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Is the Spirit in error, or the person?

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posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 05:00 PM

you don't suppose it's possible that the Annunaki were the ones who taught them (us) about the Divine Source?

I think the concept of the divine writings all happened after the gods of Anu time on Earth. and were about the gods of Anu.

The Biblical stories begin roughly with the various views of what happened with Noah, who was a recent vintage descendant of the gods of Anu's genetics, and continue on in later times with the many other descendant's roles in history. Even Nimrod is part of the descendant line from the gods of Anu.

Even Egyptian history starts with Pitah, which is one of the gods of Anu genetic line.

From the times of the Ziggarats to the times of the Pyramids, it is all centered on the impressive sciences that were what humans observed and referred to as god.
edit on 9-10-2012 by MagnumOpus because: edit

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

I think we can safely assume that at one time or another, beings from another world, plane, or dimension visited Earth and informed the inhabitants of various technologies and intellectual studies that they could use to advance their civilization.

Looking back at ancient history, it's obvious that those people had some sort of that wasn't completely earthly. It's reflected in their art, their architecture, and their writing. And since they knew so much more about arcane studies than we do now, it's probably not too farfetched to think that their "sources" would have informed them about a divine essence that could guide or even empower them.
edit on 9-10-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 05:36 PM
When you see a Lion lie down with its prey and depart from nature's design for its foodstuff, then you might see a work of god.

When you correctly couch the so called Divine Words words as those humans that prey on the other humans as the imagery of Lion and Lamb, then you capture the true essence of the Bible's imagery, which isn't literal truth.

The only truth is that no one knows just were all the matter and energy in the universe originated, or really if there was some intelligent design that wished it all into being. Religion doesn't know, the gods of Anu appeared not to know, and the religion texts that embellish the gods of Anu descendant stories are just worthless in the pursuit of knowledge of how it all came into being.

Religions contribute nothing to the sciences other than crazy pandering of ancient human writings that were impressed of another civilization greater then their own in science.

Most of the pushing the various stories of the gods of Anu are so much noise that seek only political control of others. It is an attempt to restore the times of the gods of Anu, where they were the leaders and these leaders intended exploitation of these folks. They tended to move into times of cities, advanced agriculture, making of machines to improve production, and departure from the hunter / gathering concepts of human evolution at the time.

When you see a religion that teaches to make the body the temple, and that religion ignores the issues of poison in the water that kills the mind and hinders the enzymes for the very essence of long life, then you find the Lions that continue to consider the sheep as just a foodstuff for their consumption and exploitation.

When you find the foodstuffs most valued in the Fertile Crescent contained the element compounds of Boron, that removed one poison from the body, then you begin to find some of the true sciences of these words that is veiled by lack of sciences of the times. Yet, it becomes the real reason areas like Mt. Carmel and Jerusalem's Gihon spring were considered special via the issues of the planet's science.

When a religion begins to teach sciences and associations such as these, it will become a teacher of knowledge, of the sciences of treating the body as a temple, and become the methods to advance human knowledge and brain function, rather than retard it and a tool for promotion of ignorance.

edit on 9-10-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Religion as a tool for the promotion of ignorance

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 06:18 AM
The whole of Abraham derived religions appears to be of human design and the issues of Holy spirit are associated with those of Lions and Sheep allegory. Why? Because the human renditions on god involved the gods of Anu and the principle ones were Enlil and Enki, each of different character. One was more the exploiter of humans for labor and the other more the father figure that sought them equal..

So, when human's written pontifications appeared on the issues for the spirit of god, they have a dual character, one that is like the Lion and one like the Father, or the Lion and Sheep allegorical associations. The Enlil god figure of Anu just considered the humans as their servants and had great expectations of loyalty to him only. The other figure was more the father type that considered their human creations on par with them, and did not seek such exploitation, and shared their information and higher knowledge.

What is left today is only the games of humans to restructure this old system and some of the spirit renditions take on the persona of the slaver theme of the gods of Anu, with you have to worship only Enlil or Yahweh. This being the Lion theme that treats humans as just a foodstuff for their consumption, thus the sacrifice themes of old. The other more tolerate gods of Anu, Enki, treated their creation of humans as equal and offered them knowledge and shared information. This being the god that Jesus took up presenting, which was not Yahweh of the Hebrew traditions.

The Enlil archetypes of today are the Royalists that seek jealous control over the world's money structure and also drive the worlds wars to gain greater control. The Enki archetypes are more the Socialist oriented types that push for shared wealth and economic equality for the world. The Holy Spirit renditions of Jesus and the Essene was different than the Holy Spirit renditions of the god Yahweh of the Hewbrew or Jewish, and this because there were two distinctly different gods of Anu to which they captured in their worlds or pontification of their god hero archetype.

