the right information though. They are just as dumb as the propaganda they are fed. These people would NEVER question their government. Most of them have never served in the military, but are very "Proud Americans". They let you know that when you disagree with them like they did when we invaded Iraq AGAIN!

It was so obvious to me that this war was scripted, but they could never see it because they would have to realize that things are not what they believe and they have a hard time with beliefs changing.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Sometimes I'll get in a mood and bash an idea while offering what I consider irrefutable evidence against the really stupid idea, but I'll never bash the person behind it. Not unless I'm bashed first. We all have some stupid ideas.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Wonderer2012
Something I've noticed more and more on ATS, is the increasing number of posters who jump on the bandwagon and instantly label other posters as racist, or haters etc.

For example, if you post criticism of the Afghan war, then they say you hate the troops and America etc. Personally, I respect our troops. I have friends in the military who I know joined the forces to make a difference and defend their country. The criticism of the war is aimed at the policy makers, the politicians and media that lie to us to sell us wars. The public has no idea why we really went to war with Afghanistan and the same goes for the majority of the soldiers who sign up thinking they are doing the right thing.

But, at an increasing rate, posters jump in calling you a traitor for not supporting the troops or being against America etc, it makes me wonder if there are government agents posting on the site.

It's very much like those who call 'anti semitism' to any criticism of Israeli policy, this mentality is spreading across the forum and being applied in all areas. If you discuss Iran policy, you get labelled a supporter of 'Islamic Extremism' and against your country- what the hell is going on ATS? The irony is, those who question the Iran policy are the true patriots, they don't want war yet if they criticise cruel sanctions that harm the fellow human beings living in Iran is to be labelled a 'sympathiser of the enemy'.

Well people are pretty polarized. It's at an epic stage. Hate is an emotion that has been encouraged for political reasons, and people feel empowered by displaying it. Let's face it hate sells. Look at the money folks like Limbaugh and that Coulter chick make. Sure there are left leaning individuals into this as well, I just can't think of any right now. Get used to it Hate is about to play it's self out in a most destructive manner. Hate needs no argument and those who can't put together and argument, feel satisfied and triumphant when they just throw out a nasty dose of hate. As ye sow so shall ye reap. and we are reaping it big time.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Sinny

Way to paint em all one with one brush stroke

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

Come on man, get a clue.

These are, for the most part, women's words. They have been brought to ATS and the internet by the kids that learned them (but not the concepts) from the women that raised them.

Kids have neither the education nor the intelligence to articulate the concepts. Mostly boys who will never be men and are destined to remain little girls... and little girls that will never be ladies, but will always think they're better than men.

A lot of sick puppies in American society with no future except to be culled. And until then, viewed with contempt.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

This is very apparent in any thread criticizing Israel, or anything remotely related to Israel. There have got to be more Israeli supporting trolls on the internet than anything else. It takes them about 3 seconds to show up and start labeling everyone Jew haters. Pathetic. I hate Zionists...!!!
edit on 7-10-2012 by colbyforce because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by Wonderer2012

But, at an increasing rate, posters jump in calling you a traitor for not supporting the troops or being against America etc, it makes me wonder if there are government agents posting on the site.

Labeling people anti this or that is one way to discredit the viewpoint. Especially if it has merit. So be glad when people start labeling you, it means you hit it pretty close to the mark.

Disagreeing is not anti american, it is free speech.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 02:03 AM
It is all a team sport thing.

Who's team are you on?

Is it the right team?

Everybody believes that their team is the best and that they derserve to win.

Just like all religious folks believe that God is on their side. No matter how ridiculous their views may be.

Are you on the right side?

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 03:47 AM
Personally I'm finding the level of outright rudeness and ignorance bordering on unacceptable, you mention immigration you are a racist, you mention Muslim, racist, you mention the missing WMD's and you are anti American and so the list goes on.

I'm certainly NOT a racist, MY country also was part of the lie on WMD's, yes, Radical Muslims ARE bad to non Muslims (and even ordinary Muslims).

But all of these subjects and many more are simply blanket bombed by people not even reading all of your post.

I've actually had PM's on here saying I'm one of the most honest and level headed posters on the site, that I look at everything from both sides and have researched my points.

But apparently to some I'm a bigot and racist or Anti American.....Sorry but you are WRONG and my viewpoint will not change just because someone can't be bothered to read the thread or are some sort of pre programmed apologist ignoring the facts as they are seen.

I don't ask you to agree with me, just don't be so bloody rude, its supposed to be a CIVIL site.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:16 AM
I think it's a combination of things... one, too many people thinking too simply about issues, always categorizing them in black or white. You're either with this camp or that camp, or you're pro or anti-this issue, etc. People would rather not deal with the complexities of each issue and use critical thinking-- they'd rather just gloss over key concepts and quickly summarize what kind of person you are based off of a few words. And secondly, sensationalism unfortunately sells. Why call someone a left-leaning moderate when extreme bleeding heart liberal turns more heads and generates more stars? Of course not everyone buys it, but the majority of people do.

It's water off the duck's back when it comes to my own way of dealing with the insults or getting stars, but I still don't appreciate how it has the power to totally diminish the quality of threads....

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:03 PM
I truly believe...

That this phenomenon is "cognitive dissonance" on display.

Most of us have taken years, sometimes decades to form our mindset, and our view of the world around us. It becomes a part of us. Furthermore, I think people get behind certain people as they would a cause like religion, and the buy in is often total in almost no time.

So when someone comes along and attacks that, the person themselves feels like they are being attacked. It's kind of like when you talk about 9/11 with the average person. I have been called every name in the book for implying that insiders brought down the towers. And this by people who have never done one minutes research into all of the facts that were never reported by our media. Because why? It is attacking someone's tidy little well organized concept of reality. Dangerous, mine laden ground.

Perhaps the responsibility for the response lies with the one who posts, and to those who might respond. Before you post, maybe consider how your case is stated. Before you respond, give others the freedom and room to hold their viewpoints, just like the ones you are willing to deride, insult, sometimes even threaten others over.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Sinny
reply to post by Labrynth2012

Hehe, your post is full of hints towards your own biases, most amusing

Let's not mince words nor lie about who we are. I have my biases just as you do. You also have them, most amusing ! ;-)

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by MaxxAction
I truly believe...

That this phenomenon is "cognitive dissonance" on display.

Most of us have taken years, sometimes decades to form our mindset, and our view of the world around us. It becomes a part of us. Furthermore, I think people get behind certain people as they would a cause like religion, and the buy in is often total in almost no time.

So when someone comes along and attacks that, the person themselves feels like they are being attacked. It's kind of like when you talk about 9/11 with the average person. I have been called every name in the book for implying that insiders brought down the towers. And this by people who have never done one minutes research into all of the facts that were never reported by our media. Because why? It is attacking someone's tidy little well organized concept of reality. Dangerous, mine laden ground.

Perhaps the responsibility for the response lies with the one who posts, and to those who might respond. Before you post, maybe consider how your case is stated. Before you respond, give others the freedom and room to hold their viewpoints, just like the ones you are willing to deride, insult, sometimes even threaten others over.

Very good points, something I'm aware that I do from time to time- once we have a specific mindset, we will sometimes ignore evidence that points to the contrary and only look for info that proves us right. I would imagine many people do that without even being consciously aware of it.

In fact, this is one of the main reasons government's would put agents onto a site like ATS- to offer balance.

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