Thus, some religions seek to lord over others, and other religions are more tolerant and seek a oneness with all. The Orthodox Jewish religion tries to lay out that their Jewish members are essentially of the gods of Anu and take up the Enlil archetype, the Royalists theme. The old Jesus followers more take up the Enki theme for god where tolerance and qualities of socialism are the model and there are no Royalists of vast wealth and power over others.

If one carefully sifts all the divine inspired efforts of human wordings of mind to capture the essence of the gods of Anu, this is where the pathway leads. The duality for Lions and Lambs is there, just as the god Enlil and Enki where the Holy spirit of god models. Today, vast wars develop because the Christian mind has not grasped these differences and tends to get more behind the Royalist's agendas than behind the theme of equality of wealth.

Today, the world and especially the US and Europe is controlled economically by a few hundred of the richest peoples via their banks and allied corporations. No longer are they seen as the Kings and Queens, when their wealth combined is collected into the largest banks and these allied with huge corporations. This wealth controls the US elections process, and those elected serve these masters of world's wealth and do their bidding with the same loyalty as demanded by the jealous god of Anu.

Times are changing for corporation models, as many move toward joint ownership of corporations and the term employee owned, and the departures from Royalists control and central wealth begin. More of this process will occur as time moves forward to break up the central banking's power and control over We The People.

So, some would suggest the Jesus theme would have him become a King, when that theme should be that the Royalist games should be rejected and that all the world take up a oneness and a shared equality, benevolence and stewardship to all is the better theme.

But for now, most of these greater teachings on the better Holy Spirit theme are lost because most don't know its derivations and dual character, and confusion and chaos appears the trends, with wars for power and control over others. When folks recognize the dual characters of the gods of Anu, when they can see the archetypes for Lions and Lambs in the correct context, then the system of world values can unify into a oneness that is long sought with peace and tolerance as a golden rule.

edit on 10-10-2012 by MagnumOpus because: The quest for equality and shared wealth

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

I agree with you. Well said. Still, the theme of Anu, Enlil and Enki doesn't negate the possibility of a Divine "Other" that is greater than all of the characters in your post.

I can completely see your point, though, and it makes good sense. Thanks for taking the time to write it for us again.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

He's looking purely at the human element. I try to ignore the human element as much as I can, because I can clearly see how valiantly we resist the nature of the universe. We're a very bad example of how the universe operates - or perhaps a very good example of how resisting the universe can backfire.

When a few thousand years have passed since the Hubble Telescope was first created, then I'll be more inclined to listen to people who claim there is no divine intelligence in the universe. And when I say 'divine', I mean profoundly extensive intelligence. Intelligence more pervasive and insightful, more malleable and more influential, than anything we are familiar with today.

That's what I call spirit. Far too many people have experienced it for it to be called myth.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by MagnumOpus

I agree with you. Well said. Still, the theme of Anu, Enlil and Enki doesn't negate the possibility of a Divine "Other" that is greater than all of the characters in your post.

I can completely see your point, though, and it makes good sense. Thanks for taking the time to write it for us again.

Well, that is true per "Divine Other". But, find us some ancient divine inspired words that speak to this in the Abraham derived religions and where they clearly show they separate the gods of Anu from this Universe Creation themed Divine God.

One does not find much. Perhaps in the gods of Anu theme they speak some about the Primordial Mound and one finds this in the Egyptian's writings. This would be part of the evolution theme for Earth going way back before the Annunaki on Earth.

Islam touches on this with no shape or form for god, but then they appear to jump back on the gods of Abraham theme.

There are only theories such as the "Big Bang" and the "Expanding Universe". Still no one knows from where or what came either the energy/light or the mass/atomic particles that are the building blocks for the universe, let alone what defines the vast space and great emptiness of the universe, nor if it has boundaries.

About the only thing one can claim is we don't know in this time and age, perhaps the gods of Anu knew a little better due to their space travels, but this is something of which religion and sciences has no good answers. Space might be the Final Frontier, but it appears to be the ultimate mystery with no bounds, for now.

Religion is void of these issues, if not misleading with its simplistic presentations of heaven. About the only thing that touched on the space theme was the Book of Enoch did a little, but that information was largely suppressed.

I don't think the Biblical tales offer much other than there is other life out there and once it touched Earth in some ways positive and others negative, but its touch remains in human nature via the greed like character of Enlil and the greater stewardship values of Enki, as the same character splits still exist in mankind's nature. Merging these dual natures into one is the theme of human learning and evolution process to have the Lions and Lambs consider equality. But this only comes from allowing learning, tossing out the controlling methods of fluoride to make the masses dumb and not know greater knowledge so the Royalist power can continue.

For a short moment in time, there was a place in the area of Israel where these toxic effects on the mind were overcome and the few saw the better ways and the wants of the Royalists were exposed and there was an effort to change. Such was the greed for power and control over others, that short moment was quickly dashed and a confusing book remains as that product of history.

It appears in the times of Hitler and the power of IG Farben's corporation methods, these Royalists changed their coats so they were more hidden behind the scenes, but still there was the same greed for power and control. Hitler's efforts toward Socialism were overcome with the games of Capitalism and as WWII started Germany's decline, all the knowledge and religious learning made deals and the concentration camp games and fluoride were placed into general populations, the values of Boron to correct for these negative effects of toxic fluoride were buried and its associations with the Holy Lands where higher intelligence once was recovered for a time.

The battle of Socialism and Royalist were the roots of WWII, but few are shown this issue, and how religions, bankers, and economic slavery were behind this blow up into war. In WWII the Corporation of IG Farben was Hitler's power and after the war the biggest spoils of war collected was the corporation model applied to the needs of the Royalists, complete with the uses of fluoride to keep the masses dumb so they could not deduce how all the old religion factors emerged to become Hitler's effort to push for a Socialist society. Hitler originally came to power selling socialism, and the reality is that Jesus became popular selling similar theme.

The end result was only a bigger beast, one that is composed of the Royalist Money, Banking, Corporation and it wields a force greater than Hitler's IG Farben and in place of Socialism theme the Beast insists on loyalty to Royalist theme, as did Enlil, and their economic power over the world. How different is what this theme is from the god of Anu called Enlil. We appear to make the Lion effect worse, and lost sight of the goal being equality and freedom for all, and not the riches for the few to dominate with hidden Royalist methods of old. In the US we selected to dump the Royalist methods when we dumped England and began our new economy.

Any time that great societies appear they tend to follow the gods of Anu themes with one leader, but in the times of Jesus and the Essene there existed ways of Socialist themes that kept all equal and supported higher knowledge and non-toxic foods that allowed peoples to think at higher level. But, what is so obvious to the few as to the ways of control of the masses today is much the same as in the ways of Enlil, yet no religion teacher in recent time can correctly couch the better directions and point out that we've have been here before. So, wars loom, people are still slaves to economic tyranny of various sorts, and their minds are a battlefield of chemistry to keep them dumb enough for continued exploitation.

Real religion would point all that out, and what we have as religion these days are the willing efforts of these religion leaders to push the old Royalist's agenda rather that lay out the real history and real dilemma that come from not properly recounting history. So, are these Divine writings really so divine, if they obscure what is needed to be know by the masses? Or has the central message been so easily lost because the intelligence is so far on decline due to the evil intent of the Royalists to control folks mind with chemistry that keeps them dumb.

edit on 10-10-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Religion's hidden history

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Why are you focusing your research on imperial and modern religion? If you want authenticity, take it back to the Sumerian age, before spirituality became a source of political power.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Real religion would point all that out, and what we have as religion these days are the willing efforts of these religion leaders to push the old Royalist's agenda rather that lay out the real history and real dilemma that come from not properly recounting history.

So, are these Divine writings really so divine, if they obscure what is needed to be know by the masses? Or has the central message been so easily lost because the intelligence is so far on decline due to the evil intent of the Royalists to control folks mind with chemistry that keeps them dumb.

Very astute. Thanks again.

I don't believe in "Divine writings". The only "writings" we have are mankind's writings, and they are based on mankind's efforts to understand that "which passeth understanding."

I know what I have experienced -- unexpected thoughts, revelations, and spontaneous occurrences. I try to make sense of them. There is, in my opinion, something "other". Something "bigger." Defining it is impossible, though.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Real religion would point all that out, and what we have as religion these days are the willing efforts of these religion leaders to push the old Royalist's agenda rather that lay out the real history and real dilemma that come from not properly recounting history.

So, are these Divine writings really so divine, if they obscure what is needed to be know by the masses? Or has the central message been so easily lost because the intelligence is so far on decline due to the evil intent of the Royalists to control folks mind with chemistry that keeps them dumb.

Very astute. Thanks again.

I don't believe in "Divine writings". The only "writings" we have are mankind's writings, and they are based on mankind's efforts to understand that "which passeth understanding."

I know what I have experienced -- unexpected thoughts, revelations, and spontaneous occurrences. I try to make sense of them. There is, in my opinion, something "other". Something "bigger." Defining it is impossible, though.

Hello Wild,

Yes, all the Abraham linked writings are the pontifications of humans trying to capture things from the Sumerian times, 10,000 years back, and embellishing things and going far afield..

I do believe there is some sort of universal consciousness that is somewhat like that from the Movie called Avatar. I don't call that type thing a voice of god, just more like there are some sensory things that got lost.

Like Birds have a sort of magnetic compass in their brains, there are some special effects in physics were some particles track each other's spin no matter how distant they are kept from each other. We are still tracking down some of these interesting effects in physics that may explain how some can sense lost history and have a collective intelligence like effect.

I've had some of those experiences also, but I didn't take them being dealings with god, just more like an information pathway.

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by jhill76

Most people go through their whole lives never knowing how close they were to God. It makes me feel for them, that I found him so easily. And it wasn't easy. He continues to challenge me every day.

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by SpiritofEnoch

You've found your personal view of "God", not Source itself.

Sinece Source is too powerful to gaze upon directly, we must each rely on our own pond, gazing at its reflection. Our understanding and relation to Source depends on the condition of that pond. No one is as close or as understanding of Source as they pretend to be, because they valiantly pretend they have a clean pond. To admit to ignorance is to admit to imperfection, something we all struggle against.

Today's society shows us material desires and says, "Look, here is the way! This will lead you to perfection!" Or it teaches us the modern definition of virtues and tradition - you think these are pure? That they are original? No! They have been rewritten to manipulate the mass psyche. What we call "Spirit" today can be called by another name: subserviance. Subserviance to whom? Why, the elite.

It's as simple as that.

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

If you think that subservience is the Spirit of God, you must be lost. To the man without the Spirit, all things of the Spirit are foolishness, for his heart cannot understand. Though he has ears, he cannot hear. Though he has eyes, he cannot see.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by SpiritofEnoch
reply to post by AfterInfinity

If you think that subservience is the Spirit of God, you must be lost. To the man without the Spirit, all things of the Spirit are foolishness, for his heart cannot understand. Though he has ears, he cannot hear. Though he has eyes, he cannot see.

What about the ones that claim they have the spirit? How can it be known if it is of the mind, or the Spirit actually leading?

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by jhill76

What about the ones that claim they have the spirit? How can it be known if it is of the mind, or the Spirit actually leading?

That is the question, isn't it? I don't have an answer for you. I can tell you that the modern church understands nothing of spirit. It needs to be a personal journey, uninfluenced by the domineering instruction of other paths. It's more a matter of patience and seduction than a "follow these instructions to become an instant guru!" type deal.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by jhill76

What about the ones that claim they have the spirit? How can it be known if it is of the mind, or the Spirit actually leading?

That is the question, isn't it? I don't have an answer for you. I can tell you that the modern church understands nothing of spirit. It needs to be a personal journey, uninfluenced by the domineering instruction of other paths. It's more a matter of patience and seduction than a "follow these instructions to become an instant guru!" type deal.

I agree. No man here can input the spirit into you, by you reciting a couple of phrases, it doesn't work like that.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 09:35 PM
The simple answer is the flesh and religion. Some proclaim thus says the Lord because they feel special when they are speaking for God that would be the flesh, and some say thus says the Lord because that is their religional doctrine speaking.

Originally posted by jhill76
I see time and time again, when asked how do they know. They will claim the Spirit leads me to these truths. If this is the case, then why is there so many divisions in Christianity if all of these people are led by the Spirit? Or, even take ATS as an example. Why are there so many debates on faith, if everyone is led by the same Holy Spirit?

As it stands, the Spirit of God does not change, so why would said Spirit give one person one interpretation, and another a different one?

If the Holy Spirit is not in error, then it must be concluded that the person is in error.

So, the main question is, why does one person say when led via the Spirit, their word is true over another's?

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by guitarplayer

It's easier than exercising critical thinking.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 12:16 PM
You, the consciousness aware being that experiences each of your days, IS YOUR SPIRIT. You are your spirit, eternal, driving and interfacing with the computer AI body. So if you harm someone, YOU, the spirit, harmed them.
edit on 4-1-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
You, the consciousness aware being that experiences each of your days, IS YOUR SPIRIT. You are your spirit, eternal, driving and interfacing with the computer AI body. So if you harm someone, YOU, the spirit, harmed them.
edit on 4-1-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

This is of truth. Many will think that self is separate from your spirit, but you are indeed the spirit.

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